Very little is known about his life, but it is thought that he may have memorized the Qur’an after hearing his father recite passages. Hafiz, awake awhile. ~ Hafiz From 'The Subject Tonight is Love - 60 wild and sweet poems of Hafiz' Versions by Daniel Ladinsky Art by Yali Shi. Telling all the secrets - Filling up all the bowls at this party, Ruler of the land, and Lord of the time A Sufi, Hafiz lived in troubled times. Why do so many Sufi poets write in praise of wine?Sacred poetry traditions from all over the world compare ecstatic union with drunkenness. It carries the perfumed promise of the new day. Hafez and His Poetry Hafez, one of the greatest poets of the world, was born in the eighth century A.H. (14th century A.D.). Copy and paste the URL of this clip to share or view. "Hafiz--a quarry of imagery in which poets of all ages might mine." … a thousand brilliant lies (Hafiz, Iran 1320-1389); (L.F.P., USA 20~21st century) - Hafez - - Left Foot Poet- “I have a if only, in my meager possess, thousand brilliant lies, but one lie when easy asked A close, trusted friend sent me this Rilke poem soon after Vic’s death. ... To ‘meet’ Rumi and Hafiz again is wonderful as well – all new poems to me. Awake, my dear. Hafez says, and the experienced old ones concur. Spring and all its flowers     now joyously break their vow of silence.It is time for celebration, not for lying low;You too -- weed out those roots of sadness from your heart.The Sabaa wind arrives;     and in deep resonance, the flower     passionately rips open its garments,     thrusting itself from itself.The Way of Truth, learn from the clarity of water,Learn freedom from the spreading grass.Pay close attention to the artistry of the Sabaa wind,that wafts in pollen from afar,And ripples the beautiful tresses     of the fields of hyacinth flowers.From the privacy of the harem, the virgin bud slips out,     revealing herself under the morning star,branding your heart and your faith     with beauty.And frenzied bulbul flies madly out of the House of Sadness     to unite with the flowers;its love-crazed cry like a thousand-trumpet blast.Hafez says, and the experienced old ones concur:All you really need     is to tell those Stories     of the Fair Ones and the Goblet of Wine. Warm wind, when you fly along the pastures, send word to the delicate flowers: "I will stay forever at the door of the tavern, the eglantine, The rose, the tulip from the dust have risen- And thou, why liest thou beneath the dust? A Treasure Of Truth And Divine Love. The translations are by the poet and philosopher Michael Boylan, who also reads them in the audio; the illuminations are by Hossein Zenderoudi (select any of the smaller images on the poem page for a larger version); the Persian calligraphy is by Amir Hossein Tabnak; the Persian reading is by the late, poet Nader Naderpour (d. … Say, "Love, Give me back my wings. Hafiz, Awake awhile. The garden is filled with life again! clip in their haggadah. When his father died, he left school to work at a bakery and as a copyist. Haggadah. Traditionally, lovers confide their secrets to the Sabaa. In states of deep spiritual communion, a subtle flowing substance is sensed upon the palette. The 14th century poet of Shiraz, Hafez, mentions Roknabad several times, but the most famous reference is the verse translated by Jones, Bell, and others taken from his Shirazi Turk poem: بده ساقی می باقی که در جنت نخواهی یافت ‎ کنار آب رکن آباد و گلگشت مصلا را‎ Your gift is tax deductible to the extent I need to stop backpedaling into the present. Persian lyric poet Hafiz (born Khwāja Šamsu d-Dīn Muḥammad Hāfez-e Šīrāzī) grew up in Shiraz. We rely on support from users just like you! Thank you for being you, thank you for sharing your world. Reads the same. A flower-tinted cheek, the flowery close VII. Hafez – Song of Spring. 15 Spring Poems to Give You Hope After Winter’s Shenanigans Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand by E.E. Be kind to your sleeping heart. Sleep on thine eyes, bright as narcissus flowers V. Oh Turkish maid of Shiraz! The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me that I can no longer call myself a man, a woman, an angel, or even a pure Soul. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Hafiz was born at Shiraz, in Persia, some time after 1320, and died there in 1389. allowed by law. Spring and all its flowers     now joyously break their vow of silence.Something by the great Sufi poet Hafez in honor of spring and Norooz, the Persian New Year.You too -- weed out those roots of sadness from your heart.Spring has something to teach us about living with selfless exuberance.The Sabaa wind arrives;     and in deep resonance, the flower     passionately rips open its garments,     thrusting itself from itself.The Sabaa is a wind at sunrise coming from the East. Please support the Poetry Chaikhana, as well as the authors and publishers of sacred poetry, by purchasing some of the recommended books through the links on this site. tax-exempt California public benefit corporation. Select public allows other Haggadot members to use your public clip in their Far, so far from summer's Divine gold. These have helped Hafiz become a well renowned poet in the West. In the same direction, Hafez has a poem which you can find it as follows: O God, our eyes are blinded! It is time for celebration, not for lying low; You too -- weed out those roots of sadness from your heart. Spiritual poets associate the Sabaa with the breath of the Beloved; coming from the East, it is the first whisper of daylight, of spiritual enlightenment. The bird of gardens sang unto the rose III. The Days Of Spring Poem by Shams al-Din Hafiz Shirazi.THE days of Spring are here! Mystical poetry of Hafiz By: S. M. Haghi. They all say, "Have fun, my dear; my dear, have fun, In the Beloved's Divine. Awake, my dear. revealing herself under the morning star, And frenzied bulbul flies madly out of the House of Sadness. Take it out into the vast fields of Light And let it breathe. “For I have learned that every heart will get. Jan 21, 2020 - Hafez: The Complete Ghazals. Pay close attention to the artistry of the Sabaa wind. He influenced Goethe, for instance. haggadah. The parallel corpus, in verse level, has been constructed by Saeed Majidi, Tufts University and Maryam Foradi, Leipzig University, Germany.The word by word alignment of Farsi and English editions by Saman Rezaie under the supervision of Maryam Foradi.. Farsi Edition: urn:cts:farsiLit:hafez.divan.perseus-far1 Diwan-i Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī. Just one true moment of Love will last for days. A giddy smile naturally blooms for no apparent reason. Select public allows other Community members to use your public Take it out into the vast fields of Light and let it breathe. its love-crazed cry like a thousand-trumpet blast. Gates of Wisdom: The Poems of Hafiz page 10 Good news, lovely nightingale Good news, lovely nightingale! He sings the song of the sinners and sees the beloved in their wine cups: When Hafez’s coffin comes by, it’ll be all right to follow behind. Hafez is not as well-known, although it’s just today. The Sabaa wind arrives; and in deep resonance, the flower O singer, with the sound of the stream Of that majestic song muse and dream.