GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE are complete desktop environments, each of which come with their own programs and applications, menus, icons, a file manager, and a window manager. This opens up a box called the “dash” where users can search by typing in the name of desired programs to open them. To put it in simple words, LXDE looks very simple plain. In terms of performance, both DEs are excellent in identically provisioned virtual machines. XFCE’s GUI feels much like one of the commercial OSes we are used to, making a transit easy. Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation. Xubuntu provides a desktop with a lot of bells and whistles while still striving not to impact too much on your PC system’s resources. Linux Mint with KDE plasma is the best choice for computer or laptop with the high specification. Window managers are, as the term suggests, simply used to manage the opening and closing of programs in a graphical, point-and-click windowed desktop. The primary difference between LXQt and Xfce is that LXQt uses Qt rather than GTK+. The community will send you all over the Internet looking at different DEs, and you’ll end up confused and looking to go back to whatever you had before. It’s a pity that Rasbian does not ship with LXQt by default. Xubuntu is particularly good-looking, and there are ways to make any XFCE system look the way you want. Now that you’ve learned about LXDE vs. XFCE, you should check out some of our other Desktop Environment reviews, like GNOME, KDE, MATE, and Pantheon, and learn more about XFCE and LXDE customization. Only 112 MB and with qt5! hide. Note that Razor-qt has become LXQt, a port of LXDE to the Qt framework.. At that time, Xfce was more than twice as popular than LXDE. Toolboxes allow you to consistently draw application interfaces. Some Numbers About LXQt for Those Who Are Curious | LXDE Blog . (For openbox, which brings no file manager, the gtk2 version of pcmanfm is used). LXQt and LXDE are lighter than Xfce, but that’s only part of the story. XFCE vs KDE ... so happens that I recently tried these as well as lxqt in antiX running from a usb with persistence enabled and while lxde, enlightenment and lxqt used much less RAM (around 300mb) they don't compare with xfce when it comes to ease of use and customization (at least for me). Developed by The GNOME Project. Todays Linux Mint distributed under the 32 bit and 64 bit version with different desktop environment version such as Cinnamon, Mate, KDE, and XFCE. This is a huge deal for those users with very limited RAM. How to Sync Microsoft Outlook With Google Calendar Originally designed by Canonical for use on netbooks, Unity has (beginning with Ubuntu 11.04) replaced GNOME 2.x as the default desktop shell in Ubuntu. If you’re looking for excellent performance from a lightweight Desktop Environment but not ready to make the jump all the way to something like LXDE, then XFCE is perfect. Por exemplo, sleeper desktop environment has been XFCE as XFCE offers more robustness than LXDE that lacks much of XFCE’s polish in the default configuration. That being said, Xfce is far more stable and mature; Lxqt is young and seeing a lot of work, which is great, but certainly makes it a moving target and opens the door for more issues. For LXDE, every piece is interchangeable. Other times you have a high-performance system and want to dedicate all of that power to the task at hand. VS. Xfce. It’s more welcoming, and it shows you how light a complete, fully-featured Desktop Environment can be. 1 Like. From their official website, we got some comparison point like this : MATE: Stable, robust, traditional; XFCE: Light, simple, efficient; Cinnamon : Sleek, modern, innovative; KDE: Solid, full-featured, polished; 1. We’ve taken the liberty of narrowing the list down to just two choices: LXDE vs. XFCE. Close. LXQt 0.14.1 on Debian 10 Buster. In addition to lightweight, XFCE brings more customization to the table. Its GUI feels really frugal and takes very little screen estate, which is good for small screen sizes. Categories: OS & Utilities. Appmus is a free service to discover amazing products and services. Continue reading “Benchmark: Memory Usage: LXQt desktop environment vs XFCE” How to Manage Your Running Processes with XFCE’s Task Manager, How to Set Up the XFCE Desktop Environment on Arch Linux. I like both DEs but prefer XFCE due to its more elegant panel widgets. Categories: OS & Utilities. Benchmark: Memory Usage: LXQt desktop environment vs XFCE It has always been rumored that Qt is bloated so programs written in Qt should be bloated. This makes all the difference in the world for me. Check out our comment policy here. Is it providing equivalent features to GNOME or KDE Desktop? LXDE was never slow, but LXQt was amazingly fast, so much so I could almost forget what (simulated) hardware it was running on! 3. Developed by Solus Project. Frankly so LXDE looks just. Archived. LXQt và LXDE nhẹ hơn Xfce, nhưng đó chỉ là một phần của câu chuyện. Many errors. I find KDE to be kind of buggy and laggy sometimes, if i would use LXDE, LXQT or XFCE with Kwin - would it be lighter than pure KDE and would it … Press J to jump to the feed. After cold boot, the memory usage is as follows. LXQt/LXDE so với Xfce. vs. MATE vs Budgie LXQt (Formerly LXDE) A few years ago, LXDE was considered the lightest graphical desktop environment around. And now i've been thinking to try out something that's not Debian based and its easy at the same time. I’ll try it on my laptop. An example is Window Managers – Openbox is the default, but you can choose from many others to suit your wants and needs. In the hunt for lighter Desktop Environments for your Linux system, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the number of choices available to you. Внешний вид очень похож на Xfce. The main difference between LXQt and Xfce is that LXQt uses Qt and not GTK+. Load More Posts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 67 Comments. It feels like a more well thought-out system where everything integrates tightly. MATE Desktop Environment is based on GNOME 2. 