His suspicion is proven when she tries to bribe him to vote for her in the auditions. While bathing, he expresses his fondness for taking a cold bath while others convey their views on what they like. As he watches how the fight between Ainz and Shalltear plays out, Cocytus can't help but voice his astonishment, amazement, and excitement at seeing his master freely use the equipment and items formerly used by the Supreme Beings respectively. Cocytus was created by Warrior Takemikazuchi as the Floor Guardian of the 5th Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He has a neutral alignment, which stands out against the many evil entities in Nazarick. Cocytus / k oʊ ˈ s aɪ t ə s / or Kokytos / k oʊ ˈ k aɪ t ə s / (Ancient Greek: Κωκυτός, literally "lamentation") is the river of wailing in the underworld in Greek mythology. As if his mood had infected the minions following him, their steps were also dark and weighty. Overlord Wallpaper - Overlord Wallpapers, Pictures, Images. Learning that Ainz still has some tasks to do, he finds it hard to accept how his master is persistently handling work while NPCs like them are supposed to do it for him. by Shinsokai Follow. Including the brand new, released-two-days-before-moving-day copy of one of your favorite fantasy light novels. That lizardmen arc was nice for two reasons, the lake war that didnt include Cocytus, and lizard sex. Like the others, he is given three gold coins to be used as his salary by Ainz. It wasn't just that nobleman alone, but Demiurge also supports Cocytus' way of thinking, choosing to spare an expendable portion of the nobility who are at least somewhat capable and worthy for Ainz to rule over. When seeing Ainz go out of his way to do tasks still, Cocytus can't help but sometimes also feel sadly inadequate and incompetent as he himself couldn't be able to fulfill the work in his master's stead. He informs Ainz that he plans to practice this sitting position for when he must someday bear his master upon his back. One of the Greater Doppelgängers in Erich String Orchestra tells Ainz about Cocytus requesting that they record their battle with him. Cocytus asks his master if what he did pleases him or not. Believing that his army is more enough to defeat the lizardmen and easily win, Cocytus simply orders them to attack head on. During the meeting, he prepares to apologize, but is stopped by Ainz and Albedo. El anime es "Overlord", y esta subtitulado en español, le puse los remarcos y demas por el copyright! His stats and abilities is the typical Cocytus likens himself as the 'sword' of Ainz Ooal Gown, that executes his master's wishes. 5th Floor Guardian After that quick battle, where Cocytus kills all of them with his hands, he returns to Ainz's side and is informed by his master that he cannot rule over the lizardmen through fear. .evileye, zesshi zetsumei, albedo, mare bello fiore, albedo (cosplay), demiurge, shalltear bloodfallen, cocytus, entoma vasilissa zeta, climb (overlord), hamusuke (overlord), clementine (overlord), enri. Cocytus listens to the suggestions offer by his vassals, borrowing their wisdom in order to dictate what his next course of action will be before then casting another Message Scroll once more to the undead commander. Send to Friend. What Cocytus felt most afraid of is the notion that he could possibly disappoint his master and be abandoned because of it. However, Ainz convinces him that should he be in peril or negotiations deteriorate, Cocytus will be called upon to his side on the battlefield if the situation arise. He recommends his master to let him use items as a substitute for sleep. Under Ainz's order, from this moment forward, Cocytus is forbidden to harm Zenberu's friends in the village even if the lizardman chooses to oppose his master. After verifying Sebas' loyalty, Cocytus is asked for his opinion concerning his decision to allow Tuare to join Nazarick, which he has no objections to. He reasons with Albedo that a sequential attack would be safer to do where they can attack in waves and wear down Shalltear’s HP and MP, which Ainz would have done rationally. Cocytus is offered several hints and cues by Demiurge on why Ainz gave him such low-tier undead forces to begin with. But the boxes are finally empty and Overlord, Vol 4 has been read! Nevertheless, Cocytus's frustration with the lizardman is held back at the order of his liege. Among the lizardmen… Never in … Once he takes Brain's katana weapon and commands his Frost Virgins to freeze the warrior's corpse, Cocytus resumes his walk to Ro-Lente Castle. Cocytus is present with his fellow Floor Guardians at a meeting with their master Ainz Ooal Gown. Unable to give the proper answer his master wants, Cocytus is asked once more by Ainz how he felt when commanding the battle and what he learned from it. However, since this is not sufficient reasoning to convince his master, Cocytus is assisted by Demiurge, who reasons with Ainz that they can use the lizardman to experiment on Nazarick's rulership. Knowing his defeat, Cocytus doesn't mind if his master reprimands him. He, however, considers Aura's request for keeping the hydra's children.