"margin-top": "8px", }, "margin-left": "0px", Safe, built-in MEMS, roll protection. ":focus": { } "color": "#4c4c4c" © 1996-2021, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2020, Took me hrs to get it to connect to the computer the software isnt all that great have to use there pics don't let me upload dfx files to burn. Read  stories about fake Chinese diode lasers. } "styles": { ":focus": { "border-color": "#4c4c4c" "max-width": "100%", }, if (window.ShopifyBuy) { "color": "#4c4c4c" There is a way to upgrade your Ortur machine if you already have it >>>. }, "color": "#4c4c4c", } "color": "#4c4c4c" function ShopifyBuyInit() { } Because I want better worksize, better software, better cutting machine. "background-color": "#3c7ebf", Supports AutoCad2000, AutoCad2004, AutoCad2007, AutoCad2010 and AutoCad2013 dxf database versions. "currency": { NEJE 20W Engraving Module,5.5W Output Power,Suitable for NEJE Master 2... › Customer reviews; Customer reviews. }, (function () { ":focus": { However, the price for just a laser is at least twice as much as the price for a whole machine. "background-color": "#3c7ebf", I was able to engrave a dog shape, it did it in a continuous line which was not the case with default software. }, Everything you need for your laser module, laser cutting and laser engraving. There’s no Air assist on this device. "color": "#4c4c4c" "color": "#098405" "font-size": "18px", }, }); script.async = true; }, Picture format:  BMP / PNG / JPG / NC / DXF,etc.”, These are free software tools, not professional. } Buy NEJE Master 2 desktop Laser Engraver and Cutter - Laser Engraving and Cutting Machine - Laser Printer - Laser CNC Router at cheap price online, with Youtube reviews and FAQs, we generally offer free shipping to Europe, US, Latin America, Russia, etc. No support from the suppliers is one more bad thing about the Neje and Ortur machines. }); NEJE V2.3.apk — 2020.3.16 Also supports master 2 NEJE_V2.2.apk ( 2019.11.14 updated, Optimize bugs that some android mobile phone model transmission interruption ) NEJE_V2.1.apk ( 2019.10.26 updated, new android software for NEJE BL Macine) NEJE constantly strives to create more creative possibilities for their clients and bring their crafts & … "margin-bottom": "50px", "discount": { I had a very good experience with Ortur Support, directly from FB Group. "font-size": "18px", "product": { }, }, "styles": { "color": "#4c4c4c" }); And it doesn't cut through or engrave on metal at all. "color": "#4c4c4c" } } The Neje 20watt got a 15x15cm worksize (17 if you play with firmware). Warranty. }, You can’t work with color layers. That’s why all NEJE users are engraving wood keyring, pencils , rings, tiles, slates … but they can’t create their own objects. I was pretty bummed. script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; "background-color": "#3671ac" (it burnt all the edges) "@media (min-width: 601px)": { "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", "font-size": "15.299999999999999px", "count": { This product supports any point positioning function in g code mode, and can be automatically reset, easy to use and operate about dxf file at NEJE Mode : 1. "toggle": { Fake laser modules! "@media (min-width: 601px)": { "font-size": "18px", }, ":hover": { "unitPrice": { "fill": "#4c4c4c" Ideal for beginners. "fullPrice": { It takes a product from mainland China at least a month to reach either the US or the UK. Sold by NEJE Official and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. "button": { "color": "#4c4c4c", ShopifyBuyInit(); “Alexander Scheiflinger says It depends on what your are looking for. What I have done with it turned out good you get what you pay for, Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2021, Works well just needs better way to get the software. "width": "100%", }, "close": { id: '4400784965703', "variantTitle": { "quantityInput": { "quantityInput": { } "font-size": "18px", moneyFormat: '%24%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D', "color": "#4c4c4c" "productSet": { The positive point are that it’s cheap. }, "width": "calc(25% - 20px)" "font-size": "18px", "quantity": { }, "color": "#4c4c4c" For normal engraving and woodworks they have plenty power and they are cheap. "discount": { "buttonWithQuantity": true "img": false, "notice": { }, id: '75350933574', ui.createComponent('product', { Laser