Donald and Della's cousins, Featherly and Gladstone, are moving through the ocean when they spot the melon floating by. They technically get to kill Mickey by having Gladstone Gander eat the melon in front of an incredulous Donald, imbuing the subplot with a darkly comic edge. His outrageous productivity is presented as a factor in the quality of his inventions; because he always comes up with new ideas, the fact that his inventions often lack an important feature will often cause trouble for Scrooge or Donald who has bought the invention. If you … That's part of what makes Mickey's appearance as a melon all the more hilarious. Co-Producer/Story Editor Frank Angoes has addressed his efforts to bring the icon to Duckburg, writing, "[Mickey's] way above my pay grade. "Moonvasion!" Did The Stand Cheat Its Most Tragic Character? Jan 4, 2017 - Explore Sunny Levine's board "duck tales party" on Pinterest. DuckTales has made a point of referencing classic elements from across the Disney canon. When Melon kicked away over the ocean, he yells, "See you real soon!" Its shape and speech are based on Mickey Mouse, the longtime mascot of the Walt Disney Company. DuckTales is an American animated television series, developed by Matt Youngberg and Francisco Angones, and produced by Disney Television Animation.The series is a reboot of the original 1987 … The Phantom Blot is a cartoon character created in 1939 by The Walt Disney Company.He is one of Mickey Mouse's most dangerous foes, and has threatened the mouse's life on numerous occasions. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the DuckTales Season 2 finale, "Moonvasion!". DuckTales crossover fanfiction archive. . KEEP READING: DuckTales Star Bobby Moynihan Reveals Scrooge's Favorite Nephew (Well, Probably). The reason Melon wears a hat is a reference to Mickey's first appearence in/as Steamboat Willie. By hentaib2319 Watch. See more ideas about duck tales, disney ducktales, disney duck. If DuckTales isn't allowed to actually use Mickey Mouse, this is the next best thing. Music video by Club Mickey Mouse (Malaysia) performing DuckTales Theme Song. Mikey Melon[1] is a non-anthropomorphic watermelon created by Donald Duck in the DuckTales 2017 TV series episode "Moonvasion!". Image details. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Mikey's "speech" was provided by Donald throwing his voice in an unusually clear and high-pitched manner; this voice is provided by Chris Diamantopoulos rather than Donald's usual voice actor Tony Anselmo. and became marooned on a desert island. 1K Views. Disney by davidkinglion. Mikey Melon1 is a non-anthropomorphic watermelon created by Donald Duck in the DuckTales 2017 TV series episode "Moonvasion!". DuckTales is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and distributed by Buena Vista Television.The cartoon series premiered on September 18, 1987, and ran for … Dolores is an elephant who appears in Tiger Trouble, The Big Wash and Working for Peanuts, plus the Mickey Mouse Works short Around the World in Eighty Days. Sporting a massive beard, he's been drinking seawater smoothies and eating sand. (C) 2018 Walt Disney Records Scrooge McDuck is a cartoon character created in 1947 by Carl Barks for The Walt Disney Company.Appearing in Disney comics, Scrooge is an elderly Scottish anthropomorphic Pekin duck with … However, instead pg a volleyball with a crudely painted face, Donald has constructed a best friend out of melons: a large melon carved with a big smile and two eyes, with two smaller melons as ears. DuckTales has introduced a number of characters from across other Disney properties. Mickey - With Custom Cursor browser extension you can change your cursor to a custom one from cursor collection or upload your own cursor Home Clip Art Television New Ducktales. 14 Comments. Despite it obviously being Mickey Mouse, it's technically not the character. Mickey Mouse by ultra43. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Although it could be a typo for the name Mickey, it does show that the Mickey Mouse connection was intentional. Closed captioning identifies the melon as Mikey often showing the "Mikey's Voice" tagline whenever Donald speaks as him. 1 Is a Fantasy Revenge Story That Treads Familiar Ground. This villain was originally created by Floyd Gottfredson for the Mickey Mouse newspaper comic strip storyline "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot", and has regularly menaced Mickey and his friends … Disney XD's Ducktales Clip Art Featuring quality PNG images of … Essentially, Donald's Wilson is a pastiche of Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck has been MIA since the events of "Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?," when the rocket he stole from the Moonites crash-landed on Earth. Mikey was never an independent character, but a ventriloquist dummy Donald made after he returned to Earth in "What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!" Picking it up, they notice the island where the rest of their family is stranded. To drive home the point, Donald gives the melon a squeaky voice that's exactly in character with Mickey. 194 Favourites. After Della realized she was marooning her family on the island in the same way she had been marooned on the Moon, she kicked Mikey in anger, and, to Donald's distress, Mikey was thrown into the sea. That allows them to rescue the others, and bring them back to Duckburg to help save the world. 