Special Properties None Material: (Metal) Adamantine Plate: This armor is made of large, broad, solid sections of material (including cloth and leather, for the purposes of armor … 1 Appearance 2 Special Features 3 Spells 4 Equipment 5 Navigation The anime portrayal of this armor is quite different from the manga one. This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. The plugin does not include an Adamantium Helm, however, as the Helm of Tohan plugin is intended to fill this role. From what I've seen (particularly under "Modifying an Item" on p. 284 of the DMG), it's not only possible but would be plausible.. The Adamantite Armor was the second best Armor in the PC version of the game, however as of v1.2, this is no longer true. 154 Mined from rocks that fell from the heavens, this ultrahard metal adds to the quality of a weapon or suit of armor. Interesting questions. Splint armour, also referred to as splinted armour. 1 Appearance 2 Special Features 3 Spells 4 Equipment 5 References 6 Navigation The Adamantine Armor is a bulky, darkly colored armor. This is double what normal plate is worth (1500gp) but also raised the weight to double what plate armour normally should be because I'm a big guy (now around 120lbs of armour). For the arcane spell armor, see Armor (spell). Available in the SRD. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. It first appears in a Scythian grave from the 4th century BC then in the Swedish Migration Era; and again in the 14th century as part of transitional armour, where it was also used to form cuisses and rerebraces. 1 Appearance 2 Special Features 3 Spells 4 Equipment The Adamantine Armor consists of a singular, blue chest plate with a lighter blue belt-like contraption around the waist. I don't think there's any listing for adamantine weapons anywhere in the handbooks. 2 Wicked Adamantine for lvl 12, presumably 3 Wicked Adamantine for lvl 13. Show Attribute List. Therefore Adamantine Armor is medium/heavy armor of an Uncommon rarity that has the magical property of making any critical hit against the wearer a normal hit. Plate. Splint Armor Source: 5th Edition SRD ↓ Attributes. This armor is made of narrow vertical strips of metal riveted to a backing of leather that is worn over cloth padding. Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon Mithral is a light, flexible metal. Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given. Splint. Dwarves love to work with adamantine, fashioning it into sturdy armor and deadly, beautiful weapons. [5e] My DM charged me around 3000 gold for some adamantine plate as it was from a very specialist dwarven smith in one of their big cities and needed an entire week to have it made to measure. 15 Adamantine armor (breastplate) 16 Adamantine armor (splint) 17 Amulet of health. Heavy Armor: Chain Mail : 75 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb. [Excellent Adamantine Mask] [Excellent Adamantine Armor] [Excellent Adamantine Pants] [Excellent Adamantine Gloves] [Excellent Adamantine Boots] [Agnis Adamantine Armor] [Meter's Adamantine Armor] [Adamantine Armor] Adamant equipment is equipment stronger than mithril equipment, but weaker than rune equipment.As with all adamant items, they have a dark greenish colour.Interestingly enough, this armour is heavier than any other equipment, even rune. Splint : 200 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls , and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. Adamantine Plate Armor. Splint armour is most commonly found as greaves or vambraces. Ring Mail : 30 gp 14 — Disadvantage 40 lb. Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon (DMG-150) This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. An adamantine golem’s slam attacks threaten a critical hit on a 19 or 20. This armor is made of narrow vertical strips of metal riveted to a backing of leather that is worn over cloth padding. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. Afterward you'll need to smelt Adamantine ingots. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Laminar: This armor is made from large, long plates bent into arcs around the body. Adamantine Full Plate. Found only in meteorites and the rarest veins in magical areas, adamantine is an ultra-hard metal that adds to the quality of weapons and armor. Despite this, further Adamantium Helms were added by the Tribunal expansion; they have identical stats to the Helm of Tohan but are not unique artifacts. White Adamantine Armor (白金剛の鎧 Shiro Kongō no Yoroi): is one of Valour's armors. Three spikes line the top of the chest plate which gives way to a white neck brace split in the center to allow room for her chin. Go to the smelter, and make sure you have plenty of Iron, and Corundum. Splint/Brigandine: This armor is comprised of several long plates sandwiched between canvas or leather. Splint Armor Edit Page Content. 