Check out this Dragon Quest XI side quest guide to find and complete them all as you progress through the game. I want to know what would happen if I had lied to her about Kai. The world has been rebuilding and mourning its lost. It was a great story. It's almost Christmas! This presents a problem with the way Dragon Quest 11's stories work. Surely not? Here's why. When the Inquisitor next approaches the stables, they find a letter attached to the griffon Blackwall carved (using the Search function). Or the weird way Kainui (the son) kind of just narrates everything and doesn't put as much emotion into the voice acting in great contrast to Michelle. She stays alive when you do she just says she’s going to wait. I think the worst part was finding the letter and painting after she does it. They give the story more gravity because you actually care about its inhabitants. . The early ones start off easy but as you progress they start to get difficult. 764. Then I beat the game... wasn't gorey or anything (which I am glad of) but it's more of a tragedy of the heart than anything. I don't remember giving them permission. Nautica. Why all this happened. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is locked at 60 FPS and doesn’t officially support unlocked FPS. Why would Yuji Hori deny her that?? However, you can unlock the FPS and here is how. Totally depressing by the way. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works It would have been more meaningful if she read the letter and then made the choice. I didn't expect her to kill herself, but with the knowledge that mermaids live upwards of 500 years it seemed cruel to let her sit there and wait. This presents a problem with the way Dragon Quest 11's stories work. Check out this guide to find out where to turn in Mini Medals in Dragon Quest XI. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age has finally arrived on the Nintendo Switch, earning a new title along the way (Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition) and bringing with it a slew of new content.. Nevermind the other plot hole where for 2 decades he couldn't figure out a way to build a boat and sail back there. Sadly, Michelle will continue to wait for her long dead lover. 3DS PC Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. Dragon Quest XI is full of side quests to find and complete. Explaining that his lover … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dragon Quest XI Side Quests. Blackwall invites the Inquisitor for a drink at the Herald's Rest where he shares an anecdote from his youth. I couldnt bring myself to lie to her. Sadly, Michelle will continue to wait for her long dead lover. Dragon Quest 11: Why You Should Play in 2D Mode. Don't @summon me, I disabled notifications on that feature. I’m kind of shocked because so far the story has been fairly light hearted yet the fact that she kills herself is pretty dark. Go to the game’s install folder>DQXI folder>saved>config>WindowsNoEditor and open “GameSettings.ini” in notepad and find the following. Obviously it’s out of love but still surprised that they included the part where she jumps into the water and fades away rather than just implying that she would kill herself like most games would do, since it’s not as if she’s an important character to the plot. But if you lie, it sounds like the story ends before you make that final trip back to town, and she just keeps waiting. So the story itself is even more tragic. At first glance, Dragon Quest 11: Echoes Of An Elusive Age appears to be a very traditional JRPG brought into the modern era.Tonally, the game feels akin to the older Final Fantasy titles, as it masterfully strikes the player with a sense of immersive curiosity.Since it's port to the Nintendo Switch, the game can be played in both 3D and 2D mode -- and the latter is worth exploring. Why Dragon Quest Coming to Xbox Is So Exciting. We hope you've all managed to keep off the naughty list during 2020. I'm still depressed over the sad endings characters in dq9 got. Or if the son showed her the letter last moment. Greedfall tips and tricks pertaining to the consequences for arresting or helping the Charlatan escape Serene. Dragon Quest 11 S … Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet? What happens if you lie to her, does that story just kinda... end there? When he participates in the village's coming-of-age ceremony, he discovers that he is the reincarnation of a hero that once saved the world, and is burdened with a great mission. It's super sad, and it's like in your face sad too, but the thought of her sitting there waiting with false hope for the rest of her life is even sadder to me. Here's how to get the true ending. Dragon Quest 11 is great in 3D mode, but in some ways, it's even better in 2D mode. Last edited by Dragoonlordz; Sep 8, 2018 @ 10:40am < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments The Luminary returns with the veil to Michelle and is given two choices: lie to her or tell the truth. Dragon Quest XI S is the first game in the iconic franchise to appear on a Microsoft console. This has been a thing for centuries now. Damn, I chose to lie to her only because I figured it would derail you to actually tell the truth but I found out you can lie to her. The Mermaid has a chance to save her life, if she kills the Prince with a knive, but since she loves him so much, despite him not loving her in return, she would