So one must wonder where a bullet accidentally discharged at this sensitive instant will go, into or through the floor or walls of the bedroom, and then where? Either way, it is an option. Well, obviously by the title of this article, I am talking about the Sig Sauer P938. It’s most commonly used for concealed carry and it’s pretty popular to boot. SIG Sauer P938 Emperor Scorpion. But let me state now emphatically, I don’t yet have enough experience with this gun to honestly make any firm recommendations re carry options. Unless you carry it without a round in the mag. How many are aware that this is basically a remake of a Spanish “Star” handgun? Also available in our prized and patented rubber grip material with finger grooves only. Your email address will not be published. Instead Sig Sauer produced a longish single action trigger pull of, I would guess, about 6-7 pounds. Check out Hickok45’s YouTube review of the P938 by clicking on this screenshot. 9mm CCW with TTAG. Sig Sauer is one of the greatest firearms manufacturers in the world. Your grip will guarantee your accuracy. Thankfully, SIG P250 is definitely among the most accurate handguns we have seen. The magazine that came with the P938 was of the extended type holding 7 rounds, that provided extra length in the grip, a sort of hook on the front much like the Wather PPK and similar pistols, that allows for an extra finger on the shooting hand to factor into the grip. In terms of relative size, the Sig P938 doesn’t fare much different from the Kimber Micro 9. But even these little gems lack good sights and trigger pulls. The SIG Sauer P320 is a modular semi-automatic pistol made by SIG Sauer, Inc. of Exeter, New Hampshire, and SIG Sauer GmbH of Eckernförde, Germany.It is a further development of the SIG Sauer P250, utilizing a striker-fired mechanism in lieu of a double action only hammer system. I once knew an Italian gentleman who had stuck his .25 caliber pocket pistol “into the teeth” of his adversary, pulled the trigger, “and the son-of-a-bitch, she just went ‘click.’” Fortunately for Old Sunoco Joe, his adversary fainted at that point, so the firearm produced a substantial effect, just not in the quite way intended. Basically, P238 is “1911 mini”. Josh Wayner for TTAG. For some unknown reason, if I carry it with nothing in the chamber… Read more ». Cody Cromarty March 2, 2018 At 10:49. And with that statement I arrive at the Sig Sauer P938, a gun that suits the need for discretion, while providing some fine options. Josh Wayner for TTAG. Other reviewers compare the P938 to the 1911 in terms of general function, and suggest that those who like the 1911 would also like the P938. This is not necessarily true. With the ability to shoot .45 caliber bullets, the Colt was a favorite for over 100 years and then a company called Sig Sauercame along and decided to design a scaled down version of the 1911. Similar to the 1911, it is a single action, semi-auto pistol that features a slide release level and a manual safety. This model features anti-snag capabilities achieved through smooth egdes. Technically speaking, P238 is a pioneer in that regard.If you ever loved the iconic 1911, you will absolutely fall in love with P238 as well. Bad product poor customer service. The model ditches wood grips for Hogue G-10 plastic handles, a tactical solution that looks slightly out of place for such a diminutive piece. P938 SAS with rosewood handles. When I was looking at P365 pistols, I l… The subcompact 9mm market is a big one. It’s too early, however, to say whether I will adopt it. The P938 comes with a 6-round magazine. I researched several different models, narrowed my choices to three, and went to the local gun store to try them out side by side. The SIG P290RS was released in 2012, a double-action only variant of the original P290, produced to meet users' demands for re-strike capabilities. No misfeeds, no failure to eject. With its 3-inch barrel, the pistol is just 5.9 inches long. For the sake of this review, I will be taking a look at the Rosewood grips model. For shooters who gravitate toward 1911 pattern handguns, the P938 offers a sub-compact, easily concealable handgun that will be an easy transition from a full-size 1911 handgun. There are four other major redesign points on the P290RS from the original: an added beavertail, rounded slide-lock lever, trimmed down magazine release button and a lengthened lip on the magazine. Details; Description field: The P238 is built on an anodized alloy beavertail style frame with fluted aluminum grips for comfort and a secure hold during rapid fire usage. The groups fired one-handed from seven yards would fall within a silver dollar. A much better choice for carry is a modern, top quality hollow point. The upgrades over a stock P938 are substantial. CANNOT RECOMMEND. All Business. Black and beauitful, it has a very ‘badass’ look about it, which – couples with those quality grips – is probably what makes it so popular. She opted for the .380 as she has damage in her support hand thumb that takes a beating with larger frame guns and creates racking problems with smaller frame striker fires. One could argue that sights on micro guns are superfluous, since those types of guns are not meant for ranges which necessitate lots of aim. The Nightmare is the first P938 out of the gate; ‘net buzz suggests SIG may be producing as few as 500 guns. It has a non-coated stainless steel slide, and custom Hogue Walnut grips. The Sig P938 is darn near the same size, with a 3-inch barrel and standing 5.9 inches long, 3.9 inches tall and 1.1 inches wide. Sig Sauer P938: American Gun Review by Professor Brian Anse Patrick. SIG Sauer’s P290 has a bit of a controversial history. In the case was a SIG polymer OWB (outside-the-waistband) holster. Well, obviously by the title of this article, I am talking about the Sig Sauer P938. You can find them for cheaper prices, at around the $600-$650 mark, at various stores and shops (online and offline). You want to be ready for any situation, and you want to be able to form a tight grip when it counts. Sam is an avid firearms enthusiast who loves sharing his knowledge and experience with fellow gunivores. They needed a lot of time to become what they are now, but the road has been safe and stable from the very beginning. Are there cheaper 9mm subcompact options? Some damages cannot be undone. Accessories for micro guns like the P938 are few and far between, and rightly so. 6 + 1 magazine capacity. [MSRP: $823]SIG Sauer P938 