He possesses a mix of courageous altruism and gigantic arrogance and ego – two drives that constantly clash during his adventures. Rate. Background information Allies Dr. Bushroot was a very intelligent scientist. Now, after his mutation, it was as if that self esteem was taken from him, thrown onto the floor, crushed, stamped on, beaten, burned up, and then flung back to him. See a recent post on Tumblr from @mydepresso about darkwing-duck-bushroot. Bushroot has the ability to control any and all forms of plant, though some seem to obey better than others. Before his transformation, Reginald was a brilliant botanist and scientist, and this did not change after his transformation. Steelbeak voiced by Rob Paulsen and 3 others. 10 Sep. 1991 Getting Antsy. Powers and abilities Horrified of Steggmutt, Bushroot ran and hid behind a trash can and hoped it wasn't a plant eater. DarkWing Duck - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,298 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/3/2010 - Bushroot, Liquidator - Complete Xylem by DemiHuman123 reviews The xylem is the cell within a plants construction that, much like photosynthesis that absorbs sunlight, allows the plant to absorb water and the nutrients within it. Pets • "Astro B.O.Y.D.!" Bushroot puts money together with Moliarty, Tuskerninni, Steelbeak, Liquidator, Megavolt, and Quackerjack to watch the Miss Corn Fritters Pageant on pay-per-view. Forget Me Not by Cheezey. Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for the DuckTales season 3 episode "Let's Get Dangerous.". He's one of the most recurring villains on the show Darkwing Duck. After blooming into a plant-duck hybrid he gained mental control over flora, the ability to accelerate their growth and metabolism, to make them do his bidding. Darkwing DuckDuckTales (2017) Counting Negaduck, 80% of the population encountered on his one trip there is a morally reversed version of the people he knows, but the remaining 20% is not. He was unable to stand up for himself, especially against the bullies in St Canard University, and now, he still allows himself to be pushed around by his team. Bushroot is one of the Saint Canard villains recruited by Magica in the crossover comic "Dangerous Currency".. On several different occasions, he is given different superpowers for certain parts of his adventures, including the following: He also kidnapped Rhoda and tried to turn her into a mutant like him in order for her to become his wife, feeling entitled to have her, despite the fact that Rhoda wasn’t interested at all. "The Kitty Kat Kaper" "Fluffy's Reign of Terror! 6.9 (116) 0. He has also been known to fake his own death through leaving dried dummy husks behind and regenerating through various methods. Stegmutt voiced by Joey Camen. Afterwards he and the others went back to their hotel hideout. In Night of the Living Spud, he was willing to marry an unpleasant, barely sentient and demanding potato vampire, and even feel sadness and anger for her death. He is a villain bent on doing things due to being misunderstood by society. Occupation • "JAW$!" Fueled by loneliness, he will stop at nothing to find a companion for himself and is a member of the Fearsome Five. After Steggmutt "put out" Bushroot to the point of unconsciousness and Negaduck's plan was foiled, Bushroot was sent to prison. • "The First Adventure!" https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Bushroot?oldid=4397770, Ironically, despite being one of the more sympathetic. Negaduck's chainsaw was turned into a yak which grabbed the attention of the Fearsome Five. In contrast to his fellow villains who mostly are driven by sadism, sociopathy, greed, insanity, erratic mentality, or professional occupation, Bushroot is driven by emotions and loneliness and is not completely evil. He also took care of a ravenous and savage piece of hedge in Slime Okay, You're Okay, refusing to give up on it even when it ate his books. Real name Bushroot also has limited articulation. Naturally, the Fearsome Four are confused, but Negaduck clarifies that the Negaverse is his secret hideout and he's not happy about Darkwing being there. Darkwing Duck finds himself up against Bushroot, a scientist-turned-plant, for the first time, and he's out to get revenge on those who tormented him. These entailed the following: 1. Season One: "Woo-oo!" Even as a villain, he has reservations about hurting people, and most of his crimes consists of making a wife for himself, or a friend. After his mutation he seemed to have gotten a little taller, his feathers turned green and gained a full head of purple foliage in place of hair. This also makes him a coward and a pushover. As the beanstalk continues to grow Liquidator and Bushroot celebrate a job well done. Dr. Reginald Bushroot is a recurring supervillain from Darkwing Duck. Darkwing Duck (1991–1992) was an animated series produced by Disney Television Animation for ABC and for syndication as part of The Disney Afternoon.It follows Drake Mallard (a.k.a. In the Life, the Negaverse and Everything, Bushroot's counterpart is a member of the Friendly Four, and he seems braver and more willing to act and speak up. How Much Of TV Nostalgia Have You Watched? Neverrest!" Behind the scenes. 