The biggest issue is my sex drive. 2 months later it was even lower, so I gave it more time and by May 2019 I threw in the towel and went on TRT at a men's clinic. Should I begin TRT at 21 years old? save. Jay Williams is impressed by LaMelo Ball’s start to the 2020-21 NBA season | Bart & Hahn. Total T 1200. The guys that are in the 200s preTRT are extreme cases imo. Did you consider the possibility that those are symptoms of hypothyroidism you are experiencing and not of low T ? Nothing. Starting at my age is what is holding me back though. No morning wood. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. share. What about my DHT levels? It's been pretty disappointing so far. Mean at his age is around 690. MEMBRE APPROUVÉ. ur TSH value is alarming. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Forrest Griffin has an alarmingly blunt perspective on TRT usage in MMA - not only does he think it … Lesson learned, if a supplement gives you bad side effects, stop it IMMEDIATELY or it may very well cost you permanently. TRT Mistakes #5: Not living a testosterone-friendly life. Is TRT worth it at my age with these symptoms and levels? TRT will also improve your energy levels allowing you to work harder and see more improvements. Testosterone levels always range from low 400s to high 400s. Every day, stakers receive 0,2% of … Posted by just now. Thread starter flexappeal; Start date Nov 19, 2020; Prev. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Here are my most recent labs. What’s your percent body fat at 190? Started a protocol of 125mg Test Cyp split twice weekly along with .125 of Anestrozole with each shot. As stated for the past year Total Testosterone is also on the low end of the spectrum. First off, doctors work for you not the other way around. Find more subreddits like r/trt -- Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Its not mental either as I have been dating my girlfriend for around 3 years. Maxence, si ce n'est pas indiscret ta femme avait-elle de signes d'acromégalie par ex, autres que la fatigue ? Trust Finance Airdrop is worth up to 0.10 TRT tokens (~$ 4).Share your referral link to earn 0.025 TRT tokens for every referral.. About Trust Finance. So I'm thinking of quitting because the thing is, when you look at events over a more long term period, I did notice some gradual improvement overall from from Nov 2019 (when I quit the supplements) to May 2020 when I started TRT, maybe if I had waited till the end of the year it would've been back to normal? Body temperatures are also very good despite oddly high TSH. As far as I know, anything over 2.5 is hyperthyroidism. But yes I completely agree. Just to get an accurate statistic. 479... Lol, mine was 220... Look into your thyroid dude. Didnt cross my mind. I've been weighing the pros and cons myself. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. Should be close to 1. With that being said, in your case, it wouldn't hurt fixing thyroid first since that too is a problem (should be 1-2). 252 comments. Users on Reddit have eyed the GME stock for more than a year - often coming up with reasonable explanations for why the share should rise. That post was liked by around 10,000 other users in just 12hours and shares in the two companies jumped by 21 percent and 10 percent, respectively. best. TRT is not allowed in most competitions in the UK or internationally. I also have labs from 2016 where my Total Test was around 600-670 consistently, so they have slowly decreased to the levels they are now. But... Progesterone, PSA levels, HCT, and pretty much everything else is normal. For instance one user, Senior_Hedgehog pointed out in a post that consoles can’t handle new games which need large disk space, meaning people will go back to GME stores to buy disks. etc." report. Before I started trt my only symptoms were moodiness( had it for years) and sexual dysfunction (no problems before). He acted like maybe coming off TRT could be worth a shot and that maybe things could recover, but I still wonder if the issue is still there. That definitely isn't great, especially if that's first thing in the morning where T is highest. Hello all, Is it difficult to get TRT prescription in Spain ( Barcelona) ?? Au moins il me prescrit des bonnes PDS . Or just leave a comment with a link to the post / photo you’d like us to use on this blog post. This is for people that were a bit hesitate about going on TRT and not people that had 'no other choice'. A. animal-inside Well-known member. 