They are all the same aggression levels and breed in the same manner. Do you have any suggestions of how warm its water should be ? Male Swordtail Fish may grow up to 5.5 inches long, and the females may grow up to 6.3 inches long. The many potential tankmates listed above are typically the best options for a Molly Fish aquarium. I was nervous. They would be compatible in terms of character and body proportions. Since black moors and other goldfish enjoy socializing with their peers, they tend to get along very well mollies. It can be hard to choose the right tankmates for our finned friends.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'molliesfish_com-box-3','ezslot_0',136,'0','0'])); How do you know what kind of fish are compatible? They are in no way attempting to compete for food or pick a fight with Mollies and Mollies tend to stay away from them as a result. How big is the aquarium she is in now? Mollies are another fish species that would be great companions for the dwarf gouramis. Guppies are a very popular pet fish option. These fish are very social-minded — think of it like a close-knit group of friends who share similar interests or backgrounds. Algae tablets, shrimp tablets, excess fish food if he lives with fish. I’m not really sure why.. because it’s not like they are tough or anything. Although Neon Tetras have a flashy appearance, they are non-confrontational schooling fish who will spend most of their time in the middle of the tank. No other freshwater fish approaches the velvety black color of the black mollie. Swordtail fish. Molly Fish Their diet is also similar thriving on a varied, omnivorous diet. Mainly female bettas but there are some of those “calm” males too. I could really use some help here folks. The small tank I moved her to is a 2.5 gallon with a heater and filter. Swordtails are a close relative of the Platy Fish. I did with one and it effected it shell and one molt just didnt go welll and he didnt survive much longer. They may do very well in a Molly Fish tank. All livebearers like molly fish get along great together. Do a little research on the aggression levels of each species. So, if you are keeping them with mollies choose wisely the type of gourami fish according to the size of the tank and aggression level of other tank mates. Below is a list of potential compatible tank mates for the Molly Fish. Mollies are actively moving sphenops types, so to successfully keep a group, you will need a 13-gallon capacity tank (50 liters) to avoid crowding and comfortably grow your mollies with a stable biotic balance in their habitat. The Melanotaenia boesemani is a very popular fish among aquarium lovers, due to its colorful appeal which, however, fades a little when raised in captivity. Which fish are compatible with Mollies? You may find other tank mates that will work too. Here are 14 fish that can live with a Betta, followed by 10 fish that CANNOT. In fact, the two are so closely related that they are capable of crossbreeding. Angel fish lying on it side on the bottom of tank. There are a lot of different species so you have a lot to choose from. The appropriate type of home is given for each of these recommended groups of fish species. These catfish are really pretty freshwater aquarium fish and look a lot like catfish. Not every type of fish will be compatible tankmates due to clashing aggression levels, swimming capabilities, fragility, and various other factors. They breed super easy and that enables me to sell them on the side. These fishes a lot of varieties having slight variations in aggression levels from different kinds. Common questions about breeding angel fish. I’m an Aussie and we have had them we call them ‘yabbies’ or they are known as blue claw, there is a red version called a red claw, they will nip at the Molly’s and all other fish you have. A shoaling fish is one that is happiest in the company of other fish similar to itself. Swordtail fish are the schooling type but will have no issues sharing a tank with others from their ‘clan’. While the cost of these fish can vary based on color variations, the Albino ones tend to be the most expensive. Male Endler Fish come in a variety of colors that brighten the tank. As bottom dwellers, corydoras are a peaceful and low-maintenance community fish that are compatible with molly fish. If you have lots of plants and decorations they will hide and be ok. Is this other tank shes in cycled? Select one aquarium fish to find tank mates for your tropical aquarium fish. Beside this, what fish can live with mollies and guppies? Fish Compatible with Angel Fish (and Other Tips) Detailed below are some of the 15 best tank mates that can live with guppies: 1. Tropical Fish Compatibility How to Choose Fish for Your Aquarium. The best tank mates for molly fish include other Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Gourami fish, Female Bettas, Endlers, Danios, Minnows, Tetras, Snails, Shrimp, and other molly fish. I just love these fish. Compatible Tank Mates for Mollies. These are Platies, Swordtails, Guppies, Mollies and a couple more. They are named for their unique ability to give birth to live offspring, rather than eggs. Their main concern is finding a snack on the bottom of the tank. Topic: I have bought 3 molly fish yesterday and need to get some friends for my mollies. 13. They have so much personality that they are my favorite fish to watch in my tanks. Best Fish Compatible with Guppies. Problems with bottoms feeders are very rare and your options are wide open. Not trying to overcrowd my tank but it seems so bare. Feeding This is an omnivorous fish that eats all types of live, frozen or artificial food. I’m very new to mollies, and when I got them, I stupidly didn’t know they would have babies. However, the females tend to be much calmer and may be the perfect tankmate for Molly Fish. Fish in this group are compatible with the Molly Fish because they are all capable of giving birth to live offspring and they all contain similar aggression levels. Snails are almost always a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. There is a long list of different minnow types.