Although it can double as an infantry, I'd argue that the Sturgian Veteran Warrior is still better at that. (some might have multiple equipment trees. The Sturgian Shock Troop is quite impressive, definitely a good choice to have. you can give the trees different equipment, so that the unit gets randomized equipment in battle.) But yeah their Troop tree is pretty weak #4. Last but not least the mod is also brings plenty of balancing changes to the Sturgian army, as they are kind of a joke in vanilla. Anything less than a siege weapon wont do much damage to a Sturgian shield-wall. For example: EQ-tree 1 … However, you can try to run a saved game. In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, you can raise an army of your own to fight your enemies.Each side will consist of all types of infantry and cavalry. The Sturgian forests are forbidding and cold, but great wealth lies within. On this page, we will introduce all the units in Bannerlord and how can they be upgraded. Your Sturgians will be a little more capable now making Sturgia a formidable power in Calradia. Page 1 of 4 - Sturgian Troop Overhaul - posted in File topics: Sturgian Troop Overhaul Overhauls the Sturgian troop tree with the goal of making them a more viable faction and making them feel more like the proto-Vaegirs/Nords they are supposed to be. ... Sturgian Troop Trees. Short guide on how to get started with editing your own units in Bannerlord. Basic Troop Tree Noble Troop Tree Apr 14, 2020 @ 11:45am Originally posted by Jabba the Wolf: Sturgians have the second worst roster in the game by far. Sturgian troop tree. I'm happy that the Huskarls seem to be, indeed, that elite troop, not overly happy with berserkers, but I get the need for shock infantry. For centuries, brave traders ventured there to buy the pelts of fox, rabbit and ermine from the tribes of the woods. This is why I wanted their troop tree clean from overly Nord-like units, instead having a heavy, Nord infantry to be elite unit that can be recruited only by befriending Sturgian nobility. Wild honey can be found, and bog iron, but the real prize has always been fur. This is only meant to serve as inspiration, or as an either/or situation compared to suggestions further up in the thread. alternative basic troop tree suggestion to round out sturgian troop tree better Some of these suggestions run counter to some previous suggestions further up in the thread. Guide to Edit Units Getting Started Right-click on MB Bannerlord -- Manage -- Browse local files Modules Now open the folder: Modules SandboxCore Open the folder SandboxCore (ignore the other folders for now). Sturgian Veteran Warrior. Installation: Unzip and Drop MakeSturgiaGreatAgain_v0.0.0.0 Folder into your Bannerlord Module Folder, start game, enable the mod in the launcher and start Recruiting your new Sturgians. The mod also completely reworks the Varyag (Viking) troop branch so your army can be supplemented by Vikings if you wish. Vladislav. While Imperial Legionaries can take a beating, the Sturgian Veteran Warriors are able to take just as much punishment, but are able to dish out more damage. Different Troop trees are present in Mount and Blade 2 and they differ on the basis of the factions and the part of map you find them at.