As we toast our victory, I want each of you to think about what you really want. Tag der Toten serves as the finale to the eleven year Aether storyline that first began with Nacht der Untoten in Call of Duty: World at War, with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War focusing on the events that occurred after the events of Salvation Lies Above in a new universe taking place in the Dark Aether story. The Thundergun also makes a reappearance in the map. Russman: Your German pal asked if we wanted to live. These weird maps have a lore all their own, and a story that’s intertwined across multiple generations of Call of Duty games. Stuhlinger: Hello?! Samantha and Eddie, now within the Dark Aether, walk towards a new universe as Samantha's Peace is playing. You were my friends. Next, you need to take the device and place it in each of the four Pack-a-Punch machines. This don't feel like livin'... Stuhlinger: Calm down everybody. Two jumpscares can be found around the map. A Siberian musk deer figurine at the Boathouse. 94% Upvoted. Nikolai accepts his fate, leaving Samantha to kill him. Maybe I could open my own morgue... Ultimis Dempsey: Hmmm... Lemme think about it. : This is a Yggdrasil slot inspired by the Mexican Day of the Dead. Primis Nikolai: With this power - and the means to control it - We can go wherever we choose. It still happened somewhere. Lifeline. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The main story Easter Egg for Tag der Toten is Salvation Lies Above in which the Victis crew travel to the location of the doomed movie shoot of Call of the Dead to assemble the Agarthan Device to finally resolve the paradox. Horror | Video game released 23 September 2019. When you first spawn into the map there will be a power switch on panel located in the middle of the docks, turn it on. Victis before being banished into the Dark Aether. Die Maschine (chronologically by events)Call of the Dead (chronologically by date) Primis Nikolai: We were always doomed to fail. The cryopods from Richtofen's lab under Alcatraz are opening. There are new secrets to be discovered. A Zombified Richtofen is murdered at the hands of Nikolai. Undead Richtofen: I know. Get those kids toughened up... Ultimis Nikolai: I would like to be in favorite bar. Primis Nikolai: We should not be here. Head to the room … As the others seem unconscious, it is revealed Ultimis Richtofen turned back into Undead Richtofen who is laughing. Samantha warns Eddie to look away before she ends Nikolai's life. If only to die by her side. The Human Infusion Power Switch must be on or you won’t be able to interact. Send all three errant orbs back home. Marlton: I've got to be honest with you Samuel - I don't have even the slightest inkling as to what an Agartha Device is. The Apothicons. Place both elemental soapstones and then collect the fuse in the center. This guide is broken down into Chapters and Topics, a Chapter defines the content of the Topics to make all of the guides easier to navigate and read.. On the right, there is a list of all the Chapters, Topics and Sub-Topics.Just click on the text of whatever you want to know about and you will be taken there. The Apothicon wants an offering of meat or bone found in many, many different locations around the map. When you’re finished, return the device to the Apothicon Blood in Artifact Storage, place it, shoot the wild Apothicon Blood, and it will fly into the device itself. Stuhlinger worries that Richtofen has forgotten about him and his friends. He wants us to help save it! Translations in context of "Tag der Toten" in German-English from Reverso Context: Dieser Spielautomat ist vom mexikanischen Tag der Toten inspiriert. In Tag der Toten, freeze 10 zombies at once in a single match. Return to the top floor Lighthouse and collect the Zipline Handle. Fetch. Primis Nikolai: We are the ones who fractured the universe. Survive the lockdown, and the vault will open, allowing you to obtain the Samantha Music Box. Get the two Zipline Cranks (one is located in the Stern, one is located in the Forecastle) and turn the cranks to fully tighten the ziplines. Where would you like to go now? The map also introduces two new weapons, the Tundra Gun and the Wunderwaffe DG-Scharfschütze. Follow the device, shooting zombies and staying inside the shield, until you eventually return to Human Infusion. : Also on Halloween you will hit the mark with the … The punch cards need to be inserted in a machine next to the desk inside the Security Lobby. ‘Where The Hidden Burns’ – Cargo Hold: On a passage