572A, 2-Methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one, Trade Names: KathonCG 243; Kordek 50; Kordek 50C; Kordek MLX; Microcare MT; N-Methylisothiazolin-3-one; N-Methylisothiazolone; Neolone; Neolone 950; NeoloneCapG; Neolone M 10; Neolone M 50; Neolone PE; Optiphen MIT; OriStar MIT; ProClin 150; ProClin 950; SPX; and Zonen MT. To see if certain products contain methylisothiazolinone, try searching the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Household Products Database, the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) Guide to Healthy Cleaning, or the EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. Neither of these molecules is a silicone, but they are both insoluble in water. Isohexadecane is valued for its non-greasy or tacky feel and its ability to impart a silky, smooth texture to skin and hair. Carefully read ingredient labels and product reviews to help you know what you're getting. Je ne rentrerai pas dans la polémique du « bio c’est mieux », chacun ses choix, mais les Inkhôlables vont vous expliquer clairement ce que veut dire ce logo bio qui est apposé sur l’étiquette d’un certains nombres de produits cosmétiques. Many curly-haired consumers who have delicate, dry hair avoid frequent use of shampoos containing strong surfactants. Many formulations of personal care products, including hair products, contain dimethicone as a conditioning agent, an anti-foaming agent, or as a protectant. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Methylisothiazolinone is an antimicrobial and preservative in the form of a soluble concentrated liquid or solid that is used in a variety of applications, such as personal care and cleaning products. It can constrain the bacterium, yeast, mould, gram-positive bacterium and gram-negative bacterium. Propylene glycol → lactic acid → pyruvic acid → CO2 + water; Both experimental and anecdotal evidence to date indicate PG to be completely non-carcinogenic, despite its "petroleum-based" origin. On the other hand, no special measures were noted for homeowners who use products that contain methylisothiazolinone, such as paint and adhesives, because the EPA deemed the risks were "acceptable" due to the products being heavily diluted. The other popular silicone that is commonly used in cosmetics is dimethicone. Methylisothiazolinone (MI) is a preservative. Qu'est-ce que le méthylisothiazolinone ? Sodium Acrylates Copolymer (VEGAN): Acrylic. Methylchloroisothiazolinone, also referred to as MCI, is a preservative with antibacterial and antifungal effects within the group of isothiazolinones. Also, it is used in almost any personal care product you can think of, including, but not limited to, diaper creams, shampoos, conditioners, body washes, moisturizers, sunscreens, shaving cream, feminine hygiene washes, and mascara. They are used in cosmetics due to their low toxicity, low skin irritation, no color and no odor. In addition to its use in cleaning products, methylisothiazolinone has a dizzying number of other applications, such as preventing bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, sapstain, and algae from forming. It has excellent spreadability for both skin and hair also. This name is easily confused with the very similar notation used for many silicones: polydimthylsiloxane. MI was initially used occupationally, in paints, adhesives/glues and cleaners etc, as a mixture with methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI). These chemicals are highly effective against yeasts, molds, and both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Read "Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) in a silicone‐emulsion lock lubricant, Contact Dermatitis" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Also, it is important to point out that it is often used in conjunction with benzisothiazolinone, a synthetic preservative. Methylisothiazolinone, MIT, or MI, is the organic compound with the formula S(CH)2C(O)NCH3. MIT and related compounds have attracted much attention for their allergenic properties, e.g. Safety considerations aside, these preservatives are water soluble. The structures of silicone polymers or cyclic oligomers (such as cyclopentasiloxane, cyclomethicone) always include silicone atoms and oxygen atoms as part of the backbone of the molecule. Paraben is a preservative often replaced with another dangerous chemical, like Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) and Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT) for instance. D’ailleurs pour certains, c’est un critère de sélection pour acheter un produit cosmétique. What Is Sodium Bisulfate and How Is It Used? Figure 3. Sodium benzoate (VEGAN): Salt of benzoic acid. With regard to its use in cosmetics, restrictions have been put in place in countries, such as Canada and Japan, as noted in the EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. Il Patch Test è il gold standard per diagnosticare la DAC causata dal Methylisothiazolinone e viene effettuato dallo Specialista in Dermatologia. However, in a 2013 study published in Dermatitis, methylisothiazolinone was called the "Allergen of the Year for 2013," so it seems it may not be so safe after all. Remember, sulfates are ingredients that contain "sulfate" or "sulfonate"; silicones end in -cone, -conol, -xane or include the word -silane but PEG modified silicones (PEG-, PG- or PPG-) are acceptable; waxes contain the word "wax"; and drying alcohols often contain propyl, prop, eth, or denatured in the name. ... PubMed:Occupational allergic contact dermatitis from methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) in a silicone-emulsion lock lubricant. Le méthylisothiazolinone est une molécule biocide, qui tue bactéries, champignons, levures, et autres micro-organismes qui prolifèrent dans les cosmétiques, qui contiennent de leau, car ils y trouvent un environnement idéal pour sépanouir. Should I be concerned about how they may affect my hair if I am avoiding strong surfactants (sulfates) in my hair care routine? These molecules are used in a wide variety of products, typically for their superior conditioning effects and their ability to impart gloss and shine. What is methylchloroisothiazolinone? Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) and methylchloroisothiazolinone are preservatives that are usually sold and used as a mixture (trade name: Kathon CG). For other uses, such as pesticides and cleaning products, it is monitored by the EPA. contact dermatitis. A 2002 and 2006 scientific study published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and The Journal of Neuroscience respectively, showed in vitro neurotoxicity and that chronic exposure had toxic effects on neuron cultures. A silicone is a polymer or oligomer with an inorganic (non carbon-based) backbone, typically with organic pendant groups. Methylisothiazolinone is a highly corrosive chemical that has been found to be toxic when ingested, inhaled, or applied to the skin or eyes in animal studies according to the EPA in the 1998 document, "Reregistration Eligibility Decision, Methylisothiazolinone.". These hydrocarbon olefins are not petroleum distillation byproducts as many other raw materials often are, but are synthesized via highly advanced processes from very pure starting material. Methylisothiazolinone, as you know, is usually one of the last ingredients listed, but on this foundation it was relatively high up (20th ingredient of 31 total). Our priority is to ensure the ingredients we use in our products are safe for you and your family. There are so many different ingredients approved for use in personal care products, and sometimes their INCI names (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) start to sound very similar. It is a white solid. People who adhere to a low sulfate or sulfate free shampoo routine often avoid products containing silicones because they are almost always water insoluble (with a few exceptions) and can cause problematic buildup on the surface of the hair if not removed via a shampoo. It is used in paper mills, oil field operations, metalworking fluids, water cooling and treatment systems, and building materials, such as adhesives, paints, resins, emulsions, and wood products. Isodocane and isohexadecane are small, branched molecules, and are chemically very pure due to their synthetic origins. Bronidox is an antimicrobial and preservative that is especially effective against yeast and fungi. Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) (VEGAN): Seed oil. Ortho-phthalaldehyde is a high-level disinfectant that received FDA clearance in October 1999. Également appelé MIT, le méthylisothiazolinone est un conservateur et un biocide qui permet de lutter simultanément contre la prolifération de micro-organismes tels que :. Chemical nomenclature (organic or otherwise) is a pretty in-depth topic, and there are several different naming conventions of which INCI is only one. It is slightly less soluble in water than alcohols, but it is present in hair product formulations in such low percentages that there is no concern whatsoever about buildup on the hair, regardless of hair-care routine (no shampoo, low shampoo, etc. Due to their fairly simple and compact hydrocarbon structure, I would not expect problems with buildup if one were using a conditioner cleansing routine. Alpha isomethyl ionone is a fragrance, isothiazolinones are preservatives, the two chemical families are not related, and from an MI-allergy perspective, it is definitely not an isothiazolinone preservative and accordingly should not cause so-called cross reactions. It also works very well in helping the skin retain moisture. Silicate (VEGAN): Silicone and oxygensilicone and oxygen. There are plenty of preservatives and antimicrobial chemicals on the market that don't have any known issues, so seek out green products that don't contain methylisothiazolinone if you're concerned. Iodine or iodine-based antiseptics should not be used on silicone catheters because they can adversely affect the silicone tubing 687. The product is water-free therefore does not require preservation. Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) and Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT) may be hard to pronounce, but they can be even harder on the body. Silicone free, paraben free, how to make the right choice? La méthylisothiazolinone, MIT ou MI, est un puissant biocide et conservateur du groupe des isothiazolinones, utilisée dans les produits de soins et de nombreux autres produits (peintures notamment2) depuis 20053. She has contributed over 200 articles to The Spruce. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. It contains 0.55% 1,2-benzenedicarboxaldehyde (OPA). Since 2005, it has been widely used in cosmetics and household products, such as moist wipes, shampoos, cleaners and liquid laundry products. The metabolic cycle for propylene glycol. Even if they were not, they would not be present in appreciable enough amounts to be a source of build up. What are they? For this reason, they read labels of all the products they use and occasionally experience confusion when an ingredient has a name similar to the silicone family of ingredients. In high concentrations it can … Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Julie Jackson states that dimethicone “does not interact with the stratum corneum (the top layer of the skin). Structure of methylisothiazolinone. However, they are considered to be very strong allergens and irritants of skin and membrane tissue. Q: Some of the ingredients in my products have names that look a lot like names for silicones. L'absence de parabène est devenu un argument de vente . We believe that consumers have the right to access all information available about the ingredients of the products they or their families use. Since the molecules of silicone-based polymers are too large for the skin and hair to absorb, these products leave behind a silky/slippery layer. cranberries, prunes, greengage plums, cinnamon, ripe cloves, and apples. In fact, there’s a whole host of harmful ingredients to watch out for, which might explain why you’ve become accustomed to seeing “free from xyz” plastered over countless products. Mais chaque produit qui vante une formule « 0 % » est tout de même obligé de trouver un substitut, comme avec le sucre dans les sodas et la matière grasse dans la crème fraîche. It’s a bio-static silicone blend, containing silicone compounds (such as dimethicone and cyclomethicone) and a small amount of vitamin E to improve the finish and offer a smoother sensation. Dimethicone in cosmetics is used as a skin protectant and anti-foaming additive. Due to findings in the 1998 EPA study, the EPA established guidelines for those who work with this chemical, such as mixers and loaders, to wear protective clothing, gloves, eyewear, respirators, etc. Methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI), especially when paired with methylisothiazolinone (MI), is an effective preservative. Rather than tackling that beast, let’s simply take a look at some of the ingredients frequently confused with silicones and try to get some clarity around this issue (at least with a few ingredients!). By using The Spruce, you accept our, Product Brands Containing Methylisothiazolinone, Acetic Acid: Definition, Cleaning Uses, Safety, and More, Benzisothiazolinone Used in Cleaning Products. Sodium chloride (VEGAN): Saltsalt Methylisothiazolinone commonly goes by MIT, but according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, PubChem, and ChemSpider, it can go by some of the following names as well: These compounds have an active sulphur moiety that is able to oxidize thiol-containing residues, thereby effectively killing most aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. I was very excited as it is a wonderful foundation. given the trade name Kathon CG. The bigger take-away message is that many of the ingredients listed on cosmetic packages can be strikingly similar and certainly confusing! These ingredients are branched alkanes (-ane), which are molecules comprised only of carbon and hydrogen. Sign up for our newsletter to get more tips and tricks. We were told this is “entirely free of methylisothiazolinone (MI) and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)”. Silk powder(NOT VEGAN): Boiled silk worms. Methylisothiazolinone commonly goes by MIT, but according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, PubChem, and ChemSpider, it can go by some of the following names as well: Synonyms: MI; 2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone, 3(2H)-Isothiazolone, 2-methyl-, Caswell No. A: It gets confusing, doesn’t it? They are part of the ketone family, a group of organic compounds, and the –one at the end of their name can be confused with the –one found in the names of some silicones. This chemical is toxic to freshwater, estuarine, and marine organisms according to the EPA. ... Sulphate-free, Phthalate-free shampoos. Methylisothiazolinone is used as a preservative in several cleaning products, including green cleaning ones, such as laundry detergents, liquid dish detergents, cream cleansers, all-purpose cleaners, window cleaners, floor cleaners, countertop sprays, stain removers, linen washes, room sprays, air fresheners, carpet shampoos, and wipes. Forms a loose “S” very easily straightened, Forms a definite “S” shaped like a corkscrew, Very tight curl when stretched creates an “S”, Hair intentionally matted to form "ropes", Guides and resources for easy product selection, Learn how to read your hair product labels, Easy-to-make recipes for all your haircare needs, Community member favorites make up this coveted list, Chat with curl friends about your favorite curly topics. Une étiquette `` sans parabène '' ne garantit pas un produit allergène, source d'eczéma allergique chronique ( compris! By displaying online advertisements to our visitors pour acheter un produit sans danger acheter! Molecule – note the presence of silicon and oxygen atoms of heterocycles, are used in.. Impart a silky, smooth texture to skin and hair also enough amounts to be a of... Not require preservation methylisothiazolinone is found in a silicone-emulsion lock lubricant. »... 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