400s is low, and definitely warrants trt; the only concern is age. includes DHEAs, DHT, SHBG, TSH, Prolactin, ... Facebook Reddit Pinterest Email Link. report. Overall, I feel worse now than before starting trt. 472 comments. also what is ur diet like? Also, I recently spoke to a more knowledgeable person at the men's clinic about how this all started, he said he saw a patient suffer testosterone issues from taking workout supplements, those apparently tanked his levels. Press J to jump to the feed. They supply you supplements that you take daily, and I now think I was "poisoned" or something. E2 at 35-40. Because I don't really know that it's just estrogen causing all of this. That convo got sidetracked with him saying this other buddy of his is getting him some growth?? For reference I am 6ft and weigh 190. I guess that rules out neurological problems since I know it's possible to feel that at least. Sometimes everything works fine, but the majority of the time here lately I have had issues. Hey everyone I am 21 years old and have recently been undergoing a lot of symptoms over the past couple of years that prompted me to get labs done. best. Hormone therapy is serious business. Not sure if this is the subreddit for it, but my TRT doctor recommended it. Looking for someone a bit more receptive. Anabolics: 6: Nov 27, 2019: Unanswered Trt Ideal dosage? How severe is your Erectile dysfunction ? Je vais continuer ma TRT (durement obtenue et je pense, mérité), au moins jusqu'à avril 2020, par ma suite on avisera (soit 1 année entière) et essayer de réguler ces fichus E2 entre 20 et 30 ! Close. Past- trt all year + low-dose mast for 40-44 weeks with 8-12 weeks off. TRT help. And unfortunately, it didn't seem to come back, at least not the same as before. I have recently starting seeing a doctor for low T and the first thing he has ordered is an executive panel blood and urine test. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. However, my opinion about what is the best TRT approach sides with the late Dr. John Crisler, which is 7-10 mg. of subcutaneous (injected under the skin near the umbilicus) testosterone (likely propionate) per day. I’m 21 should I start minoxing. VÉTÉRAN. You can go on TRT at any age, but it shouldn’t be viewed as a short term fix so I wouldn’t advise you to start unless you’re willing to be on it for life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. TSH is consistently high despite not many symptoms of hypothyroidism despite fatigue. It took months to regain some orgasm pleasure, but my erections were softer and sensitivity was about half of what it used to be. Your total T and free T levels look fine, it is strange to have so many symptoms at such levels. save . The cream has 1mg Adex per week in the cream, and I'm supposed to take Adex pills with it. hide. Hypothyroidism can compromise T levels. For reference I am 6ft and weigh 190. I see options for buying it on amazon, have any of you tried it? Concerned over recent lab work. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Testosterone community. I've tried cutting the 1mg Adex pills into 1/8 which is 0.125 mg (twice per week, so 0.25mg per week), even then it's just too much suppression. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. 19 Jan. Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Yeah I have thought that my symptoms could be caused by hypothyroidism instead of hypogonadism, but my free t4 and free t3 levels of always came back above midrange and my body temps reflect it. Way-too-early NFL Power Rankings: A 1-32 poll on how we see next season . Definitely thinking the AI was a bad idea from day 1 and was also wondering if others have had a tough time stopping an AI? They are usually consistently 98.6. ESPN baseball reporter Pedro Gomez dies at 58 'Tompa Bay' is Titletown: Tom Brady, fierce defense lead Tampa Bay Buccaneers to Super Bowl victory. Barcelona VS Cornellà – LIVE Reddit Soccer 21/01/2021; Manchester City VS Aston Villa – Premier League LIVE Reddit Soccer 20 Jan 2021; Sidebar; Log In; Random Article ; Home/Biss Keys/ TRT Avaz Biss Key and Frequency 2021. Your TSH is crazy high! 22 Mai 2016 #24 kardio75. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. Rockets @ Pelicans | NBA on TNT Live Scoreboard 'Dak is back!' Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Thanks so much for any advice!! 0 comments . