The nuclear submarine K-159 is part of the 627A Kit project, or November, according to the NATO classification. If so, the leaking tubes were plugged, because she continued to operate for another two years before entering the shipyard from 1967 through 1968 for overhaul and to have her steam generators replaced. The K-129 (Russian: К–129) was a Project 629A (Russian: проект 629А lit. The last report of the K-159 arrived at 2.45 when the sailors informed of a change of inclination of the submarine of 10 degrees, which indicated the sinking of the submarine. Soviet submarine K-159 K-159 was a Project 627A "Kit" (NATO reporting name November class) nuclear-powered submarine of the Soviet Northern Fleet. Serving for 36 years, a period during which it underwent several repairs, including once for radioactive leaking, the K-159 was part of the Soviet Navy. Why Are These ‘Ghost Boats’ from North Korea Washing Ashore in Russia? Putin appointed Vice Admiral Sergey Simonenko acting Commander of the Northern Fleet. On August 31, mourning was declared in the Murmansk region and in all units of the Northern Fleet. The first target is K-159. An … The bodies of Smirnov and Zhadan were recovered immediately. gsmith(at) Soviet nuclear submarine K-8 — April 12, 1970. sigaz(at) Five minutes later the fore and aft lights went out, and around 3 o’clock in the morning, all visual contact with the submarine was lost. She remained in layup with little or no maintenance for 14 years. In correspondence with the delivery schedule of the submarine for its scrapping, the K-159 was to be transported to the Nerpa shipyards in the city Snezhnogorsk (Murmansk region), where the discharge of the nuclear fuel would take place at the end of 2003, and its subsequent scrapped in 2004. vfilipova(at) A high-resolution sonar generated image of K-159 was published on 1 April 2010. The K-159 was being towed to a … The Military Prosecutor General's office brought charges against Captain Second Class Sergei Zhemchuzhnov who was overseeing the towing operation. Editor and Writer Shortly after the storm broke the two stern cables. August is a black month for the Russian Navy. According to the instructions, the tow should be carried out with winds that do not exceed two degrees, and in case of worsening of the climatic situation, the group should seek refuge. Subsequently, it was established that the submarine sank to a depth of 238 meters. A long planned Russian-Norwegian joint research trip to examine the remains of the derelict K-159 nuclear submarine – which sunk under tow to a Murmansk area shipyard in August 2003 – is finally underway after several mechanical delays, Norwegian radiation officials have confirmed. Svilen Petrov 73 crewmen survived. The Ministry objected to the suit, saying that the widows should press charges against Suchkov, who was convicted by a court martial of criminal negligence leading to the submariners' deaths.[2]. The submarine was in the Barents Sea three miles northwest of Kildin Island, with a storm between 4 and 5 degrees. In anticipation of receiving those funds, Admiral Gennady Suchkov, Commander of the Northern Fleet, decided to tow all the 16 laid up submarines from Gremikha to shipyards where they would be dismantled. The tugboat maintained stable contact with the submarine’s crew, making connections every hour. On board were ten crew members, since during the time that the submarine was stored some parts were rusted and during the tow could arise certain difficulties. In December 2003, and later in 2004 and 2005, the radiological situation in the incident area was monitored. sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine K-159 in the Barents Sea. A second, slightly smaller hub of Soviet submarine power was the Pacific Fleet, based in and around Vladivostok on Russia’s east coast above North Korea. Submarine K-159 Despite being retired by the Soviet Navy in 1989, the K-159 was lost in 2003 while being towed to a scrapyard as part of a disposal program sponsored by foreign nations concerned about the decay of Russia's nuclear "ghost fleet." Around the 30th of August 30 from the submarine reported that the waves broke the cables that joined the front pontoons to the submarine. During the search three crewmembers were found, two of whom died and another survived. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, there have been two additional losses. The ship was built in 1963 in the company Sevmash of Severodvinks and had two nuclear reactors of the water-water type and two steam turbines. The K-159 in the Barents Sea and the K-278 in the Norwegian Sea. At that time the rescue boats were ready for the rescue. Despite the difficult weather conditions, three antisubmarine ships and four rescue ships of the Northern Fleet immediately left the scene. The pontoons moved towards the stern of the submarine and were only held by the lower cables. [citation needed] Initial plans were to do so in August or September 2004, but they were postponed. Subsequently, monitoring of the radiological situation was carried out in 2007, within the framework of the project of the organization of the Arctic Military Cooperation on Environment (AMEC), and in 2014, in charge of a Russian-Norwegian expedition. Before that, he headed the headquarters of the Northern Fleet. President of Russia Vladimir Putin removed Suchkov from service on the recommendation of Navy Chief of Staff Vladimir Kuroyedov. spetrov(at) The nuclear submarine K-159 is part of the 627A Kit project, or November, according to the NATO classification. Founder and Chief Editor Nine crew members die when the K-159 nuclear submarine sinks in the Barents Sea during a storm. She was launched on 6 … She was launched on 6 … Tsibul'skij was rescued alive and recovered in the Severomorsk Military Hospital. The towing equipment also included the rescue ship Pamir. On 2 March 1965, K-159 suffered an accident involving radioactive discharges into her steam generators, almost certainly primary coolant leaks from the tubes into the steam chest and thence into the turbines, contaminating her entire propulsion plant. In November of that same year, the submarine entered the Northern Fleet. On August 5, 2005 AS-28, under the command of Lieutenant Vyacheslav Milashevskiy, became entangled with the aerial of a hydrophone array off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, in Berezovaya Bay, 70 km southeast of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Kamchatka Oblast.The aerial, anchored by 60-tonne concrete blocks, snared the propeller of the submarine, and the submarine … The K-159 under tow. Approximately at 1.10, the sailors reported the entrance of water in the stern of the submarine. Flimsy pontoons were welded onto K-159 to enable its towing to a scrapping site, but on August 30 a sea squall ripped away one of the pontoons, causing the boat to … Her keel was laid down on 15 August 1962 at the Severodvinsk "Sevmash" Shipyard No. On 28 August 2003, K-159 and her pontoons were manned by ten Russian sailors and taken under tow to Polyarny. The Investigations Brigade of the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office of Russia, which was in charge of the investigations into this accident, opened a criminal case against Captain Sergey Zhemchúzhnov for the death of the crew. All hands on board died due to CO2 poisoning and the flooding of the surfaced submarine during 80 hours of damage control in stormy conditions. The US and Its Partners Strengthen Their Presence in the Pacific to Contain China. Stefani Igaz K-159 was decommissioned on 30 May 1989 and laid up in Gremikha; her reactors were not defuelled. This August 30 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine K-159 in the Barents Sea. Soviet submarine K-159 K-159 was a Project 627A "Kit" (NATO reporting name November class) nuclear-powered submarine of the Soviet Northern Fleet. She was launched on 6 June 1963, and commissioned on 9 October 1963. August 30, 2003. The K-278, also known as the Komsomolets, is considered to have settled too deep for salvage. This was the first loss of a Soviet nuclear-powered submarine, which sank in rough seas as it was being towed in the Bay of Biscay of the North Atlantic Ocean. Because the submarine sank accidentally, it was not prepared for the occasion, however, the first circuit of the reactor retains its tightness. Beyond the Kara Sea, there are at least two more Soviet nuclear submarines with dangerous reactors. 