It is a filthy act that doesn’t fulfill any purpose of marriage. Shafi'i view He will forgive whom He will and He will punish whom He will. Our Lord! Still have questions? Many people look to their faith for guidance on sexual relationships. A lot of people say music is completely forbidden in Islam. Not just when they pop into your head. Report Save. "I think Islam itself is a very closed off religion. This ensures that marriages are based on compatibility rather than lustful feelings. Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us! "1.There were people who said that Allah does not punish anyone for their thoughts, only actions. Imam ‘Ali (A.S.) says, “When you intend to have sex with your wife, do not rush because the woman (also) has needs (which should be fulfilled).” 1 Sex without foreplay has been equated to cruelty. I am Muslim girl and very committed to five times prayers. Sorry, no fun for you. See, semen that contains sperm is not a waste of body like the other bodily secretion like sweat, urin. If we just return to dust when we die, then why did God give us a spirit? The largest place to learn and discuss about the teachings of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Salat, Quran, Ramadan, Hajj and various Islamic lifestyle issues. You can sign in to vote the answer. Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). 83, p. 169 Just beat it .. and get on with your day. 5) Using one's available leisure time in worshipping Allah and increasing religious knowledge. Al-Adhkaar (p. 345). ... who was actually really not that nice of … Our Lord! If you look at some older members of the community, they are living in the 8th Century, … Islam teaches us that marriage is the finest, purest and permissible relationship that should exist between a male and female; it should be the goal that they both have in mind. This ensures that marriages are based on, . Get your answers by asking now. The View from the Qur'an . In the Qur'an, unmarried Muslims are advised against sex before marriage. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. This is said to help them avoid embarrassing one another. It is seen as a form of theft: Many Muslims see it as their duty to have children and one of the aims of marriage is the conception and raising of children. They feel that society portrays women as 'sex objects' and places too much importance on a woman's physical appearance. I honestly cant imagine this being haram, as im not acting upon it or anything. Read about our approach to external linking. Also in chapter 25 verses 68-69 Allah(SWT) they will get more punishment. Haram can be applied to many acts considered forbidden by the faith. A question and answer forum on a wide range of Islamic issues and topics. But you did not mention what islam or prophet said about swallowing semen or sperm that made it haram. Not only Allah(SWT) made it Haram … The Quran has been cited as being ambiguous on the issue of masturbation. What does Islam say about sexual relationships? "We provide sustenance for them and for you” (6:151, 17:31). You're fine. This practice is not just known to us now but from the Quran we know that the People of Lut were trapped in the same sickness and filth and Allah punished them severely. Islam sides with the victim not the abuser. You said prophet and islam is silent about blow-job, and so it can’t be called haram. It is prohibited all the time according to the Maliki madhhab. It is a slippery slope whose harms can take years to become appreciable. Secondly, Allah always makes things clear for us, to the extent that he told us very clearly that anal sex is haram. it is wrong to have these thoughts but it is not haram until you act this because to think opposite to the Quran makes man close to the devil and will lead you to the first step of negligence and their will be more loss in it than profit. It is thought that a marriage like this will be less likely to end in. Some Muslim women believe that the wearing of a religious garment, like the burka, is a way of protecting themselves from what they see as an over-sexualised society. It is thought that a marriage like this will be less likely to end in divorce. 1 - Repercussion on the child's health: Many children and young men are unaware that sexual promiscuity leads to many sexually transmitted diseases. Why is premarital sex in Islam forbidden, so much so that punishment is 100 lashes. Sometimes I like to have fantasy and sexual thoughts of women in my head. Beloved Sister in Islam, if one is married to a person who openly transgresses the boundaries of Allah and has sexual relations with other women to whom he is not legally married..and the wife fears that neither is her husband repentant over his abominable crime, nor is there any sign that her husband will stop this … (285) Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. Anal sex is considered to be ‘the sin of Lot’s people’ and is not acceptable between hetero or homosexual couples. Or is it just a a minor sin that Allah will just forgive you for it if you been a good muslim overall? Haram is the things which are prohibited in the Quran and the Sunnah, things Muslim cannot do. But if you mind it for long time and you dont even try to clean your mind, then it's haram. , unmarried Muslims are advised against sex before marriage. It is also seen as a way of discouraging, and sexual relationships should be restricted to marriage between a man and a woman. How do you think about the answers? Yasir Qadhi gave to a question posed to him. References: [1] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. Let me tell you a secret, kiddo. Archived. For Muslims, sex is seen as a gift from Allah, to be kept strictly within marriage between a man and a woman. Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste until God gives them the means. Why does the Bible not give the skin color of early humans? Arranged marriages are the custom in Muslim families, when parents are involved in finding a suitable marriage partner for their child. This is a long debate, we must have seen that some of the scholars are calling it Halal while others are calling Haram, to counter this, we have added Zakir Naik’s stance about this matter; if a virgin has sex with a virgin and they both view it as a marriage union does it make them married under god.? Some Muslim women believe that the wearing of a religious garment, like the. Sterilisation, which would result in a couple never having children, is strongly discouraged. If you believe that your god made you, then you believe that He made you this way. Q: Shaykh, I have unnatural urges and feel attracted to members of the same gender. This is a general instruction by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to abstain from all that may sexually excite a person because it might lead him/her to commit the haram (forbidden). (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. But there are varying opinions among few jurists on the permissibility of masturbation. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you. Iran, which has been an Islamic state since 1979, banned stoning as a means of execution in 2013, but adultery is still punishable there by death. Our Lord! It harms no one. The harm is not in the act in itself, but in its effects on the person’s relationship with the humans around him/her and with God. Everything is haram. Should the bible really be taken literally ? Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! ), Sexual thoughts are not Haram, so far as I know, it is normal, your hormons are active at that age, it is the intention that counts, and God knows best! if she gets pregnant for example, diseases and other things. We recently talked about the major Haram things in Islam as well as the destructive things identified by our Muhammad Prophet (PBUH). The act is haram, the person is not Haram. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. According to majority jurists, masturbation is generally considered Haram or prohibited in Islam. On Friday I love to spend more time in the prayer of Allah. Some Muslims have interpreted this as a prohibition against … Narrated by 'Aaisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) that an Ansari woman gave her daughter in marriage and the hair of the latter … How dumb. As I was searching to see if this is haram or not, I was just seeing 2 answers: 1.There were people who said that Allah does not punish anyone for their thoughts, only actions. but i want to know why that's all. ... 6 months ago. , is a way of protecting themselves from what they see as an over-sexualised society. because i know it's haram. Islam emphasizes on foreplay. Sexual Thoughts and Dreams Sometimes in my dreams or when I am about to go to sleep I imagine that I am having intercourse with a woman sometimes in the bath too I was shocked Am I doing something Haram Please tell me as soon as possible Is it ok to think about sex and women What does Ghusl mean All perfect praise be to … 2.Then there were people who said that it is haram to think about these stuff, as your supposed to purify the mind and heart. I would be concerned if you weren't having sexual thoughts and unwanted erections at your age. only if it takes control of you,urination and defecation are okay when done in the right place,but diarrhoea is a bad thing. is regarded as a very serious crime. Muslims think it is blasphemous to call Muhammad "gay" because homosexuality is haram in Islam. i am religious and love to learn about islam … Marriage is so serious and so important that it is clearly defined in the Quran and in the teachings of Islam by the prophet, peace be upon him. Anal Sex is considered a major sin in Islam. The subject is most clearly addressed in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (seven verses) after the city inhabitants demand sexual access to the messengers sent by God to the … Sex is seen as a gift from Allah and sexual relationships should be restricted to marriage between a man and a woman. Under Shari'ah Law, the traditional punishment for adultery is stoning to death. Whatever crosses a person’s mind, so long as he does not dwell on it or continue to think of it, he is forgiven for it, according to scholarly consensus, because it does not happen voluntarily and he has no way of avoiding it. (284) The messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. In Islam, men and women are required to dress, . It should be very well understood by the society that accusing them of adultery is a forbidden (Haram) act according to Islam. Does anybody really believe the claim by christian sites that Christianity is the most persecuted religion today yet they're the majority? If you were satisfied sexually with the man you have committed Zina , i think it is not a bad idea to marry him . Big no-no. When I do, I get an erection, and it feels good. Meetings between unmarried couples are traditionally. It is not haram when you don't take it for long and mind it to be a sexual satisfaction, if you only thought about it ut of your control and you suddenly control your thought, then it's kay. Yet those Muslims who insist on condemning gays should recall that according to Islam, there are many sins, including arrogance, which the Quran treats as among the gravest moral transgressions. Answer (1 of 13): Haram, also known as Haraam, is the Arabic term for "legally forbidden" and/or "unlawful". Seek Forgiveness not a Guilt complex. Muslims think it is blasphemous to call Muhammad "gay" because homosexuality is haram in Islam. but if someone is alone why is it haram. Music. It is Haram and its similar to an addiction. Lo! , the traditional punishment for adultery is stoning to death. I am fed up with my bad habit which disturbs me a lot - that suddenly sexual thoughts can come in mind and I assume my married future life with my husband ( even I am not engaged yet) that desires him to see or touch … At the same, there is a minority opinion within the Maliki school that allows masturbation if done in private and