See all the lessons and find bonus learning activities on the series page: God’s Good Rules – A Study for Children on the 10 Commandments. Download the complete printable lesson plan below. Free what is honesty lesson plan for elementary aged students. Tells the truth, regardless of the consequence. Telling the truth is an important moral and ethical virtue that kids need to learn as early as possible. The Lying ~NAME0~ Learns His Lesson The Price of a Marble The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf Trust - Are You Trustworthy? Learning Objectives After this lesson, students will be able to: Getting started . Feb 9, 2016 - Waiting for a lie is too late to teach children about telling the truth. 3. Read a version of the story, ‘The boy who cried wolf’. Students will identify and recognize attributes that we as a society see as desirable in individuals, such as honesty and integrity. Lesson plan . Keeps promises and encourages others to be truthful. (Book suggestions attached) • Telling lies may eventually destroy one’s credibility. LESSONS IN TRUTH H. Emilie Cady Contents Lesson One - Bondage or Liberty, Which? This lesson explores global warming, its effects, and suggestions for reducing global warming. Help teach children how to tell the truth with the following activities:Activity 1: TRUTH OR LIE GAME. Here are four fun ways to learn about truthfulness before it's needed. To demonstrate that dishonesty carries consequences, students will use their findings to develop a set of ‘integrity questions’ as the basis for a game of snakes and ladders. Lead discussion with students to draw out the following ideas. 5. This study will show that telling the truth is right because it follows the truthful nature of God. Engage your child in activities to teach and reinforce the concept of honesty and emphasize why lying is wrong. Do we follow God's standards or do we do what is right in our own eyes? Select the lying card, read it, and roll the die to answer the matching die q Stop to ask and answer questions throughout the book, making sure to draw attention to the answers for your list of questions. 4. Lesson 2 - The Truth Is. Stop to ask and answer questions throughout the book, making sure to draw attention to the answers for your list of questions. Does not cheat or steal. It is a value that will have a huge impact on their character development as they grow. Honesty lesson plan includes a free honesty worksheet. Discuss the moral of the story in terms of telling the truth. The Bible makes a strong case that the Truth exists. Scenarios in the lesson plan help children learn what honesty is, why honesty is important to relationships. Several activities can be used to teach and reinforce the idea of telling the truth using supplies you already have on hand. Step 3: Read aloud Sojourner Truth's Step-Stomp Stride. Activity 2: LYING DICE GAME. Players hold up visual flash card to share if the task card is a true statement or a lie. Does not exaggerate to make things seem different than they are. Lesson Two - Statement of Being Lesson Three - Thinking Lesson Four - Denials Lesson Five - Affirmations Lesson Six - Faith Lesson Seven - Personality and Individuality Lesson Eight - Spiritual Understanding Lesson Nine - The Secret … Activity 1: The boy who cried wolf . Admits when he or she is wrong. Book: Read and discuss a book that teaches a lesson about honesty. 2.