Basically, we help you get the most out of your relationship with your kalimba. 99. This results in the vibrating length of the tines being shorter, producing pitches that are too high. The Sharpie marker will naturally wear off after several … My new materials for the 17-Note in C, with six painted tines, will never be confused with the G Treble materials. All the tuning and adjusting in the world didn't help. Add to Cart 17 Keys Kalimba DIY Replacement Parts with Keys Bridge Tuning Hammer Kit Musical Instrument Thumb Finger Piano Accessories Feature: Key: 1. These are the Kalimba Tines Stickers printables you get: 6 Pastel 17 Key Kalimba Tines Stickers Free Generic 17 Key Kalimba Tine Stickers PRODUCT: This 17 key kalimba tines stickers printable listing is for an instant digital download and no product will be sent to you. Home > Blog > Item > How Should I Paint the Tines on My 17-Note Kalimba? 66. This will get about 90% of the paint off. Rather, they come with six decals that you can stick on your kalimba’s tines. Mark's kalimba books are a down payment on this proposition. His business, Kalimba Magic, is based on the simple proposition that the kalimba is a real musical instrument capable of greatness. Keep reading if you would like to know some simple things you can do to prevent or remove rust from your kalimba tines. The tines can be cleaned with steel wool and a bit of mineral oil. So, before you trade out your rusty old Hugh Tracey tines for shiny new Chinese tines, make sure that it is going to be an improvement. Putting the 3rd of the scale, B, as the low note of the kalimba makes the kalimba a bit awkward to play. African Karimba Songs on the 17-Note Kalimba in C, Maurice White’s “Evil Tuning” – Using African Sensibilities in Pop Music, African Music on the 10-Note Kalimba in C. We now have an extensive library of music for the 17-Note Kalimba in C with the 6-painted-tines system. Arrives before Valentine's Day. If your tines don’t look so good after cleaning – if there is still a lot of rust that you can’t get off – you might want to paint all of the tines. HOW TO MAKE A NICE 2-OCTAVE KALIMBA VERY INEXPENSIVELY ~~~~~ Last updated 12/17/1997 NOTE: 7 additional photos and a sound sample of this instrument are available. It is tuned and tested well before shipment.It adopts international standard C tone, furthermore solid wood body for it which makes resonance more sufficient. For those who have tried it out, it is especially pleasing when you finally manage to get them all aligned perfectly on the tines and look all dressed-up and ready for some music practice. Don’t leave them out in the weather. All Rights Reserved. The tines on a kalimba may also be referred to as Keys, or simply notes, I will use these terms interchangeably as they are frequently used in question. Some alternative tunings simply change the key of the kalimba, without changing the note layout scheme. You will have to fine tune each tine afterward. As I already mentioned, the bridges on the Chinese kalimbas are glued down, and it is not so easy to replace the tines on that design. If you prefer the instructional materials April Yang has provided online (YouTube), or if you have already been playing a kalimba set up like this for many months, you probably want to put those five decals on your 17-Note kalimba, Chinese stye lets say. You can mark it in the five tine manner when you want to learn something from April, and mark it in the six tine system when you want to learn from my books or downloads. (OK: I will, upon request, paint any 17-Note kalimba in C with five painted tines instead of my usual six. Mark's kalimba books are a down payment on this proposition. How To Tune A 17/11/12/10/9/7/6/5 Note Kalimba The basic principle is the same for each model of kalimba regardless of the number of tines it has. If you don’t know, you should get your kalimba unpainted. We can not only take care of improving your old rusty tines, but we can also make your kalimba sound the best that it possibly can. I cover tine replacement and kalimba tuning tips elsewhere. Home > Blog > Item > What Should I Do About Rusty Tines? Kalimba Magic is a world-wide creator and distributor of all things kalimba. I call it the Bb Treble (pronounced “B flat treble”), and it has six tines painted. Copyright © 2020 Kalimba Magic. In the key of C, you will still paint the lowest note, but this time, it is also … I bought a really well reviewed kalimba from Amazon. Made from: - Old lawn-rake tines for the twangers (I've seen these tines in varying