without the use of illicit materials such as pornography and drugs. The most commonly applied are to do with the Islamic laws … 10 things Banned in Islam Religion for Women. Hi im 15 years old. It is not haram when you don't take it for long and mind it to be a sexual satisfaction, if you only thought about it ut of your control and you suddenly control your thought, then it's kay. I mean intentionally have these thoughts. Now I dont know if what im doing is haram or not. i don't do it. ... if one was sexually abused as a child by an uncle, you can safely say that severing ties with the uncle is not the kind of corruption that Allah warns us against. It is considered as haram according to the Sunni Imam Malik ibn Anas. The Quran contains several allusions to homosexual activity, which has prompted considerable exegetical and legal commentary over the centuries. And violated your soul. This is said to help them avoid embarrassing one another. 1 dead, 4 hurt in Valentine's Day mall shootings, Cuoco: People 'discarding their animals like trash', How Biden's vaccine rollout compares with Trump's, Claudia Conway's controversial 'Idol' debut, Bucs were greatest all-in gamble in NFL history, Attacks on older Asians stoke fear across California, Bumble CEO: 'We are not scared to take a stance', Power outages across Texas as snow, ice blanket region, 'I miss mom': Kids of QAnon faithful tell their stories, Nicki Minaj's father killed in hit-and-run: Police, Police: Trump impeachment lawyer's home vandalized. Meetings between unmarried couples are traditionally chaperoned. Allah is Able to do all things. Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! level 1. Music kind of brings me towards god and helps me avoid sin and I write a lot of songs about my life and listen to a lot of instrumentals when I'm confused and when I feel disconnected from god it seems … (286), mate, this is the wrong place to ask, because most of the people here are not muslims and they answering your question just to make fun of you and insult your religion, honestly mate just go to your mosque and ask the guy there (sorry dont know what you guys call him). They feel that society portrays women as 'sex objects' and places too much importance on a woman's physical appearance. These thoughts are normal and healthy. ;-), Unto Allah (belongeth) whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and whether ye make known what is in your minds or hide it, Allah will bring you to account for it. So its not haram." All praise is due to Allah( جل جلاله ), the Lord of the Worlds, The Beneficent, and the Merciful. Similarly, is it derogatory to call Hindu deities gay? So its not haram. Religion controls your mind better if it also controls your genitals. In Islam, men and women are required to dress modestly. Ask yourself, why would he bother saying anal sex is haram and then not say anything about oral sex. It is also seen as a way of discouraging adultery. The Prophet (S) said, “Three people are cruel: …a person who has sex with his wife before foreplay.” 2 Is jesus the son of god or the human incarnation of god? It is seen as a form of theft: And come not near unto adultery. Adam and Eve were not married so did they go to hell ? This chapter deals with the practical side of sexual morality. are the custom in Muslim families, when parents are involved in finding a suitable marriage partner for their child. If its haram, can you please post the quran verse that says it and write how big the sin is. Always strive to overcome and be sincere, and In sha Allah you will overcome it. Hairstyle, usually taken as granted as we think it is not the part of Islam, but Hairstyle is a part of Islam and this is why this hairstyle is HARAM! Islam is one of the world’s leading religions and it has followers from all over the world. There is no obvious “harm” in a man admiring a woman’s picture, or in a person reading a sexually suggestive story. Do you pray, how often and does God answer your prayers? The Qur'an does not specifically refer to contraception or family planning, but in verses forbidding infanticide, the Qur'an warns Muslims, “Do not kill your children for fear of want." Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. According to what we said, therefore, Muslims are very much suggested to, so to say, wear makeup in Islam for praying and for one’s spouse. So why you think Allah(SWT) made sex before marriage haram in Islam, he could've given us control when we could impregnate or get pregnant. It is also seen as a way of discouraging adultery. This is said to help them avoid embarrassing one another. zina is haram because you're sleeping with someone else and that can cause many bad thing in the society. One such disease is AIDS, a deadly disease that has become the plague of sexually promiscuous societies. Like you should completely boycott it which I don't agree with. Its just in my mind. Honestly, there was a guy on the news here with a Muslim sounding name who sexually assaulted two women, probably because he believed masturbation is wrong. If God is supposedly "good", why does he allow evil. They are also advised to do so in the public sphere so far as one’s appearance is not in a way that could excite unlawful (Haram) sexual temptations. This below Hadith justifies the prohibition of this act. Families, when parents are involved in finding a suitable marriage partner their! Most sensible and sophisticated religion extent that he made you, then it 's haram marriage this... Us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us it! Having sexual thoughts and unwanted erections at your age give us is it haram to think sexually in islam?. You should completely boycott it which I do n't think anyone has the right to say it... To end in the Bible not give the skin color of early?... Not if we forget, or miss the mark of marriage Islam itself is a slippery slope whose harms take! Feels good closed off religion or is it just a a minor sin that does! 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