402. Marketing Manager Her keel was laid down on 15 August 1962 at the Severodvinsk "Sevmash" Shipyard No. Was also the best Soviet submarine in the Pacific with 2 victories Varna, Bulgaria K-159, a November-class submarine taken out of operation from the Soviet Northern fleet in the late 80-ties, sunk in bad weather while being towed. The ship was built in 1963 in the company Sevmash of Severodvinks and had two nuclear reactors of the water-water type and two steam turbines. Nine of the 10 salvage men on board were killed. Projekt 629A, NATO reporting name Golf II–class) diesel-electric powered ballistic missile submarine that served in the Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Navy–one of six Project 629 strategic ballistic missile submarines assigned to the 15th Submarine Squadron based at Rybachiy Naval Base near Petropavlovsk–commanded by Rear Admiral Rudolf A. Golosov. Suchkov made no attempt to rescue the submarine crew (3). However, during the investigations, it was determined that the command of the Northern Fleet also committed serious errors, which cost the commander of this military entity, Admiral Guennadi Suchkov, who was later sentenced to four years of conditional freedom deprivation. Before hostilities with Japan) L-17 L-18 L-19 (lost 23 Aug 1945 mine) The only soviet submarine in Pacific lost during wartime against Japan. Captain Zhemchúzhnov ordered the crew to seal the compartments and create positive pressure to prevent the entry of water. The submarine was towed on the surface with the help of four pontoons that kept it afloat and an SB-406 tugboat. At that time the caravan was near the Vostochni Kildin bay, where theoretically the storm could be weathered, but to carry out the maneuver safely, at least one other tug was needed, since there was a risk of not only submerging the submarine but also to the tug itself. The K-159 is the only nuclear submarine on the seafloor of the Barents Sea. The poor condition of Russia's fleet of decommissioned nuclear submarines concerned many other countries, and in the summer of 2003, five countries made a combined donation of more than US$200 million in support of decommission and disposal of those hulks. Her keel was laid down on 15 August 1962 at the Severodvinsk "Sevmash" Shipyard No. Editor and Writer In 2003, the decommissioned boat with nine crew members sank during the towing for dismantling. All the power cables to the pumps of the first circuit of the reactors were cut. K-159 was a Project 627A "Kit" (NATO reporting name November class) nuclear-powered submarine of the Soviet Northern Fleet. The Russian government is considering plans to raise the wreck of K-159. Therefore, after coordinating with the operative duty shift of the Northern Fleet, the captain continued the towing operation. ... K … K-159: Left to rust for 14 years after being decommissioned, this Soviet-era November-class submarine sank in the Barents Sea on August 28, 2003, when a storm ripped away from the pontoons necessary to keep it afloat undertow. 3) "The Moscow Times", 19 May 2004: "Admiral Convicted in Sinking of K-159" and "Rianovosti" 27 sept 2006: "Court postpones K-159 submarine hearings until October 23 -1", Coordinates: 69°22.64′N 33°49.51′E / 69.37733°N 33.82517°E / 69.37733; 33.82517, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,, "British to help raise Russian nuclear sub",,,2089-2557885,00.html,,, List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes,, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Sank while under tow for scrapping 30 August 2003, killing 9, Located at 69°22.64'N 33°49.51'E on the seafloor of the Barents Sea at depth of 238 m, Captain Second Rank Sergej Lappa - Commanding Officer of, Captain Third Rank Mikhail Gurov - Electromechanical Compartment Leader, Captain Third Rank Yurij Zhadan - Maneuvering Division Officer, Captain Third Rank Oleg Andreev - Damage Control Officer, Senior Lieutenant Sergej Sokolov - Electrotechnical Division Officer, Senior Warrant Officer Aleksandr Aleshkin - Senior Boatswain, Warrant Officer Roman Kurinnyj - Chief of Chemical Service/Shipboard Dosimetry Specialist, Senior Lieutenant Maksim Tsibul'skij - Remote Guidance Group Leader, Chief Petty Officer Andrej Knyazev - Remote Guidance Group Machinist, Petty Officer 1st Class Evgenij Smirnov - Turbine Section Leader. At 2:25 the crew reported that the situation worsened sharply and was ordered to leave the submarine and in case of an accident abandon the ship by their means. Shortly afterwards from K-159, they reported that the maneuver was impossible due to technical problems; the captain ordered the crew to prepare for their evacuation and to meet in the third compartment, on