Engraving and laser cutting with Endurance diode laser heads. }, (function () { Laser head for your 3D printer / CNC machine / engraving machine, Purchase an Endurance laser attachment for your 3D printer / CNC machine. "price": { } "lineItems": { "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", "color": "#4c4c4c" "color": "#4c4c4c" "color": "#4c4c4c" I think if gears would be better quality, it would be indestructable. "quantityInput": { "styles": { "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", function loadScript() { loadScript(); }, "padding-bottom": "17px" }, "font-size": "18px", Those lasers are not rated and their maximum laser power is no more than 3-5 watt. "background-color": "#3671ac" "button": false, "font-size": "18px" "background-color": "#3671ac" } else { } "padding-right": "28px" } All you need to know how to make the best laser beam focus! "color": "#4c4c4c" General Specification. "max-width": "100%", "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", }, "contents": { "background-color": "#3671ac" "padding-left": "28px", It is not powerful enough to cut through plastic or wood. "lineItem": { }, New NEJE MASTER 2 Upgraded 7W Smart Laser Engraver DIY Laser Engraving Machine 450nm Blue Laser Deep Carving Desktop Logo Picture Printer with Wireless APP Control Benbox GRBL1.1f MEMS Protection US$169.99 "color": "#098405" var script = document.createElement('script'); "@media (min-width: 601px)": { "modalProduct": { script.src = scriptURL; "@media (min-width: 601px)": { "contents": { Support from suppliers does not exist, that’s true. "background-color": "#3c7ebf", node: document.getElementById('collection-component-1576002504552'), "border-radius": "10px" Out of the box, it performs well for simple tasks, but if you want to do more, you’re going to need to take advantage of alternative software and the Master 2’s (99%) ability to accept regular Gcode. if (window.ShopifyBuy){if(window.ShopifyBuy.UI){ShopifyBuyInit();}else{loadScript();}}else{loadScript();} "padding-bottom": "17px", }); My Experience With Non-Branded Chinese Made Lasers. "fill": "#4c4c4c" domain: 'endurance-lasers.myshopify.com', }, "color": "#4c4c4c" }, "color": "#4c4c4c" NEJE_V5.1.exe — 2020.4.2-Support firmware upgrade to version 6.2, if you don't like this firmware, you can use NEJE_FirmwareCenter to change the firmware, Use software V4.7.2 directly; NEJE_V4.7.2.exe — 2019.12.15- firmware version 5.0; (Update a little bug. "quantityDecrement": { Review of ORTUR and Neje Master 2 Laser engraving machines. } "font-size": "18px", "max-width": "calc(25% - 20px)", }, "styles": { I did like it tho. "lineItems": { "variantTitle": { "@media (min-width: 601px)": { "color": "#4c4c4c" }, }, } (guess that some gcode command where not adapted to this device). } }, [CDATA[*/ }, ":hover": { "lineItem": { "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", The fastest scanning speed ,The design of large drive motor and lightweight module makes the scanning speed of master2 mini reach the limit of mechanical engraving. Write a Review Get double review points if you are one of the first 3 reviews published! It was easy to put together with only four nuts and a zip tie. }, "quantityInput": { Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. }, "styles": { /**/, From eager hobbyist to failed entrepreneur: Living in the world of Chinese Knockoffs, Generic Chinese Lasers (what NOT to do)text-blocks id="shopify-lens"], At $230 from Gearbest (£194/A$ 387), the Ortur Laser Master 20w laser cutter. After a few engravings the Ortur did not work anymore, so very low-quality parts. Powerful enough to engrave on wood plastic cardboard and paper. "subtotalText": { "border-color": "#4c4c4c" "noteDescription": { NEJE KZ 1000mw NEJE KZ 3000mw NEJE KZ 7W NEJE BL 1500mw NEJE BL 3000mw; NEJE BL 7W NEJE Master 3500 NEJE Master 6000 NEJE Master 7W NEJE Master 20W Vertical carving, Break through the limitation of carving space, and be able to do carving and drawing crafts on the door, home, outdoor. It will cut through pieces of paper. } 4.4 out of 5. "discountAmount": { Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2020. "border-color": "#4c4c4c" "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", "border-radius": "10px" }); "position": "absolute", }, This item: NEJE 20W Engraving Module,5.5W Output Power,Suitable for NEJE Master 2 Engraving Machine,CNC Machine… $149.00 In Stock. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { No options at all to order an express delivery such as DHL. }, }, }, "close": { "title": { "empty": { "buttonWithQuantity": true node: document.getElementById('product-component-1581583194258'), "products": { "color": "#098405" Laser Engravers & Laser Cutters from Endurance Lasers, Choose the laser you need for your engraving machine. } "background-color": "#3c7ebf", "button": "Add to cart" "padding-top": "17px", The software provided is a cheap software. It depends on what your are looking for. }, "border-radius": "10px", Got free replacement parts under warranty without problems from Ortur. "margin-left": "20px", "padding-top": "calc(75% + 15px)", "color": "#4c4c4c" "discountIcon": { ":hover": { "styles": { "price": { "product": { }, "title": { "quantityDecrement": { }, var scriptURL = 'https://sdks.shopifycdn.com/buy-button/latest/buy-button-storefront.min.js'; script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { "padding-top": "17px", }, NEJE DK - 5 Pro 500mW USB DIY Laser Engraver. I’ve bought it to move from NEJE DK8KZ “1 watt” which worksize was 5×5 cm (and cost $99 in 2018). Buy NEJE Master 20W CNC Cutting Laser Engraving Machine at cheap price online, with Youtube reviews and FAQs, we generally offer free shipping to Europe, US, Latin America, Russia, etc. Now I got to send out this machine back to the company. "color": "#4c4c4c" "font-size": "18px" "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", Cutting plywood up to 4mm is no problem with “20W” or even with lower powered lasers. Most Ortur and Neje laser machines claim to be equipped with 15/17/20 watt lasers. }, }, Customs clearance. }, "font-size": "18px", Buy the best and latest neje master 2 laser on banggood.com offer the quality neje master 2 laser on sale with worldwide free shipping. "button": { "background-color": "#3671ac" } else { }, Can operate continuously up to 48-72 hours. }, } How to connect the laser to 3D printers and CNC machines, How to connect the laser to your CNC machine or 3D printer. "background-color": "#3c7ebf", NEJE KZ 1000mw NEJE KZ 3000mw NEJE KZ 7W NEJE BL 1500mw NEJE BL 3000mw; NEJE BL 7W NEJE Master 3500 NEJE Master 6000 NEJE Master 7W NEJE Master 20W var scriptURL = 'https://sdks.shopifycdn.com/buy-button/latest/buy-button-storefront.min.js'; "notice": { } "left": "0", "font-size": "15.299999999999999px", "color": "#4c4c4c" "fullPrice": { Those lasers are not rated and their maximum laser power is no more than  3-5 watt. "background-color": "#3c7ebf", }, Operating System: windows 7/10 / android / iOS / macOS. "min-height": "64px", "margin-bottom": "0px" }, Buy the best and latest laser engraver neje master 2 on banggood.com offer the quality laser engraver neje master 2 on sale with worldwide free shipping. "color": "#4c4c4c", "padding-bottom": "17px", "padding-top": "17px", "button": false, } "background-color": "#3671ac" How to do the laser engraving. }, ":focus": { storefrontAccessToken: 'b11c7dbf0c9fefb9f872815d38ac0c4e', script.async = true; }, "padding-top": "17px", "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", "subtotal": { Cheap device = many people = many customisations = many ideas. "contents": { "styles": { "color": "#4c4c4c" "position": "relative", Application:Depth Engraving, High-Speed Engraving, g-code drawing, Paper cutting, Wood cutting(2mm) ... Engraving material: wood, gray paper card, non-transparent plastic, leather, paint pcba, etc. NEJE Master 2 plus Laser Engraver / Cutter . Application:photo engraving, wood marking, paper cutting, leather cutting, plywood cutting(3-5mm)... Bluetooth: Yes Software: NEJE Android APP, NEJE Scanner, NEJE Wireless APP for iOS, macOS, NEJE Software for windows,Benbox, LaserGRBL with GRBL1.1f, Lightburn, OFF-line Engraving size: 255 X 440 mm System: Win xp\7\8\10 , android, iOS, Mac OS Most Ortur and Neje laser machines claim to be equipped with 15/17/20 watt lasers. "discountIcon": { var client = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({ Model: NEJE Master 2 20W Optical Power: 450nm 5.5W Control Board: 2 x MCU + Wireless control + MEMS Satety Protection: MEMS Working Size: 170 x 170 mm Pixel: 2266 x 2266 px Dot pitch: 0.075mm Software: NEJE APP for Android, NEJE Wireless APP for iOS / macOS, NEJE software for windows, Benbox, LaserGRBL with firmware GRBL1.1f.,LightBurn Software with … "background-color": "#3671ac" }, "padding-bottom": "17px" "noteDescription": { } }, "text-align": "left" }, "border-radius": "10px" }, "description": true Posted on 14.07.2020 (08.02.2021) by George Fomitchev. "toggle": { "title": { ":hover": { "background-color": "#3671ac" "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", Newbi with new neje master 7w. } }, "height": "0" "title": { For normal engraving and woodworks they have plenty power and they are cheap. I was never able to cut Masonite 3mm even with 10 pass. "padding-top": "17px", "price": { "background-color": "#3671ac" ":hover": { "discountIcon": { "modalProduct": { "padding-top": "17px", "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", options: { "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", ":focus": { }, ( flat, opaque and can be burned black) Weight: 116g Input: 12V750mA (about 7w) Output optical power: 2.5W PWM: 50KHz-20KHz / 3.3V-12V "color": "#4c4c4c" "products": { It was pretty easy for me to just start using it. NEJE Master 2 Laser Engraver. It last for more than 2 years so it is quite good quality. Meaning you can engrave and cut in the same run. "img": { }, domain: 'endurance-lasers.myshopify.com', "styles": { "color": "#4c4c4c" "font-weight": "normal", NEJE master 2 mini 110*120mm LASER engraver. "color": "#4c4c4c" "button": { The quality of engraving is similar to other machines/lasers. Firmware for Benbox. "discountIcon": { "margin-left": "-20px" "color": "#4c4c4c" It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Refund Policy. Once it's up and running it works amazing. Cheap Wood Routers, Buy Quality Tools Directly from China Suppliers:NEJE Master 2 Mini CNC Laser Engraver High Speed Small Engraving Carving Machine Smart Wireless APP Control DIY Laser Logo Mark Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! } }, "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", "color": "#4c4c4c", "toggle": { }, "font-family": "Arial, sans-serif", }, }, "background-color": "#3671ac" } "background-color": "#3c7ebf", "subtotalText": { Limited Time Sale Easy Return. }, "border-radius": "10px" Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for NEJE Master 2 3500mW Laser Cutter Desktop CNC Laser Engraving Machine Mini Carver Laser Engraver Cutter DIY Logo Marker Printer APP Control for Windows, Mac, Android, Wood Cutting,Large Working Area at Amazon.com. "header": { ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { Cheap Wood Routers, Buy Quality Tools Directly from China Suppliers:NEJE Master 2S 20W desktop Laser Engraver and Cutter Laser Engraving and Cutting Machine Laser Printer Laser CNC Router Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Endurance uses only high-quality electronics and laser diodes. "discountAmount": { "font-size": "18px", script.src = scriptURL; "color": "#4c4c4c" "background-color": "#3671ac" All tools are supplied that is needed to assemble this. }, ":focus": { "padding-bottom": "17px", But when the head move to the starting engraving point, it engraves all the movement … "color": "#4c4c4c" "product": { }, "title": { "color": "#4c4c4c" "border-color": "#4c4c4c" Rick (Rick James) August 19, 2019, 4:45pm #2. "font-size": "18px", "color": "#4c4c4c" "margin-left": "0px", Compatible 3D printers and CNC machines - compatibility list, Guide book for laser cutting / engraving parameters. "padding-top": "17px", "background-color": "#3671ac" }, Free diode lasers from Endurance for educators. "product": { ":focus": { Can engrave on a stainless steel, copper, aluminum, stone! "color": "#4c4c4c" "padding-top": "17px", "background-color": "#3671ac" Software is easy to use and understand however their website takes forever to download from. "border-radius": "10px", "cart": { "color": "#4c4c4c" 2. It is a great budget engraver that I use for putting names on pens. "padding-bottom": "17px", }, The LightBurn GCode version supports Cohesion3D, Smoothieware, Grbl, Marlin, and Grbl-LPC based controllers. function loadScript() { "color": "#4c4c4c", "imgWithCarousel": true, "padding-bottom": "17px" "color": "#4c4c4c" The laser cutter works with Windows-based software LaserGRBL or Benbox, which can be download for free at our download center. Could not engrave stone, no problem with Endurance