I want freedom. Segment 1, Captain Moroni. Finally, you sound like a pacifist seeking justification. Captain Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty (Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty), by Arnold Friberg (62051); GAK 312; GAB 79; Alma 46:10–37 . Pre-emptive war is no where in scriptures. I have worn the uniform of this country so I suppose in your view I am an abomination, an apostate, someone who’s garments are soaked in “innocent” blood. Here are all three with their own Titles of Liberty. The philosophies and beliefs followed there are enmical to freedom and liberty. You have referenced the attacks against the US on 9/11 and suggested that our attackers were justified. You have missed the entire point. Description. Let’s go through Alma 68:8–11. He even named his son after the great Nephite captain. Amalickiah had just failed in his usurpation of the Nephite nation and was propagandizing the Lamanites to war. Read on. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. 20 And thus they went forth, and the people did humble themselves because of their words, insomuch that they were highly favored of the Lord, and thus they were free from wars and contentions among themselves, yea, even for the space of four years. I will not follow Amalickiah any further. Get the facts. The positions taken on this post are NOT those that a true Capt Moroni would support. This patriotic coloring page features Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty alongside other symbols for the United States of America. He had been given authority over the “armies.” (Alma 46:34) Imagine a modern day court-martial. You may or may not like (probably the latter) this article I wrote about Amalickiah. If we trusted more in God than the arm of the flesh we should take faith in the promise of God that if we are righteous we will prosper in the land, but if we are wicked. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Description; Reviews; This high relief medallion incorporates Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty into a beautiful collectible design. According to Smith, the angel was the guardian of the golden plates , buried in the hill Cumorah near Smith's home in western New York; Latter Day Saints believe the plates were the source material for the Book of Mormon . Your email address will not be published. We instead built a missile defense shield with missiles that DO NOT have explosive warheads. I have only heard that kind of selfish definition from self-centered, spoiled brats. My brethren who hold the priesthood of God, I implore you to thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your support for wars, policies, laws, restrictions and activities that affect the rights, liberties, and lives of others in this land and abroad. He intended to turn Chile into another Cuba. Again, I remind you that sitting on your throne waiting for God to do all the work is not compatible with the gospel. I agree with Dan, “I will follow a Moroni into battle, you can follow your Amalickiahs.” That pretty much sums it up. The U.S. is responsible for creating coups d’tats through subversive CIA actions; we are manipulating the value of their currencies through monetary policy (having a direct effect on their quality of life); we are forcefully imposing economic sanctions in foreign countries (with the result being mass starvation and poverty); we are engaging in assassinations; the list goes on and on. Killing 200,000 people or 2 million? In Mormon 8:35–41 Moroni is very clear about to whom he is writing. How would you answer him? According to Smith, the angel was the guardian of the golden plates, buried in the hill Cumorah near Smith's home in western New York; Latter Day Saints believe the plates were the source material for the Book of Mormon. Moroni’s compulsion was a just consequence of the covenant. Description. Let us examine that position. Further, you fail to draw one important distinction. Have you? . You want to follow them to war? (verse 11) What about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis? You CANNOT ever know with certainty really what the Iranians or other despots are up to. Download. Roosevelt knew who they were. David E. Spencer, Captain Moroni’s Command: Dynamics of Warfare in the Book of Mormon (Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, 2015), 25–32 shows images of pre-Columbian forts from both North America and Mesoamerica, which are similar to the Book of Mormon descriptions. Or does the planning to use such weapons and the beginning of the attack constitute sufficient offense to allow response? Does it begin with the stated objective to build and use those weapons? That lie is promulgated by those who have been deceived by the evil one; who call light dark and evil good. Moroni (Book of Mormon prophet), a figure portrayed in the Book of Mormon as the son of Mormon and the book's last writer. That is fine. [74] They cannot be used as rational for unrighteous force. Do we attack when our obviously corrupt government says we should? Your definition requires the enemy to enter your country and attack you their before defense is authorized.”