comments (4) lolah26. A big taste in a tiny little cheese! EXPLORE PAIRINGS . I can't think they wouldn't be okay, but I'd appreciate comments. Cheese is one of the most universally adored foods that we have been blessed with, but the best way to enjoy it is definitely outside of its packaging. When eaten excessively, babybel cheese will also make a dog overweight very quickly. If you have any left over cheese,slice it thin and make turkey or ham melt sandwiches. Eat it up quick - it will float away before you can say "CHEESE!" Welp, it won't kill you -- paraffin wax is considered to be food-safe -- but it will make your poop very VERY interesting. Am [I supposed] to eat the red part?” followed by a second photo which features the words, “OMG I think I just ate wax,” and yes sweetie, you did just eat wax. Is it okay to eat the wax part of the babybell cheese things? Bel Brands USA have even responded to the century-old questions regarding whether the red-wax exterior is there for consumption. Babybel, a French version of Dutch Edam cheese, is sold internationally by 'The Bel Group, France' since 1952. play. MINI BABYBEL® CHEDDAR. This is your intervention. The cellophane wrapper is essential for two reasons. So, if you are in a bad mood, try to consume babybel cheese. Is the wax perhaps part of the delicacy? Here, the 5 flavors of Babybel are ranked from worst to first in my wholly humble—but pretty snack cheese expert—opinion. Besides you get a tasty snack, you also can improve your mood to be better. You be you. They titled the photo, “I’ve just tried my first Babybel and I’m really not impressed,” and further added, “it tasted like a big red candle,” and we wonder why…, I’ve just tried my first Babybel and I’m really not impressed. List of Safe and Unsafe Cheeses for Infants. Can pregnant women eat Mini Babybel®? Check out the Mini Babybel® cheese family and discover a different variety of 100% natural cheeses for everyday of the week! Edam cheese . This is my best effort at speed eating 50 Mini Babybel Cheese! These Mini Babybel Cheese come in a plastic wrapper and a wax shell. 1 heaping TBLSP of light mayonnaise or add more for your taste preference. Also Know, what kind of cheese is original babybel? It’s food grade paraffin wax to seal and protect the medium cheese. Have you ever been, or known anyone to be confused as to how they eat a Babybel cheese? Imgur user DefinitelyNotThreeBadgersInAnOvercoat has shared a half-eaten mini Babybel cheese… with the wax still left on. 2 slices toasted bread (buttered IF available) 3–4 Mini babybel Lite cheese rounds. 0 0. gypsycricket. We hope we can continue to count you among our valued customers. 5, 6 days before eating, in cool weather (we're still at 50day/40night). So, you can cut off the moldy part and it is perfectly fine to consume. Please note, if you do want to know the correct procedure of opening and eating a Babybel cheese, a very charismatic child by the internet pseudonym of ‘Fleepers’ has created a five minute video teaching people how to do just that. “Our wax is composed of fully refined paraffin wax, micro-crystalline wax, and a low percentage of Polyethylene. I totally remember having Mini Babybels in my elementary school lunches--eating the creamy, tangy circle of cheese, while warming its wax wrapper in my hand and slowly squishing it into a ball. Cheese is good for teeth and is known to prevent tooth decay. The wrapper we put outside the wax on each piece of Mini Babybel cheese is cellophane. Lv 4. So in case it wasn’t abundantly clear based on, uh, logic, and you’ve ended up here by searching “how to eat Babybel cheese,” let me take this moment to say: You’re not supposed to eat the wax on the Babybel cheese. The wax on a babybel is composed of a low percentage of Polyethylene, microcrystalline wax, and paraffin wax. Toast bread in toaster, butter one side of each slice. Or is there a better cheese to give? Turns out another reason people may be out here eating the wax on a Babybel cheese is that they are just too lazy to open it. LEARN MORE . The red wax that wraps Mini Babybel is part of the cheese protection and ensures in all points the functions of a crust. 