which was the exit hatch. Los Angeles, USA The second ship, K-159 (shown above before sinking), was a November -class submarine that served a fairly typical career with the Soviet Northern Fleet … In 1989 the submarine was removed and transported to the Gremija recycling center in the Murmansk region, where the reactors were preserved to ensure a safe state. The sub had recently been slated for scrapping and was en route to a date with the breakers yard. Northern Fleet was notified at 0120, and Admiral Suchkov arrived at headquarters 20 minutes later. Nine years ago today the Russian Navy lost the nuclear powered submarine K-159 when it foundered in the Barents Sea . The 360-feet submarine able to carry 100 men was decommissioned in 1989 and towed to a shipyard where it would sit idle and rusting for 14 years. Although the area of the accident was tracked repeatedly, the body of any other crew member was not found. The K-159 is far from the only radioactive item in the junkyard of debris that was dumped in the Barents and Kara seas over decades by the Soviet Navy. Admiral Kuroyedov believes that "we should not leave nuclear objects lying on the seabed". K-159, a rust bucket of a Russian nuclear submarine, was being towed to a navy scrap yard late last month when it sprang a leak and went down in the Barents Sea. Baby Moose Tries To Cross A River, He Gets Stuck And in a Deadly Situation When His Mother Teaches Him A Shocking Lesson [VIDEO], Russian freighter Merle arrested by Libyan Coast Guard militants off Tripoli, Diver Was Filming the Ocean Sands and Then This Comes Out of Nowhere…. In 2007, the British Ministry of Defence began preparations for a salvage operation[2] As part of that recovery planning, the Scottish company Adus was hired to evaluate the wreck. After languishing in storage for 14 years, a 2003 storm ripped K-159 from its pontoons during a transport operation, and the battered hulk plunged to the floor of the Barents Sea, killing nine crewmen. Varna, Bulgaria Brussels, Belgium The criminal case against Captain Zhemchúznov was withdrawn due to the absence of the body of the crime. K-159, a November class, suffered a radioactive discharge accident in 1965 but served until 1989. Between 18 May and 23 October 2001, SMIT Salvage carried out an extraordinary project; raising the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk. The K-159 was a nuclear submarine of the Soviet Navy and later the Russian Navy. The Kursk submarine, that sank after a huge torpedo explosion in 2000, was lifted and brought to land for decommissioning two years after. During its service, the submarine made nine autonomous crossings and travelled more than 200,000 miles. The towing operation was in charge of Captain Sergey Zhemchukhoff. [citation needed] By 0300 the wreck had sunk in the Barents Sea, 238 meters down, with nine of her crew and 800 kilograms of spent nuclear fuel containing some 20 petabecquerels (600 kilocuries) of radioactivity. Marketing manager and co-Chief Editor of Maritime Herald. K-159 did not sink immediately, but was clearly in distress. At the same time, he ordered the captains of the SB-406 and the Pamir to prepare the boats for the evacuation of the sailors. The detachment was sailing at a speed close to four knots, the distance between the tug and the submarine was about 600 meters. The event happened on August 30, 2003, when the submarine was towed to its junkyard, on board the ship there were ten crew members, nine of whom lost their lives. This article is based on numerous news articles, as well as information provided by the Bellona Foundation. Her outer hull rusted until in many places it had "the strength of foil".[1]. — 52 deaths. At the time of the definitive cessation of the work of the reactors in 1988, the combustion of the active zones of the reactors was 95 percent of that projected. The Kursk was destroyed when a torpedo exploded inside the torpedo room, and the derelict K … The trailer of the K-159 to the shipyard started on August 28, 2003. The fire affected one of the two reactors, forcing the submarine to surface. 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[ 1 ] ordered the crew to seal the compartments and create pressure! And later in 2004 and 2005, the sailors watched over the water levels, the submarine Bellona... 4 and 5 degrees soviet nuclear submarine Kursk, after coordinating with the of.