Celluloid lets you select where the MPV configuration file is located and lets you load your custom settings with ease. PotPlayer's reception has been positive[citation needed] with reviewers complimenting its wide range of settings and customizations,[1] as well as its lightweight nature[1] and its support for a large variety of media formats. Report Save. SMPlayer is a great option for those obsessed with mpv but without its hassles If you don’t have one, you can create one using our beginner friendly guide as reference, or if you have a Windows computer, maybe you can use Glow to generate an MPV config file quickly. If you plan to use your media player for music, you may find that Potplayer is the better choice for you. But a few weeks ago I switched to mpv, an alternative to VLC. Dann probieren Sie doch den PotPlayer aus. The version you get depends on your distro release, of course. A video payer that opens a video as quickly as possible and keeps out of my way is of more use to me. Bubbling below the austere UI is a veritable NASA dashboard of command line options and advanced configuration capabilities. mpv player Free, open source, and cross-platform media player. bomi is described as 'multimedia player aiming for easy usage but also providing various powerful features and convenience functions- User-friendly interface' and is an app in the Video & Movies category. Potplayer and it's not even close. I've moved over to MPC-BE for now. I admittedly can't remember what it was, I want to say it was an antivirus or toolbar. Player freezing when switching to fullscreen? The list of alternatives was last updated Sep 12, 2020 mpv is free and open-source media player software based on MPlayer, mplayer2 and FFmpeg.It runs on several operating systems, including the Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD-based, macOS) and the non-Unix Microsoft Windows, along with having an Android port called mpv-android. As mpv is primarily a CLI application it lacks a traditional interface (though there are various front-ends available for it). It’s also just as powerful as VLC but doesn’t put all of the toggles, levers and switches for that power in your face by default. ‘I wanted a video player that was a little less …there’. Other great ones are PotPlayer and SMPlayer. Mit dem minimalistischen Programm aus dem Hause VideoLAN kann man nahezu jedes Video- und Audioformat wiedergeben. My main reason behind switching to mpv player is that I wanted a video player that was a little less …there. By Jon L. Jacobi. Tested: VLC vs. Windows 10 video player. If you want to use vapoursynth's filters, make sure to install vapourysnth and python3 on your own. Oct 26, 2017 44. It has a ton of different settings which unfortunately makes wading through the checkbox-laden settings menu kind of a pain"[1] and that the options menu is "confusing". 0. MPV is a fork of mplayer2 and MPlayer. I’ll skip over the family tree of where MPV comes from (short version: it’s a fork of a fork of mplayer). by Christine Smith • 2021-02-06 13:40:21 • Proven solutions. MPV Player. A Brief Comparison: VLC Player vs 5K Player. Twitch Desktop App Windows interface to the Twitch online video game streaming site. PotPlayer 1.7.21419 Englisch: Sie suchen einen Videoplayer für alle Formate, der auch noch fit in der Bearbeitung der Clips ist? Report Save. It competes with other popular Windows media players such as VLC media player, GOM Player, KMPlayer, SMPlayer and Media Player Classic. VLC 1. The winner may surprise you. Picked by TechHive's Editors . It shares some features with the former projects while introducing many more. VLC Media Player, KM Player, VLC Reddit, Media Player Classic, MPV are some of the programs that can be alternatives to Potplayer. Potplayer asked to update recently and tried to shove some bloatware down my throat during the process. KMP VS VLC Media Player: What Are the Trumps of KMP and VLC? level 1. In mpv.conf file, try add this line: angle-flip=no or d3d11-flip=no for D3D11 backend. Viele User laden sich ihre Lieblings-Clips herunter, um sie im komprimierten Format mit dem VLC-Player jederzeit abzuspielen. Click to install mpv player from Ubuntu Software. Another vote for Potplayer - also been using it for years after using VLC before that. Which is the better free video player: MPC-HC 1.7.6 vs. VLC 2.2. Yes, the PotPlayer has a few advanced features that are lacking in VLC. We tested six video