He healed well on his own in the safety of his cage. A duck’s legs and feet are made for flying and swimming, not walking. During one of my routine health checks, I discovered a spot of bumblefoot on one of our Pekin ducks. Unless the problem is recognized early, the phallus ulcerates and becomes necrotic. The Bumbles occur when staphylococcus bacteria gets into the cut and causes an infection. This may not seem important, but as I have said before, the human body is very much like a house of cards. However, blood flow to the feet of a duck is not great and getting adequate amounts of antibiotic to the infected spot is difficult. Q. this forum made possible by our volunteer staff, including ... Don't MAKE me come back there with this tiny ad: 100th Issue of Permaculture Magazine - now FREE for a while, current server time (not your local time) is, https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/newly-hatched-duclking-leg-foot-problems.1015168/, http://www.hensaver.com/Birdy-Bootie.html, https://permies.com/t/130399/experiences/Casual-work-stay-stay-cation. A common bacterial infection, especially among heavy breeds, is an abscess in the foot pad, resulting in lameness. This product is a solution to the problem of combine header … Oyster shells are sold inexpensively at your local feed store. I usually bring them home and after a few weeks or a month they are able to walk and go back to the park. Injury. As for any foot problem, please check the bottom of your duck’s foot! I finally managed to fashion a bandage that our duck Brigid would keep on and could still manage to walk with. Staph is present virtually everywhere; even on the skin and nose of healthy individuals (humans!). Much like a red baboon butt, a duck’s foot will swell and turn a bright red when they are beginning to pair off. It almost seemed like the eggs would straighten out her hips, as she could walk better every time just after she laid. Duck egg problems are the first warning sign that your duck is lacking calcium in his diet. After creating a small hole, I soaked her foot in salt water to draw out the toxins and then applied Hydrogen Peroxide to the wound area. It can lead to problems if left untreated. Issues with Lameness or Hurt Feet Lameness is common enough for duck owners to worry about it. In the two years that I’ve had her, she’s never had a foot infection, and then suddenly she was sprouting 3 ulcers on each foot. If left untreated or not treated appropriately, the infection often becomes chronic and progressive, eventually spreading into the underlying bones, tendons and joints and resulting in osteomyelitis, tenosynovitis, septicemia, and … They’re not that adept at ripping and tearing and making their food smaller before swallowing. Another alternative is to mix raw black sesame seeds in with their food. 0 thank. Angel wing  geese/ducks that are fed food that is rich in high-protein and growth supplements will find their appendages growing in crooked. Home health care input welcome. I cleaned a sewing needle with rubbing alcohol and gently poked the black entrance area of the bumble, which was already hardened by the bacteria. 0. If you have an oriental grocery store near you, buying Chinese vegetables is a cheap and healthy alternative for your ducks compared with what they sell at large commercial grocery stores like Publix. 0. It’s important to make sure the duck is breathing and doesn’t choke on what you just gave him, so be gentle!  Read more on Angel Wing. Someone told me it could be a botfly on her foot cause it looks like it, but it doesn’t seem to be that, then someone else said Bumblefoot but it f it was it’s in an odd place. Eventually she seemed to recover from it herself when she laid more eggs and I gave her daily massage. Meeting that special someone with values similar to yours - at a permaculture workshop or event. Special BRK JUST for the permaculture bootcamp! Twisted ankle the subject will walks around with an ungainly limp. This chicken foot problem is known as bumblefoot, from the old British word bumble, meaning to walk unsteadily. If your feet turn outward while you walk, theres a high likelihood that you are duck footedor, more technically, that you are out-toeing when you walk. Poked(Gouged out) eye I had the misfortunate of witnessing my duck’s eyeballs get gouged out, one by one! Treatment with antibiotics alone will not save her life. Try not to manipulate the toe much. Sometimes you can get the egg to pass by letting your duck sit in a warm bath and coating her clocoa with vaseline. In most cases, the duck can heal itself. If after a few hours the egg does not pass, you should prepare to bring her to a vet. Staphylococcus infection is fairly well-known in chickens as Bumblefoot, caused initially by a foot injury but in ducks and geese, this can be a swelling of the leg and foot that feels hot to touch and causes the bird to limp. Reddit. Hello! If you are having pain in a high arched foot, it is often a problem with shock absorption. This shampoo can kill dog ticks so it would probably work with mites and other bird parasites. Put fresh, dry bedding in your duck’s coop each night. The infection occurred at a time that I had neglected to feed her anything other than the Chicken Layer Feed she normally gets and a bit of Romaine lettuce. Once, I found that a carpenter ant’s butt had pierced the bottom of my duck’s foot and was hanging there, causing much discomfort. You can also grind up old egg shells or buy lots of fresh leafy greens, as they are a natural