[14]. After the misunderstandings are cleared up, Ainz informs him of his intentions to go to the Dwarf Kingdom and forge diplomatic relations. Shop Cocytus Overlord bath mats designed by independent artists. They afterwards were in an experiment to see whether Hamsuke could learn arts. With Ainz permitting questions to be asked by the Floor Guardians, Cocytus is the second person after Aura to question the strategy of their operation. He and Demiurge direct their murderous intent at Sebas and Tuare until they are reprimanded by Ainz to stop while their master continues his interrogation on the two. Sebas training Climb. He is normally seen carried with one of his signature weapons. In the New World, Kolmolthan wasn't particularly ill-prepared, but to say she was prepared was probably an … Warrior Takemikazuchi [8], Cocytus is summoned to the center of the Tob Forest to fight against Zy'tl Q'ae. He takes thrill in dueling worthy warriors who caught his attention, looking to challenge their resolve head on and even possibly, recruit them if a chance presents itself. main character. His overall appearance resembles that of an armored knight. Cocytus (コキュートス) is a Floor Guardian of the 5th Floor in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The fight is in full HD quality and it's not an amv. Discover what communities, celebrities and influencers talk about. With the help of the resources offered by the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Cocytus and Demiurge quickly … 65 Favourites. Sebas vs Zero. English VA Once Cocytus receives the scrolls, he is informed by the insect maid that they are made with the skin that Demiurge works hard to obtain. The Floor Guardian shows his guest hospitality, even shaking the undead's hand as they serve the same master. Later, Cocytus presents the lizardman Zenberu to Ainz for questioning as commanded by his master. Cocytus in the OVA map of the underworld. Cocytus is in charge of laying the capital under siege and upon raiding it, he is later confronted by the warrior Brain. In his myth story, he uses the tone of a classic Japanese children folk tale. ... 3545 , … He is told by the lizardman Kyuku Zuzu that Cocytus wishes to present something to his master. He was tolerant about it to the point that he had already prepared himself to be slain if given the order to do so. He states that there is no creation of the 41 Supreme Beings whom he do not get along, having only speak to them but not met them in person. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After Ainz emerges victorious from his battle, he and the other Floor Guardians beg him to never do such a thing again, and to allow them to handle any future incidents that may come from here on out. Without one, he fears that Nazarick denizens will result to infighting disputes within the tomb emotionally and ideologically.[4]. Overlord Chapter 1 Later, Ainz congratulates Cocytus … Download the best overlord … He happily imagines himself as a cool old uncle, loyally serving Momonga’s heir, until Demiurge brings him back to reality. Later on, he is seen training on the 5th Floor and is approached by Shalltear. It is also revealed by Ainz that Cocytus is the one in charge of laying siege to the capital. ... im starting to get the feeling this sub is largely ignorant of non anime Emilia. The Sorcerer Kingdom is a nation from the light novel series, Overlord. 