We also get gold and some fucking title from the Fighters Guild. That death was pretty nasty, and every bit as public as Glen’s execution by the hands of Lloyd in the courtroom, where the Rat Lady, played by Fiona Dourif, urged Lloyd to … At 6pm, she once again enters The Count's Arms, unknowingly eating her dinner alongside the very person responsible for her rat problem. ", "Please, go find Pinarus, and those mountain lions! And the only meat with Detect Life effect is Rat Meat. Just take the crazy rat lady's quest, for example. My rats appreciate it. IIRC, Quill Weave is essential, and unable to be killed. She's known around town as "the rat lady," but Arvena chooses to ignore that and actually spends several hours socializing with her fellow townsfolk. Select the 'Contract' dialogue option to take on a job. I have a problem, it has to do with the rats my basement. Where there's one, there will be more. But, you've taken care of the problem, and I suppose that's what counts. Community content is available under. Female "A rat problem" The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Xbox 360 . The Melody of Oblivion is a series rife with cultural references ranging from Zen archery and Bushido to the Bible's Book of Revelation, stories of Greek Mythology, and images from Borge's "The Garden of Forking Paths" can be seen in the series.. Melody of Oblivion's premise is that in the 20th century, humanity waged and lost a war against beings known only as the Monsters. Find Pinarus Inventius. A subreddit dedicated to mods, screenshots, videos, tactics, news and anything else … Lady Gaga remains pop's ace student, a virtuoso competitor and a relentless pleaser who recently spent the first decade of her career seeking head … 939 votes, 32 comments. The 'rat problem' info does not show up in my quest list. In my basement? What do you want?" "I’m Arvena Thelas. I disliked Oblivion (except for the rat lady) I loved Fallout 3 I meh'd at New Vegas. Arvena Thelas, a woman who resides in Anvil, is experiencing a rat problem. Gender If she is not in the main room, use the wait feature to some hours by until she is there. That s'wit! Thanks for that. When you arrive at the lady’s house, you discover her pet rats are being attacked by a mountain lion which has managed to get into her house. Anvil This page was last modified on 15 August 2019, at 18:02. Class Afterwards, head back to Arvena and speak with her again. Others will say: "That woman is a bit off-kilter. The Guild had been asked by Arvena Thelas to take care of a rat problem in her basement. Arvena Thelas is a Dunmer commoner living in Anvil. Also, if all of her rats die during the quest, she will not hesitate to cancel the contract: "My rats are all dead! This collector's version includes all the DLC (Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine), The Making of Oblivion DVD, a $10 coupon for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and a collector's steelbook case. Did you take care of my babies? ", "Thank the gods you killed that thing. I go to the house and its always locked and I never find the woman the quest is for. It's like a wikipedia for all the games and back in 2006 when Oblivion came out I was a regular on the UESP forums. ", "So, did you follow her? But don't kill them. Sheogorath's Shrine can be found by walking west out of Leyawiin until you hit the invisible barrier and then walking north for a while. I'll bet it's that Quill-Weave next door. Good. Once seated, she reads the book Biography of Barenziah, v 2 until 4pm when she returns home. 0003572C The Guild member spoke to Quill-Weave and admitted that she hated Arvena's rats. ", "Don't just stand there! Essential The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Summary : In this RPG epic, you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel. The rat lady quest is a throwback to the first fighters guild quest in morrowind, where you're tasked with clearing out some rats from a woman's house. 113k members in the oblivion community. To increase your light and heavy armor skills faster then normal go to Anvil, then go to Arvena Thelas's house (The rat problem lady) go down to her basement unequip an weapon you have and punch all the rats down there once. Menu Speaking to her again will have her greet you with the line "You should be looking for Pinarus! The Guild believed it was to clear out the rats, but the Guild member sent soon discovered that they are actually defending them. She wears a set of common middle-class clothing, including a burgundy linen shirt, a pair of burgundy linens, and pigskin shoes. She plays a role in the first Fighters Guild quest, in which she wants to know why her pet rats she keeps in her … It's always on, always free, making CBS News' original, high-quality reporting available to you wherever and whenever you want to watch. I've heard she keeps strange things in her basement." This is ridiculous! I have a problem. During the related quest, she will cancel all appointments and just stroll around on the second floor of her house, eagerly awaiting news from you. Word on the streets suggests that Arvena keeps strange things in her basement, but according to Arvena, there's nothing strange about the four rats she keeps as house pets. That's not possible. Azzan, Anvil branch leader, will tell you to investigate a rat problem in Arvena Thelas' house. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Guide - Shivering Isles Quest 7: The Lady of Paranoia. Mobile PC PlayStation 3 PSP. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 5th Anniversary Edition was released on July 12th, 2011. Please, get to the basement and find out what's happening." She stopped putting meat down and the Guild member reported back to the Fighters Guild leader, Azzan and he rewarded him/her with some gold. If you ask her about Anvil, she will reflect on the increasing amount of rumors around town: "You can't imagine the fuss some people make. And, of course, here's the payment for the contract. What are you doing here? The Guild member returned to Arvena and she told him/her that another lion was in the basement. Respawn What was going on down there?" After this, she will greet you contemptuously: "Useless Fighters Guild. Go get that mountain lion! Good. "a Rat Problem" well go to the lady's house that has the rat problem, go to her basement, then PUNCH each rat 1time and be sure NOT to kill them. But she talks us into lying to the rat lady for an acrobatics skill point. and "She's a nut. ", At the end of the quest, the person responsible for the whole mess with the mountain lions will make you an offer: either tell Arvena about her, or don't.