1 Appearance 2 Special Features 3 Equipment 4 Trivia The White Adamantine Armor is a shining white armour that bears several ornaments along with it. An arrow could be made of adamantine, but a quarterstaff could not. Adamantium Armor is an official plugin that adds a new set of armor to the game in various locations around Vvardenfell. All the weapons, and armor can be found in the Miscelleneous tab at the forge. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. Adamantine Source Ultimate Equipment pg. Page 161, explaining that Daern's Instant Fortress is made out of it. This armour consists of a helmet that covers the whole head, only leaving room for his eye sockets. Splint armour first appears in a Scythian grave from the 4th century BCE.1 1 Splint Armor 1.1 Splint Mail/Splinted Mail 2 Japan 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References Limb armor consisting of strips of metal, or splints, which are attached to a fabric or leather backing or covering. In addition, whenever an adamantine golem scores a critical hit, it deals 6d10+13 points of damage to the target’s armor or shield in addition to the normal damage, as if it had also made a successful sunder combat maneuver. It is 6 Iron ingots, and 5 Corundum ingots to make 1 Adamantine ingot. 48, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. Even though gauntlets are weapons, I think adamantine armor should come with adamantine gauntlets. Shield: Shield : 10 gp +2 — — 6 lb. You may think it's just a different metal, and perhaps there are non-magical adamantine armors out there we haven't heard of yet, but the one in the DMG is most certainly magical. Splint Armor (Adamantine Splint Armor) Source: DMG, page 150. Plate : 1,500 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb. AC 18: This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls , and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. Adamantine is an ultrahard metal that adds to the quality of a weapon or suit of armor. Splint mail Material Enhancements Material Cost 1 Hardness Hit Points Special Steel and leather: 350 gp: 10: 30 — Adamantine: 15,200 gp: 20: 40: Grants wearer DR 3/— : Crystal, Deep The armor on her body consists of two parts. View All Items. Therefore, it is recommended to move on to rune armour … Adamantine Armor. Attributes AC. 12-30 Wave 1 to 101 runs. A total of 54 Adamantite Bars are required for one full set (78 bars or 390 Adamantite Ore for the full set including all helmets). This means that they are magic items, with all the attendant properties. Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon. You have 6 weapons, which means 12-30 Wicked Adamantine in Total. Heavy armor, major tier, uncommon: 65 lb. Typically, it offers some sort of protection against attacks, either physical or magical (or both). A full set without anything on the social slots will also produce a small aura effect when worn. Normally, I'm all for game balance and all, and some people think I go too far, but even I think the idea of steel gauntlets or no gauntlets coming with the armor is ridiculous. The splints are narrow metal strips arranged longitudinally. Adamantine Armor (金剛の鎧 Kongō no Yoroi) is one of Erza Scarlet's armors. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. Which is I N S A N E. Yeah, I'd just level up the main weapons you use. In the manga, the Adamantine Armor is shown to possess a mildly dark color, and “devilish” features. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Mithral and Adamantine armor appear under the "Magic Items" header of the DMG, and are listed in the magic item tables (Adamantine armor is actually the very first entry on pg. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass damage reduction on Iron Golems and certain spells. 150). This page is about items that provide protection. 1 Armor Categories 2 Physical Damage Protection 3 Usage Restrictions 4 List of All Armors 5 See also Armor is any item worn over clothing. Adamantine Armor is one of Erza Scarlet's armors. For me it's the whip and dual flails she has. Adamantine Armor is one of Erza Scarlet's armors. If you think about it, adamantine armor (and, by extension, mithral armor) are simply the metal that the armour is made from, similar to iron or steel, but they have special properties which give them their respective abilities. A mithral chain shirt or breastplate can be worn under normal clothes. Flexible chain mail protects the joints. 17. … DMG p150. Flexible Chain Mail protects the joints. They also have a +2 magical damage bonus.