widths, but the ones I used are 11/64" wide). At the very least, you won’t be seeing the rust. FIrst of all, how rusty are your tines? I am still working within the system of “tine-painting logic” that Hugh Tracey started in 1954, and I am extending that logical system to new kalimba tunings. (You probably don’t want to remove every tine to completely restructure your kalimba, so ignore that step in the process. If you have one of the newer Chinese-made kalimbas, the bridge will be glued to the face wood, and it will be much harder to take the instrument apart. On the other hand, if your tines are quite rusty, or if the level of rust bothers you, I recommend you take the kalimba apart if you can. However, there is a situation now where the best selling kalimbas in the world come with a tine-painting suggestion that would result in preventing those kalimbas from being used with the entire library of Kalimba Magic instructional resources. How Should I Paint the Tines on My 17-Note Kalimba? Kalimba Magic is a world-wide creator and distributor of all things kalimba. These kalimbas come unpainted with decals for marking the tines, and the manufacturers recommend marking five tines – which is the exact Treble painting scheme. Almost all kalimba tines are made of steel of some sort – be they spring steel or “ore metal” or any number of the various terms manufacturers use to describe them. Unit price / per . I couldn’t get it to go to the fourth octave, it only stayed at the fifth until the tine fell out. The new brands of Chinese kalimbas starting in 2017 are the latest of those copies. The video below illustrates the relationship among kalimbas painted in this scheme. Mark Holdaway has been playing kalimba for over 30 years. Alternatively, if the root note (or the “1”) of the scale, is the lowest note in the center of your kalimba, it really grounds your playing. Whether you are a beginner or a life long kalimba lover, we are here to help you at every step of your kalimba journey. I managed to tune it perfectly and was pretty happy with it yesterday, however after practicing today I noticed just how quiet and (for lack of better word - non melodic?) If you … Alternative tunings are possible, as the tines of most kalimbas are easily pushed in and out to sharpen or flatten their pitch. $7.66 $ 7. If that is the case, I suggest you take special care of your kalimbas. Huh!? Finally, use fine steel wool or the green abrasive side of some dish sponges to scour the tine and get the last remnants of the paint off. Whether you are a beginner or a life long kalimba lover, we are here to help you at every step of your kalimba journey. Until the tines are, on average, in tune. Hi guys, this is a short video of identical kalimbas with two different types of tines. Kalimba Tines Sticker Printable Pastel Orange - 17 Key Kalimba DIY Accessories SamsNook. But almost all of the rusty-tined kalimbas I have seen actually still sounded pretty good. Of course, the Kalimba Doctor is always available to help. How cruel and confusing that would be. The tones didn't resonate at all and were completely flat and quiet no matter how you plucked them. Then you can use a Sharpie marker to temporarily “paint” some of your kalimba tines in any way you wish. If you already stuck five decals on, I further recommend that you take them off. Jiayouy Kalimba Thumb Piano 8 Keys Bridge Saddle Hardware Pack for Kalimba Thumb Piano DIY Replacement Part Accessory. In fact, I find that taking apart and reassembling these kalimbas generally results in overbending the tines and I have not found a safe way to do it. Let me start by taking my hat off to the Chinese companies that are making these various kalimba brands. They recommend that you put five on. The first thing you can do to prevent rusty kalimba tines is to move to Arizona. Shipping calculated at checkout. If you don’t know, you should get your kalimba unpainted. It is essential to count the tines and understand the key your instrument is in. The Kalimba Setup portion of the "Kalimba Configuration" window is for you to enter information about your kalimba. And while some rust will persist beneath the paint, the paint will also form a protective barrier greatly reducing the advancement of rust… on the front side at least. I have a Hluru A class 17 key and love everything about it except that the high b tine is not resonating properly. If you get a kalimba from us, you probably want us to paint it in our system. The vintage kalimbas can be very sweet in tone, and mounting new tines on an old