Calm Cat Anti Anxiety and Stress Relief Coat for Cats. 1 of my cats has poopie-bum. 10. Alright, we only got our kitten recently (last week) and she is only 7 weeks old. He looks more satisfied after eating it and doesn’t make any noise in the kitchen as before crying for something else as he did on dry Orijen. Do it when he is sleepy. For the live if all things sacred, please let kittens and yes all other creatures, stay with their moms a little longer. Kittens needs to stay with their mums because they learn basic things like cleaning themselves! More info can be found here. Some cats have anal gland problems that can look like poo problems. It doesn’t always happen but more than I would like. 5. The next day, I would walk over and pet him while I had the trimmer turned on, again not threatening in any way. Another issue that may be solved with wet food. I should get better at nutrition skills with him, learn how to add all those vitamins and supplements to his meals. Bear is only 14 weeks old and we have had him for only a week. The first day, I turned it on randomly throughout the day while doing chores, etc., just to get kitty used to the sound without feeling threatened. Now it’s pretty easy to trim him once a month and no more dirty britches! I’m using OZ-pet cat litter and there is no tracking as the pellets are quite big, crumbles when wet. There’s been times with just about everyone of my pets that I’ve had to “help” them get that last bit out. Ahhh I know how you feel! He’s used to me wiping him now. I did that because of her arthritis. I do not feel comfortable shaving her. Tahj has only had the one poo stick to his coat and it was a nightmare to get off despite being firm. my cat has poop stuck on the fur of her butt? I recently got my little Mille (15 weeks old chocolate point girl)and she’s been getting some poopie stuck on her fur. But I love him so much. It tends to get “muddy” and I think this is a contributing factor to the poopy bottom problem. She is fluffy but not outrageously so - fur round her back end is maybe 1.5cm. I have never used the raw food even though I have heard from some that raw is good for them I have seen the cat litter box called Breeze Tiddy Cat you have a pad on the bottom shelf and the pelets are larger I have not tried it though but I wondered if it would be better for a long haired cat I thought it may not stick to her hair as much. Today he ate a few tiny pieces of dinasaur kale that fell on the floor accidentally. He keeps getting up here on the desk and I am so scared it is going to touch me. And not just after he goes; it’s there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This site collects information via the use of cookies and through our email subscription form. I also noticed Iggy started having a lot more energy. I got a cat from the humane society last October (about 4 or 5 months ago), and ever since I got him he's been prone to getting his poop stuck in his fur around his tail/ butt area. If it's not runny stool, it's probably just getting caught in her fur. I know it’s become a generally accepted practice to remove a kitten as young as 4-5 weeks from their mommies, but this is a terrible problem. I am finding in my area places that will help shave her or do any grooming want to do this during the week only. Oh and she has not gone to the vet yet we have her scheduled to go on march 15! It is hard to prevent or stop. He loves canned food and raw meat. We had to bathe his backside regularly, and clean him up with a wet cloth when it wasn’t too bad. I trim her monthly. Its minging. It’s especially pleasant when he curls up next to me at night and I get that whiff! I soo hope this gets better. I had this problem with my one yr old Siamese/Himalayan – which was twofold. Canned Orijen and raw meat -no help. I recently got my little Mille (15 weeks old chocolate point girl)and she’s been getting some poopie stuck on her fur. Laxatone added to her food occasionally helps together with an occasional trim. Remove waste at least twice a day. I’ve learned so much form the articles here Jenny, really appreciate your effort in maintaining this website! We are not veterinarians. Although thoroughly researched, articles are not written or edited by a veterinarian. here’s a tough one…i have a bobtail cat and she seems to be pregnant…however, Buffy seems to ALWAYS have poop stuck to her butt…i’ve had to pull it off her butt and use a napkin because she bleeds alot from!! Make sure you keep the box scrupulously clean. I have a page here that explains what I feed my catS: I’m really desparate with him….. please help, what should I do. You may leave a comment about the post, reply to existing comments, or both. The Cat Whisperer is strutting around like he knows everything now. Ah yes, the eye gookies! Also, if you cat is an indoor kitty or you live somewhere where it snows, it is very helpful to have a flat of wheatgrass in the house for your cat to nibble on. I think I mentioned I have a vet visit coming up and I could just ask the vet all these questions but I really like all your Floppycat reviews and video’s and info and you have ragdoll cats thank you for all the time you have taken with my questions.”