6. Overlord is created by Kugane Maruyama and the illustrations is created by so-bin. Great Tomb of NazarickArmy of Death However, according to Word of God he's actually a poor leader because of his very limited worldview (a flaw shared by most Lizardmen). Cocytus sempre gosta de uma boa batalha e tem um grade senso de honra ele se orgulha muito de sua posição como defensor de Nazarick, ele é um pouco invejoso de seus colegas Guardiões. When this is done, he starts dealing with the five strongest lizardmen and the two Swamp Elementals simultaneously, taking care to slay them one by one until he emerges as the victor of the bout. Entoma informs Ainz that Cocytus wishes to send over a Lizardman as emissary to him with a report concerning the village’s status and seeks his permission to open a Gate, which their master permits. The Red Eyes have agreed to an alliance, ... Space Trap . However, Cocytus is not without acknowledgement from his master as Ainz considers his sitting position to have advantages to it, noting the cold, cool sensation he emanate would be best on summer days. He is informed by Ainz that they're at the E-Rantel inn with Narberal Gamma. Nonetheless, Cocytus admits that he had never once seen such weapons and its powers utilized in battle before until his master Ainz Ooal Gown equipped it in combat against Shalltear Bloodfallen. With Cocytus as the leading commander alongside Mare, who is second-in-command after him, he and the Floor Guardian are permitted to use the full extent of their abilities. With Satoshi Hino, Yumi Hara, Masayuki Katô, Kenta Miyake. With the help of his extra arms, he is capable of wielding four of his twenty-one weapons at once, allowing him to deal the highest damage per second of any floor guardian. Collecting Weapons 13 dez 2020 13/12/2020. No one knows who she is, or where she came from. When Demiurge asks if the punishment should be on Philip alone, Cocytus refuses to have it just end there and suggests the same punishment to also be imposed on that nobleman's master.[26]. Share. Having an enormous body size of 2.5 meters, Cocytus has the appearance of an insect walking on two feet - a fusion between a mantis and an ant. Overlord. Cocytus, the new overseer of the lizardmen did not permit this to happen and instead sought after other alternative methods. He is also a person who is diligent with whatever task was given to him such as training either alone, with Ainz or with the lizardmen in swordsmanship. Submit; Häftiga Grejer ; Swedish Logga in; Register; Wallpaper Abyss Anime Overlord. Sebas training Climb. When deciding on a ruler-type name suitable for their master, he suggests addressing Ainz Ooal Gown as the Sorcerer King for their newly founded nation. End and Beginning 24m. Cocytus Korean Manga 371. Once there, it is decided that Cocytus and the lizardmen will to go on a mission together. Zaryusu Shasha (ザリュース・シャシャ) is a lizardman of the Green Claw Tribe and the younger brother of Shasuryu Shasha. Nonetheless, he is bitter to see that Demiurge has pulled even further ahead of him after aiding his master with the making of these scrolls. This causes Demiurge to praise him and Shalltear for understanding the reason behind why their master made the decision he did by sending in weak forces.[27]. Unknown Intruder, this article requires your contribution to the Overlord Fandom!It is clearly in dire need of a serious cleanup. Media Information Seeing Iguva=41 being destroyed and his army being defeated by the lizardmen, he realizes that his mission to annihilate the lizardmen has failed. For that reason, he was willing to accept a personal defeat but not one that will disgrace and humiliate the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the 41 Supreme Beings. Thus, it meant Ainz wanted world domination, and experimenting on ruling his subjects. Exhibit 1: Cocytus. He reasons that they can be used to breed future warriors powerful enough to serve Nazarick while instilling to them a strong sense of loyalty. He is shortly later joined by Demiurge and Mare, who arrive to see their master being troubled by Albedo's action, readying his halberd to do battle with the Overseer if she continues to act that way. During his arrival at the Amphitheater, he stops the argument between Aura and Shalltear in front of their master. Cocytus even receives permission from his master to call on the aid of others, which will require considerable resources, manpower, and rations. Cocytus Vs Lizardman. Cocytus is consoled by Ainz when the latter comforts him, saying that he will one day be on par with Demiurge as long as he continues learning by doing other things like ruling the Lizardman Village. After that, he discusses the matter with Demiurge and begins to build superior fish farms. Discover (and save!) As a result, when Demiuge attempts to go and assist his master, Cocytus quickly blocks the Floor Guardian from leaving by brandishing his weapon in front of him. Light Novel Furthermore, Cocytus would even considered keeping the corpse of the warrior he slain as trophies for safekeeping, making sure to have them kept well-preserve and intact via ice to bring back home with him. In addition, he formally requests as the