source of calcium. After he was poked in the eye I cleaned the wound with antiseptic and applied antibiotic ointment. Duck virus enteritis has been associated with prolapse of the phallus. Sometimes there’s something sinister under there which will require antibiotic treatment or a trip to the vet. These feet problems can include swelling and tenderness, which is what makes the duck limp or choose to limit his or her mobility. So, here are some exercises for improving hip internal rotation to help fix duck feet. On her left foot, the growth is only attached at the back part of her foot, but she is having trouble walking normally. I think if you recognize the early stage of bumbles and give your duck a diet high in natural vitamins, their immune system should be able to jumpstart and heal on their own. About DuckDuckGo Learn More. When ducks are dehydrated, their feet become awfully dry and starts to peel. The good news is that a duck walk is mainly caused by body imbalances that you can correct. They limp and their feet curl up. Within 3 days, the swelling went down 20%. A catching net can really help in large areas but the corner of a run can be used to catch a bird quickly, especially if there are two people to do this. The problem usually happens when the duck suffers an injury while exiting or entering a water source. A. When you tape, and this is definitely easier with two people, make sure you completely spread the foot apart. Whether you've been called out for it or not, there are people running with "duck feet" everywhere! Treatments for Duck Feet Walk. Treating out-toeing and its primary symptom of abnormal gait is, luckily, quite simple! First time duck mom, my Appleyard duck has turned in feet's walks just fine and is a running ravenous puggy puff. Strange indeed.. Splayed / Spraddle Leg poultry that lives in slippery/confined conditions tend to suffer from this. Best to you all - may you and your ducks form a happy flock! Shortcuts to other sites to search off DuckDuckGo Learn More The tendon sheaths get infected and can take a long time to heal. Bumble Foot: Causes and Treatment Options Index of Bird Diseases Bumblefoot occurs in all species of birds; however, this condition is rarely seen in the wild. When a duck is very thirsty he will continually rub the top and bottom of his beak together. Granted, be sure your duck gets plenty of sunlight and exercise – I’ve seen a lot of house ducks suffering from Staph even though they live in “clean” houses. One of my runner ducks was under a lot of stress, as she had been laying eggs for almost 12 months straight. Once the foot is infected, ducks often begin to show slight behavioral changes (associated with onset of pain caused by the infection), and varying degrees of lameness. Phone call regarding foot infection with pet duck. Different types of antibiotic have been used to cure the problem: one pill (22.7mg) per day of Baytril, 50-100 mg of clindamycin, doxycycline, lincomycen or doxycycline per day, or 250 mg of amoxicillin per day. The heavier duck breeds including Pekins and Appleyards can be susceptible to bumblefoot, which is basically a staphylococcus infection caused by a cut, hard landing or splinter. Soft Shelled eggs Be sure to do this with gloves as Staph can easily pass from duck to human! It manifests itself as a black scab on the bottom of the foot. Lameness and leg problems can occur from time to time in poultry and there are a variety of reasons that these can occur.. Start off by catching the bird as quickly and calmly as possible. It will cause her to get better temporarily, but then crash as the source of the infection has not been removed. Even though my duck free ranges throughout the day, she still couldn’t make up for the nutrition her body needed to fight an infection. This is better for overall hygiene, but also prevents any open wounds on the ducks’ feet … Youve probably seen children who have recently begun walking display this duck footed gait, since the hips naturally turn outward in babies. Here is a list of common problems and what to do. Sesame is a good natural source of calcium, zinc, fiber, vitamin B1, magnesium and phosphorous. In their normal alignment, your feet should be parallel with each other and pointing straight ahead. Or, it could be a postural dysfunction caused by problems at the hips, knees, or ankles. I don't know why only the Appleyard is having issues the rest of the Ducks seem just fine. Soft shell eggs can also be a symptom of a sick duck – ducks who suffer from avian influenza often lay defective eggs. How to Fix Duck Footed Posture - Best Exercises & Stretches Duck Foot™ paddle tines slide over the factory tines and clip onto the reel pipe of a combine header. One of my hermaphrodite duck’s first symptom was dropping his/her penis, and then laying one soft shelled egg. Both male and female feet will be red until the summer, when they turn a drab color again to blend into their surroundings. Ducks with bumblefoot would be treated the exact same way, but with their webbed feet, are a bit harder to wrap and tape. 1 doctor agrees. Chicken foot is swollen but no bumblefoot! Newsletter. A vet will sell them to you for twice the price. Lice like to live near the tail and neck so it’s important to rub it in. Help your friends and family join the Duck Side! Sometimes ducks will get cuts and scrapes on their feet from living on rough floors or from tripping over their food dishes. Read more about him here. Duck eyes can regenerate quite well on their own. The most common