AFT Fasteners is your trusted source for fastener information. The number, the length, the diameter of the stud bolts required for a flanged connection depend on the flanges type, diameter, and rating (as per the ASME flange bolt chart). Diameter and Lengths of the stud and bolt are covered in flange standard ASME B16.5 & B16.47. 4. The torque figures quoted have been based on a theoretical bolt load equal to 85% of the proof load of the bolting material. we keep stock of A193 B8 Class 2 Material, B8 Class 2 Stud, B8 Cl2 Fasteners. Stud bolt torque chart for ASME B16.5 FF and RF class 150 flanges bolting torque table 3 - use only with a193 b8, cl1 bolts at 540°c - 650°c on uninsulated flanges. Bolts Stud Bolts Mach. Image shown below indicates the nomenclature that used in the dimension chart. The calculation of those values is solely up to the rod manufacturer. Where the proof load is not quoted in the specification this has been taken as 95% of the yield stress. Recommended Bolt Torque Values for Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Fasteners (inch series). 1. We use cookies to enhance your experience in case of repeated visits. Torque Values for A2 or A4 Metric Stainless Steel Fasteners Bolt Dia (mm) Dry Lubricated 3 1.0 0.9 8.9 in-lbs. Lubed means cleaned, dry bolts, lubricated with standard medium viscosity machine oil. The following torque values are suggested maximums based upon actual lab testing on clean and dry or near dry fasteners. This Table is applicable for PTFE coated bolts with K=0.12. Number of studs. TORQUE FOR FLANGE BOLTING (B7/L7 STUDS)* ANSI / API 6A / ISO 10423:2003 Feb. 1, 2005 The following torque values are suggested maximums based upon actual lab testing on clean and dry or near dry fasteners. Lubricate all contact areas of the bolts and washers. as you are going to use bolt and stud to connect flanges.. Suggested torque amount. Table 2 / Torque Nm - ASTM 193 Grade B7 and ASTM 193 Grade B16 Stud Bolts: BOLT DIA: Torque Nm: 30% Initial Torque: 70% Torque: 100% Final Torque: 1/2: 23: 53: 75: 9/16: 33: 75: 108: 5/8: 45: 104: 149: 3/4: 80: 186: 264: 7/8: 126: 294: 420: 1: 190: 441: 630: 1.1/8: 278: 651: 929: 1¼: 390: 911: 1302: 1.3/8: 530: 1241: 1769: 1½: 702: 1638: 2339: 1.9/16: 797: 1860: 2657: 1.5/8: 906: 2112: 3017: 1¾: … Created Date: ASTM A193 Grade B7 Torque Chart u = The coefficient of friction of the lubricant Figures are a GUIDE only, always consult the manufacturer or area engineer Torque Chart for ASTM A193 Grade B7 Studs in Ft./Lbs. Need to know how many stud bolts and nuts are in a flange? Fillable and printable Bolt Torque Chart 2021. Bolt Lubricant Torque Chart; What is Bolt Lubricant? This is for informational purposes only. In the past, bolt lubricant has been associated with disassembly, and therefore many in the oil and gas will refer to it as “anti-seize.” Car/Model Torque in Nm Steel rim Alloy rim ** Alfa Romeo Mito, Giulietta 90 120 147, 156, 166, Spider / GTV R 2006 100 100 159, Brera / Spider 120 120 GT 84 100 Audi all current types – except * 120 120 * RS 2 130 130 ... Torque settings for wheel bolts/wheel nuts. nm to ft-lbs = 1.3558179, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 1 - ASTM A193 AND ASTM A320 GRADE B8, CL2 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 1A - COLD SERVICE ASTM A193 AND ASTM A320 GRADE B8, CL2 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 2 - ASTM 193 GRADE B7 AND ASTM 193 GRADE B16 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 2A - COLD SERVICE ASTM A320 GRADE L7 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 3 - USE ONLY WITH A193 B8, CL1 BOLTS AT 540°C - 650°C ON UNINSULATED FLANGES, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 4 - USE ONLY WITH 6061-T6 ALUMINIUM FLANGES, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 5 - PTFE COATED ASTM A193 B7 and ASTM 193 B16 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 5A - COLD SERVICE PTFE COATED ASTM A320 GRADE L7 STUD BOLTS, Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC), Differences between Castings and Forgings, Differences between Cast Iron and Cast Steel, Fireproofing for Petrochemical facilities, Standards defined on this website (19 pages), Dimensions Across Flats and Heights of Hex Nuts, Introduction to air-cooled heat exchangers, Image presentation Hot tapping and Line stopping, North Transgas and North European Gas Pipeline (10 Pages), Bolting torque to develop 50% Bolt Yield Stress at Nut Factor, K=0.12. Metric Bolting Diameter Tensile Stress Area mm² Suggested Bolt Load KN. (a) bolts and nuts are