And then you can just heal it back up! And finally, the Bracers of Defense are a great item to round out your Monk. Monks are one of the most fun classes to play in Dungeons & Dragons. 5e … It can be used as a support class, thanks to sub-classes like Monk of Tranquility. My experience with a Monk was brief - the first campaign of 5e I ran only went from 1-5 or so. Go. Your speed is only 25 feet but you get the ability to move through the spaces or larger creatures and be hidden by them. +1 to AC, for a +4 to AC (without magic armor). Each of these replicates spells such as burning hands, cone of cold, fireball, and thunderwave. Re: [5E] Monks .... underpowered, overpowered or just right? The class’s ability Unarmoured Defense calculates your armor based on your Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers as long as you’re not wearing armor. Only one of them requires you to be past level 10! All builds from "Core rules only" are also legal by these rules. That’s +3 to AC from class alone! It only costs two Ki and has a range of 30 feet. RELATED: The 10 Best Dungeons & Dragons Adventures In D&D History, Ranked. November 9, 2020 Jason Toro Gaming, Table Top 0. If you’re going to play a monk in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, you probably want to know how to use a monk’s abilities to effectively help your friends and vanquish your foes. It costs two Ki to use and it allows you to fire a compressed air at foes up to 30 feet away. As a word of warning, these builds should be brought up to your DM before play. TEMPORARY NOTE: RPGBOT is undergoing a massive update for DnD 5e content to accommodate rules changes and new content introduced by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Did they notice you? That’s awesome! Starting off with the most infamous Monk ability, "Stunning Strike" is generally viewed as being the most overpowered Monk class feature. So, this one’s a little tricky, and it’s just barely on the cusp of being thrown out of a table; It depends a little bit on your DM. You should also take something for Eldritch Blast. And this is by no means a comprehensive list; I didn’t even touch Paladin, which can be ridiculous with Warlock and Fighter alike! 40d4. First, it's a cheap discipline, costing only a single Ki. (5e) 5th Edition. The unlucky victims will take half damage if they can make the save. Thread starter Epic Cave Slime; Start date Sep 11, 2014; Tags 5th edition dungeon & dragons 5e; 1; 2; 3 … Go to page. Rogue gives you two gigantic benefits; Expertise for Athletics (to double your modifier), and Cunning Action (so you can Dash as a bonus action). This tendril of water will strike your target and they’ll have to make a Dexterity save. Flames of the Phoenix is quite simply, the spell fireball. This is the most infamous build, and for good reason. 5e Optimized Character Build Preload; Absolute Stealth ; Archer w/ 250 Dmg in one turn ; Armor Class Guide: w/ or w/o Items, Spells and More ; Captain Sneaky Booming Zephyr Strike: The ultimate hit & run Fire 4 attacks with advantage, action surge, fire 2 more attacks with advantage. How about an Aarakocra? Those are the kind of character builds on this list. 1 of 7 Go to page. One thing to consider when multiclassing is the fact that going OP (Overpowered) requires you to multiclass in ways that utilize one or two Ability Scores. The Goodberry spell produces 10 berries, each healing 1 HP. You can transform Warlock Spell slots into Sorcery Points, and then Sorcery Points into Sorcerer spells. By the time you reach level 20, you’ll have five disciplines to use in battle. If you’re tired of a hard DM, or wanting to do some ridiculous damage without too much effort, we have a few builds that might work well for you! This class can be slow to start off but here are ten ways to make an overpowered Monk once it gets off the ground. Epic Cave Slime Passed the TEST OF MEAT! Conversely, for every awesome build, there are some that are less than awesome (also included here). On impact, the target will have to make a Strength saving through. They still keep the supportive spells of Cleric and get a good interception option. Of the standard 5th editionraces, hill dwarves, stout halflings, wood elves, and variant humans are the clear winners for races suited to a strong monk build, based on their bonuses and racial features. Is my Monk overpowered, or did I just get lucky? Warforged gain a +1 to AC from Integrated Armor. If our Light Cleric 5E Guide tells us anything, this domain is a good time. It’s absurd, but if your DM is okay with spellcasters you should be fine… Though your Wizard and Cleric might start feeling a bit bad. The Rune Knight fighter subclass from this UA has a class feature allowing them to inscribe runes on objects. However, the spell deals 3d8 thunder damage to those who fail. By Derrick Dedmon Posted on April 25, 2018 September 19, 2018 Cat Optimized. Please be patient while these changes are made. This is a great way to fill that gap. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. These are pretty infamous, and most of them are really simple to do. Speed can be a Monk’s friend. This build starts being super effective at level 10 when you get swift quiver, and at level 16 it is overpowered as all get out. The universal thread running through all of them is a Monk/Psionic Fist combination that leads to extremely high unarmed damage, great speed, and feats and class abilities (most crucially, the Psionic Fist's psionic abilities) tha… First, the paladin's absolute highest stat is going to be either strength or dexterity, with no exceptions; paladins are a martial-based class first and foremost. Of course not. Clerics also get magic that can boost AC (like Shield of Faith). This is another one that is available at any time in your career as a Monk. 5E Drowning Guide | Breath Holding, Rules, How to Avoid, 5E Grappling Guide | What is Grappling in D&D, How to Use It, Ready to roll through your next campaign with an animal friend by your side? The Digital Dungeon Master has created 5e character sheets to help you get going. This is a strong discipline that will be available to you from the start. Second, it extends the reach of your unarmed attacks by 10 feet for the turn and converts your damage into fire damage. You get all of the perks of being an elf: dark vision, fey ancestry, proficiency in perception, and weapon proficiencies. For your fifth discipline, take the Fangs of the Fire Snake. It's very similar to the Water Whip in many ways such as damage and effects. See our Ultimate 5e Rogue Fighter Multiclass Guide for our analysis on this multiclass combination. In order to curb this, it might be worth only taking 1-3 levels in one class and focusing on the other in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Monkserker. Max DPS Build in D&D 5e. Grave Cleric 5E Guide | Attributes, Tips, Builds, and More, Ranking the Best Monk Subclasses | Monk Archetypes 5E Guide, Eldritch Adept Feat 5E Guide | Pros, Cons, and Builds, Order of Scribes 5E Guide | Wizard Subclass from Tasha’s Cauldron. Last Updated: February 1st, 2021. The Bracers of Defense grant two extra points to your AC as long as you are not wearing armor or using a shield. The ability unlocks after the Monk hits fifth level, and allows them to exchange one "ki" (the Monk's resource system to use special abilities) point to attempt to stun an enemy until the end of the Monk's next turn. The Wood Elf is one of two top choices for creating a Monk. However, the most impressive part of this build is it’s level 1 AC. However, if your party likes these kinds of crazy builds, then you have a recipe for some shenanigans! These optimized character builds use rules only found within WotC source books. My DM’s response to my monk at the end of our last session: “Sonuvabitch!” Why, you may ask? Now, when the target fails their Athletics check? However, it's still worth taking this discipline because it gives you five more feet of range. To start off character creation for a powerful paladin, let's set the record straight on a paladin's ideal ability scores--certain stats may have an effect on what race and feats are chosen further down the road. These boots give you the necessary movement to retreat and weave across the battlefield and help to offset the danger of enemies taking advantage of your low AC. […], One of the best parts of playing a Warlock in D&D is the spells that come with it. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ada0f8909ced1237b1ee88f7af64fa5a" );document.getElementById("e6de52daa9").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you max out your Dexterity, you’ll at least have an AC of 15 but that is decidedly low. If you wanted to, you could multiclass two levels into Fighter or Ranger to gain yet another +1 to AC, for a +4 to AC (without magic armor). They do not count as armor so by wearing them you won’t compromise your Unarmoured Defense. Multi-classing! 4. Join the Scoundrel Game Labs Mailing List! There are several variants of the Ultimate Monk presented here. As a Monk, you are not going to have any area-of-effect moves in your toolbox and this can be frustrating when trying to support your team. Validated User. If the target fails, not only do they 3d10 of bludgeoning damage but you can move them 25 feet or they are knocked to the ground. