Picture Gallery. Jade, Talib, and Beskerm followed Kopa as they joined Kion's Guard. May 22, 2004 Trivia to come . When Kion and his Lion Guard attempt to enter the Tree of Life to seek healing, Rani and the Night Pride prevent them from doing so. She and her pride meet Simba, Nala, Simba's pride and the Guard sometime after the defeat of Scar. While Ora runs away after Kion joins, Makucha and Chuluun goes through the hill, but are intercepted by Kion and Rani respectively. Welcome to the Tree of Life. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. At the end of the series, he retired from being the leader of the lion guard and became king of the Tree of Life upon his marriage to Rani. Rani has been described by her voice actress as a strong female leader. A few … When the kion, Rani and the lion guard reached the entrance of the tree of life, they realised the night pride had reached before them. Kion tells her it's Queen Rani and Kiara is impressed that it's a queen. Lion Guard Rani, the new lioness Peyton Elizabeth Lee interview. She is the mate of Kingiza and future leader of the Night Pride. She is the leader of theNight Prideand eventually ascends the throne becoming Queen of the Tree of Life withKopaas both her King and mate. Rani (Speaking) She is known for playing the title role on the Disney Channel series Andi Mack. She is very protective of the Tree of Life and its inhabitants as well and cares much for her little brother Baliyo and uncle Surak, as well as all animals of the Tree of Life after she becomes their queen. She has an older sister and a younger brother. "Hey guys, I thought you guys are asleep? " The back of her four legs have many little, dark brown spots, which look similar to Kion's. https://lionguard.fandom.com/wiki/Rani?oldid=390898. Her grandmother Janna, taught her the important lesson of. Rani is a sleek young lioness, with reddish brown fur and a dark brown stripe running down her back. Voice(s) Foes: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, other enemies of the Tree of Life. Ultimately, this doubt and uncertainty led to Rani and Kion finding a connection as leaders, and sharing how they had both doubted themselves and their respective abilities to lead, causing them not only to begin to understand each other better, but also to let their friendship eventually blossom into true love. With all of their family and friends in attendance, Kion and Rani become mates as well as the King and Queen of the Tree of Life. Queen Janna (or simply Janna) was an elderly lioness and a character introduced in Season 3 of The Lion Guard. Sheis one of Kion's friends and a former member of the Lion Guard. He is the uncle of Rani and Baliyo, and the son of Queen Janna. She has a red nose and her eyes are chocolate brown, and just above them is tawny, with the lower half becoming lighter. The inner of her ears are light-pink and her ear rims light-brown. Her nose is dark-pink. The Night pride denies the guard entry! Realizing that Kion is talking about a female, Kiara wants to know her name. "Of course we can…We're the Lion Guard." Kion and Rani . She is the leader of the Night Pride and eventually ascends to become Queen of the Tree of Life with Kion as her King and mate. Comments Add a Comment. For all her strength and sense of duty however, Rani hides a vulnerable side of uncertainty and doubt in herself that she is hesitant to expose. Rani. - Share your reason with the rest of … The Lion Guard Voice Cast Real Age (Characters) 2018 - YouTube He is the fiercest member and leader of the lion guard. Rani watched them closely upon their departure. It was only after reporting to her grandmother, who requested Rani to bring Kion to her after saying a few words of wisdom and consulting with the spirits of her parents, that she gave them a second chance and was impressed by how the Guard cleared the mountain passage and didn't venture through it as well as Kion putting his friend Ono before himself. Unlike Janja's clan and Scar, Jasiri is friendly and open to making friends with the Pridelanders. She is also the mate of Kion, with whom she leads the Night Pride and rules the Tree of Life. Kion replies that she doesn't need anyone's help with that since she's already a great leader. The lines of Rani's back paws are less thin than the lines of her front paws, it's a mistake. !1All rights go to Disney Rani asks Kion to be her KINGScene from the Lion Guard Season 3 Episode Journey to the Pride Lands Peyton Elizabeth Lee Kion and Rani were happy at the tree of life together. However, Rani was impressed that Kion put Ono's needs before his own. Bold, spunky, and snarky, Jasiri is a hyena through-and-through, but unlike Janja, she is … Rani is brave and determined in her duty to protect the Tree of Life although she has sometimes her downsides. She has a bright, pink colored scar on the inside of her right front leg from unknown circumstances. She is the leader of the Night Pride and eventually ascends the throne becoming Queen of the Tree of Life with Kion as both her King and mate. Friends watch as Kion and Rani become King and Queen of the Night Pride . Congratulations to The Lion Guard’s own Peyton Elizabeth Lee, the voice of Rani, on her roarsome new role! In interview with her voice actress reveals that she is the leader of the Night Pride. She is the deuteragonist of the second half of season 3. His name was Mwizi. Although it took a while, Kion eventually adjusted to being a king there. The series deals with frequently asked questions and is targeted towards a slightly older audience than the lion guard, teens and adults, because it also includes some mild violence moments in it like blood, fighting and mature themes. A year has passed since Zira's demise and the Pride Lands were at peace once again, and all the lions were united together. Friends: Kion and his Lion Guard, her family, the lions of the Night Pride, Ullu, the Pridelanders . She consults with her grand… Kion approaches Rani who tells him how glad she is that The Roar has returned to The Tree of Life. The lion guard - Kion and Rani banner. Born Nationality Lee is half Chinese on her father's side. Her spots were less dark and she was also missing the bright colored pink scar on her left front leg. Getting to know Kion and the Lion Guard, especially after the heartbreaking loss of her grandmother and subsequent coronation as the new queen of the Tree of Life, helped Rani find the self-assurance that she needed to show that she was indeed ready to be queen, knowing that she had her friends and family at her side. Rani is a slender lioness, with chestnut brown fur and a dark brown stripe running down her back. The tip of her tail is dark brown. Rani VOICE Peyton Elizabeth Lee. She has three big, dark-brown spots on her right shoulder and four as well on her rear hind leg, along with two beneath her eyes. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She has a pair of light brown freckles on each side of her face. Rani is one of the characters of the upcoming fanfiction:Lion Guard Rewritten. She becomes Rani's Royal Mjuzi while she stayed at the Tree of Life. ", Showing her new friends around the Tree of Life, Kion speaks to Rani and helps cheer her up, Rani impressed with Kion's leading skills, Rani worries, if Kion's going home right away, Kion and Rani confesses their love for each other. Her inner ears are pink, and the top of her ears are dark brown. "Lion Guard? American Her eye rims, muzzle, paws and stomach fur is a mix of light-cream and gray. The two travel around the territory together and confess their love for one another ( Still, she doubted about their good intentions and was wary of Kion a few times after the fact, especially when it was revealed that Makucha and his army had followed the Lion Guard on their way to the Tree of Life. The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley and based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. Before Kion can answer, the guard arrives and they're wondering why they haven't departed yet? Nirmala's fur is chestnut brown. Rani asked and touched her forehead against Baliyo. Kion, the younger son of Simba and Nala, has adventures of his own with his friends who formed together with him are called the Lion Guard to protect the Pride Lands from any certain danger and many adventures to see Rights for the Lion King go to Disney ... Kopa's voice turned sterner. Photos of the The Lion Guard (Show) voice actors. This is PrinceBalto's take on Rani. She has blue eyes, a dark pink nose, a violet orange flower above her ear and she seems to have a dark brown stripe on her back similar to Rani's. Peyton Elizabeth Lee is the voice of Rani in The Lion Guard. Rani is a sleek young lioness, with reddish brown fur and a dark brown stripe running down her back. The brownish-cream color of her lower eye rims is also present on her muzzle, her underbelly and her paws. Bunga moaned. She has a red nose and her eyes are chocolate brown, and just above them is tawny, with the lower half becoming lighter. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Her daughter Makini inherited her eye color, facial features, and a similar hairstyle. 2015–present Rani thanks Kion for the compliment and says that she wants to be a great Queen as well and that a great queen could use a great king and floats the idea of Kion being her King and mate. Birthplace Rani is a female lion.She is the daughter of Sãhasí and Ãnanda, and the elder sister of Baliyo.She is also the mate of Kion, with whom she leads the Night Pride and rules the Tree of Life.. The tip of her tail is dark brown. Rani and the Night Pride mistake the Lion Guard, who came to cure Kion's scar and Ono's eyesight, as hostile animals, leading to a confrontation between the two and Rani forbids them from ever entering the Tree of Life(while disregarding it was her brother who started the conflict). As acheetah, her position on the team is the Fastest in the Pride Lands. American Peyton Elizabeth Lee is the voice of Rani in The Lion Guard. Kiara senses that Kion misses her which Kion admits to and Kiara says that maybe he can go back to the Tree of Life again someday stating their parents wouldn't mind. She is the leader of the Night Pride who eventually ascends the throne by becoming the current Queen of the Tree of Life with Kion as her King and mate. - Rani introduces herself to the Lion Guard Raniis the daughter of Jivin and Maya, and the older sister ofBaliyo. However, her tie to her species shines through in how often she laughs, Kion noting that the world is like a giant game to her. The story on Rani and her path to evil. Rani is a slender lioness, with chestnut fur with a brown stripe running down her back. The series was first broadcast with a television film titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015, and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016, on Disney Junior. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. "We'd be honored to help you as well, your grace. The top of her ears are lined with a similar brown, and her pink inner ears have dark brown fur underneath. SHOW COMMENTS (0) Why Is This One Of Your Favorites? 171 images (& sounds) of the The Lion Guard cast of characters. His name means "Leader" in Swahili language. ! Rani wishes that they would consider staying and most of the Lion Guard is open to the idea except for Fuli who is reluctant. "We heard some ferocious voice just now and we came in a flash to see what's going on. Janna has light-brown fur. Rani serves as the main deuteragonist of the series. Kion lists off Rani's great qualities and Kiara can tell that Kion has feelings for her. The back of her legs contain … Rani is a strong female leader, like her grandmother Janna. This brown-cream color is also present on her muzzle, her underbelly and her paws. Rani is a teenage lioness that was introduced in Season 3 of The Lion Guard, starting in the episode "The Tree of Life".