Pokémon Crystal Dust Walkthrough Part 1 - The Beginning. If they landed on one of those 3 routes again, then "rinse & repeat.". Right at the beginning are three Bikers that are part of the Kanto Pokémon Federation group, who are mad that the Underground Path is closed off. Pokémopolis :: Bar Pokémon :: Astuces,Soluces Pokémon. 45 -- Bike to RT. Double Hunting can yield up to 40+ ‘MPH when targeting all 3 Roamers, and 30+ ‘MPH when targeting just 1 specific Roamer. During the almost 2,000 hours that HangarOfRoam streamed of himself shiny hunting in Mahogany Town, naturally discussion of how to improve the shiny hunts came up. The user known as "Ice Flame" and his post on Glitch City in June 2016, as well as Metarkrai M, and his youtube video that followed later in that same year, November 2016 - really set the stage for what has been realized now. But at this point I wasn't concerned with that - I just wanted to see which route and method would produce the most MPH. 1/8 is about 12.5%, so out of every 8 or 9 soft resets you do, you should expect to land a Roamer on RT. Then bike back into Mahogany and Dex Check again to see if you hit a “Good route.”, Conversely, IF you went to try and encounter a Roamer at RT. Meaning you have about a 8-12% chance of phasing with this Method. During one of my original playthroughs as a kid, I was back tracking out of Union Cave onto Route 32. Go up and around and you'll see two boulders. There were 3 locations where the shinies were found before January 2020: Route 37, Route 38, and Cherrygrove City. Go back to … If not, Fly again. Contributed By: KeyBlade999 3 0 « See More or Submit Your Own! The one you pick will be holding a Berry. Ignore the red-haired kid that kicks you out of his way, and enter the lab. Finally, to get rid of an item permanently, use Toss Item and select the item to throw away. It can almost be seen as the equivalent of a really long soft reset starter hunt. If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up pokemonmasterjustin and share this with your freinds. 46 Method previously discussed. Jump to: navigation, search. 37 back to RT. Simply walk right through it and - welcome to New Bark Town! Atk. 29 in the South. 42, RT. That gives us 121/1,000, or in other words - If we soft resetted 1,000 times, then on 121 of those resets, we would have expected to land a Roamer on either RT. Switching back to New Dex Mode while in A-Z Mode: This is one of my bigger discoveries. For those who have habitually used Mystery Gift, you'll be able to take on the Pokemon that the last person you Gifted with had. Optional: Have caught/fainted Entei. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A level 17 or higher Pokemon at the top of your party; 3.) Expect 19-22 total ‘MPH with this method. When held, it powers-up a Pokémon's Normal-type moves. HangarOfRoam's 1,730 hours put into Mahogany Town was a real-life sample size of just how effective Mahogany Method could be. To get out of your house, there is a mat at the door. IF you had NO good and/or maybe routes after the first teleport - then Teleport a 2nd time. Please contact our advertising representatives, https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Appendix:Crystal_walkthrough/Section_1&oldid=2860136, East of the gate, in the northeast corner, On the hill just east of Cherrygrove City. 42 and RT. At least 4 Max Repels and/or at least 6 Super Repels (do not use just regular Repels); 4.) If you PokeDex check and see a Roamer on RT. Expect 22-26 total ‘MPH with this method, in Crystal with BOTH Roamers. You can take the elevator down to the B1F (basement) but there's not much of interest at the moment, except an Ultra Ball in the southeast corner. Pokémon Crystal Dust Walkthrough Part 1 - The Beginning. Expect 23-26 total ‘MPH with this method. 42 or RT. 42 or RT. Elm gives you his phone number on your way out, and as you leave, his assistant gives you a Potion. Repeat one more time. 38, PokeDex check the Roamers you desire, to see if any of them are on the Route. Jump to: navigation, search. 38, with a Super Repel already on. Optional #1: Two Masterballs. 1/10.5 is about 9.5%, so out of every 10 or 11 soft resets you do, you should expect to land a Roamer on RT. 44). This Method will benefit people looking for the highest expected 'MPH for targeting one specific Roamer in either Gold, Silver, or Crystal. As well as a Decoration option still a 48.4 % in fraction form ) Roamer there ) 33.3 )... As well ): if a Roamer if you hit the Roamer, equip Pokemon March becomes more! The 2nd teleport, and 3 Raikou/Entei combinations essentially, all Entei to! First keep in mind of course, there is a variety of Berries can! 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