. You probably do because your spirit is bankrupt and your views selfish and you seek justification for your beliefs. So, you would cower in the face of such tyranny, what would you do? According to you (and almost everybody looking to justify the wars that we are currently in), somebody has been “fighting for my freedom”. The laws of God do not address nuclear weapons nor any of the other WMDs in existence today. We have been the “aggressors” to a good deal of the population of the world over the last century. Our leaders are Amalickiah types. Faith, repentence are good things, but I remind you we are saved by grace only after all we can do! Steve, And so we should not worry about anything and take no thought as to what those who would destroy us, our religion, our freedom, and our families are doing? It is true that the US is the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons. [By following this law of non-aggression, Moroni and his brethren were worthy of the blessings the Lord promised to those who would follow. They wore breastplates, armored-shields, head-plates, and thick clothing. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). Satan tried to use force the elicit righteous behavior. To protect his people from the Lamanites, Captain Moroni ordered fortifications erected. Who wouldn’t want to be like unto Moroni? Do you honestly think that squares? Take Allende in Chile. Brent is right on the money. . When we undertake…to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man… We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Moroni compelled the king-men to fight because they had violated their covenants. The attitude of only being concerned when personally confronted empowers tyrants and evil people and is not in keeping with gospel teachings. If we are not attacked, then there’s no reason to counter-attack. Your email address will not be published. Great article Dan. The king-men controlled entire cities. In Iraq, Saddam had not abided by the agreed upon CEASE FIRE! Upon taking the oath to support the cause of freedom, they were bound by it. MuchoBrento, I wonder how old you are. You have been unable to stack gospel knowledge against anyone on this thread, so stop with the hubris. But they are not content to leave us alone. I wish we did. The Lord would warn them to flee or to prepare for war and where to go to defend themselves. Pacifist? Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ, and he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion, even to the loss of his blood. The adversary seeks complete and total dominion over the souls of men. It would mean that Kuwait would still be under the control of Iraq. ; In the Latter-day Saint movement. (Alma 48:14–16) We must exercise dominion righteously. However, I firmly believe in the basic principles taught in the Book of Mormon. Pin is 5/8" wide. In that case, the strong nations will, at will, gobble up the weak nations with no one to prevent it. Was this simply a census? The atrocity that wasn’t committed? That example doesn’t work in the current situation of this country’s current or past policies. How could we not wonder at such a man? If your house is on fire, I should ignore it. 10 And thus he [Captain Moroni] was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their wives, and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto the Lord their God, and that they might maintain that which was called by their enemies the cause of Christians. I like how he quotes the Declaration of Independence! I don’t think it ever was. Moroni may mean:. To shed further light on the situation, ask yourself why Captain Moroni didn’t compel the Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s to fight? What great faith they had in our Savior. With evidence of actual existence of WMD’s being reported by the liberal NYTimes being delivered in late 2014, I have to wonder what the above posters are thinking now that stated that such weapons did not exist? If we continue to trust in the arm of the flesh and abandon our principles in the face of the fear generated by the propaganda media, then we are no better off than the Lamanites under Amalickiah. I named him Captain Moroni Ernsberger. I ask that person if they have ever looked closely at the positions of Libertarians or is that person simply cherry picking a single Libertarian concept and expanding from there? In the Iraq case there were conditions attached none of which Saddam obeyed. Should the US have intervened in both Iraq and Afghanistan? (D&C 134:2), We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Faith alone should have saved him. The US was engaged in a world wide war, called the Cold War, to prevent communism from overtaking the world. ?? It eschews the initiation of force, even if that force is designed to elicit righteous behavior. Daniel, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say in this article. Stop accusing us of being pacifists or socialists. Who wouldn’t want to be like unto Moroni? The same nonsense that I hear from the pacifists today who declare that nothing is worth fighting for or dying for. According to the Book of Mormon, Captain Moroni (c. 100 BC-56 BC) was an important Nephite military commander and patriot who lived during the 1st century BC. For example, the Israelites “trapped” at the Red Sea with Pharoah’s army bearing down on them. There were two problems with the king men and Pachus’s men. With the advent of weapons that can literally destroy entire nations in a moment, such a “absorb the first blow” borders on national suicide. They radioactive effects and other effects were not well known nor understood. I mean we’re the church of the latter days. We cannot afford this and it ends up making even more enemies. (Alma 62:4-5,10). Iraq and Afghanistan are arbitrary lines drawn. And thus he [Captain Moroni] was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their wives, and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto the Lord their God, and that they might maintain that which was called by their enemies the cause of Christians. Alma 67:11 “We would not shed the blood of our brethren if they would not rise up in rebellion and take the sword against us.” He is talking about the Nephites. “Democracy is the most vile form of government… democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” (James Madison Federalist #10 1787). Anon, to the contrary, what I am attacking is the highly biased and skewed interpretation being attached to the life of Capt Moroni. Sir, I will gladly stack my righteousness and gospel knowledge against yours any day! I think you just lost all your credibility because no where in my article or in Alma or in the Book of Mormon does it say you MUST be a pacifist. I hope to see your comments when it comes out. Read the Book of Mormon for what it is. Join Captain Moroni in his war with the devious Amalickiah and learn how his battle strategies can help you defend against and defeat temptation. Most of the threats to my freedom are growing and coming from within the U.S., not without. The statement above from Pres. Why wouldn’t they like to put up the straw man that WMD’s were needed to justify going to war? Peace ensued for four years.]. Do remember, faith, without works, is dead, being alone! Second, Moroni extended the boundary of defense from the individual to the individual’s environment—that is, he made each city into a fortress that was protected by surrounding earthworks, trenches, and picket fences. Thanks for this article by the way Daniel. 13 Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ, and he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion, even to the loss of his blood. 26 But behold, my beloved brethren, we came into the wilderness not with the intent to destroy our brethren, but with the intent that perhaps we might save some few of their souls. We can prevent encroachment of federal entities by electing and supporting our county sheriff’s. He did all he could and then relied on God! Men working in darkness have set the stage for conflict and WE the people of the world fall prey to their lies. The Israelites didn’t go to war because they were going to be attacked. They conflate crime with sin. Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives. His laws are the same today, yesterday and forever. After WW2 the US basically curtailed nuclear weapons research until the Soviets detonated a bomb in 1949. The Soviets/PRC were quite rational about this and thus deterrence worked and there was no direct fighting between them and us during the Cold War. He put men on the towers to induce a war weary population into another hateful war. Not at all. Product description This is a simple club tie that has an image of Captain Moroni woven in an all-over pattern. In Moroni’s day, Moroni had the luxury of waiting and absorbing a Lamanite attack. And those are: – Love your enemy – Do good to those who would curse you – Turn the other cheek – Forgive your enemy seventy times seven – To never give an offense – To take up the sword only in defense of our lives (or the lives of our families) – That governments do not have the right to do anything either internally, or externally, that the citizens themselves do not have a right to do. Description. This is not a double standard. The gospel is conservative–note I did not say Republican or Democrat–and asks all people to VOLUNTARILY obey God’s laws. Liken the scriptures to yourself.”. . This is a printable product. A pacifist is more pathetic than a slave. Far from it. Secondly, of course God expects us to wait to be attacked. Your contention, by use of the words you use, suggest that the US is the sole source of evil in this world. Now, some say I am arguing that the US should be the world’s policeman. It blows their entire point. (Helaman, 3 Nephi), Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, http://www.chronicleofnations.com/Captain-Moroni.html, And That’s When the Lord Told Me to go Swimming…, Destruction in the Last Days – Until He Finds Us, “The Lord did soften the heart of Ishmael…”, “The fullness of mine intent is that I may persuade men…”. “O ye gentiles … ” That’s us. The book also states that for nearly 200 years after Jesus' appearance at the temple in the Americas [73] the land was filled with peace and prosperity because of the people's obedience to his commandments. In other words, they do not have anything they value high enough that we can threaten which will deter them. Daniel seeks to use a definition that is very cut and dried. You seem to have been watching a lot of TV; living in some sort of Orwellian 1984 where the enemy gets changed on a regular basis. You said “you cling fanatically to a definition of aggression that is outdated. They had taken the capital city by flattery and in the end by force when they had received enough strength. We must not act precipitously and preemptively. My age, education, race, nationality, etc. For a more in-depth study of Captain Moroni please read “Captain Moroni – Fighting the Elite and False Flag Terror since 72 BC” by this same author. This was part of the perfect understanding of Moroni.]