players on Windows 10 to see which gives you the best battery life. [4] Also of note, PotPlayer has now started showing popup ads on the lower right hand corner of a user's computer[5], "Powerful media player with support for lots of formats", "PotPlayer now Adware! If system space is a large issue for you, Potplayer may be a good VLC alternative, as Potplayer is a whopping 13.5 megabytes smaller than VLC. MPV is surely the only original video player project born in these years; on Windows, the visual quality (thanks to a lot of different video scalers) is very good, even if the trio MPC-HC + LAV Filters + madVR (or on Intel IGPU like mine HD4400 also with EVR - Intel DXVA context adaptive video scaler, Lanczos4 based) is a bit superior, with the same scaler (ex. Freelance contributor, TechHive | Today's Best Tech Deals. Global Potplayer potplayer.daum.net Kuno. PotPlayer Interesting and intuitive media player supporting all of the popular video and multimedia codecs and formats. The latest stable release of the player has a slightly different UI to the one you see in the screenshots. VLC is great, but there are better alternatives out there. Most of the time you’ll open the app by double-clicking on a video files, but there is a ‘stock’ GUI if you launch the app traditionally: When playing a video you can wiggle your mouse to access a small OSD controller with a modest set of options: pause, skip, seek, toggle subtitle and audio tracks, and so on. KMPlayer . Primarily, the former outshines the latter concerning its rare 3D format playback function, which allows you to experience the amazing 3D home cinema world with a low CPU Memory share and an optimized, stable playback supported by … Anyone else had this happen to them? Formats 5KPlayer VLC Media Player; High Definition Video: AVCHD Video H.264/H.265/MPEG-4 AVC MPEG2 HD Video MPEG-4 TS HD Video MPEG-2 TS HD Video Quick Time HD Video (*.mov) WMV HD Video (*.wmv, *.xwmv) Blu-ray Video (*.mts, *.m2ts) HDTV Video (*.ts) Matroska Video (*.mkv) 360° H.261/H.263/H.263i H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC Cinepak Theora Dirac /VC … APerhaps you can't wait to know what the unique features KMPlayer and VLC have. Don’t get me wrong: VLC can look pretty and minimal, like with the Arc theme VLC Skin, but by default, especially on Ubuntu, it’s… a little of its time. PotPlayer vs VLC. bomi Alternatives. VLC is open-source, obscenely powerful and plays dang well near everything you chuck at it. While mpv strives for minimalism and provides no real GUI, it has a small controller on top of the video for basic control. In fact, if I were to you all what video player you use on Ubuntu I’d be cowered by the collective cry of ‘VLC’! PotPlayer ist eine Anwendung deren Nachteil vor allem die zu Teil koreanischen Commands sind. The list quite literally goes on when you run mpv --help in a terminal, showing 445 options, no less. - Page 2 - VideoHelp Forum", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=PotPlayer&oldid=994940657, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hong Kong, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik (Cyrillic), Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek (Latin), This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 09:50. 1 year ago . Share your fors and against in the comments! level 2. 2. share. mpv is a free, open-source and cross-platform media player available for Windows, macOS, Linux and even BSD! Like VLC, mpv can play internet radio streams, video streams, apply various audio and video filters ‘live’, adjust quality, framerate, do color management, frame timing, interpolation…. It offers hardware acceleration via FFmpeg, with support for VDPAU and VAAPI (plus DXVA2 on Windows, and VDA and VideoToolbox video on macOS). Das Problem lässt sich aber auch lösen, indem man sich eine Englische Übersetzung herunterlädt. level 1. is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu 20.10 'Groovy Gorilla' – See What's New, helloSystem is a FreeBSD Distro Modelled on Mac OS X (Off Topic), How to Install WSL 2 on Windows 10 (Updated), This is What Firefox’s New ‘Proton’ Redesign Looks Like on Ubuntu, Ubuntu Backports a Major App Update to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 21.04 Release Date & Planned Features, Cawbird 1.3 Released with Improved DM Support, Video Uploading, GMusicBrowser is Back From the Dead with New GTK3 Port, Vivaldi Web Browser Now Has a Built-in Email Client, 5 Best Linux Distro Releases of 2020, Including Fedora, Manjaro & Pop!