No special notes. In their crime-fighting career together, Hank and Don were an effective team up until Don’s death, at which point Hank started to work alone. In their time wearing the title of Dove, both Don Hall and Dawn Granger were gifted the same abilities. None known. Dawn Granger is the vigilante Dove. Danger Sense Transformation: When in the presence of danger, whether to herself or others, Dawn Granger could call out the word "Dove," the name of a common Earth bird; and be transformed into her Dove form. None known. Dawn Granger Character » Dawn Granger appears in 279 issues . Appearances of Dawn Granger … Dawn Granger (DC Comics) became Dove through empowerment by the Lord of Order, Terataya. 1 History 1.1 Dawn Granger: 1991 - 2013 1.2 Dove: 2013 - Present 2 Threat Assessment 2.1 Resources 2.2 Weaknesses 2.3 Analytics 3 Trivia and Notes 3.1 Trivia 3.2 Notes 4 Links and References Dawn, and her sister Holly, are sororal twins from Cork, Ireland; and for as much as they have in common they are also drastically different. The current avatar of peace, also known as Dove and partner to Hank Hall, the avatar of war (Hawk). Transportation: None known. Powers and Abilities Super Powers. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 2.2 Abilities 2.3 Strength level 2.4 Weaknesses 3 Paraphernalia 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 See Also 7 Recommended Reading 8 Links and References History of character is unknown. Dove II's powers and abilities When in the presence of danger, whether to herself or others, Dawn Granger can call out the word "Dove" and be transformed into her Dove form. You want our hope? Weapons: None known. Equipment: None known. This has led to many developments among the characters over the years of their publication with the interest of developing more interest in the two characters. Dawn Granger is the second person to hold the "Dove" mantle after Don Hall. As time went on, the barrier was mysteriously opened, and they entered one by one. Dawn Granger. History Talk (0) Share. She is a very adept fighter, being able to take on bigger opponents. The primary power they possessed was the ability to sense danger and transform into their hero persona. You want our hope? Serial Narcissistic Abusers such as Dawn Granger do not willingly relinquish their power. They were interrupted by Jason Todd, Hank Hall, and Dawn Granger, who had come to assist. Dawn Granger was in reality the superhero known as Dove, who was the partner (not sidekick, but fully fledged partner) of Hawk.. There was a catalyst behind her resignation. None known. View source. Kory continuously tried to get through the barrier by ineffectively unleashing her power, prompting Donna to warn her that she was wasting her strength. Dawn Granger is the second holder of the name "Dove", taking on the mantle after the death of Don Hall. Posted by October 10, 2020. No trivia. Dawn is the second character to personify the avatar of dove after Don Hall. Dawn Granger's origin is slightly different. Unknown. Created by Karl and Barbara Kessel, she debuted in 1988 and received her powers at the moment that Don died, and they manifested when she tried to save her mother from terrorists. Along with that, they were both given enhanced strength and durability that made fighting just a bit easier. Heroes Assembled; Name: Dawn Granger Codename: Dove Other Aliases: Identity: Secret Status: Active Species: Altered Human Age: Birthdate: Team: Solo, Titans: Position: Former Member Powers/Abilities: Flighted Enhanced Speed Enhanced Durability "You want our strength? dawn granger powers. Dawn is a trained gymnast, professional ballerina, and has seven years of training in jiu-jitsu. Power/Ability to: Possess a symbiotic relationship with an orderly/order-based being. She is daughter of Russ and Marie Granger, the older sister of Holly Granger and the partner of Hank Hall.