Overseer of the lizardman to prevent the seizure of Rororo by Aura, which Ainz deems reasonable. Finding little interest in the goods offered in E-Rantel, the Floor Guardians seek advice from Sebas Tian and Narberal Gamma. He watches how the destruction of his undead forces playes out from behind the scene as the Lizardmen Alliance devastates it in warfare. Log In Sign Up. His work is commended by Ainz during a meeting with the Floor Guardians in Nazarick. An insectoid heteromorph, he was created by Takemikazuchi to be an honourable warrior and is also tasked with keeping a cache of powerful weapons for the tomb. Ruler of the Frozen Glacier Another wish is that as a loyal warrior, Cocytus wants Ainz to have an heir who he can look after and protect so that the future of the Guardians will be secure. Though Cocytus takes pride in his position as Nazarick's defender, he is somewhat envious of his fellow Floor Guardians. Anime/Manga Overlord/ ... the new 'lake', along with the plants that attracted the insects that the fish liked. Cocytus asks for their names and grants them the honor of death by his God Slaying Emperor Blade. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. He also employs a tactic to successfully conquer several cities without problems using an undead army borrowed from his master. When Aura wants to have Rororo, Cocytus furiously denies it, stating he will not allow his charges' property to be taken and will even bring the issue before Ainz's attention should Aura escalate it. Based on his conversation with Shalltear, he fondly enjoys the idea of honing and crossing blades with his master in the ways of swordsmanship if permitted the chance to duel him. As there were no intruders on the 5th Floor of Nazarick, Cocytus briefly discusses with Ainz about his free time there where he has been training in order to be ready for deployment at any time. Cocytus is a supporting character in Overlord, and is the Guardian of the 5th Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. 2560x1440 Cocytus Vs Lizardman Wallpaper Background Image. See more ideas about anime, manga, art. Cocytus é muito leal à Ainz , como é mostrado quando ele impediu Demiurge, sob a ordem de Ainz de interferir na luta contra Shalltear, embora ele também temia a possivelmente perda de seu mestre. [23], Cocytus attends a meeting to create a mythology of his master in order to solidify his hold over the masses. Cocytus, knowing something suspicious is up, attempts to rebuff her. With a tail twice as long as his height, Cocytus is covered in sharp spikes like icicles and has a strong jaw that can easily snap people's hands. Overlord. As a result, he starts to develop confidence and trust in his judgement of what to do rationally during wars. He will also, with Ryuga, show himself to the outside … Cocytus is a superior to Solution and the two are not seen interacting. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Every Floor Guardian, including Cocytus, during the meeting approves of the punishment Ainz has suggested for Hilma Cygnaeus to do. Repeating the fog and surprise attack maneuver, they are easily countered and Shasryu is killed. Floor Guardian meeting with Ainz. Seeing Demiurge and Sebas squabble over the fate of Tuare, he tells the two to mindfully keep their act and composure together in the face of their master before them. Creator After the conquest, he returns to the Lizardman Village and receives a message from Mare that Ainz has invited him and the male Floor Guardians to take a bath with him. Cocytus, however, being an honorable warrior, refuses and tells her to leave. Cocytus tries to read her expression but gives up since her face is just a mask used to hide her true identity. [7], Cocytus is among the judges of the auditions in selecting the person who will play Juliet. His shoulders and back look like uplifted icebergs. Arts, entertainment, and media. [17], Based on the Pleiades' brief discussion about the intruders, Cocytus appears to be leading the command and overseeing the battle with them. It is a nation founded by Ainz Ooal Gown, who seeks to spread his name across the New World and create a utopia where many races can live as equals. Demiurge and begins to build superior fish farms [ 3 ], Cocytus brings. Personality, respecting anyone with a breathtaking cold air, the lake was named lake. Hero to the 6th Floor, Cocytus is the Guardian of the Great Tomb of Nazarick the... Suggestion as treacherous since that position was given to Albedo by the lizardmen in combat with... 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