. He stood for freedom, liberty, the sanctity of religion, and for families. The prophets often refer to the gentiles. When threatened, we align ourselves against the enemy instead of aligning ourselves with the kingdom of God; we train a man in the art of war and call him a patriot, thus, in the manner of Satan’s counterfeit of true patriotism, perverting the Savior’s teaching: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. He was a model of our modern scheming leaders. The Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s chose that of their own free will. Right now the story is Nukes or WMD. 1) That the U.S. is not an innocent party. Allende intended to turn Chile into another Marxist state like Cuba. Righteous people have protection. Seriously: Cease and desist. On that basis, if a burgler is breaking into your home I should mind my own business and let it be. A pacifist is a weak creature who values nothing and for whom nothing is worth dying, not even his/her own life, the lives of their families, nor their freedoms. You also need to consider that regardless of why you think the US Civil War was fought that once the Southern states were conquered, that they were no longer participants in this union of their own free will and choice. This is about men keeping commitments. It doesn’t directly affect me, after all. ; Moroni, Utah, city in Sanpete County, Utah, United States. The entire point of this article is that men like you (men like me) and our parents and our grandparents have been deceived. Or, Daniel, do you assign moral equivalence between the US, the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and any other nation, including some of our European “friends” who suppress freedom, suppress religion, and fight against a belief in Jesus Christ? And whether you disagree with that or not, there can only be one person that can judge whether those freedoms are being threatened; the individual to whom those freedoms belong (or me in this case). It's time to soldier up against temptation! (Alma 43–48) A grandfather uses Captain Moroni as an example of a true hero for his grandson. (Alma 51:20) These men were part of the Nephite armies. Moroni was a man of “perfect understanding” … We don’t have leaders like Moroni. Are you one of those? What then do you do? Please explain to me what is meant by aggressive war? Brother of Jared. One of those is no attack until attacked. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Trace the words he wrote on the title of liberty to remind the people to defend their religion, freedom, peace, and families. So, until you are personally threatened the threat does not exist. (D&C 121:37-40)This warning applies to us individually and collectively. So I am walking in darkness at noon day? He said “Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. That doesn’t fly. We do not need the likes of you! But we were wrong. You raise great questions. Capt Morni would be ashamed of you! How interesting. Do you think that is consistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ? See Ether 8 about waking up to this awful situation. Using your logic we would have to wait until at least 1 nuclear weapon or biological or chemical weapon was used and only if it is used on the territory of the US before we can respond. – The Declaration of Independence 1776. So in general hopefully that terminology will get someone to pause and think. Moroni built defensive fortifications. (Alma 46:29–33) The Nephites voluntarily flocked to the title of Liberty. So the question is. When has this nation in the last 100 years been commanded through God to go to war? He was a model of our modern scheming leaders. Which was worse? What is your real agenda here, Daniel? Look at your language… “striking the hands of who ‘did’ it.” Did what? Some of us have woken up. Look at what is happening to the Copts in Egypt if you want proof of that point. Moroni, Comoros, capital of Comoros on the Grande Comore island. I mean the point that we didn’t find any WMD in 2003 should set off your spidey senses. No, the loyalty there is to one’s tribe, not one’s country. Captain Moroni sounds like a DC Comics character – Captain Marvel! Now, despite Soviet public propaganda, Soviet military doctrine called for the use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons if the “correlation of forces” was advantageous to the Soviets. He even named his son after the great Nephite captain. Note also that during Joseph Smith’s time that God did indeed disperse their enemies by means of a massive thunderstorm, but this was AFTER Zion’s Camp had entered the Missouri area in what could only be interpreted as an “offensive” operation to reclaim the lands owned by the Church and restore the Missouri saints to their properties. Why were they not put to death? Kimball is the crux of the matter. Moroni’s Title of Liberty Captain Moroni heard that wicked men planned to destroy the freedom of the Nephites. It’s not like Amalickiah was just taking a walk down to the land Nephi to see if he wanted to build a summer home there. Like Lucifer, their master, they seek to make all men miserable like unto themselves. Related people/characters. First, one of the demands of the Islamics is that we abandon Israel. That Zion’s Camp did not accomplish that is immaterial. It is time for you to wake up. I recommend reading the whole thing to get it in context. it would mean we. Includes this idea from Niemoller and the Title of liberty Tie for men 4.7 out of stars... That force is designed to elicit righteous behavior manifestation of Lucifer ’ s time libertarians and peaceniks show true... Ether 8 about waking up to this awful situation the Spirit world ones we... T put the account of Captain Moroni woven in an all-over pattern found in D & C )... And loyalty to the cause of freedom explain what you think that consistent. 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