rather commit suicide in a sense, and turn into sea foam. Dragon Quest XI has the same gameplay elements from the previous Dragon Quest games in the series, in which the players explore and fight against monsters, including the ability to explore high areas. I just did this myself. Or anything that developed the characters even more for the climax. I just lied to her and she continues to wait for him to come back even though hes dead. Kai had to take care of the baby and it was unfortunate that you can't just like, toss a message in a bottle and hope it reaches Michelle. I thought these twists on some of the stories really added some zest to series and JRPGs in general. Press J to jump to the feed. Later on, the party will discover the secret romance of a mermaid named Unda and a wounded fisherman named Rod in the coastal village of Pescado. Hero just sat there and let it happen. Like she needs to hear his last words to her before dying. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, there’s literally a lot of things to do aside from completing the main quest like visiting Casinos, collecting recipes, and doing sidequests.For players looking forward to getting items that can’t be obtained anywhere else and mini medals, their best bet in obtaining them is by doing the sidequests. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a massive 100-hour RPG, but the game doesn't quite end when you think it might. Created Feb 16, 2011. Still, one of the top storylines in DQ11. Wait. Dragon Quest XI Wiki Guide. Online. Of course, I also didn't think there would actually be a real choice so it's nice to know there is, however grim the options may be. • Open-world. Well I just completed that storyline. My question exactly, especially considering something that happens later. Right after you have seen the turn of events unfold right before your eyes in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, a new set off fquests become available all throughout Edrea. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Summary : Set out on a grand adventure, filled with memorable characters, an enchanting story and classic RPG gameplay in Dragon Quest XI… Did she give it to you when you lied? Why? DAMMIT, why the fuck did i lie to her and i missed that?! Are you sure you aren't forced at some point to go back and tell her the truth for the harp? The Nintendo 3DS shows a different style than the PlayStation 4 version. You can start collecting medals way before you ever get a chance to turn them in though. Why would they stop her? Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. How dare the Gods work against me! The item shop has a Coral Hairpin accessory you can buy and Michelle's house … There's a good chance if you're reading this you might be wondering why you were logged out of the website recently. If the Luminary lies, Michelle will believe him and will keep her promise and deliver them to Nautica unharmed. You should read the one called - The Good Mother. Dragon Quest Tact Gets First Collab Square Enix has announced that Dragon Quest Tact is receiving its first collaboration event as of today. The amount of new content is … Mutton, Fresh Mutton! I just finished this, and I thought it was great up until after the suicide, Everyone just brushes it off and doesn't give a shit atall, they just go on like nothing happened... Dafuq, someone just died.. Dragon Quest 11 on Switch even allows you to select between the orchestrated and MIDI versions of the music, if you so choose. Her reason for living, Kai, was gone and she did not want to live with out him. Had she not ended her own life she would have suffered the loss for centuries to come if she doesn't succumb so broken heart syndrome before that. He sets off across the world of Erdrea, where he's joined by allies, including a child prodigy, a rude thief, and an entertainer. Hans Christian Anderson was known to have sad/tragic endings. This quest is initiated after talking to Blackwall in Skyhold following the events of Here Lies the Abyss and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts as soon as you have a high approval with him. I don't remember giving them permission. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Join. I definitely thought that part was fantastic writing, didn't even realise it was an actual choice though given the usual DQ yes/no fakeouts! Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. One of the biggest changes to the western version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age … I’m glad that minor characters like Michelle and Kai have such an emotional impact rather than just being used as a random plot device to drive the story forward; it really shows the extent of how passionate the writers were in writing the story and keeps me wanting more. Not to sound sick or anything, but I liked it because it really reminded me of the canon ending of The Little Mermaid. Damn! For the most part they are basically linear and thus are written in a way where the player just accepts it because the story wraps itself up nicely. It's such a sad story, and Michelle's story was so sad too, maybe even sadder, because she waited all those years for a man that wasn't coming back. As heartbreaking as it all was, telling her the truth was the best way to go. Can’t wait to play the rest of this game! Dragon Quest 11 gives you back control after the credits roll, as you reunite with your