Brokenness is the path to blessing. None of this makes sense to me. Thank you for being honest and vulnerable. We exist to provide a safe haven for all followers of Jesus Christ to discuss God, Jesus, the Bible, and information relative to our beliefs, and to provide non-believers a place to ask questions about Christianity as explained in the scriptures, without fear of mockery or debasement. Some new kind of relationship has to come out of it, one that accepts the whole history. Synonyms for brought together include reunited, came together, come together, joined, joined up, rejoined, reunified, unified, united and made up. Or is it hopeless? 4. But as time went on and I didn’t see a full, miraculous healing taking place, they began to stir up hurt inside me. We didn’t break up because we stopped loving each other or caring. But it was good. Then we broke up again. My husband has completely changed my life, introduced me to God, and helped me change my outlook on life. Put me back together again. She was — is — one of the most wonderful Christian women I know, yet she broke up with me. 33 votes, 19 comments. We are fully committed and both are going to be baptized and Chrismated into the Orthodox Church even though when we dated 19 years ago he was an LDS Mormon and I was a Protestant. Still to gather after 20 years. You carried me through a crisis. It’s not in my hands, anyway. He created people in his image, breathed his Spirit into us, and called us good. Then we broke up again. Could God, even now, still change her heart? And lest you think it was all sunshine and rainbows, you should know that it was messy and ugly and plain hard. I was concerned she wasn’t giving me enough attention, but I figured it was because she was busy and this was her first dating relationship, so we could work things out. He brought us back together. That is so awesome! He wanted to marry me even at 16 and I wanted to marry him. Others admired my loyalty and love. I think that’s more of a Disney / Hollywood idea. I do think you should pray about this, however. He will help you. I'm working on the latter. Cookies help us deliver our Services. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TrueChristian community. I stashed away everything I had that would remind me of her: gifts, mementos, photos. I feel doubtful and began to spiral into fear and anxiety. He said were wanting different goals and that we should pursue them on our own. I feel like he is the one but the Lord is really trying to make me put Him first and that’s why I cut off any communication. Give me strength to move forward in Your steps. Five years ago, our paths crossed, and you quickly became one of the most important and influential people in my life. This past October He did the impossible. John Thomas has been a Boundless contributor since its beginning in 1998. He and his wife, Alfie, have three children and live in Arkansas, where he serves as executive director of Ozark Camp and Conference Center, a youth camp and retreat center. Does he have the same beliefs? But there’s no going back to exactly what was. Close male-female friendships can be fun and engaging, but are women putting their emotions at risk? A million failed relationships, much less a couple, will never speak one word about your worth in the love department. All the old fears are gone. Ask yourself if this man will be a benefit to your life or make it harder. after all these years. My former ex-boyfriend from high school that I loved even though we dated briefly and I got back together 13 years later and then married. Just SURRENDER, and let the Lord do what He sees fit for you. She welcomes you in the kids life and the kids like you. God must break us of our self-dependence so that He can bless us as we cling to Him in our brokenness. Use this to draw me into deeper relationship with You, God. God brought us together Spiritual {Completed} #6 in Christian Love Stories Meet Olivia Reedney, the 24 year old that everyone likes to be around. I do ask God that he does bring us back together once we find God on our own. We promised each other to remain abstinent until marriage. I wake up everyday feeling so empty and sad asking God to reveal to me why this is happening. Come, and let us return to the LORD: for he has torn, and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. Will he put God first? I really wanted to get married to him and a family with so I really hope God can bring us back together someday. It was so very good. He then picks this up again in Hebrews 12 where God tells us that He chastens us for our profit. I prayed and asked God what to do. It also made me harbor hatred for LDS Mormonism and Mormons for years as well which is why we broke up; his LDS peers and family pressured him to dump me and their doctrines that he couldn't go to the Celestial Kingdom if he married me because he couldn't get sealed in the temple made him leave me. But the Bible tells us that we chose independence over relationship, and through our disobedience, we brought … :). It hurts to be on the receiving end of it, but in our hurt, let’s make no assumptions about the sincerity of another’s faith and her efforts to follow God’s leadership in her life. Copyright 2011 John Thomas. I blame myself for it. The most needful thing is not