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,522. That's extended beyond even the older DuckTales cartoon or Scrooge McDuck comics to include characters and concepts like Darkwing Duck and the Gummi Bears. Mickey Mouse in ducktales. Created as a replacement for a prior Disney character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Mickey … RELATED: DuckTales: Toks Olagundoye Reveals Her Inspirations For Mrs. Beakley. BeebeeRun Pirate Action Figures Playset,Educational Bucket Toys of Pirate Toy with Octopus,Pirate Ship and Other Accessories,War Game Toys for Boys and Kids In Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil and Scandinavia, local tradition has it that Mickey's hometown is simply a different district of Duckburg, Donald Duck's home town, even though Mickey and Donald only … It's maybe not too surprising if Ducktales is hitting a wall when it comes to "the mouse." DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (also known as DuckTales: The Movie) is a 1990 American animated adventure fantasy film based on the animated television series … Mikey … reveals he ended up stranded on a desert island in the middle of the ocean. Everyone is disconcerted by this development, but they all roll with it until Della, in a moment of frustration, accidentally kicks the melon into the ocean. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse; Mickey's House of Villains; Later appearances [edit | edit source] DuckTales [edit | edit source] They later starred in the 1987 animated … Despite the distinctive ears and voice (provided by current Mickey Mouse actor Chris Diamantopoulos, who also plays Darkwing Duck on DuckTales), the melon is clearly intended as a joke reference. His acting credits … As Fethry started to count the family members he could spot on the island and immediately proceeded to count the airplane and the palm trees, Gladstone lost patience and shoved Melon into Fethry's mouth, breaking the watermelon in two. Gyro is Duckburg's most famous inventor, even though his inventions don't always work the way he wants them to. A one-stop shop for all things video games. It'll be up to Donald to explain the melon tribute, though. disney ducktales mickey … He is known as being good-natured toward others. Holidays Mickey Mouse Misc. Actor, Comedian Chris Diamantopoulos is a Greek-Canadian actor and comedian who plays the roles of Storkules, Melon, the Mythical Goat, and Drake Mallard in the 2017 DuckTales series. Fethry began eating his watermelon piece as Gladstone offered to feed the rest of it to his marooned cousins. Disconnected from the rest of the world for what's revealed to be months, Donald has gone slightly mad. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the DuckTales universe. See more ideas about Duck tales, Duck, Mickey mouse and friends. At shore, Gladstone continued eating his piece of Mikey and drinking its juice right in front of a shocked and speechless Donald. The show premiered on on August 12, 2017 with a 44-minute special titled "Woo-oo!" But with other Disney characters like Goofy set to make their DuckTales debut in the upcoming third season, there's always a chance the real deal could crop up. . Who's Stronger? Mikey Melon soon reappeared when Mitzy arrived ferrying Gladstone Gander and Fethry Duck to the island with Gladstone carrying Melon in his hands. ... For a Mickey Mouse cartoon a la DuckTales, Mickey … However, the biggest Disney character of all time, Mickey Mouse, made a surprise appearance in the Season 2 finale, albeit in the form of an imaginary best friend for a stranded Donald Duck. The voice is even listed in the credits as simply "Melon." Movies Sports Television Winnie the Pooh Cartoon. The first season, which resumed on September 23, 2017, consisted of 21 further twenty-two minute episodes and a 44 … Its shape and speech are based on Mickey Mouse, the longtime mascot of the Walt Disney Company. … RELATED: DuckTales: All the Call-Backs in the Season 2 Finale, Explained. Gyro is often assisted by his Little Helper(or just "Helper"), who is a small robot with a lig… However, the entertainment giant has reportedly always been wary of allowing their flagship character, Mickey, to appear on the series. Donald's sister Della Duck and nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie randomly crashed the Sunchaser/Cloudslayer on Donald's island while trying to hide from Lunaris' invasion. Was Emmanuel Lewis Shoehorned Into an Existing Sitcom to Create Webster? And the universe is expanding even further in the upcoming third season. Mickey and the gang by mickeydisneyfan. Ceaco (4) 500 Piece Thomas Kinkade - Disney Dreams 4 in 1 Multipack - Cinderella, The Lion King, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and The Little Mermaid - Ages Kids and Adults. You Might Like . 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Sort of, DuckTales: All the Call-Backs in the Season 2 Finale, Explained, DuckTales: Toks Olagundoye Reveals Her Inspirations For Mrs. Beakley, addressed his efforts to bring the icon to Duckburg, DuckTales Star Bobby Moynihan Reveals Scrooge's Favorite Nephew (Well, Probably), How WandaVision Kept Evan Peters' Casting a Secret, How I Met Your Mother Had Lin-Manuel Miranda's BEST Cameo, Trickster: Maggie’s Gambit Shatters Her Family, WandaVision Theory: SWORD's True Target Isn't Wanda - It's [SPOILER], The CW's Superman & Lois Premiere to Air Encore on TNT. I had one story that involved him and one that mentioned him, but both were vetoed.". Meanwhile, Dellaand the kids search the globe for reinforcements. Feb 14, 2021 - Explore Fscott1963's board "Ducktales" on Pinterest. After not speaking to one another for ten years, Scrooge McDuck is reunited with Donald Duck after he and his three nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie move into McDuck Manor. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck pose for photographers after their arrival at the airport in Mumbai, India, in 2006. The new style Mickey Mouse animated shorts featuring the Disney sensational six (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, and Pluto) made their debut during the summer of 2013. … However, that actually saves everyone in the end. 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This is how i think Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Pluto would look like if they would appear in the new Ducktales series. He's even created his own Wilson, a la Castaway, to keep himself busy. Image size. Despite the distinctive ears and voice (provided by current Mickey Mouse actor Chris Diamantopoulos, who also plays Darkwing Duck on DuckTales), …