new, standard finish, uncoated and not lubricated* (b) the load will be 90% of the bolt yield strength (c) the coefficient of friction (µ) is 0.14 (d) the final tightening sequence is achieved smoothly and slowly, until the torque tool indicates full torque has been obtained. Even if all assumptions are appropriate, results may vary depending on actual conditions. These include variations in the nut factor; bolt, flange and nut condition; equipment calibration and condition; perpendicularity of the bolt, nut and flange; etc. at 100% of yield Torque Values Stainless Steel Bolt Table Chart. Fill, sign and download Bolt Torque Chart online on 2. By clicking âAcceptâ, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. bolting torque table 4 - use only with 6061-t6 aluminium flanges. bolting torque table 2a - cold service astm a320 grade l7 stud bolts. Check B8 Class 2 Nuts, A193-B8 Cl.2 Bolts price list. Use at your own risk! Bolt Tension Corresponding to 65% of Proof Load Recommended Assembly Torque Diameter 1” SAE Threads Per Inch (TPI) lbf lbft. STUD BOLTS TORQUE CHART. You can go ahead with tightening the stud in the pre-define torque sequence mentioned here. Want to check a torque or stretch value? The stud bolt and nut torque chart show the sequence to use, and the force to apply, to stud bolts used to tighten flanges (by flange class). bolting torque table 4 - use only with 6061-t6 aluminium flanges. Or how about an entire job? 8.0 in-lbs. Extreme caution should be used when using a formula for torque/tension relationships. STUD HEX BOLT. Torque bolts and nuts in a “CRISS-CROSS” sequence using a minimum of three torquing passes and the maximum bolt stress as defined. The torque tables are built on specific assumptions regarding bolt and nut factor. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Bolt Tension Recommended Corresponding to Assembly 65% of Proof Load Torque kN Nm 7.67 8 10.9 13 19.8 32 31.3 63 45.5 109 62.1 174 84.5 270 103 371 132 528 164 722 190 914 248 1339 303 1817 To convert kN to lbf: Multiply kN by 224.809 To convert Nm to lbft: Multiply Nm by 0.737562 371 2449 441 31173 527 4110 Class 12.9 ISO Metric Coarse Pitch Bolts & Screws Questions? Torque is only an indirect indication of tension. 8 9 Torque Charts Carbon/Carbon Alloy Torque Settings (FT-LBS) Bolt Diameter Grade 5 Grade 7 Grade 8 Yield Strength 80,000 105,000 120,000 Tensile Strength 105,000130,000 150,000 1/4" M6 5.1 6.7 7.6 5/16" M8 10.5 13.8 15.7 3/8" - 18.6 24.4 27.9 Socket Weld and Threaded Fittings (ASME B16.11). SAE Grade 5 & 8 Bolts & Screws – 1” SAE. bolting torque table 3 - use only with a193 b8, cl1 bolts at 540°c - 650°c on uninsulated flanges. Torque pattern. All values other than suggested torque amount are sourced directly from flange bolt charts and flange torque charts in the ASME B16.5 "Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard" (2017). Any lubricant is designed to reduce friction and wear between two surfaces in contact. Grade 5 14 37500 625 Grade 8 14 53000 883. 4 2.6 2.3 23.0 20.7 5 5.1 4.6 45.1 40.6 6 8.7 7.8 77.0 69.3 8 21.2 19.1 188 169 10 42 38 372 335 12 73 66 54 ft-lbs. Install fastener hand tight. PASS 1 Torque Sequence: Torque to a maximum of 30% of the final torque value in accordance with the torque sequence. Fasteners - Bolts, nuts and threaded rods - torque, tension and loads; Related Documents . STUD BOLTS WITH NUTS MACHINE BOLT WITH NUTS LLLL Stud Bolts Mach. Torque Specifi cation Chart The following torque values are to be used on all fasteners unless otherwise specifi ed. The values in the tables are based on the equation: The nut factor is not the coefficient of friction. The following chart shows the quantity and size of bolts or studs require for a particular flange size and class. Stud Bolt A193 B8 B8M DIMENSIONS Torque Values Stainless Steel Bolt Table Chart Recommended Bolt Torque Values for Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Fasteners (inch series). Enter your kit number in the field below and click “Submit.” Important: if you have an aftermarket connecting rod with an ARP bolt, please use the chart below to contact the rod manufacturer for the stretch/torque value. Bolt Torque Charts These charts show suggested maximum torque values for threaded products and are intended only as a guide. Covering bolts on Wellhead Equipment, Valves and chokes, and loose flanged connectors. per inch: Tension F (lbf) Torque Cof = .07 (ft-lbf) Torque Cof = 0.13 (ft-lbf) Tension F (lbf) Torque Cof = .07 (ft-lbf) It is an experimentally derived constant that includes the