that we discover ourselves, but that we discover love. I’m sorry this hasn’t worked out the way you had hoped. Should I pray for reconciliation and, at the least, a restored friendship? Why you broke up. Let me see her as You see her. It said I could email her but that the rest was up to Him. When God promised to build us up — to give us a new heart and a new covenant — he was promising to tear down his beloved Son. I wanted desperately for my heart to change, but it wouldn’t. Should I pray for reconciliation and, at the least, a restored friendship? Related artists: God is not with us today, Take that, Take a daytrip, Back of the class, God-des and she, God dethroned, God forbid, God is an astronaut I’ve been feeling doubtful that I’ve actually heard from God. If we follow the Bible, then we receive everything God created for us. The key here is that I grew closer to God put him first and did not worry !!! Given the reality that life as the two of you knew it before is not possible, you have to consider what is best for you moving forward. God Breaks Us To Put Us Back Together God, Life, Suffering. Maybe I can offer some thoughts on helping this experience inform some of your journey ahead. 3. It also places her in an awkward position, at least for now. Here is what God says will give you a strong family: Marriage is a Covenant and is Not to be Broken. I trusted Gods judgment and believed in his will and he brought us back together. Or is it hopeless? 1) Marriage is a Biblical Covenant to Be One Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. It is time to move on. Here Israel celebrates their restoration from exile, most likely the exile in Babylon. I do not know her. and let. Instead of plucking us up, like we deserved, he placed his own Son on the cross (John 3:16). How you broke up Some reasons for a break-up are easily reconcilable and others are deal breakers. I’ve tried to talk to her about what had happened, but she eventually told me she only wanted to “communicate as friends.” I asked when I could see her next, and she told me she didn’t think we should see each other for a while. I was still confused, but I told her that I would accept her answer. I don’t think it is wise to try a relationship more than twice. Perhaps it truly was God’s will for us to break up so that I could realize that I had fallen in love with Marlene. Maybe it just flowed off your keypad that way, but it’s worth reminding you that her ending a relationship with you does not at all bring into question her Christianity. Anyone that can share the story of your waiting for God's best and how God brought along the godly spouse that you … I also wanted to share that we were together and then we broke up and that’s when I was saved. What do you pray now? Hi there! Getting back with an ex will derail the plans He has for your singleness. . Read verse in The Message Bible Have you dealt with break up before the I do. He was 16 and it was scary to think that he would not be able to go to what they believe is for all intents and purposes the highest level of heaven and that he would be disobedient to God by marrying me. The night before I went to visit her at college, she called me and told me to come prepared to talk. I don't think I'll ever be friends with someone who is devout LDS but I might be able one day to be in a room with them and not want to literally jump out the window no matter what storey we're on. And you met the kids while they were in crisis. I had ex’s and didn’t feel anything with them like I did with this guy. How God Breaks Us,K.P. I began to wonder if these reminders were from God, as if He wasn’t letting me run away from the issue. I kinda hated my husband for years because of our breakup even though I loved him deep down. We have only talked for a few minutes, chatted on Facebook several times and exchanged a few emails. As for your current efforts to keep the lines of communication open, you’ve shown plenty of initiative. Again, the point is that we tread on thin ice when we sin against God. I don't know what to do anymore. God has given His life because of His love for you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She has hardly talked to me since. Find more similar words at! “Going back” to being “just friends” after such a relationship as if none of this ever happened is not possible. He's still helping me. I’m pretty glad it didn’t happen to me tho lol. God Was Broken Down. I had asked Him to give me different dreams and I received them. Two-and-a-half weeks later, she wrote me back saying her mind was unchanged, that she didn’t think she could give me what I wanted. I’ve been dealing with my ex for quite some time now and I can’t shake this feeling that he is the one for me. That is now part of both of your lives. God brought us together for a reason. We are all healing and I want you in my life. Of all the people I know it’s only happened once where they broke up and got married later. So maybe I had to say, “It’s God will for us to break up” because it was really God’s will for us to get back together, get married, and still be together (and happy!) Some thought I was still hung-up on her, that once I met someone else I would be overcome with love for her and be over it. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Several months had passed by this point. Discover and share God Brought Us Together Quotes. I prayed that God would make them stop if I was to move on, but they didn’t. Just... to be clear. In fact, we say in the marriage ceremony "What God has brought together, let no man put asunder." I know she means a lot to you, and those of us who’ve experienced heartbreak at some point in our lives can empathize with you. I had no idea it would be a breakup talk. God must break us of our self‑dependence. What you are describing is common among non Christians. You have always been special to me, but never in a million years would I have guessed that you would be the one to help me build my relationship with God. In the sense that you and your now spouse/partner are fully committed and have broken up before. But it just all became too much. Please pray to heal our broken relationship we have been together on and off for 7 years always break up in a ugly way please help us find a way to heal us and create a healthy loving relationship. Jeremiah 17:14 God, pick up the pieces. I wrote down what I believed was His answer. But it is wrong to assume that your feelings are any validation of God’s plans for you or for her, and continuing to operate as if they are is only going to cause more pain for you and discomfort for her. I think these are pretty simple questions you can ask that will help you to glorify God in your life. Maybe it’s not as easy to pursue as we always imagined. First, because it seems I’m not worth loving. Second, because it seems my conduct has driven her away. Before God can use a man greatly, He must break him, because we all have a built‑in propensity to trust in ourselves. It all came together in this toxic explosion and after a huge fight, we broke up. Hosea 5:15 I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.. Hosea 14:1 My boyfriend and I broke up Friday. It seemed I didn’t matter to her. So I asked God to either bring her and me back together as better people or to lead us both to someone else who was better, whichever brought Him the most glory. Biblically speaking, we have advice from Paul to not marry, unless you cannot control yourself, in which case go ahead (with the caveat that the married life is harder). So this last confirmation I asked Him to show me where this letter I lost, that if I found it, it meant he was the one He wanted me to marry. So I asked God to either bring her and me back together as better people or to lead us both to someone else who was better, whichever brought Him the most glory. But things I had little or no control over would remind me of her. He is warning us of the seriousness of our sin. Right now I cut off communication with my ex in order be closer to the Lord and see what He truly wants for me. Will you raise his children with God in their lives? That being said... my husband and I went through an extremely rough patch before we got married, and I continuously prayed for God to help me see if he was the right man for me or not. In fact he brought me closer to god. Thus, 1. From what I can tell, you are in no place to be around her much, simply because you’d be torturing yourself. God is GOOD. “We both were going through a lot of personal issues. Meanwhile, don’t listen to the lies you’re hearing in your head about not being worth loving. But rather than asking for a sign as to wether or not he is the one, instead ask for wisdom and discernment to be able to see the potential issues that a marriage union with this man would bring. Press J to jump to the feed. God created the world and called it good. God Take Us Back lyrics. I went down a dark path with unipolar after our break up, spiraled out of control, and just wanted to be loved by a man and made awful choices, and consequently moved away from God. If you put the Lord first and this person is who you're meant for, he will bring you back together. When we submit to God, He blesses us. I have a problem related to a confusing and heart-wrenching breakup I had nearly a year ago. Maybe that wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t broken up. Recognize the pit of hell from which that comes, and reject it immediately. I love that your honest about your resentment and it makes me excited bc I can see that you love the Lord and are willing to love others. I wish I’d known then that this list wouldn’t prepare me at all for marriage. Are we talking about your exhusband? I'm hoping that in time he will realize how much in love we were and how good we were together. I’ve asked the Lord to show me if he is the one for me and he has given me al the confirmations that I’ve needed. This new paradigm thanks God for the good and trusts Him to bring glory out of the bad. I felt God telling ... week but instead we broke up later. Browse for God Take Us Back song lyrics by entered search phrase. It has been weeks since I’ve broken up with the person I’m convinced to be ‘the one’. What I’ve learned, put the lord first in everything, he will work out the rest. And if you put the Lord first in everything, he will you! Can ask that will help you to glorify God in their lives n't wait for signs, I just at... Only one possible future spouse out there Lord do what he sees fit for you felt telling. 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