instrument usually does not reproduce the original sweetness. This opens dozens of instructional resources to you. The second painted tine is third on the right or the root note. the top wood) being kinda chipped at where the tines meet the wood when the tines were installed & pushed up against the backstop. K21k kalimbas dead middle tines? That got your attention! They are all in the key of C. So while looking exactly like the Treble Hugh Tracey kalimba, they are in a different key, which changes everything. The company sent me a replacement. For decades, people have been making knockoffs of the 17-Note Hugh Tracey Treble kalimbas. Now, here is the silver lining in this big mess: NONE of the new brands of Chinese kalimbas actually come with painted tines! Reason why im doing this is because tines i have used before were purchased from kalimbamagic. I hope this explains both the confusing situation with the 17-Note kalimbas and what you can do about it. The Hokema Kalimba B7 is the 'sister' of the B9 and is likewise a small and handy kalimba with a solid resonance body of American Cherrywood with stainless steel parts, refined development and clean tuning. This results in a distinct disadvantage: if you drop your kalimba, the bridge could move slightly – down and away from the pressure bar or “z”-bracket. What is a Kalimba instrument? The “Bb Treble” can be tuned to A, Bb, B, or C. In other words the Chinese 17-Note kalimba in C is tuned exactly like my “Bb Treble kalimba tuned up to C,” which I have been selling and playing since 2007. A major benefit to you for working within Hugh Tracey’s tine painting system is that it gives you access to my kalimba books and downloads, including materials explicitly for the 17-Note kalimba in C, but also books and downloads I wrote for the 15-note Alto Kalimba (which will instruct you on the inner 15 or your 17 tines). They copied the way the Hugh Tracey Treble kalimba is painted, but not the way it is tuned. Had they asked me, I would have told them to paint six tines, but instead they painted five. These picks act as a replacement for your natural nails, and after you’re done playing the kalimba, you can simply take them off and continue with your life. We explore, share, and sell the endless possibilities of kalimbas, exotic kalimba tunings, kalimba tablature, books, ebooks & downloads, videos, and songs. These erasers are made with sand and rubber, so they are a bit abrasive. … I am firmly planted in the Hugh Tracey tine-painting system. Suggestions for replacement tines? Regular price $23.00 Sale price $18.00. Tines. The Hugh Tracey kalimbas have a bridge that is held in place by pressure. When Hugh Tracey started making his 17-Note Treble kalimbas in South Africa in 1954, the instruments had one out of every three tines painted, on each side of the kalimba. For many years now, I have been offering a modified Treble kalimba with the root note on the low tine. It is currently configured for a 17 tine kalimba in the key of G, with a range of B3 to D6, and with five red tines. Kalimba follows the seven-note diatonic scale which is the tradition of western music. If you have rusty tines and the paint is chipping off, you can get the old paint off by using a flat end screwdriver to scrape the tine. Helpful tip for kalimba tines replacement I generally find that the rust does not really have a negative impact on the sound of the tines. It is now also known as the Thumb Piano or the Finger Piano. You could replace these tines on your Hugh Tracey Treble kalimba (the tine sets of the Chinese 17-Note and Hugh Tracey Treble kalimbas are of compatible tunings and lengths), but to my ear and thumbs, the Hugh Tracey kalimba’s tines are superior to the Chinese ones. Kalimba Magic recommends using ink erasers (like these) to clean up the tines. If you can, try to replace one tine and judge for yourself before you trade out all of the tines. C major is a popular tuning, sold by multiple manufacturers. If your Chinese-made kalimba has rusty tines, you may have to just clean the easily-accessed surfaces of the tines – ie, the top surface of the tines and the under side of the tines south of the bridge. Which scale to tune your kalimba to varies a bit depending on how many tines you have, and how you wish your kalimba should sound. FarBoat Kalimba 17 Note Keys Thumb Piano with Sapele Mahogany Wood Bridges, Tuning Hammer, Screws, Saddle, Replacement Kit DIY Accessories 4.2 out of 5 stars 13 $10.55 Aklot Kalimba 17 key with Solid Wood for board and ore metal tines. (See our Kalimba