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'molliesfish_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_8',127,'0','0']));report this ad. Asian Fish (asst.) Barb Betta Catfish (Corydoras) Catfish (Synodontis) Catfish/Scavenger Central American (asst.) These amazing species are very peaceful and sociable. Betta fish get along great with molly fish. Your Molly Fish may become bored, and possibly lonely if they do not have tankmates to keep them company. Or compare two aquarium fish tank mates to see if they are compatible. Goldfish are cold water fish while mollies and gouramis are tropical. I also got a bala shark which i was told would be the one i would have to watch But they are tune least aggressive out of all oothers.So i now have 4 mollies.4 dwarf gouramis,2 bala sharks.2 algae eaters. However, they are all small, agile and generally hardy fish for their size. the fish shop lady said that we should feed it 3 times a day so 3 algae tablets a day, CNZ Aquarium Aquascape Artificial Plastic Plant, 10-inch x 8-inch, Green, Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Cubes, Aquatic Foods Freeze Dried Tropical Fish Foods … 1/4-lb. Adding female betta fish with mollies can often be even easier than male bettas. Dont feed it that much lol Once a day and do a variety. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. It seems female bettas cost around $4 U.S. dollars per fish so they are a touch more expensive than mollies. Platies have a good appetite and they’ll feed on flake food, frozen food, freeze dried bloodworms, fruits flies, and mosquito larvae. For instance, Convict Cichlids have an aggressive reputation and don’t play well with others. Snails have been described as adding personality to the aquarium, and they are also safe from potential Molly harm due to their built-in shell home. They also exist in different sizes and can grow as much as 6 inches. How do you even tell? They are all the same aggression levels and breed in the same manner. Mollies are a great species of fish to add to your tank because they come in a variety of colors, and sizes, however, all of them get along together. It is best to keep the guppies separate and has an independent tank for newborn fish, and then your guppies will be happy. Also be sure to give some fresh veggies like kale, romaine lettuce, cucumber, zucchini ect. Dont over do protein. They are only interested in what’s their next meal and where they are going to find it. They’re peaceful and besides guppies, they also get along with mollies, swordfish, catfish, and tetras all of which are good companions for guppies as well. They are scavengers, Do you know much about them? But i went ahead & got all the fish i read were calm& non agressive& should live with a beta. These little fish are easy to pick out of a crowd as they have telltale horizontal stripes, rows of spots, or a vertical bar pattern on their scales. Large fish will try to eat your mollies, aggressive ones may attack and stress them out to the point of death. Another great choice for a molly roommate is the Gourami. They are yet another quality tankmates for Molly Fish due to their size and similar aggression level. My mollies are lonely and need some tank mates. I recently acquired a single male Molly, and haven’t been too sure how to give him the best care. Like the guppy, this fish … In fact, many of the mollies that i currently keep, are descendants of the original mollies. Livebearer fish are described as being “carp-like” American fish. You may also notice these fish consuming their fry fish (which is not unusual for the breed). Some grow up to 6 inches long so that may need to be taken account for too. I would just have the water at room temp. But you’ll have fry since she can keep having up to 6 without any make as she can store sperm for that long. Fish in this group are compatible with the Molly Fish because they are all capable of giving birth to live offspring and they all contain similar aggression levels. Molly fish can live with the following in the same tank: Platy; Siamese Fighting Fish It is also said that female Betta Fish should live in groups as they could otherwise become lonely and fall victim to depression. The 4 goldfish are also over stocking the tank. Tetra Fish are another small fish breed that is considered hardy and agile. Shrimp are other bottom feeders that will typically not get in the way of the Molly Fish. Mollies. The males are also brightly colored and truly brighten up the tank. Female Platy Fish have a fan-shaped anal fin. Also, I’m breaking my rule about posting in a group before observing it, but I need help! #2: Gourami Fish. Just like other livebearers, mollies are easy to breed, and make fascinating fish for the seasoned aquarist. Endlers are a small fish breed that is often crossbred with Guppies. With enough coverage, your snails should be fine, just be careful as their population can get out of control, so don’t buy too many at once. Gourami Fish can grow up to 6 inches in length which may be overwhelming depending on your current tank size.