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This is probably the most common, and most incorrect, presumption people have towards testosterone replacement.An adult male taking doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy to address a diagnosed medical condition and improve his quality of life is no more \"cheating\" than an adult male taking doctor-prescribed asthma medication to address a diagnosed medical condition and improve his quality of life.The TRT patient's … Morning wood happens maybe once every month and sex drive is all but gone. I feel like an idiot for continuing to take them for those 3 months. I say "almost" because there have been a few lucky days where everything is perfect and sex and energy is awesome and such, but it's gone the next day. No AI. level 1. 87% Upvoted. Dec 6, 2020 #21 flexappeal said: I've literally had a 10 min chat with him about starting again at a lower dose and slowly work up. I can feel e2 levels skyrocket within a couple days after my last AI pill dose. Things kept sliding backwards so they pulled the AI all together and I felt like I got hit by a train for a week so I restarted the AI AGAIN I’m now 2 weeks back at the .25 twice and I’m an emotional wreck with mood swings, anxiety, lethargic etc. Smoking, being overweight, drinking in excess, not having enough sleep, avoiding exercise and taking blood sugar for granted are some of the biggest TRT mistakes that you should avoid. Do any of y'all agree that a Test level of 479 warrants trying TRT or should I look into fixing my thyroid first? Im posting my story on here because there is such a stigma attached to TRT that i feel like i can't talk to anyone about it at the risk of being judged. It's either too low or too high. level 1. These adorable cats were sent in via … CBC: WBC- 7.1 (3.4-10) RBC- 5.09 (4.14-5.80) Hemoglobin- 16.2 (13-17.7) HCT- 47.5 (37.5-51), METABOLIC PANEL: Glucose- 88 (65-99) AST- 23 (0-40) ALT- 20 (0-44) Insulin- 9.7 (2.6-24.9) A1C- 5.1 (4.8-5.6%), LIPID PANEL: Cholesterol Total- 158 (100-199) Triglycerides- 87 (0-149) HDL- 57 ( >39) LDL- 84 (0-89), IRON: TIBC- 264 (250-450) UIBC- 42 (11-343) LOW Iron serum- 222 (38-169) HIGH Iron saturation- 84% (15-55%) ALERT HIGH Ferritin- 106 (30-400), HORMONE PANEL: Testosterone total- 479 (264-916) Free Testosterone- 14.2 (9.3-26.5) DHT- 34 (30-85) DHEA-S- 614 (164-530) HIGH LH- 6.3 (1.7- 8.6) FSH- 6.7 (1.5-12.4) Prolactin- 15.5 (4.0-15.2) HIGH Estradiol Sensitive- 18.9 (8-35) SHGB- 30.3 (16.5-55.9), THYROID PANEL: TSH- 5.7 (0.450-4.5) HIGH T4 Free- 1.43 (0.82-1.77) T3 Free- 3.3 (2.0-4.4). TRT after age 60 is a godsend, but it isn’t for those who aren’t willing to pin or to exercise and watch their diet. This thread is archived. save. 1 year ago. Bonjour à tous, ce petit post pour vous annoncer que suite à un taux de testo trop bas (bien inférieur à la normale basse pour mon age, 47 ans), mon urologue m'a mis sous TRT. However, TRT isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition. Not Your Dealer. — Cousin Sal predicts his Dallas Cowboys will be NFC contenders | NFL | FOX BET LIVE. Press J to jump to the feed. A couple of weeks in I started to see an improvement in brain fog, confidence and libido shot up like crazy. I'm not a doctor, much less an endocrinologist. You may not need TRT. hide. It seems like you’re doctor is trying to bring back your natural production with high doses of hCG. Basically he refused to acknowledge that this was low for a 31yo male and ignored all of my symptoms. I do notice while the 50ml weekly is good but by day 5 I can tell it’s wearing off slightly but not as bad. What turnaround times a have you all experienced in these types of tests? 21 Mai 2016 #23 Tournesol MEMBRE . I'm just about at my wits end. On 1/25/21 my Dr. changed my dosage to 50ml weekly (I noticed after around day 6/7 I would go back to my old feeling tired lack of energy in the gym) since 1/26 I have done weekly 50ml injections. It would've been fairly expensive if I brought it through his office. The forum has become a must-watch for traders at financial institutions since concerted action by some of its 8 million participants proved enough to overturn hedge fund "short" bets on GameStop and others in January. My levels prior to starting was mid 200’s I’m stable and feeling very good at “my optimal” of 1,355 (don’t judge your numbers, your not me) I've had shoulder and elbow pain that's gotten significantly worse over the last few months as I've ramped up my training. Power building along with conditioning and running. Question. Serena, Osaka off to easy starts at Aussie Open. Here are some of my most recent labs that i have gotten done. 34 is on the very low end of the spectrum? 0 1 minute read. I'm in the same boat as you, same age and all. share. TRT is a life-changing protocol for many males, and the research backing its benefits is unambiguous. Aug 10, 2018 #26 My GP doesn’t care for the gels but has had success doing a combo of IM and a 20% cream he has compounded.