Variants: Extreme, Nightmare, Equinox, SAS (Left to Right), The Nightmare remains one of the best-selling P938 models around. I will prudently continue to test, and await the arrival of a more suitable holster. This entry was posted in .22 LR , $501-$750 , $751-$1,000 , 9mm , Semiauto , SIG Sauer , Subcompact and tagged Handgun Reviews on August 23, 2012 by Walt Rauch . The P938 is a single action self-loading pistol. They are also getting more functionality at the same time as well. This is a carry gun, more than anything else. When the pressure is on, and the mind goes into its ‘fight or flight’ mode, your instincts and muscle memory kick in. I agree with Hickok 45’s assessment overall, including his insinuated reservation… Read more », Just an FYI for all –There is no half cock on the Sig 938. If you’ve used the P365, you’re already familiar with 99% of the P365 SAS. Joe took his revenge on the .25 by clamping it into a bench vice and beating it with a hammer until it was scrap metal. The recoil on this gun is not as harsh as you would expect, and is highly manageable. Close Watch Hickok45 Review *Please Note!! An ambidextrous manual thumb safety disengages with a fair amount of positive pressure, and is held in place by a detente-style arrangement. The dots light up, but don’t shine so brightly as to cause you to squint or miss any follow up shots. The Sig P938 is darn near the same size, with a 3-inch barrel and standing 5.9 inches long, 3.9 inches tall and 1.1 inches wide. You don’t want to put too much bulk or weight on a tiny gun as this, or else you risk losing the advantage of concealability and lightness. It has Hogue Black G10 grips, SIGlite sights, and a nitron-coated stainless steel slide. Carried by Secret Service, and other branches of security and law-enforcement, the P229 is a compact-sized gun which was the first to utilize the .357 SIG cartridge. If so, check out our Sig Saur 938 review, our Sig Sauer P226 review, our Sig P250 review. The P238 from SIG Sauer is a … Latest addition to my "Home and Personal Defense" system Sig Sauer P938 with Crimson Trac…, — Kevin Hughes (@KevinHughes67) August 2, 2016. 6 + 1 magazine capacity. I tried it and didn’t like it, especially after it, gun and all, most indiscreetly fell off my belt in the Walmart parking lot. If you have had enough practice, and if you remain calm, you will find that 6 rounds are 5 more than you will actually need. In that sense, it is kin to the P238, which also has a mini-1911 feel to it, except that the P238 is chambered in .380 ACP. When using short-barreled firearms, velocity, and therefore power, are lost in pursuit of compactness. SAS stands for Sig Anti-Snag System(missed opportunity to name it the SASS if you ask me…). [MSRP: $815], This is one which has disappeared from SIG’s website, but still exists in its 2016 catalog. Sig Sauer P938 Pistol reviews: SIG P938 POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. Perfect for those who want to carry light and retain superior stopping power. The Sig Sauer P938 came with prominent fixed night sights in the usual dovetails. Please verify this picture accurately reflects the product described by the title and description on this page before you place your order. The 7.5 lbs pull is one which can be a little tougher than you may be used to, but it seriously grows on you. Later on, in the 1970’s, SIG teamed up with Sauer, a German firearms manufacturer (with its own proud tradition and history), and its popularity reached new heights. Do not settle for anything else than perfect. In addition, this CCW is comfortable, user-friendly and a breeze to carry. Complaints of issues with the trigger and the hammer were heard throughout the firing ranges and spoken of extensively in online forums and gun shops. Many of our pictures are stock photos provided to us by the manufacturer and do not necessarily represent the actual item being purchased. I always tell people the same thing when I show them the safety on my Glocks……insert pictures of my index finger both flexing and straight here. I was also wearing at the time a back brace that seemed to interfere with the holster, but I still have grave reservations. It made what would have been a good article just ok. While Joe was admittedly an excitable fellow, many 25s and pocket .22s with which I have had experience would seem to cluster similarly with Joe’s in terms of reliability. SIGlite sights are great. Bad product poor customer service. Different sellers offer other deals, such as a pair of 7-round magazines or other additions. Sig P938. I'm done with Sig. SIG’s P938 is a locked breech, tilting barrel single-action only semi-automatic sub-compact handgun chambered in 9mm. No Glock-style actuator. We have to say; this gun is not a toy. More than 100 rounds of ball ammo functioned without flaw for several different shooters. I would not drop this gun into my pocket for carry. These guns are safe if carried in a proper holster, reasonably powerful and reliable. Close up it’s probably even more important that one hits precisely and stops a deadly threat. When you hands are sweaty or shaking, you need to rely on your gun’s ability to offer a solid grip. “Glock leg” is not caused by the Glock itself but by the operator of same. [Review] Sig Sauer P365 SAS: Snag No More. Pretty simple and it applies to EVERY firearm. The SIG Sauer P938 and I had a torrid love affair, but it was just enough to know we definitely need a second date. I have doubts generally about neophytes and self-loading pistol designs. After about 8 boxes of 9mm American Eagle, Blazer, and Lawman, I still have not had any malfunctions at all. … When discretion demanded it, I often chose small frame revolvers, especially the J-frame Smith and Wessons, which are supremely reliable as well as safe, even in in a suit pocket. , our Sig Saur 938 review, I would not consider doing it on a customer ’ website... Which do you want to carry light and retain superior stopping power P938 pistol Reviews: Sig P938 a... Calibers have more of a fighting pistol while minimizing unnecessary frills knowledge and experience with gunivores. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication Research from University of Michigan the title this! On this thing is nice and crisp the 1911, which can be a Class with results. – heck, all around the country – heck, all around the country – heck all. S P290 has a non-coated stainless steel in a platform similar in size the! 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