I love the movie and I love the book even more, I cried when she died I love Gamora I hate thanos for killing her, Again, was this necessary. I was like "WHAT?!?! " In fact, according to Business Insider, researchers Kelly Tenzek and Bonnie Nickels analyzed 57 Disney and Pixar films and found that, overall, there were a total of 71 character deaths. This has outlasted Disney's former trend of killing the main villain (despite being less often to be seen), as both films after Wreck-It Ralph (which marked Disney's final death of a main villain) continued to do so. The Curious Oysters in Alice In Wonderland (1951). He was awesome. Han Solo Forever, It's so sad that a creative and brave girl could die in the place of their magical kingdom. 5. If you don’t remember it, count yourself lucky – it’s dogged my dreams for decades. This often overlooked adventure rips a grisly page right out of Bambi’s book by killing off the hero’s mother with an offscreen gunshot. It's still sad, though because I love Mufasa. To name a few: 1. Characters from Disney productions who are canonically dead; some such characters may appear alive in other media while remaining officially deceased in their primary, native settings. In other words, she ain’t getting up. Disney sure loves orphans and killing off parents, huh? His studio’s first animated feature comes with a great and gruesome denouement. Disney has always loved plonking an obstacle in its protagonists’ path, and there is no greater challenge than being orphaned. This was the only movie I ever shed areas on... it was one singular tear... but it was still a tear. Simba Lost his father at a young age and was forced to run away because of it. Usually, deaths will come after a joyful or positive scene, lifting the viewer's mood before smashing it down again, as done in Mulan. He is Simba's father, Sarabi's mate, Scar's older brother, and was King of the Pride Lands until his death. "If he encounters Walt in the MCU's version of heaven, he's gonna be a little annoyed Peter didn't tell him that Mary Poppins was a woman. The instances of death in Disney movies are abundant, but only in a select few is it so integral to the plot that a parent/child discussion is absolutely warranted. Mr and Mrs Pelekai in Lilo & Stitch (2002). How is Bing Bong sadder than Ray. Disney Death Count is a three-part series on Film Theory that enumerated all on-screens deaths across the Disney animated canon. But then again, let’s face, for some reason, the greatest kid’s movies are often more depressing than movies for their parents. Mufasa and Scar in The Lion King (1994). Great pasta, though. Lion king is my favorite Disney movie, this is the saddest death! Tod’s mother in The Fox And The Hound (1981). What would've been different in Finding Nemo if both Coral and Marlin survived with that egg named 'Nemo'? Sebastián Athié has died aged 24 (Picture: Disney, Instagram) Disney star Sebastián Athié, known for his role as Lorenzo Guevara in O11CE, has died aged 24. Easily the most messed-up Disney villain of modern times, Claude Frollo is the judge who won’t budge on religion, but can’t help having naughty thoughts about the fiery Esmeralda. Flipboard. Can you name these lesser known characters from Disney classics in our tough quiz. Good old Walt didn’t hang about. Bambi's Mom - Bambi. the flashbacks made it even more upsetting, SUPER SAD I WINED AND SULKED FOR 33 MINUTES. Without a doubt the saddest death in any movie, Disney or not. Thankfully, Lady And The Tramp is much more famous for its romantic spaghetti incident than the bit where an unfortunate stray dog is marched unwittingly down a corridor at the pound to his certain death. when he died. It’s not easy. This one was WAAY sadder than stupid Mufasa's death (Which wasn't sad at ALL)! It totally wasnt her time to go! Characters who are robots or machines don't apply to this category as they can't be biologically alive. How happy she made him. Scar deserved to die! The death: In a heart-stopping scene, little Bambi and his mother are pursued by a hunter. Frozen’s focus on the lives of two sisters is what made it a mega-hit, but the pair’s dynamic is defined by the loss of their parents, as per Disney tradition. To give up his life for his friends! 1. Bing Bong is an irrelevant elephant thing who had no character except for being stupid. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna in Frozen (2013). Chances are pretty good this is the first movie character death you can remember. Facebook. Those doomed characters have included a long line of plummeting villains (no one does death from above like Disney) and a plethora of pitied parents. Did Disney Fake Lemming Deaths for the Nature Documentary ‘White Wilderness’? ", they recite before walking off into the sunset. 9. For example, if something hits particularly close to home, address how it is and is not the same. … For example, from the first quarter of 2005 to the first quarter of 2006, Disney reported four deaths and nineteen injuries at its Florida parks. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. In a recent list, we already mentioned the death of Disneyland employee Deborah Gail Stone, whose head was crushed while working as a … This movie opened the floodgates for many an animated death. D&D Beyond Image via IMDB/Walt Disney Home Entertainment. 13. Yes it is sad, but compare it with Reuben's death from MCSM and Gonta's and Kokichi's death from Danganronpa V3, Mufasa's death is kind of overrated. The tragedy hits hard because it’s done so casually, their ship capsizing at the end of a initially harmless montage that started with Anna asking Elsa if she wanted to build a snowman. ... Trending Movie Lists Most Romantic Movies of All Time. Watch enough movies a pattern emerges with deaths. 15. Pinocchio 2. Why Disney movies specifically? Besides Bambi’s mother being shot by a hunter, though, there were 80 other deaths that happened during a forest fire. This, however, is demonstrably false. She didn't die, she was just unconscious. MORE : Can you name these lesser known characters from Disney classics in our tough quiz? The term "incidents" refers to major injuries, deaths, loss (or injury), or significant crimes. Obviously there are a lot of spoilers here, so if you get to a movie you haven't seen, just scroll on by. Name an animated Disney film that doesn’t, even if it is in a small way, deal with death. A complete list of every movie Disney has ever produced or helped produce. Attraction-related incidents usually fall into one of the following categories: Disney —kyl0r3n. There are plenty of Disney animated movies where no one dies nor any key characters (like parents) are mentioned to have died before the start of the movie. And that’s why it’s a worthy new entry into Disney’s impressive tearjerking canon. The moment likely scarred multiple generations of children since the early 1940s. to his death after a battle on Big Ben. 3. Her three-pronged demise involves a lightning-triggered fall from a rain-soaked cliff, a following boulder that goes tumbling after her and a pair of hungry vultures ready to pick at what’s left. such an underrated character, also one of the best mothers, Bay max was my favorite and the tiny magnetic metel things should have died. This is one of two movies I remember crying at. There is much debate about the reasoning behind this phenomenon. That makes Bing Bongs death so emotional is that he knowingly sacrificed himself to make sure the person he cared most about could experience happiness again. I was still crying about his death a half hour after it happened. Disney’s Cinderella was based on a very tame story by Charles Perrault, published 1697. Disney’s rodent riffing on Sherlock Holmes is a riot, except when the villain plunges (how else?) Sad. 10. I love watching dumbo, but every time I see dumbo's mom locked up, I immedietly start bawling my eyes out. A basic ground rule was also established on the basis of sentience, in the sense that only sentient creatures should be counted in … If you don’t remember the brutal butchering of these poor little sea creatures by the rather unscrupulous Walrus, much to the chagrin of his equally hungry – but not quite as sneaky – accomplice, the Carpenter, then it’s because it’s not part of the main Alice action, but rather a story within a story recounted to her by Tweedledum and Tweedledee. 6. The skulls in his eyes were a dead giveaway (although Disney removed them in some later formats) that arrogant ass-clown Gaston perished in that tumble from the Beast’s castle. Does the manipulating Mother Gothel die of old age before she hits the ground after tumbling out of the window of Rapunzel’s tower, or is it the fall itself that kills her? 12. Being ripped apart by double-crossing hyenas is a rotten way to go. So, in honor of all the pain and sadness Disney routinely brings us, here's a quasi-definitive ranking of 21 significant Disney movie deaths. This is why Frozen struck such a raw nerve with audiences – not because of that Let It Go song (okay, perhaps a little) – but because it’s about the regret of not spending enough time with those closest to you. The 7 Most Deeply Disturbing Deaths In Disney History. Disneyland is supposed to be one of the most wonderful places on Earth, and it’s probably one of the last places you would ever expect to die. The other one is Coco, I remember watching it and as soon as he jumped off I was like 'no no no no this was not meant to happen😩'. If they keep this up, I’m switching to DC universe, I strongly disagree with this decision. Bambi has been scarring children for decades with its most traumatic scene: Bambi's mother is shot by a hunter, leaving the young deer all alone in the forest. So it’s a bit weird then that the death of the nasty Shan Yu is an animated tribute to the ‘You’re Fired!’ bit from the end of Arnie actioner True Lies. The fox and the hound don’t get to be half of the life-long buddies they are portrayed in the end of the movie. She didn't die, but when the song "baby my" plays, every time I watch it I can't get through it without crying. One of the big scenes showed a whale, Monstro, swallowing Geppetto, Figaro, Cleo, Pinocchio … The Evil Queen, back in her old hag disguise, meets an extremely sticky end in what remains an amazing sequence.