impact of friction. Your email address will not be published. bolting torque table 2a - cold service astm a320 grade l7 stud bolts. Bolt torque chart reference guides include Grade 2, B7, A307, A325, Grade 8, A490, and Grade 5. Nom Dia-Pitch Nom Size x Pitch INCH BOLT TORQUE TABLE SAE J429 and ASME 574 METRIC BOLT TORQUE TABLE ISO 898 Before using a given torque table, these assumptions should be verified to insure they are appropriate for the specific application. Most bolt torque charts, including this one, are based on the material strength of the bolt - the component containing the external thread. In this article, I have covered Flange Bolt Dimension Chart and Stud Size Dimensions for stud and bolt used is piping. Lost your kit instructions? Bolt lubricant is a little more complicated than that. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. bolting torque table 2 - astm 193 grade b7 and astm 193 grade b16 stud bolts. Stud Threads Yield Strength = 80 ksi Bolt Stress = 40 ksi Yield Strength = 105 ksi Bolt Stress = 52.5 ksi Yield Strength = 95 ksi Bolt Stress = 47.5 ksi; Dia. Under/over tightening of fasteners can result in costly equipment failure or personal injury. Lubricated refers to fasteners in the “As Received” condition, which is normally a light preservative oil coating on unplated fasteners and no oil coating on plated fasteners. 5. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Use torque wrench to install fastener to the torque value from the chart below. CLASS 150 FLANGE. Always refer to the manufacturers recommended torque values if possible. Reference 2 below recommends a fastener preload in the range of 60% - 90% of the bolt material proof load. Lubricating the bolts is the suggested method. Let Lightning Bolt help… Below is ASME B16.5 150#, 300#, 600# Stud Bolt Flange Chart information that can assist engineers and pipe fitters with calculating the number of fasteners associated according to flange size. Diameter of studs. Thread Coeff Friction Preload (Kn) Property class Tightening Torque (Nm) Property class Min Breaking Torque; A1-50 A2-70 A4-80 A1-50 A2-70 A4-80 A1-50 A1-70 Length of studs. Bolt Torque Calculator - Calculate required bolt torque; Improvised Torque Wrench - Improvised torque wrench with luggage scale; ISO 724 - Metric Threads - Dimensions of metric threads according ISO 724; Metric Bolt Head and Wrench Size - ANSI/SO, DIN and JIS bolts ANSI Hardware Design Guide Design Torque and Force Calculations. Stud bolts are inserted in the flange holes and tightened to seal a flanged joint. To convert kN to lbf; Multiply Kn by 224.809 To convert Nm to lbft: Multiply Nm by 0.737562. 48 ft-lbs. Related Topics . NOTE: The length of the stud bolt does not include the height of the points. 3. bolting torque table 5 - ptfe coated astm a193 b7 and astm 193 b16 stud bolts. The torque values are approved for spiral wound graphite and PTFE filled gaskets, graphite sheet gaskets GHE and GHR types, ring joint, double jacketed and Camprofile gaskets with graphite and PTFE lining. The above Table is applicable only for A193 Grade B7 and A193 Grade B16 Stud Bolts. The Final Torque Value accounts for 10% bolt relaxation. Approximate Torque Nm Grade 4.6 8.8 10.9 12.9 CDI Torque Products is not responsible for any application of torque or it's consequences as a result of using this chart. NOTE 1: The torque values represented here are intended to be for general information only, not for specific installations. Leading manufacture of ASTM A193 B8 Class 2 Bolts. Copyright Projectmaterials 2015-2021 © Tecnos SA - All rights Reserved. Rev 3-4-09 Torque-Tension Relationship for ASTM A193 B7 Bolts and Studs Tightening Torque K = 0.12 K = 0.15 K = 0.20 Lubricating the bolts is the suggested method. The torque chart is for reference only and assumes properly lubricated ASTM A193 B7 stud bolts with ASTM A194 2H steel nuts. Torque For Flange Bolting (B7/L7 Studs)* Stud Diameter Tension Size Ibf Torque Torque Torque Torque Inch Nm Ft. lbs Nm Ft. lbs f=0.07 f=0.07 f=0.13 f=0.13 1/2" 7450 48 35 80 59 5/8" 11865 92 68 155 115 3/4" 17559 160 118 270 200 7/8" 24241 253 188 429 319 1" 31802 376 279 639 474 1 1/8" 41499 540 401 925 686 1 1/4" 52484 745 553 1285 953 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Many factors induce scatter in the results or increase the inherent variability in the bolting process. Close Deals. ft-lbs to nm = 0.737562149277 Apply ARP Ultra-Torque ® to fastener threads and the underhead of the bolt or underside of the nut. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.