… The damn kick attack happens to me on accident a lot when I'm baiting people online to backstab me when they wear the fog ring. Upgrades. See/Add Comments. View Location. You're supposed to attack him while he charges it and stun him out of it. Okay, I am mostly venting here but what is wrong with the targeting ? Open Gesture Menu. Sort. I don't know if you're doing that but it will delay your attack. Lock on to the closest enemy, walk off the cliff and perform a Plunging Attack. Secondly the plunging attack requires you to not jump off or roll off initially. Cancel Catalogue. Can cast Miracles and Pyromancies. ... DS3 Achievement Sessions. Fell to my death 3 times trying to do it with it. Found in Archdragon Peak to the left of the ledge to plunging attack Ancient Wyvern. Sorry about that! So far I tried 15 times, I managed to actually jump once (since the keyboard control is oh so easy to do). Dash along the platform to an area below that reminds you one last time - Plunging attack. Ripostes; Ripostes are special attacks performed on enemies that have been guard broken or parried with the R1/RB button. •The plunging attack is the most reliable move in the game. Next Controls Xbox ONE Prev Controls PC. Notes. Function 2. I am at the same distance so it cannot be that they get knocked out of target range. Land it correctly and it will one hit KO the boss. Hello, I currently frustrating myself with the tutorial boss. The other 14 times I just dropped from the platform. Two-Handed Hold. Wow. I do not click the stick so it is not that either. Posted by Vermigs on 02 May 16 at 14:47. (I'm playing on PC with KB&M) Is there a specific point during the fall where I have to press the RMB? Reward. Join the gaming community. Confirm. Now dash to the nearby fog gate, and take out the shielded snake-man, before climbing the ladder next to him. Just walk off the ledge at the boss and as soon as you start falling hit the attack button and you should perform a plunging attack. Function 3. JOIN FOR UPDATES. Wait for the dragon to not be attacking, then rush out and fall off the arch and do a plunging attack on his head. Menu Controls. Uses the Holy reinforcement path. This is correct. Attack (Left Hand) Strong Attack (Left Hand) Use Item. Here is what I mean. I cannot for the life of me get the plunging attack to work. I will try to turn and throw an overhand 2H R1 attack and do it too fast and ends up being a kick. Plunging Attack; Press the R1/R2/RB/RT buttons while falling to attack your enemy from above. Switch Tabs (Left) Switch Tabs (Right) Function 1. Just make sure you get out of the way in time. Open Menu. Be careful of getting the attention of the magic-using Millwood Knight … Action. As soon as you see him jump away and start charging you run to attack him and then the meteors will lose homing ability and crash around the boss. Moveset. Steer clear of the cliff edge when fighting the second enemy, lest you fall to your death. Handle this one ranged as well, or use the ledge to get a plunging attack. I target an enemy and prepare to unleash a barrage of soul arrows when, after the first shot is away, the target magically turns itself off ? RT didn't trigger a plunging attack.