Laser. Had to change POM rollers and rollers from other Chinese manufacturers were broken out-of-the-box. function ShopifyBuyInit() { "count": { "color": "#4c4c4c", "background-color": "#3671ac" ui.createComponent('collection', { "currency": { Limited Time Sale Easy Return. "background-color": "#3671ac" } "padding-bottom": "17px", "border-color": "#4c4c4c" } } But that’s what you get when you buy cheap from China…”, Gerald Oliver says Got the NEJE “20W” MASTER version 1 ( no Gcode ). Buy now. "product": { [CDATA[*/ options: { "styles": { "compareAt": { LaserGRBL is a good Software but you can use Lightburn as well, no problem. "empty": { "color": "#4c4c4c" Has an intermittent issue with connectivity to the software, but engraves well, doesn't handle details to well, only solid black lines, Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2020. when you want to engrave a 6x6cm display with NEJE on PMMA , it takes 1 hour. Introduction. Assembly was easy with just 4 nuts to put on and two connectors to connect. The quality of engraving is similar to other machines/lasers. }, NEJE is a prominent and innovative brand that produces optical & mechanical engineering tools, and state-of-the-art software. "color": "#4c4c4c" US$224.99 US$332.99 32% Off NEJE MASTER 2 Upgraded 3500mW DIY Laser Engraving Machine CNC Wood Router Laser Engraver Cutter Printer Print Logo Picture Laser Engraving Machine 38 reviews COD US$59.99 US$70.00 14% Off NEJE 405nm-450nm Laser Module Variable Focus PWM Modulation for NEJE Master Laser Engraver Deep Carving Desktop Logo Printer 40 reviews COD It can also be compatible with other cnc equipment, such as 3d printers, CNC MIlling, etc., but you need to master a certain knowledge of pwm waveform control. } } Changing firmware to LaserGRBL and vice versa on your Eleksmaker Mana board. NEJE 450nm 7W Continuous Laser Module. The Ortur Laser Master 20W can engrave only on soft materials such as wood, leather, plywood, acrylic. "button": { "fill": "#4c4c4c" }, }, }, "styles": { All Reviews (0) Image (0) Video (0) All Star ... NEJE Master 2 Mini High Speed 10W Laser Engraving Machine with Wireless APP Control Fully Assembly Desktop Laser Engraver Carver ₹469.86. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); }, "padding-left": "28px", "quantityIncrement": { Those lasers are not rated and their maximum laser power is no more than  3-5 watt. Software is easy to download. } "quantityIncrement": { }); "font-size": "26px" Got the NEJE “20W” MASTER version 1 ( no Gcode ). "discountText": { if (window.ShopifyBuy.UI) { ":hover": { loadScript(); "color": "#098405" Download center: laser engraving programs, software tools, plugins & extensions, STL files. "header": { "price": { it’s a portable device you can backpack everywhere. Works on wood, acrylic, and paper very well. "img": false, Even 5.5 watt laser should be able to engrave metals, glass, stone, ceramics, stainless steel, reflective materials and transparent materials, Use coupon code “8.5W+ 25% off” when you place an order. "max-width": "100%", This laser module is compatible with our NEJE Master 2 Plus and Master 2 Max machine . /**/. If you’re still in two minds about neje master and are thinking about choosing a similar product, AliExpress is a great place to compare prices and sellers. }, (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); So I have used some “profiles” that guys provide in NEJE facebook group. } "quantity": { }, I have tryied to connect the Neje 20Watts Master 1 to Lightburn (upgrading firmware + GRBL up to 1.1f ) but there’s no official drivers for this device. "height": "calc(100% - 15px)", "color": "#4c4c4c", }, "padding-bottom": "17px" "imgWrapper": { }, }, }, Now I move to Endurance dual 15W with 80x60cm worksize. } Professional cnc players can pay attention to NEJE new product release. "text": { Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2020. If you have any questions about this engraving machine, please contact us, we will reply to you in 24 hours.”, We get dozens of emails, chat request where customers are looking for support and most of them say Neje and Ortur support never replies to them(((, Can Not Engrave: Metal/Glass/Stone/Ceramics/PCB/Stainless Steel/Reflective Material/ Transparent Material, That is where a manufacturer proving that the sell less powerful laser than what is advertised!