1 heaping TBLSP of Grey Poupon or add more for your taste preference. I mean, it’s definitely something everyone has wondered. Please sign in to contribute to the Mamamia Community. According to Babybel’s website, almost a third of Babybel’s products have been sold internationally since 1988. Even though cheese contains a low amount of lactose when compared with whole milk, it can still cause dogs with more severe cases of intolerance to experience reactions such as diarrhea. Can you eat the wax on a babybel? Join the Fun. Rock your taste buds with fun, unique, and delicious snack ideas and pairings. Instead there are far better methods to enjoy the cheese. Discover Mini Babybel Cheese, the perfect on the go cheese snack. * * Provided that the Mini Babybel® cheese has been kept refrigerated, as directed on our packaging. With Babybel Cheese & Crackers, you get 100% real cheese with 100% crunch. Please tell us in a comment. Ritz crackers and some sliced green and red apples,maybe pears too.Triscut crackers are go too. There are different varieties of cheese to choose from when you’re looking for the ones you can feed your baby. You can eat it without ill affects buts it’s meant to be the protective layer too. Melted Babybel cheese is designed for kids, but most of the adults in our panel approved. We promise not to judge. While we do not recommend eating it, if a person or pet accidentally consumes the wax, there will be no harmful effects. For the best flavor experience, you do need to treat Babybel like you would any other cheese: don’t eat it right out of the fridge. If you too are a #WaxEater, you no longer have to suffer in silence, there are many out there just like you. I’ve just tried my first Babybel and I’m really not impressed. Maybe people just like the taste of candles? Try with toasted brown bread. Of course, it lasts for a shorter period of time if it is not stored properly. Challenges have even spawned around eating the wax on a Babybel. Original poster's comments (1) 0. comment. But … The picture shows about a third of the Babybel bitten off, with teeth marks through both the wax and the cheese. Join the Goodness. From here on out, you’ll have no reason to keep munching on the red wax. I'd like to mail a couple of those little mesh bags in a college care package. You have to peel the wax off and eat the 50 BabyBel Cheese as fast as you can without drinking anything. My lo loves wensleydale with cranberries cut into little cubes. According to the product’s Canadian website, the “blend of paraffin and microcrystalline wax” is technically food safe, which means there aren’t any “health risks” with consuming the cheese per se, but this still doesn’t mean you should eat it. Answer: Cheese can typically sit out at room temperature anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the type, and remain safe to eat. Give it time to warm up a bit so the flavors can be more pronounced. Can you give LO babybel, I really want to introduce cheese as a snack not just in food. Babybel is an edam cheese, which has moderate fat content at around 27% fat. Discover a different way to snack. Now half of you are probably thinking “who does that in the first place?”, but trust us, the other half are guilty of chowing down on the shiny red exterior of this bite-size cheese. In 1977, the company introduced Babybel's smaller version 'Mini Babybel', a delightful snack packed with calcium that is ready-to-eat anytime and anywhere. Toast bread both sides, grate or cut up the cheese, put on top of toast, at this stage optionally add a little sliced or chopped onion and/or tomato. Each serving is sealed inside red wax to maintain freshness. If it is a hard cheese and it is moldy, you can cut off the moldy part and consume the rest. It is a product of Le Groupe Bel (French for 'The Bel Group'), a company with roots in the Jura region of France, and started by Jules Bel in 1865. The website Brand Power describes it as soft in texture and mild. Thank you. Mini Babybel® Light is a 100% Natural cheese, a source of protein, with 38% less fat than Mini Babybel® Original. Taking tyrosine in high doses can lower the level of depression. Get the latest news, features, updates and giveaways straight to your inbox. I just checked the Babybel Web site, and it says since it's a cheese, it needs to be refrigerated. Sincerely, Customer Service Half of the global production of Mini Babybel is made in Évron, a commune in the north west of France. Have you ever wanted to know how to open a Babybel cheese? Since it is a hard cheese, the spores likely will not have spread throughout the cheese. The Bel Group in France first marketed Mini Babybel cheese in 1977. Turns out the answer is no, Susan. Wax on babybel should not be eaten; however, if it is mistakenly consumed, it will not cause any harmful side effects. The first photo is captioned with “Has anyone eaten this cheese? So no, you won’t die, but if you were wondering if the wax was just fine to consume, turns out it’s only there to protect the perfectly shaped cheese. See more; OUR PRODUCTS. 1 decade ago. When I feel sad I like to look back when my friend first tried Babybel cheese. Instead there are far better methods to enjoy the cheese. Digging a little deeper online it seems the confusion is rife, with multiple Reddit threads asking users: “Are you supposed to eat the red wax on a Babybel?”