1 Animation 2 Comics 3 DuckTales 4 Miscellaneous Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery This is a boyfriend scenario with my oc characters and I might add Bushroot… Bushroot is voiced by Tino Insana. • "The Rumble for Ragnarok!" He was researching a way for animals to be able to do photosynthesis. He has also been known to fake his own death by leaving dried dummy husks behind and regenerating through various methods. Bushroot leaves Spike, giant venus flytrap, to eat Darkwing Duck and Launchpad. • "How Santa Stole Christmas!" Humor Personality Darkwing Duck Bushroot Liquidator Which Villain Are You ... Want to know which one of the FEARSOME FIVE you are from Darkwing Duck? He clenched his leafy fists, "He's always butting in where he shouldn't. While he's no saint, he's definitely the nicest member of the Fearsome Five. And it's for you, subscribers! Something he could have used to attack Darkwing (or a small plant) would have made more sense. A… Spike the fly-trap Season Three "Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!" Morgana's entire brood is introduced in "Monsters R Us", as well as people she refers to as Uncle, Granny and Auntie in "Fungus Amongus". ", "Kitchen Clean-Up" "Club Mud: The Last Resort" "Beating Beets" "The Big Snooze", "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 1" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 2" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 3" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 4" "Crisis on Infinite Darkwings, Part 1" "Dangerous Currency, Part 3" "Dangerous Currency, Part 4", "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 1" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 2" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 3" "The Duck Knight Returns, Part 4" He is seen eating lunch with Megavolt and Quackerjack in the prison cafeteria, when one of the inmates claims to see Darkwing on TV which he doesn't seem to care about, until he realizes that there are literally hundreds of Darkwings running around to which he seems unnerved by. He refers to Darkwing as "DW" and Drake as "Mallardman", to which Darkwing sometimes refers to … He quickly recovers and is disappointed by the fact Negaduck refused to let them anywhere near his secret hideout, only for 'Mr. He never considered Rhoda's feelings before hooking her up to his plant converter against her wishes, insisting she would like it. Rhoda was dismayed by Bushroot's lack of scientific ethics and shunned him when he appeared before her. Reginald Bushroot Negaduck had Bushroot hold Darkwing as he was forced to watch Negaduck pull the switch that would kill the Justice Ducks. Can DW get Bushroot before he turns everyone into plants? Dr. Reginald Bushroot is a recurring supervillain in Darkwing Duck. Minions 5. • "Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!" About to have and set to use his powers to get money to fund his experiments. Unfortunately, he can take things too far, such as when attempting to get revenge on the Dean of St. Canard University, he decided that because Darkwing and Launchpad were getting in his way, they must be out to get him, and thus he attempted to dispose of them. Bushroot has dark green feathers, vines for arms, ivy leaves for hands, and shaggy magenta foliage for hair. Had people shown more kindness and acceptance towards him, he would never have gone down the path of villainy. This is my first quiz so go easy on me please. It was revealed in an interview with creator Tad Stones, that if given enough time, Bushroot would. But somehow the poison turned him into a living being made completely of water, which also gave him the power to control water. In the dream, he is defeated by a giant Morgana Macawber. "Suck gas, Evildoer!" • "The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker! In the episode "A Star Is Scorned" Bushroot is portrayed as an less than intelligent actor (along with the rest of the Darkwing Duck cast) for "Dizzy" (Disney) studios. • "The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!" Aside from his many plant cohorts, Bushroot was also allied as a member of the Fearsome Five, acting as one of Negaduck's henchmen. • "The Spear of Selene!" Inspiration Season Three: "Monsters R Us" • "Inherit the Wimp" • "The Revenge of the Return of the Brainteasers, Too!"