Thank you! From what I understand, IUDs do not increase STI infection rates, but people are less likely to use barrier methods if they have an IUD. Median time to pregnancy after no contraceptive method was two cycles; after stopping birth control pills, it was 2.5 – 3 cycles. By making use of this content, you agree that ConceiveEasy and the expert assume no liability. I got pregnant that cycle but miscarried. Some find their periods are worsened, are heavier or are extremely irregular. Having only been on BC for under four years, I didn’t anticipate much of a difference being without it. That last paragraph could have been written by me. WebMD Live Events Transcript. Prior to starting the pill, I had very light irregular periods (around 4 to 6 a year) and severe abdominal cramping. We are sharing our journey through the twists and turns of trying to start a family!Follow me on Instagram! I was able to ovulate on my last cycle, with Clomid 50mg - November. Yes, about 15-20 pounds in the first year or so. That cycle we increased letrozole to 7.5mg with the metformin and we actually ovulated. I’ve been using OPKs this cycle, but my chart seems to be all over the place. I came off it a few months before starting to try, and also started temping immediately. But by then they were no longer doing in office visits at the fertility office. birth control withdrawal symptoms reddit Home; Cameras; Sports; Accessories; Contact Us Remember TFAB rules still apply and this BFPs are to be kept to the weekly BFP post. My periods still haven’t returned to normal - my last cycle was 70 days and I’m on day 34 of my current, thinking it could be another long one. The rest of my cycles I can't really throw into the mix as stuff happened (flair should make it obvious) but I seem to be shifting back to regularity in spite of things. Did you recently -- or some time ago -- come off birth control to TTC? I only used those one cycle, when we didn't ovulate, and found it frustrating and defeating to not have any stick turn positive at all and we were having sex every two days anyways to cover our bases. There is hope! Some women with hormone-based IUDs experience less cramping and bleeding with their menstrual cycles than women who use birth control pills, however, not all women experience this. I had been on the pill for approx 11 years. I know this was a long post, but I hope it's helpful to anyone else who comes off BC and has very long irregular cycles. So we started Letrozole 2.5mg that week. I started on Orthotricyclen for a couple years, changed to Mircette for a year or two, then went on Seasonique brand/Camrese generic about 7 years ago when I kept having breakthrough bleeding. I had been on birth control pills for many years (5+) and just got off of them at the end of July so that we could start charting and preparing for a family. I did not start tracking until February. Since then, my periods have been much more regular and, although I am not temping or using OPKs yet, I assume I'm ovulating every 4-5 weeks as I have EWCM and ovulation pain. We had been instructed to have sex every other day and are able to stick to that pretty well. I came off the pill about 6 months ago after being on it for 15 years and am TTC. Some folks have a lot of nervousness around their birth control methods affecting their current fertility. My last period was March 28th. TTC after Birth Control help. Mamallama122 Member. Still no period. My first couple cycles had a short LP (7 days, 9 days), and then my cycles started sticking right around a 10-11 day luteal phase. This article was last updated on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 7:00pm. I was just wondering if anyone could share about their experience trying to conceive after being on the birth control pill. Also noticed a return of my sex drive. This took a few weeks to build up tolerance (more waiting) but currently I'm having no side effects in general. I had a withdrawal bleed, as expected. Every single thing you mentioned I experienced. Ages 14-16 was the pill, and then about a year or so of being on the depo shot, after that I switched back to the pill. My daughters death was due to malpractice and shoulder dystocia. A clinical study of over 4,000 women, published in the European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Healthcare collected data about the Natural Cycles app use:. Provide your personal stories of how long it took for your cycle to return, when you ovulated, if you ovulated regularly, what birth control you were on, how long you were on the birth control, etc. They’re on the shorter side and I never tracked prior to TTC so I have no idea how they compare to pre BC cycles, but they’ve been regular since stopping the pill. This is the info post for experiences of users coming off birth control. I am in my first TWW after birth control and I am experiencing very mild symptoms that could be implantation/early pregnancy symptoms but also could be my body still adjusting to coming off the pill. ), Hormonally and emotionally the first cycle off was really rough. After a year off birth control, my LP is around 12-13 days pretty regularly. Hi there, I am new to discussion boards and WTE. I had ~35 day cycles before going on the pill. I had a period at the beginning of August and then went 41 days until my next period on September 25. Pre-birth control my cycle was ~30-32 days, and then post birth control my cycles were longer and less regular (30-54 days). Most women will get pregnant within six months after stopping birth control. I did get mid-cycle back aches and some mood swings closer to ovulation, and my skin freaked the hell out those first couple of months off the pill. I was showing early signs of PCOS in my teenage years, but was never diagnosed until we were trying to conceive. We also discussed losing weight and I remember bawling in her office. That's great! My skin decided to start producing a ton of oil and my lower back broke out. I have very short periods, with spotting on each end. En Español (1582KB). I had a period the week after … (Edit: Cycles 3 & 4 brought more cramps but still not awful. I also have really bad PMS now with lots of mood swings. I am on Metformin, daily. Have your periods/cycles returned to your normal? The 3rd month off the pill I ovulated on CD 9 and had a 17 day luteal phase. Nothing. Hey! I have noticed an increase in acne again and a few incidents of cystic acne, which is new to me and super annoying. I have no idea if I am ovulating and I'm okay with that. March was 71 days. My period has been regular since then, which I feel very lucky about. In September 2018, we decided it was time for us, and I stopped taking my birth control. tl;dr: I was on the pill and the depo shot for 12 years. If you struggle to conceive after birth control, talk to your doctor. Other than that I had a pretty uneventful adjustment. I'm in Canada, and we dont have any reproductive endocrinologists in the area, but general endocrinologist. This month so far it is two weeks