3. Both Desktop Environments are fine once you’ve gotten used to them, but for me, XFCE starts out way ahead of LXDE. Read more... Release qtermwidget 0.16.0. In fact, LXQt 0.11 even uses slightly less memory than XFCE (with gtk+ 2). DE + KWIN vs KDE. 3 Ways to Edit the boot/config.txt File on Raspberry Pi August 30, 2018. The Linux distros that use XFCE as the default desktop include Xubuntu, Manjaro, etc. KDE's file manager Dolphin is described as focused on usability. Trending. LXDE is a minimalistic desktop environment, somewhat like Windows XP in look and feel. Compare LXDE and GNOME and decide which is most suitable for you. This is the testing setup: Debian testing: Clean install in Virtualbox 5.1.6 (2016-10-02) CPU: 2-core; RAM: 512 MB; Resolution: 1024 x 768; Desktop environments: LXQt 0.11, XFCE: 4.12.3, Cinnamon 3, Gnome 3.20 License: Open Source. Az LXQt Linuxra írt szabad és nyílt forráskódú asztali környezet, a többivel összehasonlítva alacsony erőforrásigénnyel. Both desktop environments claim to be lightweight, but which one is more lightweight? Overall, XFCE is an excellent choice for those users with less than optimal hardware that are looking for a lightweight, responsive, but still fully featured DE. Fedora 24: Comparing Gnome, KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce, LXDE. If you have a particularly limited system, you may want to choose LXDE. Window managers can be used as a component of a desktop … Với một chút nỗ lực, Xfce có thể mang lại cảm giác của một môi trường desktop hiện đại hơn. The release can be downloaded from Github. And is one more stable than the other? lxqt with openbox as the WM is another option you might consider. My personal experiences with the two UI flavors have been similar. Back in the GNOME 2 days, Xfce was considered a lightweight alternative. By using, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. About this repository. Programs open immediately, windows drag around the screen with no dropped frames, and interacting with portions of the desktop like menus and tray icons is really snappy. LXDE feels disjointed, given all the separate components, and that makes me feel like there’s something else I should be doing or changing to get the most out of the experience. Features and usability. Visit Website. This is a superproject which contains all LXQt components. 85% Upvoted. The number of editions was reduced to 4 on the main edition and 2 on the Debian edition as result of this poll. With the final release of Fedora 24 arriving on Tuesday, I've installed each of the six desktops on a … It’s lightweight, but not so much that you can’t still use it the way you’d expect. best. He holds technical certifications covering topics ranging from computer hardware to cybersecurity to Linux system administration. LXDE (сокр. Where things get interesting is when you start to look under the hood. Some even argued that the LXDE developers made a wrong decision on the migration to LXQt. John is a young technical professional with a passion for educating users on the best ways to use their technology. Linux is dominated by two sets of tools: the GTK+ and Qt. Let’s look at the use cases where each DE shines. LXQT Why not replace the assumptions with some experiments? After cold boot, LXQt uses 112 MB in the testing environment. After cold boot, LXQt uses 112 MB in the testing environment. LXQt developers have done a desktop memory consumption comparison to show that Qt programs are not necessarily bloated. LXQt versi 0.12 dirilis pada Oktober 2017. A fork of GNOME 2, MATE had its latest stable release 1.22 on March 18th, 2019 (as of October 2019). Here is a more in-depth look at the MATE desktop. The discussion about ‘lightness’ and memory usage is a bit dated. LXDE is incredibly simple and minimal, and for users looking for a DE that’s light and stays out of your way, LXDE is a great choice. Budgie is a feature-rich, luxurious desktop using the most modern technologies. Xfce is a free and open-source desktop environment for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. The LXDE and LXQt desktops feel like they've been around forever, gliding through user actions with ease, finding just the right balance between explanatory prompts and minimal design. Similarly to LXDE, there are components that can be swapped out. With sufficient efforts Xfce – more modern environment. They’re also both based on Ubuntu, so there is little difference in the underlying system itself. Credits 2,106 Jul 6, 2020 #1 Been using xfce on latest Refracta 64bit system and I reckon xfce uses less ram am I right or do you think otherwise ?? Cold boot 1: After cold boot, I opened the application menu to make the icons loaded. 