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. This subclass revolves around gaining what is essential spells as you level up. However, as good as this is… it’s just healing. If they fail, they take 3d10 of bludgeoning damage, are pushed 20 feet away, and knocked to the ground. While the options presented here may be the optimal build for a monk (in my opinion), the beauty of D&D character creation is that the only limit is your imagination so feel free to build your character whichever way you want to. Is The D&D Monk's Stunning Strike Overpowered? If you missed my previous article on the Fighter just click here.Today we are going in the dojo with the monk!As before I want to take up some space and talk about the class as a whole. DnD 5e - Monk Subclass Breakdown. Third, you can use one more Ki to throw a bonus d10 of fire damage onto the attack. Now with all of that out of the way, check out our fun and combat savvy monk build down below. That’s fine, since it leads to some absolutely hilarious build possibilities! It’s by far the best use of Grapple, and doesn’t have much feat requirements or anything. Re: Dive - 10 Important Things To Do In The Beginning Of The Game, Resident Evil: 15 Things You Never Knew About Ethan Winters, 10 RPGs You Didn’t Know Were Coming In 2021, 10 Pokémon Who Look Nothing Like Their Base Form, Mass Effect: 5 Vital War Assets Against The Reapers (And 5 Minor Ones), Pokemon: The 5 Best Types (& 5 That Are Overrated), 10 Things Everyone Completely Missed In The Medium, 7 Reasons Witcher 2 Is Better Than Witcher 3 (And 7 Why 3 Will Always Be The Best), The 10 Weirdest Looking Pokemon Trading Cards, Ranked, Pokemon Anime: The Ages, Hometowns, And Known Relatives Of Ash And 9 Of His Companions, 10 Hilarious Mass Effect Memes That Only Veteran Players Will Understand. Your email address will not be published. This effect can be turned on and off but you only get ten total minutes worth per long rest. Longstrider gives you more movement speed, and Spike Growth deals guaranteed damage when you move someone. If the target succeeds they take half damage and suffer no additional effects. Properly optimized, an unarmed monk can overpower a barbarian, out-maneuver a rogue, provide his own buffs, and do more than hundred points of damage four to five times a round. […], Building a character for your next 5E campaign? Part of this list will be which disciplines will make for the best monk. This one is kinda just fun. That’s one of the few ways to keep building AC, and you can get Action Surge or Ranger Spells to help compliment your build. The only question is which stat players want to rely on for their combat s… All who hear it need to make a Constitution saving throw. This is not a negative, in fact, it's just the opposite. You won’t be able to take this ability until you are level 17 but it is something to look forward to. To pull that off though, you need movement. D&D 5E was not well-balanced around the concept of multiclassing. You can use your Ki points to make them stronger which is basically casting the spell at a higher level. None of these builds will necessarily destroy a campaign by themselves, but they will make your fellow party members feel a bit bad. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), The Best Berries – Life Cleric with Goodberry, Beast Master Ranger 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More, The Aarakocra Race for 5th Edition D&D | Aarakocra 5E Guide, Best Warlock Spells in 5E Ranked | Warlock Spells 5E Guide. In addition, you can spend more Ki to up the damage. Have someone caste Enlarge on you. RELATED: D&D: 10 Dungeon Master Memes That Are Hilariously True. We can get you started withour Aarakocra 5E Guide. Go. In addition, they get a 35-foot movement instead of the standard 30. An added perk is that non-organic creatures, such as constructs, for example, has a disadvantage on the saving throw. Wanna do some more damage? This spell magically emits a shrill, piercing sound that can be heard in a 60-foot radius from the point of origin. Have someone give you Haste. Without further ado, here are 5 Broken 5E Builds that are allowed in the game. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, 10 Open-World Games You Didn’t Know Were Coming In 2021, 10 Tips On How To Make An Overpowered Monk In Dungeons & Dragons, DnD: 10 Crazy Magical Items From The Dungeon Master's Guide, The 10 Best Dungeons & Dragons Adventures In D&D History, Ranked, D&D: 10 Dungeon Master Memes That Are Hilariously True, Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Things Dungeon Masters Can Do (That Players Have No Idea About), 10 Most Powerful Spells In The Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Dungeons and Dragons: All the Paladin Smite Spells, Ranked, Stardew Valley: Every Main Character’s Age, Height, And Birthday, Cyberpunk Vs. Witcher Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words, Genshin Impact: 10 Hilarious Paimon Comics That Have Us Laughing, Princess Connect! Get two levels in Warlock, giving you the Moon Invocation. Now, get Divine Soul Sorcerer and level the heck out of that. Monk. RELATED:10 Ways To Make An Overpowered Sorcerer In Dungeons and Dragons. This discipline is available when your Monk reaches level three so as soon as you can, this is a great one to take. Your armor class generally won’t be as high as other classes so sometimes, the strategy is to hit and run. And they’re stuck. The Breath of Winter discipline is quite expensive at a cost of 6 Ki points. 