Format: Sketch. Famous coin exchange platforms like Zebpay and Coinbase are expanding their services across many countries. 100+ components included in this UI kit helps you to start a website design from scratch and complete in no time. This UI kit also comes in both Sketch version and PSD version just like the Food ordering UI kit mentioned above. The PSD application user interface elements including widgets, login form, ribbon and more. Banking, navigation, travel, photo, name anything this UI kit will have elements and layout for it. But, it still has its own unique elements and designs. Extended Licence Included: for commercial projects & resale; Professional Support; We’re happy to bring our new UI Kit featuring over 70 website templates crafted with sick passions and attention to details. 14 Best iOS UI Kits for Mobile Design. Ataman will be the best option for those who are looking for a creative website UI Kit. Style Guide Web UI Kit: Style guide UI kit is a style guideline to be used in your web project. If you are about to launch a mobile application for your restaurant that includes ordering feature, then this is the best UI kit for you. Design System UI Kit for busy designers. The creator has used the latest code scripts like — HTML5, SAAS, Gulp, and Bulma. From the given design itself, you can see that a lot of inspiration is drawn from the Tinder application. ABER Driver, as the name implies this is a mobile application kit for taxi and driver booking. AEREA UI KIT +50 Free elements UI KIT For personal and commercial use. Web UI Kit 149 inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world’s best designers. If you want your dashboard to be radical and full of colors, this dashboard UI kit is the best option for you. Arbuzz, don’t get deceived by the name, it is just a normal website design UI kit, not an augmented reality kit. Kickstart your next Studio prototype with the iOS UI Kit. Collection of UI kits for all types of websites, web applications, and mobile app designing. Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content. In our restaurant website template list itself, we have mentioned that most of the modern users prefer online food ordering services. This kit includes many elements to create an effective looking user dashboard. Doom is a PSD and XD based UI kits collection. With six categories and 70 plus interface elements, you get plenty of options with this template. Equip is a free web UI template. In the demo file, you get dashboards, eCommerce admin panel, calendar, mails, and chats. With over 200 layouts this wireframe kit will help you create a website from scratch in no time. Design apps that match the Apple design system with Apple UI Kits for iOS, iPadOS, … The Figma application is slowly gaining momentum among the designers. The HitApp UI Kit is specially designed for app landing pages. Since it is designed exclusively for iOS, all the layouts are designed as per the guidelines provided by the Apple. All you have to do is to pick the one you like and start customizing it. This UI kit uses Google fonts, so you get an innumerable amount of font option that is supported in all major browsers. Meet Now: A beautiful cross-platform UI kit. But it also has an Illustrator version in its package, which gives you, even more, user friendly version than the PSD format. Since this kit helps you to create a wireframe with proper detail, the development stage will be quick and you can rest assured that all the elements will be created as per your need. Layers are properly organized for quick and easy customizations. 49 screens for mobile. All the icons and creative elements used in this kit are vectors, which makes customizations easier. A free Verve PSD UI Kit that you can use to build your next design project. This kit includes all the elements you need to create a creative mobile application. Wireland, as the name implies this is a sketch based wireframe UI kit. Explore All. Just open the PSD file and start choosing what you like to create your custom UI, you dont need to have a good knowledge about Photoshop! If you are making a restaurant or call taxi based application UI kits like this will make your job simple. Over 150 unique and amazing designed user interface blocks grouped, named and layered into 15+ most popular categories. After the development of Google map, third-party maps are been used rarely by the user unless it has any unique features, but you can use the map as a part of your mobile application options. Ninety artboards and 30 website header & slider designs are there in this pack. When it comes to developing a new web design project, it is always challenging to do so from scratch. Flatto UI Kit a Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template. This is a Sketch UI kit file with more than 130+ components pre-designed for you. You can easily create a complete application design using this kit. This kit covers major elements for eCommerce mobile applications and social mobile applications. Flatto UI Kit is a clean, Flat and chocolaty color Bootstrap Template Plain and minimal UI kit that includes lots of user interface elements for web applications and widgets like calendar, Menus, Video player, charts, maps etc. Shiveh gives you an easy-to-edit Adobe XD UI kit. With the clean design, this template will help you design simple website with modern web elements. Since the designer of this kit has followed the UI guidelines of iOS you no need to spend your time in adjusting the design later. Free ready-made UI kits for creating clean mobile & web interfaces. 23 screens for desktop. UI Kits. The creator has included different design files like the Sketch, XD, and Figma to make this kit appeal for all types of designers. The creator has included designs for different types of apps like the Admin pannels, mobile app UI, web elements, and lot more. With this kit, you also get the design for blog and dashboard. Latest from Inspiration . Support Open a Shop Licensing & Terms. Adobe XD version is also included in this package so the users can see your application in action. The Limitless is a Sketch-based UI kit, which most UI designers use. Follow us. A free web UI KIT designed for non-profit organizations with 6 interactive screens. As a package, this kit gives you 300+ high quality screens for all famous category, so it becomes a one-stop destination for all your app design needs. From the name itself you can understand that this UI kit has interface elements for mobile application designing. This kit also includes elements and layouts you would normally need to create a hotel and room booking application. The same creator has also given you a mobile application UI kit separately, details about are given in their info page. UI Kits. Mostly Google web fonts are used in this template, so you get the same visual appearance across all devices. This is also a Sketch based UI kit, in order to use it effectively you need Sketch version of 3.8 and above. The kit developed using latest technologies – HTML5, CSS3, and Sass. With all these elements users can easily see their coin volumes, live coin market stats, and can calculate the values. The left and right arrows in the top allow navigation and to switch between dates and months. A UI kit is a set of files that contains important UI components like fonts, buttons, layered design files, icons, etc. All you have to do is to customize the UI kit based on your needs. The kit comes in both PSD version and Sketch version, based on your workflow, you can select the version that fits you well.