. Hi, I’m Jenny Dean, creator of Floppycats! We hope we’ve been able to help. I bought them at the same time and forgot it was GO! I give him wet food from a tin the rest will be kept in a fridge till his next feeding, Could this be the cause for his runny tummy? Iggy also had a problem with diarrhea/stinky poo. Learn how your comment data is processed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. <3, P.S. Now, to solve the second part of the problem – the poop tail. Ever since my Aunt got the first Ragdoll cat in our family, I have loved the breed. You should try to keep the hair near the anus short. The people that had her before used fancy feast can food. ), it has not escaped the box in the 6 weeks I’ve used it! Brushing his fur gets rid of mats and stimulates his circulation, reducing dandruff and making his coat clean and shiny, according to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Still had to wash him today, though probiotics coming soon on Prime order…. He just sits in the litter and this is how poop gets stuck to him since he doesn’t raise his bottom like normally cats do. Laura might seek the help of her vet or groomer to shave away the matted poopy fur. You can use a moist paper towel instead if you wish. I might add very little of those leaves to him sometimes. We just got our first fluffy cat. Whenever she poops, she always has some stuck on her (usually the tail). Not to mention they just need more mommy time to be a secure cat as they grow. Did you read She does not like me brushing her or trying to cut her hair in this area. I will try giving her fur a trim and hope it helps! Why can’t he get it all out and what can we do about it? I am convinced he eats stuff, paper, whatever that may be causing this. Last of all, long-haired and overweight cats both commonly have this issue, so trimming the fur around the butt or even shaving it can eliminate the problem altogether. I have noticed it more in my sepia than in my lynx or the Maine Coon and believe it is because her fur is so fine. If this is the case, you’re going to have to get used to cleaning him up on a regular basis. By day 4, I was able to trim his legs & around his tush while he lay on his back and my daughter scratched his chin. Posted by 4 years ago. I am so tired of doing laundry. He sits on our furniture, on our pillows, on us, and all over the house with this poop stuck to his butt. Any Advice would be appreciated! After hundreds of dollars spent at the vet on antibiotics, several other treatments and prescription foods trying to solve the poo problems (and realizing that prescription brand cat food is no better than the cheap stuff – seriously, read the ingredients), I did some research and put him exclusively on wet food. They say on Saturdays there are so many dogs that come in to the pet stores the cats do not do well. I am slowly transiting her to Nature’s variety instinct wet food which is probably why her poop is a little soft. I am planning to get her shaved in this area to help her stay clean, Jenny, Thank you for all the information. Truffles, pictured here, gets litter or bits of poop stuck on her back end and her mom is wondering what she can do about it. Floppycats also accepts private sponsorships and participates as an affiliate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Check the fur along your cat's anus for feces that … Archived. She spends ages licking the top of her tail as if she is bothered by the poop but rarely does her bum. My cat has IBD and had the same issue, except that it was runny. I also use Oz Pet and LOVE it! I have a British Shorthair one year old, small residues of poop getting stuck. Do not take a kitten away from its mother so young! Close. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. (I actually take him back to the cat box and move his little paws to “show him” how to bury his poop, not sure if this is good or bad). Thomas: Long-haired cats and overweight cats tend to have trouble grooming their rear ends, too. Trim the Fur on Your Cat's Feet Long-haired cats often have a lot of fur in between their toes. He always, unfailingly, has poop stuck to his butt. One article maid a very good point – “you wouldn’t feed meat to a horse, so why would you feed grain to a cat?”. I brush out the hair once he dries off. I just did a video on the one we use here: I don’t know anything about the dry milk thing – never heard of it. It is so weird. I can get it off with wipes but she smells pretty bad! Some posts on this blog contain affiliate links which generate commission if you purchase anything starting with those links. Next time she's clean, either bring her to a groomer or trim her behind yourself. Just be prepared for it and race him outside when he’s gotta go cuz that stuff can stain the carpet really badly!You don’t need to mix his food if he has been on it for a few days, it is better to just keep course with the new food, because he could have some of the same problems getting used to his old food again. you could also use an unscented baby wipe or they do sell “pet wipes” also. Sometimes if their stools are nice and firm, they are less “sticky” and tend to stick to the hair less. Because first he goes straight to the couch. Inspired by my childhood Ragdoll cat, Rags, I created Floppycats to connect, share and inspire other (Ragdoll) cat lovers around the world. I appreciate it. Just get in there and do it. When I got her (as an adult) she had severe vomiting problems, due to her food and her hair consumption. 3. If you do trim the hairs on his butt, be sure to use round-tipped scissors so you don’t accidentally poke him. This whole week I have had to Wash his bottom several times and his little feet AND he has kitty claws. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. My grey kitty actually sits right in the litter to “go,” and as a result she sits in the poop. If you have a longhaired cat like my Romeo, you’ve probably seen little pieces … I hope we all utilize this community to make a better life for our cats and make some great friendships along the way as well. Dip him up and down just so his rear is in the water and then we dry him off. she’s very active & after a failed jump last year, stopped jumping to the counter as well as washing her bum. He had to have a little bottom bath and then a good brushing to make him feel better! I have tried pulling it off with some toilet paper but he won’t let me. What you describe, your long haired cat getting feces caught in his hair is not uncommon. Poor thing I think I have tramatized him. , Second, we have this problem occasionally with Miss Pink Sugar. I didn’t cut any of the fur, just had to wash him first couple days and lately he looks more furry there and fine. She doesn’t like to be trimmed in that area but she tolerates it because she’s such a trusting and remarkably patient kitty. Miss Pink Sugarbelle Fluffypants brings him crashing back to reality. Then I think at times I traumatized poor Finn because I would scoop him out of the litter box as soon as he pooped so he wouldn’t walk in it! Subscribe to our email list to be instantly notified when we make a new post. Other than the occasional piece picked up and tossed for playing with (! I hope this will save him! Cats don’t have a very high thirst drive, so if your cat is not drinking enough, providing it with some wet food might help things move along. I am locking him out of the carpeted rooms tonight so hopefully he will clean himself by morning. Its so good to know this is an issue with others. Has he been neutered? Siouxsie: First of all, Laura, we’d suggest talking to your vet. I wrote above what I do. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. I guess it comes with having such a beautiful coat! So cut his nails, trim his butt and get those wipes ready! A vet explained to us that the cat's "anal glands" excrete some poop onto those cat butthairs, and it's not an issue of her being long-haired or needing a butt-hair trim. That’s why we keep her fluffy bottom (including the part of her tail that also gets “that trouble”) trimmed about every 45 days. My Cat steps in his poop when using the litter box and tracks it all over the house, he sometimes even gets it stuck to - Answered by a verified Cat Vet We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. It is so gross. Cats need to drink a lot of water if they eat dry foods, since dry foods are only about 10% water, and wet foods are about 75-80% water. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I also feed him high quality grain-free wet food and hardly any dry, maybe a tablespoon a day. Your vet may have some ideas on how to treat the diarrhea. However, it is hard to find this litter outside of Australia (I had to cart a 15kg bag home to Singapore..haha..airline staff gave me a weird look). “here’s a tough one…i have a bobtail cat and she seems to be pregnant…however, Buffy seems to ALWAYS have poop stuck to her butt…i’ve had to pull it off her butt and use a napkin because she bleeds alot from!!”. If it’s not an emergency (choking, foreign object in eye, for example), you can wait a while between the reconnaissance and the actual project. and be patient with him. The information at Paws and Effect is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease and is intended for educational purposes only. Since he keeps his tail curled (dummy), this solved that issue. Siouxsie: Good luck, Laura. I am not afraid to brush out any litter she gets on her bottom, which isn’t that frequent. She is a joy to have. Thanks in advance! To prevent diarrhea, don’t give your cat dairy products like milk or yogurt -- many cats can’t digest them properly. As you can see, we don’t use ads on this site. Constipation in cats is not uncommon and it doesn’t always require a medical examination. Not much fun for us, or him. I tried to clean it with earthbath cat wipes but she really dislikes me cleaning her butt. Thomas: If your cat was hit by a car or had his tail yanked really hard, it’s possible that nerve damage is making him somewhat incontinent. We have a long haired cat that was also getting dirty britches & then using our carpet to drag himself along for a clean (ew.) If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! Thomas: If you use a covered litter box, remove the cover. I no longer gag pulling the top off the box, and I have no more cat stink wafting into the rest of the house after they do their business! Ever wondered, "how can i keep my cat in my yard?" I wash him sometimes 3 times a day, sometimes every other day. I certainly wouldn’t want her to lick it off and eat it! In really bad situations, we take him to the vet for a shave. YAY! Pulling the fur in a sensitive area such as the skin near the anus is very painful. He does clean his bottom though grooming wise, but not right away when he jumps out of litter box. she is a larger kitty & I am more concerned about her 21 lbs than the vet was. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Siberian keeps getting poop in her fur. However, if your cat is long-haired, or just intensely matted, you may not be able to make any progress with only the damp cloth. YUCK! Thank you thank you SO much Jenny! This can reduce the pain for your kitty, as well as help in preventing any bleeding that may occur from the tugging of a comb, or even the dry wiping of a napkin. I work fast with determination, precision and soft prayers to get it all done before she’s decided that she’s endured enough. Drives me batty as he always has soft poops a couple times a week.When he was a younger kitten, he’s 11 mos now, he would step in it! If your cat is overweight, he’ll need your help in the cleaning department and you really should get him on a weight-loss plan in order to avoid health risks such as Type II diabetes, arthritis and lameness, and heart problems. Dahlia: The easiest way to keep your cat from getting poop stains and cling-ons on your furniture is to use washable slip covers or blankets on areas where he likes to hang out. By the time I can catch her to remove the lump, it's stuck to her fur. Now, as mentioned in early posts, here are some other helpful hints in preventing this smelly, unsightly, and rather embarrassing issue in happening to your furry friends: 1. First of all, never “pull” anything off of your cats butt fur, the area is very sensitive and can be very painful for the poor kitty! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Think this is pretty much a universal problem In long hair kitties that we just have to help them with by doing little trims here and there. She’s not very good at cleaning herself, sort of gives up halfway and falls asleep. The following article will provide information regarding the issue of getting poop stuck in the fur of cats. On day three I turned it on while he was very relaxed and pet him all over with the non-trimming end. We will treat your information with respect. I was so sick and tired of cleaning him up and the bathroom at 11pm! It's not diarrhea, the stool is well-formed but soft. Getting a cat to clean itself after diarrhea is impossible. Thanks for sharing Truffles’ story. One of my cats has poop stuck in the hair of his tail. Dahlia: Now on to the subject of getting — and keeping — your kitty clean. This problem is SOOOO COMMON with cats on dry food. And, our litter boxes have covers. Like Patti, I trim her, but my trimming is not really up near her butt, but lower near her “bloomers.” She has totally fuzzy bloomers that are much easier to deal with when they are shorter. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. I use World’s Greatest Litter and it never sticks to the fur. Clipping will deprive him of all his beauty…. Sort of like one for rabbits. If you can keep the fur on their feet trimmed, this means less material for litter and poop to stick to. I still keep checking him though when he comes out from that area but he stays solid clean. I have 2 long haired cats that always get (normal, not diarrhea) poop and/or litter stuck to their butt fur, so twice a year they both get their butt fur shaved (a wide area around their “privates” and a “free fall zone” down the back legs). It will pass. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Uniting Ragdoll Cat Lovers Worldwide Since 2008. Dear Most Esteemed and Knowledgeable Kitties: My cat goes to the bathroom in the litter box, but he never quite gets it all out. He doesn’t arch his back when he poops I’ve noticed. It is not natural or normal for feces to stick to the fur in cats. If not, once time through the steps should do the trick! (if the stool is dry and incredibly tangled, then this step is extremely important, unless you want to cause yourself and your pet a great deal of pain and frustration). Thanks. Also, if you switch the brand or type of food you give them, be sure to introduce it over several days by mixing it with smaller and smaller amounts of … I notice she does not eat to much of that she does like the wet food and she waits for that. I will be getting some wipes and crossing my fingers. We got both items straightened out, and now we are all delighted! I give him 1/2 raw rabbit and 1/2 can food + probiotics and vits. Everytime she goes to the litter tray to poop, she always sits back down in it and never cleans it off herself. I’ves used the unscented baby wipes to get poopy paws clean. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. and then a can of the fancy feast. We try to help you understand your cat and what may or may not be going on with him or her, but please discuss your concerns about your cat with your veterinarian! BUT what I have done is trimmed the hair around his butt and it helps a lot. Poop usually gets stuck when it’s too dry and hard or your cat doesn’t manage to push it out. Yes, it is a two-person job. Video of the Day Step 1 With a wet cloth when it wasn ’ t always require a medical examination wont! A result she sits in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program yours was my very first thought halfway... Dip my cat keeps getting poop stuck in her fur by lowering his back end into a sitz bath tub-type thing to! '' that i know your cat is already happier behavior wise off dry food is not or... Is strutting around like he knows everything now pieces of dinasaur kale that fell on back! Higher end, more relaxed a “ butt dip ” by lowering his back end into a bath... 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