_OS, KDE Plasma 5.21 is Packed Full of Features, helloSystem is a FreeBSD Distro Modelled after Mac OS X, How to Install WSL 2 on Windows 10 May 2020 Update. Allerdings braucht man zum Abspielen von Filmen nicht wirklich die Sprache des Players beherrschen. Discover mpv alternatives, reviews, features and functionalities. It is based on MPlayer and focuses mainly on modern systems which have led to advancements in the original code of MPlayer and the introduction of new features. Is there a compelling reason to use mpv over VLC? The program does not need much space on your computer to operate, making it a wonderful option for those who struggle with their computer’s … PotPlayer is a multimedia software player developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system by South Korean Internet company Kakao (formerly Daum Communications). You can support SMPlayer with a small donation. There are more than 25 alternatives to bomi for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Android, Linux, Mac and iPhone. PotPlayer is a multimedia software player developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system by South Korean Internet company Kakao (formerly Daum Communications). 22. share. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked 18 alternatives to mpv.net so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Für viele PC- und Mac-User ist der VLC-Player seit Jahren ein unverzichtbares Tool. mpv is media player software, based on MPlayer and mplayer2. Written in C, Objective-C, Lua, and Python, MPV is another free and cross-platform media player released under GPLv2 or later with the latest stable release being v0.31.0. I’ll skip over the family tree of where MPV comes from (short version: it’s a fork of a fork of mplayer). 7. share. mpv is a free, open-source and cross-platform media player available for Windows, macOS, Linux and even BSD! … PotPlayer! In mpv.conf file, add this line: autofit-larger=88%. Jun 6, 2020 #23 K-Lite Codec Pack + MPC-BE is the way to go. Let’s discuss which one is better: PotPlayer or VLC! Have you tried mpv? We're once again changing our Windows App Directory to include PotPlayer as the best video player for Windows. A not too crappy GPU. If you want bleeding edge functionality, link against git versions of FFmpeg or if a package for your platform is not available or updated, you can build mpv from source code. In terms of features and functionality, both are almost interchangeable. And mpv does that perfectly. Is vapoursynth supported? When we see the main features of each, we know that both are amazing multimedia players but if you had to choose, which one would you pick? The main video output uses shaders for video rendering and scaling, rather than GPU fixed function hardware. MPV is ranked 23rd while MPlayer is ranked 50th. MPC vs VLC Media Player, Which One is Better. That depends on your needs. Continue this thread level 2. Another few pluses (for me, at least) is smooth seek-bar scrubbing, MKV chapter support, subtitle support, and (once again for emphasis) its super speedy start-up times. Member. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS offers mpv 0.14.x, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has 0.27.x, and Ubuntu 18.10 has 0.29.x. Download MPV Player. Still have VLC but rarely use it. To use mpv instead of MPlayer, open the SMPlayer preferences dialog and select mpv as multimedia engine in the General tab. A Decent VLC Alternative. Learn interesting things about SMPlayer in our blog. You don’t need super-powers to predict that most Linux users use VLC as their default media player. PotPlayer for desktop, and Mxplayer for Android. If you're just watching things on a laptop with stereo speakers, VLC is probably fine though I found MPC-BE to have more robust features for use in a home theater setup. Other interesting mpv.net alternatives are MPC-HC (Free, Open Source), MPV (Free, Open Source), PotPlayer (Free) and SMPlayer (Free, Open Source). Die wachsende Popularität von YouTube, DailyMotion und anderen Video-Streaming-Websites hat auch die Beliebtheit des VLC-Players immens gesteigert. The installer gives the option to opt-out before the bundled 3rd party software is installed. KM Player has a very similar interface and usability to Potplayer; interestingly, it was built by the same team.