2. Sample fight: Cast Swift Quiver out of earshot, then sneak up with your +13 stealth modifier. Depending on the kind of Monk you create, this Ki is used in different ways. I’m back with the fourth installment of my series Multiclass Character Builds in Dungeons & Dragons 5E. Generally speaking, they don’t cast spells and those who do, do so in a very stylized way, with the “spell” acting as guidelines for their Monk abilities. D&D 5E was not well-balanced around the concept of multiclassing. It can be a quasi-defense class, though I am not fond of the monk’s defensive capabilities. Wood Elves make great Monks as they get a boost of two to their Dexterity. 7; Next. They fight with their fists or very simple weapons. The subclass in question is below (with most of the non-mechanical text abridged for brevity): Way of the Unmastered Monk Tread Down the Sword. Forum: D&D 5e/Next The forum for conversations specifically related to Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ("D&D Next") rules and procedures, including playtest packets and speculation. Only one of them requires you to be past level 10! Jam 10 berries down someone’s throat at level 2 and suddenly they’re healed for 40. As a DM, I found the Monk to reliably be a pain in the butt - they're fast, they've got a lot of tools to ruin peoples day, and their AC is reasonably high. Without further ado, here are 5, ! That’s like a tiny little Heal spell! Fireball has a reputation for being a powerful spell used to either kill entire rooms, effectively killing well-planned combat encounters or a suicidal bomb. In addition, if you roll a nat 1, you can reroll it. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. I am currently a kensei monk working towards battlemaster, but I won't be online until 9. Related: DnD: 10 Crazy Magical Items From The Dungeon Master's Guide. Your Ki points are used to activate various elemental disciplines. Great Sword = 2d6 + 5 Great Weapon Master Feat = + 10. The Boots of Speed are just the magical item to give your Monk a boost; especially if you choose the Lightfoot Halfling. As is usual, if the victims make it, they take half damage. This one is kinda just fun. You need 10 levels in Druid and 2 levels in Rogue. There are a few domains that are blaster roles, and this one stands as one of the better options. Hey guys, relative noob here with a question about monk attacks. We don't need no stinkn' magic swords. Sep 11, 2014 #1 I'm asking for a friend, of course. From building your character from the ground to the choices to make when you’re in the midst of your campaign, here are the ten best ways to make your bard the most overpowered of them all. The Monkserker suffers from Multi Area Discipline or MAD which makes this multiclass build, not as game-breaking as others. That’s fine, since it leads to some absolutely hilarious build possibilities! […]. This can make all the difference during battle. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. These are pretty infamous, and most of them are really simple to do. Now you can grab gigantic things, and deal 60d4 damage! Follow this guide to discover how to best optimize the skills, weapons, features, and abilities for a D&D 5e Monk class character build. You need 10 levels in Druid and 2 levels in. This spell produces a 60-foot cone of freezing air from you, and everyone in the area of effect must make a Constitution saving throw. Greater Restoration stops exhaustion, so you no longer need to rest. If you’re tired of a hard DM, or wanting to do some ridiculous damage without too much effort, we have a few builds that might work well for you! This is a casting of the spell cone of cold. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. That’s right; they can’t even Legendary Saving Throw out of this! This one is great for dishing out damage and maintaining control of the battlefield. Likewise, a monk changes the damage calculation of an unarmed strike to the Martial Arts die and enables Dexterity to be used in place of Strength. This is a simple multiclass; both Warlock and Sorcerer use Charisma. I would argue that a player shouldn’t take more than two or three levels in Rogue when multiclassing with a Fighter, as he’ll miss out too much on awesome high-level Fighter abilities. Elves make great Monks as they also get magic that can be slow to start off but get. Them stronger which is basically casting the spell shatter way of casting the deals.: dark vision, fey ancestry, proficiency in perception, and find a way to.. Good reason you Max out your Dexterity, you can transform Warlock spell slots as long as can... Have permanent Sorcerer spell slots into Sorcery points into Sorcerer spells he n't. Often essential to the ground damage, are pushed 20 feet away, and for good reason by feet. Dexterity, you can reroll it off the ground for dishing out damage and effects re going discuss... Elf is one overpowered monk build 5e the spell shatter your +13 stealth modifier overpowered to... 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