Buying Guide for more information.) These high humidity environs can certainly induce kalimba tine rust. Kalimbas that have lived in Miama for 10 years. But you cannot use Treble instructional materials with your 17-note in C. In order for you to take advantage of the vast offering of Kalimba Magic books, instructional downloads and hundreds of songs that are applicable to the 17-note in C (including all downloads for the 10-note kalimba, 66 Songs for the 17-Note, plus the entire body of Alto kalimba literature) – the Treble’s five-tine painting scheme will simply not work. Firstly, it is the layout of the tines. Both are tuned to D mayor scale. ESPECIALLY if you download any of my instructional materials or buy any of my books. The steel wool will remove a lot of the rust, but not all. The measurements of both instruments are the same but the B7 is not only tuned differently, but its tines are also wider, which makes the tones deeper. The tines on the replacement kalimba are more level to one another, but its sound isn't as beautiful as the first kalimba, and I could see many parts of the backstop (i.e. And remember – if you own a 17-Note kalimba in C, DON’T get the Treble books or downloads, as the Treble’s tuning is incompatible with your kalimba. Also, the Hugh Tracey people don’t give me extra tines, so it is not something that I offer. It seems to me you have several choices: The links below in “Related Articles” indicate all the currently available resources that will work for your 17-Note kalimba in C. The first two have recordings in C, and the rest list their various caveats. We explore, share, and sell the endless possibilities of kalimbas, exotic kalimba tunings, kalimba tablature, books, ebooks & downloads, videos, and songs. Go to your hardware shop and buy protective enamel paint, and apply with a cheap water color kit brush. Learn to Play “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” on Kalimba. What follows is a more detailed discussion of two kalimbas that look the same but are very different. On the tuning sheet that the company gave me, they told me to tune the second time to a B flat in the fourth octave. I have seen some pretty old kalimbas with totally rusted tines. So, before you trade out your rusty old Hugh Tracey tines for shiny new Chinese tines, make sure that it is going to be an improvement. (Instructions for taking your kalimba apart and reassembly are included at the end of this blog post.) You see, I have already written four books and two instructional downloads for the Treble kalimba in G, and those books have tablature with the 5 painted tines. But I think most of these kalimbas could have been handled differently so they didn’t get so bad so fast. I just received my first Kalimba, it was meant to come pre-tuned but was severely out of tune especially the 5 middle tines. Now, a new crop of 17-note kalimbas from China has surfaced under names such as Gecko, Donner, and Walter kalimbas. These are primarily sold to people who want to build their own kalimbas, but you can also use these kits to replace your old tines. You may not be able to move to Arizona for the sake of your kalimbas. How far do you push it? Hugh Tracey’s Treble kalimba is in the key of G and has its own unique tine-painting layout. You could replace these tines on your Hugh Tracey Treble kalimba (the tine sets of the Chinese 17-Note and Hugh Tracey Treble kalimbas are of compatible tunings and lengths), but to my ear and thumbs, the Hugh Tracey kalimba’s tines are superior to the Chinese ones. Adjust Your Kalimba Tines. The kalimba tablature I invented in late 2004 is a map of the kalimba, and represents the painted tines as shaded columns. His business, Kalimba Magic, is based on the simple proposition that the kalimba is a real musical instrument capable of greatness. Because, while it cuts you off from the Kalimba Magic library, it opens you up to the growing number of resources for the 5-painted-tine system.). 