M98 (Model 98), bayonets were created by processing captured German K98 bayonet - pre and after WW2. The K98 bayonet was a standard issue item and was accompanied by a bayonet frog to be worn on the reverse left side of the load carrying waist belt. $15.00 shipping. The maker marks on k98 bayonets where stamped onto the top of the blade. The other markings (manufacturer and serial number) are retained. Corts: the company was founded in 1835 and is still in business today. 1 = Handicraft WWII GERMAN K98 BAYONET - The Karabiner 98 Kurz (often abbreviated Kar98k, K98, or K98k) was a bolt-action rifle adopted as the standard infantry rifle in 1935 by the German Wehrmacht, and was one of the final developments in the long line of Mauser military rifles. The K98 bayonet was carried in a leather frog, or Seitengewehrtragetasche, on the left side on the equipment belt in combination with the shovel and its carrier. H087670 EM'S BAYONET TRODDEL. The Mauser Karabiner 98k rifle was widely used by all branches of the armed forces of Germany during World War II. As the war dragged on, manufacturers became less attentive to the finish of their products. Makers marks on Nazi period 84/98 bayonets (K98). Bayonets German . Mundlos survived the Second World War and remained in business until the 1960s. There are no markings at all on the bayonet and scabbard except for a script 'o' on the bottom of the blade and a Wehrmacht eagle (with WaA 253) which should be on the blade tang underneath the wood grips. The other markings (manufacturer and serial number) are retained. 8 = Munich 8 = Power supply 1000 and more = Vienna (Ostmark). These models can be coded as follows: S/3-digit blade year 37 on the reverse edge, S/3-digit sheath and 1937. H008783 EM'S BAYONET TRODDEL. £190.00. Today it only produces sewing machines under the name Dürkopp. FREE Shipping. Some wafers give the appearance that sawdust has been mixed with Bakelite to form a composite material. Blade with a 3-letter code, year 40 on the reverse edge, sheath with 3-letter code and 1940. The German K98 bayonets marking ssytem was very complicated. The traceability serial number of models manufactured in Germany or France starts from 1 to 9999, each year it is composed, (from 1 to 9999, then from 1 to 9999 a, up to 1 to 9999 z, and finally from 1 to 9999 aa, and so on). 3 = Hanover Commercial. YUGOSLAVIAN MAUSER 98K BAYONET LEATHER FROG. The K98k Bayonet Collector's Network K98k Bayonet makers codes found on bayonets from 1935-1945 H087670 EM'S BAYONET TRODDEL. The SS had a very difficult time procuring small arms, especially during the beginning stages of the war. The tip comes to a perfectly sharp point and the fit is solid! For most of the production period, all metal parts of the bayonet had a polished bluish finish. 99. These is Socialist Yugoslavian M98 bayonet, type A. LUFTWAFFE EDGED WEAPONS. In honor of the 125th anniversary of American Rifleman, the following is an excerpt from the January, 1971 issue: Identifying Mauser Markings. I would say also it shows excellence in the workmanship. 9 = Miscellaneous. In addition, five German private commercial enterprises produced this model: Aesculap, this manufacturer survived the war and continues to manufacture medical instruments today. SHOP ALL German Uniforms. The blade is marked with the manufacturer's name in full letters, year 38 or 39 on the reverse edge, sheath with the manufacturer's name in full letters and 1938 or 1939. Australian Dollar British Pound Canadian Dollar Euro Japanese Yen New Taiwan Dollar US Dollar; Login or Sign Up; 0. Between 1934 and 1945 several changes were made to the way the manufacturer's no. The K98 bayonet was a standard issue item and was accompanied by a bayonet frog to be worn on the reverse left side of the load carrying waist belt. The bayonet was designed as a close combat sidearm that could be placed on the tip of a K98. Shopping Cart (0 ) View cart "Close Cart" Account. This means that the standard KM marking was in the form of "N.xxxxx letter" or "O.xxxxx letter". German WWII K98 Movie Prop Metal Bayonet and Scabbard Price: $45.00 Item #51759. The full name of the company was "Remscheid, son of Joshua Corts, son of the Remscheid planing mill". Bayonet K98 . The handle has a straight pommel of simplified design, which has a cloverleaf-shaped groove with a split-nut locking knob. The different ways in which the bayonets could be marked depended on the manufacturer and the year in which the item was produced. H010080 EM'S BAYONET TRODDEL. The bayonet was designed as a close combat sidearm that could be placed on the tip of a K98. was inscribed on the blade and scabbard. $13.25 shipping. Blade with the manufacturer's name in full letters, year 40 on the reverse edge, scabbard with the manufacturer's name in full letters and 40 or 1940. 1-877-505-7795 USD . Mauser Kar 98k rifle of the Second World War. 5 = Cologne $21.99 $ 21. but still show the original makers marks. U S MILITARIA. H029583 K98 BAYONET FROG. CUL NR #10520 0 FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $200+ ... German Mauser 98k K98. The first four-digit number indicates the geographical region in which the company is located: 1 = Berlin Makers marks on Nazi period 84/98 bayonets (K98). British Lee-Enfield No4 Mk2 knife bayonet, scabbard and frog Dated 1949 P (RSAF Poole) £95.00. 3.4 out of 5 stars 4. The original receiver markings of these conversions were not altered, making it easy for collectors to identify their origin. The vast majority of the manufacturers of model 84/98 III were German, former forges in Solingen. Mass production started in 1936. Blade with the manufacturer's name in full letters, year 37 on the reverse edge, scabbard with the manufacturer's name in full letters and 1937. The bayonet still retains its WWI unit markings even after it was converted to a K98k bayonet in 1937. The maker marks on k98 bayonets where stamped onto the top of the blade. K98K bayonet registry and photos to add your bayonets to this registry, send pictures and data to bichon289@yahoo.com Legends: NA: no production for this year/manufacturer in bold my collection in italic, other collectors collections October 11th 2015, I have access again to the website, MANY new bayonets upcoming !!!!