Only plus side right now for a warlock is that they might be more wanted in raids. 9% of base mana: 100 yd range; Instant: 2min cooldown; Threat caused by your next 3 attacks is redirected to the target raid member. Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. It is one of the most useful macros I know. In this guide, we will go over useful Beast Mastery Hunter macros for , explain how to make your own macros, and cover some of the best Beast Mastery Hunter addons for both hardcore raiders and general players alike. Aura. Recommended Posts. Since a lot of stuff arent made by me, everyone can add something i will find a place for it if it is important ofc. PetCare by alarthedark. This macro … Raiding Marks Build You could move the extra point around thats in Imp Stings and the three in Imp Barrage (if you don’t need the extra 12% crit for Multishot), and the Go for the Throat points if you aren’t confident in your pets ability to live. IronJudgment . I was leveling a Warlock to 60 first. Hunter. Quick BM Hunter PvE Guide (2. Share Followers 0. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Hunter Classic Macro Guide, updated for . This Macro will start Auto Shot, send your pet to attack the target and cast Hunter’s Mark, all with one press of the button. Level: 70. Combat Macros. Here you can find a list of TBC WoW addons to use with the Burning Crusade expansion patch 2.4.3. Sniper Shot is an ability that deals 20% of the target's maximum health from up to 55 yards away, and increases the range of all your other abilities by 40% for 6 seconds. Hunter ability rotation aid, class module for Classic WoW Download. Also which race you guys prefer on horde/alliance? Link. 1+ speed weapon. This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. TBC News Guides (current) Guides généraux (current) Guides par classe ... La macro nouvellement créée sera également sélectionnée, il est donc temps de commencer à écrire votre macro. Opener. 2.2.0 - BASIC HUNTER MACROS Here we'll go over some basic macros. Misdirection. Family: Hunter. Top. Thank you to BJ Plunk and the fine people at the end of the guide. If you have a Soul Shard bag, this is the perfect bag to use. Hunters are an extremely fun class and, if played properly, very successful pvp class. Here you will find useful, guaranteed to work macros for Wow hunters. TBC; Vanilla Quick Facts; Entry: 34477. When you visit our website, we store cookies on your browser to collect information. There’s some for your pets and shot macros. We have addons for bags, maps, boss mods, and more! Whether you're looking for specialized Beast Mastery Hunter macros to help you gain a competitive edge, or creating a custom user interface to expand your view of the game … Murloc; Members; 0 21 posts; Report; Share; Posted February 20, 2019 (edited) A list of guides with links attached, help yourself. Install PetCare By alarthedark. Macros? 10 Posts. Misdirection. I'll try to explain what each part does so you know what to copy into other macros, if you wish to do so. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter in dungeons and raids. You only have four shots to manage, It's just a matter of learning your rhythm. hunter; burning crusade; tbc; guide; macro; By IronJudgment, February 20, 2019 in The Burning Crusade. TBC Hunter Macros thread. IronJudgment 0 Posted February 20, 2019. This macro got its name because it gives almost complete control over your pet in a single button while also taking advantage of the focus targeting system. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 2019-07-26, 05:10 PM #1. fraizer. Each macro is tested in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! TBC Hunter Guide. Salako-argent-dawn February 27, 2019, 2:18pm #1. Glatzbart-dragons-call January 1, 2020, 10:30am #6. 2.2.1 - AUTO SHOT As strange as it might sound to have a macro for something as simple as Auto Shot, this is actually pretty important. However, the macro doesn’t work for a hunters ranged Auto Shot. Gefilus Posts: 5. General Information. Thread Tools . This list is designed to begin raiding Karazhan as a Hunter. TBC hunter guides/formulas/stats and more Hello to everyone my name is Nabseeker some of you can still remember me, i was rly active on Neltharion, got some server firsts, I want to share some of my stuff that i found a long time ago or my opinion about the class and gear. Marksmanship Hunter DPS Macros and Addons — Shadowlands 9.0.2. Misdirection: Redirecting threat. These macros aren’t a great setup for one on one, hardcore XXX action. Cliquez dans la zone d'édition de la fenêtre de la macro pour commencer à taper. This handy macro will remove your item in slot 4 of container 4. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. I want an Auto Shot macro that turns on, and stays on even when pressed again. Prolly dwarf even better since there is so many rogues on arenas in here. It also makes sure that Auto Shot stays active, even if you press it multiple times. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Beast Mastery Hunter in World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. DKPminus > WoW Addons > TBC Addons. Les macros ont une limite de 255 caractères. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue. So far I’ve got /tar pet /cast Misdirection. Hunter Macros: Combat. I make use of these addons very heavily: SuperMacro allows the creation of longer macros than the default and the ability to run one macro from another, which is used in several macros below. General Information. Re: Looking for 2.4.3 Hunter [PVP spec] + Macros. Hunter also gets kings for more scaling and might for pet unlike horde hunter which doesn’t get anything …And I’m rarely beaten by a warlock even as horde meaning should be even easier as alliance. Last updated on Dec 04, 2020 at 18:07 by Azortharion 61 comments. That works fine but is there a line I can put in so once I press the button it cast misdirection then I go back to the target I was just on (if its not dead) or if its dead moves me to the next target along. Not a good attitude, but action bars are frequently not on the right page. tbc hunter pvp. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Keyboard Turner Join Date Jul 2019 Posts 2. Guild Leader. Handles a hunter's pet needs in battle Download. ; Zorlen is a function library that provides tons of benefits and they are used throughout all the macros. You will need to edit the macro … 2.2.1 - AUTO SHOT As strange as it might sound to have a macro for something as simple as Auto Shot, this is actually pretty important. Get great Wow hunter macros that work every time. Imo NE/Dwarf seems to be the most pro, or am I wrong? Hey all I’m trying to make a macro that will cast misdirection on my pet. date_range December 11, 2020; folder Uncategorized; Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performance in PvP. Effect lasts 30sec. Hunters through out all of TBC have one of the easiest rotations since they use a 1 button macro, this allows you to pay attention to raid mechanics without worry. 27.6K Downloads Updated Nov 18, 2020 Created Sep 20, 2014. Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command. If you just want a spammable Auto Shot macro, here it is: Lorsque vous avez terminé de taper votre macro, cliquez sur le bouton En On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Marksmanship Hunter in World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. 2.2.0 - BASIC HUNTER MACROS Here we'll go over some basic macros. … These macros are made for the 1.12.1 client version of World of Warcraft. The scripts below can be lumped into other macros, increasing their functionality. This macro sets Hunter's Mark and controls your pet's attack. This is a TBC Hunter Pre-Raid BiS list for The World of Warcraft TBC expansion. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our … Edited over 4 years ago; Eginhardt. A true lazy hunter is too lazy to even look at their bars because the battlefield situation is more important. Thread: BM Hunter 2:3 macros. In order to use it you must have the spells [Call Pet] & [Revive Pet], or simply, a Hunter's Pet. 70. Click : set the mark, cast your pet's speed boost, send in pet ; Alt-click : abort your pet's attack in case you mark the wrong mob, or are conducting a pet pull ; #showtooltip /petattack /cast Hunter's Mark /cast Dash /cast Dive /cast Charge /cast Warp /petfollow [mod:alt] Stings. ; Totem Stomp About Us. No, steady-macro spam is for when you got T5 or T6 4-set. #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast [target=pettarget,nodead,exists] Kill Command /castsequence reset=2/target !Auto Shot, Steady Shot . We’ve included screenshots and description and a built in filtering system to help you find the exact 2.4.3 addon you’re looking for! Last updated on Dec 04, 2020 at 18:07 by Azortharion 54 comments. I never want to turn Auto Shot off. Have fun! Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Macros and Addons — Shadowlands 9.0.2. The scripts below can be lumped into other macros, increasing their functionality. Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot and Steady Shot Rotation. Caster and target can only be affected by one Misdirection spell at a time. I'll preface the following with the fact that I'm a 14-year Hunter veteran, and my opinion is of course subjective, but the hunter rotation is not terribly difficult to master in TBC. Talents Marksmanship Hunter is primarily a PvP spec, but it’s also viable in PvE. I'll try to explain what each part does so you know what to copy into other macros, if you wish to do so. Gefilus Joined: January 31st, 2011, 6:16 am WoW character race: Orc WoW character class: Shaman WoW character level: 70. Rating: MARKS. 2, Shadowlands, classic Join discord for support: … This will take a bit of experimenting with, but the goal of this is it will keep you from overflowing your bags with Soul Shard while you take advantage of the Improved Drain Soul talent's bonus mana regen. Wowhead. BM Hunter 2:3 macros Hi, i used 2:3 macros in WOW TBC 2.4.3: Code: #showtooltip Steady Shot /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() /cast … Hunter Macros: Combat Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Hunter, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. I don’t care about these macros because I’m playing a hunter, I was just using that macro as an example of a macro that works even for hunters melee attacks. The information collected might relate to you, your preferences or your device, and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to and to provide a more personalized web experience. TBC Hunter Guide.