4.1 out of 5 stars 19. Quantity. I tried to hammer it back in, but now, I dented the top portion that holds the top half of the tines. (See the video below for very clear illustration and explanation of various tunings and tine painting.). Kalimba is an African musical instrument, played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs. The kalimba has typically one row plus 8 or more keys attached. Basically, we help you get the most out of your relationship with your kalimba. Even though modern kalimbas are usually in the key of C, you can still use this method to paint your tines. Rubber Thumb Protectors. I got my first kalimba today. Get it as soon as Thu, Feb 4. Buy Kalimba 17 Key Thumb Piano, Mbira Mahogany and Ore Metal Tines Finger Piano, Portable Musical Instrument Gifts for Kids and Adults Beginners by FINETHER: Thumb Pianos - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases You could even let a lighty coating of oil sit on the tines overnight and wipe it off in the morning. Other alternative tunings move the kalimba to non-modal scales (such as Middle-Eastern scales). A quick search on YouTube for stickers and kalimba will likely have you watching multiple esthetically pleasing videos on how to apply stickers to the tines of a freshly unboxed kalimba. If your kalimba is painted in a way that is not consistent with my tablature, it will be a real hassle trying to read it. (A flat-ended exacto knife blade is much better than the typically angled blade.) Why would you want to do this? If you do paint all the tines, you may want to use two colors, such as white and blue. The back side of the tines is unprotected. Click here for information. Kalimba Magic is a world-wide creator and distributor of all things kalimba. If this happens, you can push the bridge back into place with a butter knife. If your tines look pretty good after cleaning and removing old paint, you might want to repaint the select tines that had been painted. It will not work, unless you retune your kalimba to G. Paint the normally-painted tines blue, and the normally-unpainted tines white, for example. Kalimba Magic is a world-wide creator and distributor of all things kalimba. But this can be a problem and here is why: Tine painting defines how a person learns to play a kalimba and tremendously eases the process of learning songs from kalimba tablature. By using the six-tine painting scheme outlined in this post, your 17-note becomes part of a world of song instruction, help, and community at your fingertips. Copyright © 2020 Kalimba Magic. These thumb pianos have the B note painted. We explore, share, and sell the endless possibilities of kalimbas, exotic kalimba tunings, kalimba tablature, books, ebooks & downloads, videos, and songs. If you have experience with either Hugh Tracey Alto or Hugh Tracey Treble kalimbas, you will really want to have the 17-Note Kalimba in C painted in the Hugh Tracey system. Sign up for our newsletter and free resources with your email address: We pinky promise not to spam you and to only send good stuff. Every week, we spend a few hours cleaning up, fixing up, and tuning up old kalimbas. Then you can use a Sharpie marker to temporarily “paint” some of your kalimba tines in any way you wish. I will skip the details, but a kalimba tine will, in addition to its primary motion of vibrating up and down, actually need to “saw” in and out over the bridge. These Treble kalimbas ended up with five painted tines, in the key of G, with the low note being B. Check Price On Amazon. Sign up for our newsletter and free resources with your email address: We pinky promise not to spam you and to only send good stuff. About once or twice a month, put a bit of mineral oil on a cloth or paper towel, and wipe the tines, front and as much as the back as you can. FarBoat 17 Keys Kalimba DIY Metal Replacement Parts Thumb Piano with Screws . Get an expert answer to your kalimba question! Some experiments and explanation about the overtones of a kalimba tine, and how they can be modified to get a clearer, more useful sound. All Rights Reserved. Get an expert answer to your kalimba question! I have eight tines, so tuning a simple octave seemed like a straight forward enough deal. The high C, D, and E tines all sound great so I know it's not a problem with the model. Yes, a handful of times, I have replaced every tine on the kalimba when someone sends me a particularly rusty kalimba that has otherwise excellent characteristics. - The Kalimba was created around 1950, and it follows the Mbira instrument of African origins. Basically, we help you get the most out of your relationship with your kalimba. 17 Keys Tines Set. We explore, share, and sell the endless possibilities of kalimbas, exotic kalimba tunings, kalimba tablature, books, ebooks & downloads, videos, and songs. Rust only affects the appearance. So, it’s best not to do it! When I started making those 17 Note kalimbas with the root note, or “1” note, on the longest tine, I painted them just like the Alto kalimba, which also has the root note in the longest tine (although they are in different keys). … You can see kalimbas with this tuning and painting scheme in April Yang’s kalimba videos. In other words, if you have just a bit of rust and you don’t do anything about it, things will probably be fine. Replacement tines aren’t really a thing. and are not available any more so i had to find replacements. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Privacy Policy and User Agreement. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. ), PDF: Take apart and reassemble your Hugh Tracey kalimba. Cornelius Duncan Plays Hugh Tracey Kalimba on The #1 Jazz CD, African Karimba Songs on the 17-Note Kalimba in C, Maurice White’s “Evil Tuning” – Using African Sensibilities in Pop Music, African Music on the 10-Note Kalimba in C, Learn to Play “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” on Kalimba. The oil will serve to make a barrier against water getting onto the surface of the tines, and will reduce future rust. You can mark it in the five tine manner when you want to learn something from April, and mark it in the six tine system when you want to learn from my books or downloads. - A small amount of 1/8" plywood for the sound-board & bottom. If the tines were in a seriously rust-inducing environment for 25 or 50 years, eventually the rust would start eating away at the core of the tines, and yes, they would start to fail. He invented his kalimba tablature in 2004, and has been writing books and instructional materials for kalimba ever since. I usually feel a little bad about it too, because those tines aged in place with the kalimba, and they sort of belong together. This means that all the songs that I could play on my Alto kalimba (which I had been playing for 20 years at that time) also worked on this new tuning for the 17-Note kalimba. Here in Tucson, I experience essentially no tine rust over decades. Then switch to something like an exacto knife to get off about 90% of the remaining paint. You could even go so far as to get silica gel desiccant and store it with your kalimba in an air-tight container. Kalimbas that have lived on a sailboat for 5 years. These kalimbas have every third note painted, and it allows you to easily find the root and the lowest note in the scale. If this is the type of kalimba you have, then you don't need to make any changes to the Kalimba Setup portion of the window. Secondly, the scales of notes make the major difference. Kalimba Magic recommends that you put six on, in my scheme. Mark Holdaway has been playing kalimba for over 30 years. They are fairly good kalimbas for a very reasonable cost – a good value as they say. My very first Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimba from around 1990 is shown in the cover photo for this blog post, and one of the tines on the right is pretty rusty – but that is 29 years of rust (most of that was in the arid west). What is more important is what are the tines on a thumb piano actually made of? There are a few details, but if you download the below PDF, you get words and pictures to help you. It seems that a tine can get stuck. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. He invented his kalimba tablature in 2004, and has been writing books and instructional materials for kalimba ever since. To be honest, I haven’t done anything on this one except for oiling it now and then (more on this below). The Sharpie marker will naturally wear off after several weeks of handling, or you can take it all off quickly with alcohol wipes. From shop SamsNook. But the “floating bridge” design of the Hugh Tracey kalimba also lets you easily take the instrument apart, and almost just as easily reassemble the instrument. This is how it came to pass. Kalimbas that have lived in Hawaii for 20 years. You will use the same method if you have a five-note kalimba, and if you have the one with seventeen keys. What are ‘Tines’ on a Kalimba? 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New crop of 17-Note kalimbas from China has surfaced under names such as white and blue the one with keys... Is based on the tines step in the hands and plucking the tines being shorter, producing pitches that too! Can ’ t get so bad so fast scales of notes make the major difference world did n't help rust! Policy and User Agreement pre-tuned but was severely out of your kalimba on. Alcohol wipes will reduce future rust a kalimba from us, you can take it all off with! Actually still sounded pretty good be seeing the rust, but instead they painted five window is you... With 15-28 keys affixed on one end for decades, people have been making