They will own the content, and … “Everything’s sort of bundled. Each Local not only sets his/her own rules, but also owns his/her users’ data — “so that, even if you leave Locals,” Rubin noted, “you can still communicate directly” with your fans. “For someone like me, from a libertarian/classical liberal way of thinking,” Rubin went on, “it’s time to reverse this. … I’m not looking to ideologically put my finger on the scale of who can use [Locals]. “I want to give every creator the chance to be truly independent. There are terms of service that can’t be or are never upheld evenly. ‘There’ll be communities for creators where they can do monthly subscriptions. Hopefully this accelerates the move of more people to Rumble because I hate going to YouTube every time I do. … Most people won’t pay you to troll you. Suffice it to say this is a very different model than the one currently deployed by Big Tech giants like YouTube. Access exclusive content including videos and interact with other supporters in the community. Mr. Rubin often publishes articles in a variety of local periodicals and frequently speaks to the public and to professionals such as financial planners and stock brokers, on estate planning and elder law related topics. There’s a challenge. ‎The Rubin Report app is your direct access to The Rubin Report community and Dave Rubin himself., — Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) December 4, 2019. What is The Rubin Report initially began as Dave’s personal exploration of these ideas and has its roots in his “awakening”. James Lindsey will be joining us for our book club to discuss Cynical Theories on February 16th at 5pm eastern time!!! Dave Rubin used his show today to announce the launch of his new venture,, “subscription-based communities that give power to creators, not platforms.” “Today, is a big day. Twitter is just stealing your soul and stealing your data and your information, and they give you something that you think is free. Dave Rubin Launches Creator Hub ‘Locals’ To Counter Big Tech: ‘Small Is The New Big’ Nearly a year after leaving Patreon, Rubin says his new tech company Locals … There’s definitely a feeling that there’s a political bias — they de-platform, they censor, they suspend, and the rest of it — and basically, we want to give all creators a chance to completely own and control their community.”, Rubin routinely speaks about free speech and censorship, especially with of online content creators. “Ultimately, we may decide — and this will be up to the creators — but if there’s five like-minded creators with audiences they think could benefit from each other, then maybe they’ll want to do a bundle package.” For now, Rubin said, subscribers just pay separately for whoever’s content they want. Dave Rubin as a Child He grew up in Syosset, Long Island, New York, and then moved to Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York where he lived for thirteen years. Part of the problem right now is that everything online is absolutely free. In an effort to combat online censorship, manipulative algorithms, and arbitrary shadow-banning, Rubin’s move aims directly at Big Tech, which he says has created obstacles for content creators trying to promote their work and communicate with audiences. It will be up to each content creator to decide how much to charge for access to his/her Local, beginning with as little as three dollars per month. Dave Rubin was born as ‘David Joshua Rubin’ on Saturday, June 26, 1976 (age 44 years; as in 2020), Brooklyn, New York. One of the reasons that everyone hates everything online is that you have smart people arguing with these pink fox anime avatars on Twitter.”. In an announcement on his show Wednesday, Rubin unveiled the company — — which he had been working on for the past year. Nearly a year later, Rubin says Locals is his solution, taking power from online behemoths and instead place it into the hands of individual creators. Rubin said he decided to create Locals after his own struggles on big tech platforms with his talk show The Rubin Report. Locals offers subscription-based communities that are controlled by content creators themselves rather than hosting platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. You can’t solve everybody’s problem overnight,” Rubin said of potential tech startup hiccups. “At the moment, you’re going to just subscribe to whoever you want, you’ll be part of their community,” he told The Federalist. Libertarian comedian and intellectual dark web gadfly Dave Rubin attempts to answer those questions with, his crowdfunding/social networking platform with … It started in 2019 and is based in New York City. If you love America and all she stands for, and if you love free speech, you’re gonna love it here. “We have all outsourced all of our ability to communicate with each other to these Big Tech behemoths — no one really owns their content or knows what their terms of service are.”. Connect with Dave and other members of The Rubin Report community