. Today nearly 75% of Mini Babybel is consumed outside of France. To boot, one Babybel Light has 20 less calories, 3 less fat grams, 1 more gram of protein and 5% more calcium than a Babybel original. For example, removed completely from its packaging and eaten on its own, or with some crackers, perhaps smooshed into a toasted bagel, melted on top a homemade pizza or as an accompaniment with raw carrots and cheese. If you're not already a Mamamia member, sign up (it's easy, we promise). Amino acids contained in cheese is usually called tyrosine, it is able to reduce stress and trigger dopamine response. … Hard cheeses like cheddar and Parmesan, can sit out longer —up to 8 hours at room temperature— due to their lower moisture content. It prevents desiccation or moulds and helps preserving the cheese in proper hygienic conditions until consumption. I just bought 2 days ago some Babybel cheeses - most of the time I do check what I eat yet I also keep in mind that I should go with my inner feeling - until now, every time I go with my instincts I've picked the absolute best stuff to eat :) As all Mini Babybel® cheese is made using pasteurised cow’s milk, it is safe for pregnant women to enjoy Mini Babybel®. A petite wheel of Babybel is the quintessential lunchbox snack loved by children and adults alike, but not everyone is enjoying the mild, creamy cheese to the best of their ability. I mean, who am I to judge. A good 52,000 have sat down and watched a YouTube tutorial on how to open a Babybel cheese, so there’s no need to be ashamed. Turns out another reason people may be out here eating the wax on a Babybel cheese is that they are just too lazy to open it. Cheese is loaded with calories that will keep your baby supplied with all the energy he needs throughout the day. 100% natural cheese, made with pasteurised milk, free from added preservatives, colours & flavours, source of protein and calcium. In general, the harder the cheese the longer it keeps. Just as tasty as Original, source of Protein and 38% less fat than Original! Another user by the name of roofraft posted two Snapchat images of someone who discovered way too late that no, wax shouldn’t be eaten. Regarding this, why are babybel cheeses wrapped in wax? For this challenge, you remove the plastic wrapper before starting so that only the wax shell covers the cheese. A good 52,000 have sat down and watched a YouTube tutorial on how to open a Babybel cheese, so there’s no need to be ashamed. Challenges have even spawned around eating the wax on a Babybel. Source(s): Posted 2/16/12. Is babybel cheese good for babies? It's not edible. Once it gets in the carpet or wash you’re doomed Sent from my iPhone using Netmums A FUN NEW TWIST ON THE BABYBEL CHEESE YOU LOVE . So, the verdict is in, turns out that the wax around your adorable little Babybel cheeses is not supposed to be eaten. MAKE SNACK TIME AN ADVENTURE WITH THESE TASTY PAIRINGS. It won't kill you, but it probably won't be pleasant. Mini Babybel®'s wax coating forms a protective barrier around the cheese and functions as a crust in all respects. Babybel, a semi-hard cheese is made from pasteurised cow milk. Babybel Is Not for Babies. How To Eat Babybel Cheese. Just unwrap your Babybel cheese. For example, removed completely from its packaging and eaten on its own, or with some crackers, perhaps smooshed into a toasted bagel, melted on top a homemade pizza or as an accompaniment with raw carrots and cheese. While we do not recommend eating it, if a person or pet accidentally consumes the wax, there will be no harmful effects.”. MINI BABYBEL® LIGHT. Xx. I would not eat it purposely and a child probably better to unwrap it first. If the Babybel cheese is soft or medium-soft, it is not advisable to eat after expiration. Babybel (/ ˈ b æ b ɪ b ɛ l /) is a brand of small snack cheese products that are individually packaged and available in various flavors. Well, now you can!! Alex May 2009 Georgia 2015. First Babybel and I ’ ve just tried my first Babybel and I ’ ve just tried my Babybel! Is a hard cheese and it is moldy, you can eat it purposely and a child probably better unwrap... Says since it is able to reduce stress and trigger dopamine response, France ' since 1952 to be as. Bel Brands USA have even spawned around eating the wax part of the babybell things... Can you give LO Babybel, I really want to introduce how to eat babybel cheese as as. He needs throughout the day wax, and delicious snack ideas and PAIRINGS at... Can cut off the moldy part and consume the rest low percentage of,. 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