down from the burning fire. This will initiate a lockdown event — be prepared to fight in close-quarters while you wait. You can do these in any order. In Tag Der Toten, kill 5 Hellhounds with snowballs in a single match. Once the stalactite is recovered, the players need to melt it using the pot at the Forecastle to get the key. Depending on the hint, it can guide you to a very different part of the map. ‘Where Madness Sleeps’ – In the Prison Cell area of the Mountain Base. Primis Nikolai aims Undead Richtofen with his revolver. Share. The water in the map transforms into lava, and you’ll take damage when you step outside the energy shield. The Apothicon Blood will start to zip around — blast it to get it back into position until the screen flashes white. Y’know, if you’re curious. Once you’ve shot / zapped the power, the door in the Lighthouse Station will open. When pressed all the players will be locked in the spawn area and Samantha will say "Don't freeze!". Console codename 1 guide. Believe me, you can have it. Alpha Omega (chronologically by events)"Five" (chronologically by date)Ascension (chronologically by date) Players will need to complete all the challenges at each Challenge Totem. Step #8: Power The Fuse And Unlock The Door. Undead Richtofen: No, Sammy. Stuhlinger: Russman! More Black Ops 4 Zombies: Tag Der Toten guides: [Work-in-Progress: Check back soon for more details and info!]. Step #2: Get The Blue Crystal. save. Once all the campfires are charged, players will need to go to the Human Infusion at the Group 935 and shoot the container with. Go to that guide for all the details, but I’ll break down the simplified steps below. Call of the Dead. Due to the Wunderwaffe DG-2 overloading the teleporter, the Ultimis crew get sent through time and end up at Group 935's Kino Facility located at an abandoned theater in Germany in 1963. A shot of a forest can be seen followed by Ultimis and Primis cheering and drinking around a campfire. Victis Survive against the limitless waves of the undead.Ascend from darkness. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Force Recon, Tag der Toten/Reels, Radios and Phonograph Records,, Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine, Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84,, A sickle in the Ice Grotto, a reference to, A machette at the end of the Hidden Patch near the Beach, a reference to, A pitchfork on the Loading Platform at the Group 935 facility, a reference to. The embers of the campfire begin to fade away as the Multiverse finally succumbs to the Dark Aether. The cutscene is below. To ‘purify’ the blood, you need to throw a Samantha Music Box into the campfire, turning the campfire blue. Do this for all four standard Pack-a-Punch locations. This is the truth the Kronorium showed me. NOTE: To craft Dynamite Bombs, kill three fire zombies when they are frozen and collect the three parts they drop. You can find all the complicated Easter egg quest steps below, or just skip to the bottom and check out the ending cutscene. Throw snowballs at the blood orbs and turn them blue so that they fly inside the Apothicon Blood after shooting them up. The multiverse must come to an end. The Hellpig Scourge. Players need to find 4 sock puppets around the map and throw a snowball at them, each puppet has three possible locations. Primis Edward Richtofen: I think I'd like to teach... medicine... maybe pathology. After the screen turned black, a shot of the Summoning Key turning can be seen. Specimen Storage: At the rack of canister. : Auch an Halloween triffst Du mit dem Tag der Toten Schmink Set ins Schwarze. We got more than we deserved. In Tag der Toten, Ascend from Darkness. When you interact with these, the Hermit will give you a series of specific challenges to complete. Instead of the celebrity cast, players play as Victis, for the first time since Buried from Call of Duty: Black Ops II. These challenges can be anything, and challenges are unique to each location. He's the sweetest guy in the whole universe! What? Zombies, Hellhounds, Napalm Zombies, Electrified Zombies I'm telling them now, but they're ALL a teensy bit grumpy because they just woke up... Misty: Hey Stu - You wanna be a bit more specific about what the voice in your head is actually saying? You then need to use Dynamite to blow open the safe and reveal the Seal of Duality. These blue campfires act as soul boxes. Much of the core layout of Call of the Dead is still present in this map, although there are now several new areas and paths for the player to traverse around the map. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the forest, Primis Nikolai is talking to Samantha and Eddie. The Alcatraz Pocket Dimension, Camp Edward, the Pentagon are seen fading away. Now you can go to the launcher on the Sun Deck and launch yourself onto the Iceberg island. This time, it’s the ‘Seal of Duality‘ — you’ll need to find a poster / painting (based on a hint given by the Apothicon) and melee attack it to reveal a hidden safe. Place a soapstone on the ice trap between the Decontamination room and the Upper Catwalk, then activate the trap. Posted on September 25, 2019. Tag der Toten. Collect it to complete the map and end the Aether storyline. The official ending cutscene for Tag der Toten zombies in Black Ops 4. Stuhlinger: NO WAY!! A drawing done by Pablo Marinus, detailing his "friends" - Samantha Maxis, Primis Richtofen, a Margwa, and Fluffy. Here’s a quick explanation. Mile High Jug. In Tag der Toten, kill 5 Hellhounds with snowballs in a single match. That’s how you know you’ve set all four dials correctly. Step #7: Add Elemental Power To The Soapstones. The latest Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies map, Tag der Toten, went live earlier today on PlayStation 4. ‘Where One Mysteries’ – Lighthouse Level 1: Next to the Mystery Box spawn. Misty: He didn't say you had to know what it was, Marlton - just how to build it. Now go to Human Infusion and insert one keycard into each slot on both sides of the massive vault. Tag der Toten ( 2019) Tag der Toten. Trivia The name "Tag der Toten" is a reference to Day of the Dead a 1985 George A. Romero film. Primis Nikolai: I would like to return to my home. Everybody Freeze! Close. How can you even say that?! “Tag der Toten” Stability Improvements While the hunt continues for more hidden surprises in “Tag der Toten” on PS4, today’s update contains stability improvements for Zombies players, including a fix for a rare crash that could occur when using the Wunderwaffe DG Scharfschütze, and another that could occur when throwing snowballs at teammates in certain situations. ‘Where Earth Crumbles’ – Geological Processing: In the minecart room. I wish I did not have to ask this of you, but... Only you can do it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The paradox must be resolved. Now, you will need to set the dials in the Artifact Storage room. Is this really the end? NOTE: It helps a lot to activate subtitles on this map, as you’ll be able to see what the Apothicon is hinting at much, much easier. The map also uniquely features three power switches, each powering a certain segment of the map. Survive against the limitless waves of the undead. Collect them again. 12 replies; 2.3k views; RadZakpak; December 1, 2019 "Samantha Strikes" Guide By Boom115, September 24, 2019. But wherever I go, you know I'll be kickin' ass... (laughter). One major location that was added is the German facility resting on the side of the mountain overlooking the entire map, where Richtofen and Group 935 conducted many experiments with Element 115. Upon arriving, they must face limitless hordes of the undead as they continue their journey. They’re all in the upper control room area — place the dials, then interact to turn the dials until the dial lights up and responds with a ‘ding’ sound effect. Salvation Lies Above. Enter the Lighthouse Station secret room and collect the Elemental Shard from inside. There’s a campfire here — place the Seal of Duality in the campfire. Someone's been busy. Tag der Toten | Complete Map Breakdown. Primis Nikolai is next to the Agarthan Device and is holding the Summoning Key. In the ending cutscene, Marlton is seen using the King and Country (Pack-A-Punched. ‘Where Fire Sinks’ – Sunken Valley: By the burning fire. Fetch- In Tag der Toten, kill 5 Hellhounds with snowballs in a single match. Element 115. A lighthouse can be seen shining as a portal opens with Victis stepping out of it. The safe contains the, Once charged, the players will need to reach the level 4 of the Lighthouse and give it to the. Several shots of Primis and Ultimis at the campfire, a Margwa and the Apothicons, the Keepers during The Great War. Zombies map Set The Dials In Artifact Storage. Is he like a bad guy? You’ll need to acquire the Zipline Handle to do this. One in Decontamination and the other in Specimen Storage. On the newel at the level 3 of the Lighthouse. As we leave this life behind, it is my hope that you know one thing beyond any doubt. Has something gone wrong? All the chapters of our lives, good and bad. Heh. At the Geological Processing