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'molliesfish_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',140,'0','0'])); A minnow is typically any small freshwater or saltwater bait fish. Cichlids are a group that contains numerous bad examples. Choosing compatible fish for an aquarium with mollies, cories and a pleco. If you were to place a delicate fish breed in a tank with Mollies, you would surely find your delicate fish ill, injured, or dead. I keep my guppies with the adults and they can get away and hide in the plants i have all over including floatinga few. However, if you have a betta sorority, you should make sure that you have a larger tank. My suggestion on temperature could be just about room temp. Tropical Fish Forums. Heated& filtered? Their potential size should be taken into consideration before purchase. Molly Fish are typically a very competitive and robust fish which means that their tankmates should also be sturdy and competitive. Search Results: The Molly should be kept in groups of more females than ma and is compatible with the Altum Angelfish, Angelfish, Betta (Siamese … Best Tank Mates for Molly Fish The best tank mates for molly fish include other Guppies, Platys, Swordtails, Gourami fish, Female Bettas, Endlers, Danios, Minnows, Tetras, Snails, Shrimp, and other molly fish. They are a unique fish breed as the males are typically smaller than the females. Their size should also be taken into consideration before purchase. This page contains comments about Tropical Fish Compatibility and a list of some Groups of Compatible Fish species with a few comments about each group and some guidelines to help you choose one of these groups.. You will find that Angelfish do fine with livebearers but once they grow larger in size.. they do somewhat show a lot more aggression. They mind their own business and consume the leftover food, algae, and other waste that has collected on the bottom of the tank. I have had similar Florida native species and they will capture and eat live fish. Gourami Fish can come in a variety of different species, and each one has a slightly different aggression level. You can’t go wrong with more livebearers with your mollies. The … They are typically small in size and fast swimmers making them equal competition. 14 Fish Compatible with Betta Fish Can Neon Tetras Live with Betta Fish? I haven’t seen her have another (actually never saw her give birth to any of them). As well as that avoid balloon mollies. A fish originally from Asia, it can now be found all over the world. If you are unsure about introducing another fish breed to your Molly Fish, then you can always add other Molly Fish to your tank. According to, the best fish mates for Molly fish are “Cherry Barbs, Corydoras Catfish, Danios, Dwarf Gourami, Harlequin Rasbora, Platies, Rosy Barbs, Tetras, Yo-yo Loaches, and Zebra Loaches”. They tend to live in schools of 5 to 10 and are highly compatible with other species of fish. It is important that you research each kind of Gourami Fish and choose the species that best first the aggression level of your particular Molly Fish. Livebearer fish are described as being “carp-like” American fish. Lyretail mollies have long tails that can cause aggression in your betta. Yes. Question is, is she done having babies? Females are typically a plain, less intense color such as silver. I feel really dumb for not just leaving them alone in the main tank also . I saw them in the rocks, and panicked because they could get to the other side with the other fish. Some fish will make great tank mates with clownfish, while others just won’t work out. Although they can live with any type of peaceful and community fish. I put up a tank divider beforehand, and I don’t know when she had babies…either overnight or popped some out slowly over the night and morning. As a matter of fact, my local fish store keeps a school of black mollies in a saltwater tank with damsel fish just to make the point. Guppies get along well with other species. So now mom and babies are in a separate tank. Platy Fish (various Xiphophorus species) Closely related to Mollies and Swordtails, platys are a peaceful livebearing fish that come in a wide range of colors and scale patterns. While there are no hard-set rules on what you can put together in a tank, having an idea of which fish will compete with each other for food and even position in the tank can go a long way in ensuring a peaceful fish tank. Posted by Megan G: I’ve been keeping these fish for around 10 years now and they are some of my favorite. the black molly will not be able to live with the large fishes because these fishes will eat them.. If you get all the fish that I recommend in your aquarium, and you still want to add more fish, then go back to the pages about Swords and Mollies and look for more compatible tank mates such as Platies, Angel Fish, Corydoras Catfish, and some Bigger Tetras such as Black Skirts, Red Serpaes, and Silver Tips. I know a fair amount about bettas, but that’s basically all I’ve had (besides their tank mates). They are also super hardy and easy to care for! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I will need one more to have a happy group, correct? Give it a maximum of 48 hours for all babies to come out if she is not stressed. Goldfish are not compatible with mollies or gouramis. Mollies get along well with peaceful and small fishes like dwarf gourami, bristlenose pleco, white cloud mountain minnow, harlequin rasbora, cherry barb, guppy and platy. I need a list of valuable roommates that work with my molly fish. the black molly is compatible with the fishes like white molly,orange molly, golden fish, guppy. I came seeking info on basic Molly care. River Rock Large Stone as Aquarium Gravel? They are a favorite pet fish breed as they are easy to find and easy to care for in captivity. Corydoras enjoy scavenging for food in the substrate of the aquarium, which makes them very useful in picking up leftovers and keeping the tank clean. Mollies 1 Platy ( plan to get along very well in a molly roommate is the aquarium.... Tankmates for molly fish stick-shaped ” and is used for reproductive purposes one and it effected it shell and molt... They should always keep a Betta fish should live with mollies can often be even easier than bettas. 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