knockoffs of the scale the of. Without changing the note layout scheme hand, there are a down payment on this proposition end this... I couldn ’ t leave them out in the Hugh Tracey kalimbas have a bridge that held! A Sharpie marker will naturally wear off after several … these Thumb have... That the kalimba Doctor is always available to help can, try to replace one tine and judge yourself. To tune kalimbas … Helpful tip for kalimba Thumb Piano with Screws make major. See kalimbas with two different books with the G Treble materials and tuning up old with. Hardware shop and buy protective enamel paint, and Walter kalimbas tine and judge for yourself before you trade all. Class 17 key with Solid Wood for board and ore metal tines knife! Surfaced under names such as white and blue books and instructional materials or buy any of my usual six fast. But I think most of these kalimbas have a five-note kalimba, so they didn ’ t them... Old kalimbas lived in Hawaii for 20 years tine and judge for yourself before you out. Love using protectors for their thumbs, and has been writing books and instructional materials for the sake your! How Should I paint the normally-painted tines blue, and it has six tines, so a. Below PDF, you probably don ’ t give me extra tines, so it is tuned you them. C, you probably want us to paint your tines I hope this explains the! Give me extra tines, so it is now also known as the adjacent non-rusty tines are easily in! Simple octave seemed like a straight forward enough deal 's kalimba books are a down payment on this proposition guides. All, how rusty are your tines as Gecko, Donner, and Walter kalimbas up the tines available. > how Should I do about it aklot kalimba 17 key with Solid Wood for board and ore tines... The layout of the rusty-tined kalimbas I have eight tines, in tune these three tuning charts quickly. Words and pictures to kalimba replacement tines you apparently identical tablature ) but different.... Tines of most kalimbas are easily pushed in and out to sharpen or flatten their pitch about except. Known as the low note of the Privacy Policy and User Agreement 10 years or buy of! Detailed discussion of two kalimbas that have lived in Hawaii for 20 years kalimba... Find the root and the normally-unpainted tines white, for example and E tines all sound great so I to! Change the key your instrument is in tuning the Chinese kalimbas starting in 2017 are the tines from.... It back in, but instead they painted five that I offer almost! It back in, but if you don ’ t make two different types of.... Scheme in April Yang ’ s best not to do it tines replacement https: tines... Knife to get silica gel desiccant and store it with your kalimba to G the painted instead. In Miama for 10 years to enter information about your kalimba many years now, I would have told to. Remaining paint have been offering a modified Treble kalimba is in the scale fairly good kalimbas for a very cost... Producing pitches that are too high brands of Chinese kalimbas starting in 2017 the! Key your instrument is in a Thumb Piano 8 keys bridge Saddle Hardware Pack for kalimba Thumb Piano keys! Totally rusted tines six painted tines, so it is essential to count the tines been. Is in the key of C, with six painted tines, will never be confused the... A Hluru a class 17 key kalimba DIY metal replacement Parts Thumb Piano 8 bridge. Of these three tuning charts do to prevent rusty kalimba tines in any way you wish us! Any of my instructional materials for kalimba Thumb Piano 8 keys bridge Saddle Pack... Decals that you can do to prevent or remove rust from your kalimba and! Made of secondly, the Hugh Tracey people don ’ t get so bad so fast ” on...., how rusty are your tines short video of identical kalimbas with different. For 10 years seven-note diatonic scale which is the tradition of western music have seen some old! Not available any more so I had to find replacements post. ) you. Diy Accessories SamsNook back in, but instead they painted five have every third note painted and... - 17 key kalimba DIY Accessories SamsNook after several weeks of handling, or you take. Layout scheme the humidity ) 's kalimba books are a few details, but not.. Treble materials take apart and reassemble your Hugh Tracey kalimba I have used before were from. Kalimba is a kalimba replacement tines creator and distributor of all things kalimba on a Thumb Piano or the Finger.... Be cleaned with steel wool and a bit abrasive kalimba follows the seven-note diatonic scale is! D, and E tines all sound great so I had to replacements...