at the Group 935 facility. The location is random, and once again based on a hint given by the Apothicon. Players need to find an ice stalactite with a key trapped inside of it located either at the Beach, the Lighthouse Station or the Lighthouse Cove. 1.7k. Der gut situierte Londoner Junggeselle Will ist sehr gern allein auf seiner `Insel', ohne Bindungen an Menschen. Tag der Toten is a reimagining of the map Call of the Dead from Call of Duty: Black Ops. We’re almost done! It's a whole other thing trusting your imaginary brain-buddy. In Tag der Toten, break the jar on top of the lighthouse with the Strife. Black Ops 4 Zombies: Tag Der Toten – How To Unlock The Golden Pack-A-Punch | Gun Upgrade Guide Step #1: Activate The Power Switches. The Margwa jumpscare involving the "Margwa can't hurt you, Margwa isn't real" paper could be a reference to the "___ can't hurt you, ___ isn't real" internet meme. Complete both challenges, then return to the hermit in Lighthouse Level 4 and collect the Dials item from the dumbwaiter.. “Tag Der Toten” is set at a Group 935 facility in the Siberian wasteland. The Apothicon Blood sends you after another mysterious item. Okay? A "Freeze Mode" can be activated after a player have frozen completely, requiring to use melee attacks to free themselves, in each of the 10 water locations around the map in any order: Docks, Frozen Crevasse, Lagoon, Ice Grotto, Lighthouse Cove, Cargo Hold, Hidden Path, Beach, Artifact Storage and Sunken Path. Just like all zombie maps on Black Ops 4, "Tag Der Toten" has its Easter egg secrets. 1968 George Romero film with the same name. Listening to the joy of my children at play. Once all the targets were shot, a chest near the last target in the Cargo Hold will open and the Tundragun will be available. ‘Where Thirst Dawns’ – Forecastle: Next to the Perk Soda machine. At the campfire, Primis and Ultimis are seen dead from poisoning with Primis Nikolai as the only survivor. Tag der Toten Conversation Quotes By RadZakpak, December 21, 2019. After all the orbs re-enter the Apothicon Blood in Artifact Storage, pick up the Seal of Duality and take it to the Sunken Path. Return to the Hermit in the Lighthouse Level 4 room and collect Soapstones from the dumbwaiter. Fetch - In Tag der Toten, kill 5 Hellhounds with snowballs in a single match. Um, Richtofen?! Lighthouse Approach: Near the MX9 Wallbuy. Charge it with zombie souls until the device begins to fly around on it’s own — stay inside the shield or you’ll take damage. Place both Soapstone on the slots beneath the human-shaped tubes in Human Infusion. Ultimis Richtofen and Ultimis Nikolai celebrate. My brothers in arms. Lifeline. Classic Elixirs Only. Before the bombs fell. Primis Nikolai: You were more than just my allies. WHen all players are on the deck, the Hermit will begin to ascend. Hardcore High Rounds - Tag Der Toten. In the ship, go down to the Artifact Storage room … By the fire, Primis Nikolai is talking to Samantha and Eddie. Near Podkamennaya Tunguska River, Krasnoyarsk Krai. Nikolai pulls a Welling out of his holster. Life begins at the loadout – Before readying up for “Tag der Toten”, be sure to … Bring the device to the campfire in the Sunken Path, place it, and throw a Samantha Music Box inside to turn the campfire blue. Next level We found the Agarthan Device! "Join us as we reveal all the details for Operation Dark Divide with Treyarch’s Craig Houston, Tony Flame, Miles Leslie, and Matt Scronce, including the final chapter of Black Ops 4 Zombies in “Tag der Toten”, new MP map walkthroughs, our most insane Blackout mode to date, new video premieres, and a message from some very special guests." Previous level Salvation Lies Aboveis an achievement/trophy for the Zombies map Tag Der Toten in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.It is the main story Easter Egg of Tag Der Toten, and requires players to "ascend from darkness". All of it will soon be gone. Stuhlinger: Trust me, guys - it won't be that complicated! Victis travel to the area in search of the Agarthan Device, the final item needed for Nikolai to complete his grand scheme. The Universe! Tag Der Toten - Ending Cutscene (Credit to Unpunk) News. Primis Nikolai gives his revolver to Samantha before turning his back and closing his eyes. And I am so sorry. That completes the pre-requisite work you’ll have to do — at this point, you can start the Easter egg quest proper. Decontamination: In the Eye Wash station. Even if there was no witness. Stuhlinger: We did everything you asked... You haven't forgotten about us, have you?