3 Ways to Edit the boot/config.txt File on Raspberry Pi August 30, 2018. Completely trash. This is where I really begin to see the differences between these two systems. VS. LXQt. Test environment is the latest Debian stable installed in VirtualBox with 512 MB of RAM and 1 CPU core assigned. One of the ways it accomplishes this is that it is built up of many separate components, each of which can be installed separately or swapped out for other components. Ubuntu and its derivatives feature the GNOME desktop environment that comes with default GNOME terminal emulator. Read more... Release screengrab 2.1.0 . In a fresh boot, CPU usage is the same at around 1 percent, but LXDE uses a paltry 219 MB RAM, whereas XFCE uses 465 MB RAM. In this video I take a look at both the LXDE and LXQT Desktop Environments and discuss pros and cons. LXQt/LXDE vs. Xfce. This can be great for more advanced users who have enough experience and knowledge to have a preference of window manager or just those looking for intense customization. In fact, LXQt 0.11 even uses slightly less memory than XFCE (with gtk+ 2). LXQt and LXDE are lighter than Xfce, but that’s only part of the story. Dropping that edition to instead have a LXQt edition wouldn't be a lightweight decision. vs. LXQt vs Budgie Compare LXQt and Budgie and decide which is most suitable for you. The DSL post is already out as well, by the way. When and why did the use of the lifespans of royalty to limit clauses in contracts come about. Put bluntly, LXDE looks basic. LXDE is lighter than MATE, but MATE is more full-functional desktop. LXQt developers have done a desktop memory consumption comparison to show that Qt programs are not necessarily bloated. Additionally, every time I go to look a little deeper at LXDE, I’m disappointed by how shallow it is. Community releases include Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, i3, LXDE, LXQT, Mate, OpenBox and builds for ARM devices like the Raspberry Pi and the Pinebook. Budgie vs Xfce : Which is Better? LXDE, LXQT, XFCE i dont want any of these most used ones. Continue reading “Benchmark: Memory Usage: LXQt desktop environment vs XFCE” Posted on September 1, 2016 November 26, 2016. In reality, Lxde is not all that much lighter than Xfce. It has a very loyal fan base of users for a reason. Additionally, it will run extremely fast on newer computers. since the memory difference isn't that different ~10MB of RAM and they activitly being developed. Pada ... Rilis kali ini dibandingkan terhadap Xfce, penggunaan memori LXQt hanya 112 Mb, sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan Xfce. You fall back to shell commands, not what I’m demanding from a GUI-Linux system. Either way, keeping everything as slim as possible is key. The Best Lean Linux Desktop Environment: LXDE vs. Xfce vs. MATE. Actually I used LXQt on my Raspberry Pi instead and it works flawlessly. However, this is not the only deciding factor. by Bertel King, Jr. July 26, 2019. Moreover, I feel more at home with XFCE. That being said, Xfce … Linux Mint MATE. On the other hand, Xfce gives you the feel of a modern environment of the desktop. Load More Posts. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Note that I recorded this video a while ago, so the chatter is kind of out of date – Cygwin part 2 and the Mint 19 review are both already out. I didn't know about LXDE-gtk3, I would give that a shot. As XFCE is quite popular, there are so many different ways you can customize it. All Right Reserved. Thread starter darry1966; Start date Jul 6, 2020; darry1966 Well-Known Member. A Look on ICEwm; XOrg Vs XFree86 Submitted by Philipp Esselbach 2004-04-09 X11 17 Comments. July 26, 2019. Lxqt is probably slightly more lightweight due to its LXDE roots. If you prefer GTK+, it is better to use Xfce. To understand the difference between LXDE and LXQt, we must first talk about toolboxes. If you prefer GTK+, it is better to use Xfce. Budgie. This obviously depends on the implementation, but for the two in question here, XFCE walks away the victor in User Friendliness. The Best Lean Linux Desktop Environment: LXDE vs. Xfce vs. MATE. Most base their perception of Xfce by what they see in Xubuntu. I’ve already gone over each of these Desktop Environments in depth in their respective reviews, which you can find here and here. linux lite vs xubuntu Home; Cameras; Sports; Accessories; Contact Us Personally, I like thunar better, and also prefer the more updated Xfce and it's options over Lxde. LXQt and LXDE is lighter than Xfce, but it is only part of the story. save. vs. ... Xfce vs GNOME Compare Xfce and GNOME and decide which is most suitable for you. rainingdistros 18 August 2018 05:52 #4. It is a desktop environment best suited for those looking for a traditional, seamlessly working desktop. How to Sync Microsoft Outlook With Google Calendar January 7, 2019 . It disappointed, however, for being not so resource-friendly as generally assumed. In an effort to standardize, I’ll be using LXLE to represent LXDE and Xubuntu to represent XFCE. User account menu. All the default settings are sensible, and 90% of what most users need to do on a desktop is covered (I'm reserving a conservative 10% for unique personal tastes that nobody expects any desktop to guess). GNOME 3 has changed and added so much since then that the distance between Xfce and GNOME 2 seems much smaller. while the distros that use LXDE as the default desktop include Lubuntu and so on. We can say that this desktop environment looks like Windows 10, and for daily use we recommend you to use Cinnamon version for modern computer. LXDE vs Xfce Nowadays, unlike in the past major desktop environments for GNU/Linux such as Gnome, Qt/KDE and especially the recently introduced Ubuntu Unity desktop which is one of the most popular ones already thanks to Ubuntu's popularity, all demand powerful hardware features (especially your VGA/GPU) to run the graphical desktops and window managers. Topic. There isn’t one correct answer for this. share. Some even argued that the LXDE developers made a wrong decision on the migration to LXQt.