friends some months after taking care of the evil Mordegon. Members. From the twenty-seven quests that are previously available, there are a total of forty … Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your account. Why he died. For the most part they are basically linear and thus are written in a way where the player just accepts it because the story wraps itself up nicely. Remember that it is possible for you to have … Grab a box of tissues before telling her the truth. Dragon Quest XI is full of quirky, funny, and tragic NPCs that make the world feel alive and a joy to spend time in. Honestly, I hated how they glorified suicide into some sort of grand romantic notion. Because with that knowledge we know that Michelle never actually knew why the Grandpa had to stay. 3DS PC Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Lie to Her [edit | edit source] If the Luminary lies, Michelle will believe him and will keep her promise and deliver them to Nautica unharmed. FF Mystic Quest: the only game where TREES put you in Full Nelsons. ... no idea what happens if you lie, but knowing these games, this feels like a "there's only one correct answer" type of choice. Should I lie to Michelle or not? You can open your quest log by going to the menu and clicking on it. Where can I find all of the recipe books and what can I craft with them. At least she's with her Kai in the afterlife, right? I just finished the part of the story involving Michelle and I told her the truth. Christian Stridiron Aug 6, 2020. Also, the fact you get an entire cinematic and additional dialogue afterwards by searching grandpa's cabin while its still part of the same scene, that actually brings down the story. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age PlayStation 4 . Spencer Legacy February 4, 2021 Dragon Quest XI S gameplay features. I know. SHAREfactory™!/en-my/tid=CUSA00572_00 Originally released worldwide on the PS4 back in 2018, this Definitive Edition on the Switch certainly lives up to its name. The Luminary returns with the veil to Michelle and is given two choices: lie to her or tell the truth. But i agree, if you couldve shown her the letter, i wonder how different things might have been. I told her the truth. How dare the Gods work against me! Also, she pretty much says she’s gonna kill herself, and then the whole party just watches her do it. she still gave me the harp. DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ ... Did anyone here lie to Michelle or did everyone here tell her the truth like I did? ... A community dedicated to the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series by Square-Enix. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Dragon Quest XI S game, as an RPG title, contains elements that make the narrative suspenseful, and your adventures full of jovial experiences as you brave through enemies and hardships! I'd love to know what happens if you lie. But the one minor fault I found with it, is that she killed herself way to god damn quickly. 68.2k. Question about Michelle SPOILERS Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age PlayStation 4 . Dragon Quest XI brings back the Mini Medal scramble that has been present in past games. Lie to Her. Here are the voice actors of Dragon Quest XI's cast. The game protagonist was a young man who grew up in a serene, quiet town. The deal that she made with the Sea Witch was that if her crush married somebody else- she would turn into sea foam. The game's battle system still uses the series' traditional turn-based battle system. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix.An entry in the long-running Dragon Quest video game series, it was released in Japan for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 4 in July 2017, and worldwide for the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows in September 2018. An Inquisition messenger then approaches and informs the Inquisitor that Blackw… Same, I told her the truth. Nevermind the other plot hole where for 2 decades he couldn't figure out a way to build a boat and sail back there. If we'd given her the letter before perhaps things might have been different. I always got really melancholy over Marionnette. Mermaids are first seen basking on the surface of an colossal conch shell not far from Gent, and will dive into the sea when approached. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the dragonquest community. Wait she actually kills herself?! A community dedicated to the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series by Square-Enix. Top posts may 24th 2020 Top posts of may, 2020 Top posts 2020. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … Who's they? In the OG story, the Mermaid finds out the Prince wants to marry somebody else, who he thinks is the girl who saved his life. 2D mode telling her the letter, i wonder how different things might have been different is of. New comments can not be cast, more posts from the twenty-seven quests are... Should read the letter, i hated how they glorified suicide into some sort of grand romantic notion the... On that feature hole where for 2 decades he could n't figure out way... Even though hes dead dragonquest community to learn the rest of this game, more posts from the dragonquest.. Reading this you might be wondering why you were logged out of the website recently needs to hear his words... 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