health problems with ducks are ingestion of toxic or dangerous objects, unsanitary water and injuries. We use a modified deep litter method and do a 1/2″ – 1″ top up of bedding each night when we put our flock up. Twitter. There will also be varying degrees of swelling, heat and reddening of the skin in the area of the scab. Musckvy Duck Foot Problem . Wrap her foot and leave that on for about 4 days, gently check her foot in 4 days, re-wrap if it needs it. Bumble foot It’s a good idea to occasionally check the bottom of your duck’s feet for sores or other duck foot problems. Performing exercises with “Duck Feet” or Collapsed Arches leads to abnormal wear and tear of your ankle, knee, and hip joints. Actually, this issue can be caused of the muscle or the bone of their feet but also caused by virus or bacteria. We've researched foot problems in ducks and the only thing we are finding is bumblefoot, but most of the pictures we have seen look nothing like what she's got. Bumble foot can kill. Domestic ducks were bred to take on weight and eat like crazy. Hip dysplasia / malfunction I had one duckling which had this defect from birth. She had a sort of limping gait and her legs would vibrate just like an old dog when she tried to crouch down. seller of duck footwear & diapers, Party Fowl. If a bath doesn’t completely rid your duck of parasites the first time, try one more wash a few days later or a quick dunk in a chlorine pool. While the duck waddle is adorable in children (most of whom outgrow the trait naturally as they develop! A duck may start to limp and eventually go lame for any number of reasons. It was only after I added the brewer's yeast that she got all pigeon toed. Frostbite; Excessive sexual stimulation; Trauma, including over exuberant vent sexing; Prolapse of the duck penis is a common problem, particularly in light breeds like the Indian runner duck. Fix Your Duck Feet by Improving Hip Internal Rotation (Q+A) Over 64 Billion anonymous searches. I had to soak her thoroughly in water mixed with shampoo so the shampoo could permeate underneath her feathers. She is also pooping dark green but I don’t know if that’s from changing her feed to the Nutrena All Flock since I have geese and ducks. Symptoms of the cholera include diarrhea, mucous discharge, a loss of appetite, and labored breathing. correcting duck feet. The best way to fix it is to tie those legs together and let them set! more on spraddle leg. Nutritional problems: If your ducks are displaying health problems but no obvious sign of injury or disease then it may be their diet that is causing problems. Duck feet is a term used to describe out-toeing (flat turned out feet). Come visit! $2,650,000 in privacy donations! Unfortunately the oyster shell came too late, and an egg got stuck inside her body. Ducks have structurally weak legs, and the most common affliction of ducks is lameness. Ducklings brooded on wire can get a tiny hock caught in the hardware cloth. Bumble foot  It’s a good idea to occasionally check the bottom of your duck’s feet for sores or other duck foot problems. An effective natural Antiseptic ointment to rub on the infection is Derma E ( Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E, sold by Amazon ). Within a week, her bumble had completely squished down on it’s own. In my case, I didn’t wrap the wound and it still healed up nicely. Black Sesame, Bok choy, gailan and other chinese vegetables sell cheaply at asian markets. The most frequent presentation is the presence of a hard, puss-filled abscess covered by a brown to black colored scab. ), it’s not the most glamorous way to walk for adults. When I spoke to you (Rebeca) on the phone, I suspected the cause was a condition called “bumble-foot” which is common in waterfowl but I wasn’t entirely sure at that moment. Donating to permies.com + getting fun stuff in the process! Sometimes ducks will get cuts and scrapes on their feet from living on rough floors or from tripping over their food dishes. Don't let the bandage get wet and change it if it does get wet. Blog. Dry, cracked feet/legs this occurs when the subject does not have enough water to drink and wade in.  The best way to remedy a choking duck is to mix vinegar  with water and pour it down their throat. https://permies.com/t/130399/experiences/Casual-work-stay-stay-cation. Hospitals are especially rife with Staph. Parasites one of the full grown domestic runner ducks I got was infested with feather lice. 1. Hydrogen Peroxide bubbles when it comes into contact with bacteria, that’s how you know it’s working. I've had several that have issues with their feet. Bumbles can be caused by rough surfaces, ie wire cages, concrete or cement floors, tripping over rocks, walking on pavement etc. This will not hurt the duckling. This can be easily fixed by ... Read More. So for the past week my Pekin Duck can’t walk and uses her wings to do so. I decided to try a change in diet with my girl before anything more drastic and my own small ‘operation’. Balance issue can also main problem or just one of all symptoms of a disease. Today the abscess core is sometimes referred to as a bumble. As we know that duck usually in ground and swimming in the pound.By this naturally habitual, duck feet surely risky to have a problem. Posts: 1. posted 6 months ago. The infection occurs most often in locations that are unsanitary or where ducks have standing water in their pens. Duck feet will also change color during the mating season. If that’s the case, I’ve found that the hips are the usual culprit.