late. Occasionally, a period may take longer than usual to stop. I was on Lutera for 4 years, and stopped in Dec.2016. I had painful periods as a teenager and assumed I had grown out of cramps, but it turned out that BC controlled them and this returned once I stopped taking them. However, in some cases, it can take longer. I got my first period when I was 11 and always had heavy painful periods. I was on some form of hormonal birth control from the age of 13 to 28. TTC after birth control . Only the first week I had stomach issues. This is when she first discussed PCOS and put in a referral for a endocrinologist to review everything. I had one more period at the end of Feb, after that my cycles started to get weird and very long. It can take few cycles! We discovered I had PCOS and was put on Metformin. Compare charts and get support! I counted the removal date as CD1 and had spotting on CD 3 and 4 but never a period. After coming off the pill, I really noticed the top of my head thinning around the crown, and I noticed my chin hair getting out of control and although my weight was stable, I was rapidly gaining weight around my abdomen. It was the withdrawl bleed from my last month of Birth control. I went on the pill because I was sexually active. I wasn't tracking anything other than period start dates, but my cycles that year ranged in length from 24 days to 52 days, with half being 30+ days. I was steadily on birth control for just about 13 years, age 21 to just before 34. Stopped using the pill (noriday aka mini pill) last July, in hindsight if we just moved over to using condoms and waited a cycle I think I would have gotten back into a rhythm alot quicker. east los high jacobirregular period after stopping birth control reddit. I went off of it and had bleeding for almost a month afterwards. As well as emotional support, this subreddit will also be a resource to learn about PCOS and what you can do to improve your odds of conceiving. Everyone is welcome here, you do not have to be actively trying to conceive in order to post. I have irregular cycles and hormones that are "unbalanced". I'm so glad I found this site! Cookies help us deliver our Services. I stopped my BC and had a 5 day withdrawal bleed. southernbear member. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I'm just wrapping up cycle 1 after 14 years of oral contraceptives, so this last month has been a crapshoot for me too. These indicated that I ovulated very early and had a very long luteal phase. : Hi all! I took hormonal birth control for about 20 years (age 15-35). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Came off the pill last January and settled into regular cycles right away. We BD nearly everyday and I use Clue and the Ava bracelet to guess my fertile window. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. What effects, if any, do the pill, Depo-Provera, or other birth control choices have on your fertility?Amos Grunebaum, MD, medical director of the WebMD Fertility Center, joined us on May 24, 2004, to talk about TTC after birth control, as well as the first baby steps to parenthood, from understanding your cycle to the ABCs of fertility charting. February 2012. I was on Nuvaring for about 10 years (and had been on low-dose combo pills off and on before that). I seem to ovulate pretty regularly now and I don't think I have any long term issues. My cycles have finally started going back to ~30 days (since January 2018), and we have been trying to conceive since then. It took me 3 months (March 2017) to get my period. (Edit: 3rd & 4th cycles had slightly longer LPs at 12 days and ovulation at CD16-17. I didn't have a period for those 7 years. Namely, if you had major discomfort around when the IUD was inserted, did not seek treatment, it could develop into PID which could cause problems. My temps stayed high until CD 15, when there was a big drop below the future coverline. Because I was never sexually active, I stopped birth control. The first cycle was 36 days with ovulation confirmed on CD23. I've been off of the Mirena for a little over 2 years now. The longest stretch I have been on Lutera was for a little over two years, beginning when I met my husband. Forgive me if you mentioned it, but did you end up losing any weight during this? I stopped at the end of a pack, had a withdrawal bleed, then ovulated around CD 18 with a luteal phase of ~10 days. I used OPKs this past month but I got really frustrated with not getting a positive so I gave up. Can I hear yours for comparison? After waiting a few months with no periods , I went to my family doctor, who said it can be quite normal for your period not to return right away after oral contraceptive and to give it some more time to regulate itself. TTC after birth control Has anyone had any luck with regulating their cycle after coming off Birth control? Okay.. I asked about ovulation tests and was told about the false surges you can get with PCOS, they recommended the advanced clear blue digital to take out the guess work if you are going to use them. The next month, my cycle went to 35 days.. the month after, it was 33 days. My first cycle off, I ovulated on CD38, with a 48 day cycle. It took 3 months to get a period, and I have no idea if I ovulated or not. I stopped bc in May and we have been ttc for 2 cycles now. Day 21 progesterone was low, but high on Day 28, they think we did ovulate. TTC After Birth Control. I’m 32, I was on birth control pills for 16 years with a small break where I tried a Mirena and it was a very bad experience, so I went back to the pill. Hi ladies! The 4th month off the pill I ovulated CD 11 and had a 15 day luteal phase. I’m still waiting for a doctors appointment to see what the next steps are and I was nervous it would just jump to IUI. Third cycle, O was on CD20 with a 30 day cycle, and that seems to be about where I'm settling in at, more or less. I went back on the pill (orthotricyclen again) after that first cycle, and was on it for another year and a half. Add My View Posted by: smiley35 on Oct 28, 2010. When thinking about your reproductive goals during uncertain times, there are so many factors that can go into your decision making. This group is for anyone trying for a baby! I think we are all is a very similar place, which is the reason why I wanted to start this discussion board. My period returned after 31 days. I came off the pill in August 2015 and it took around 6 weeks for my period to return. I went off birth control in November of 2017. It took about 1.5 years for my periods to stabilize to around 28 days. Next cycle no ovulation on 2.5mg and no ovulation cycle 3 on 5mg letrozole. If I had know about that, I would have stopped way before I did. Afansla Positives I've noticed since stopping the pill: much higher libido, periods more regular than previously, periods less painful than previously, Negatives I've noticed since stopping the pill: hormonal acne on my chin, started having migranes - I had my first migrane with an aura 2 months after stopping the pill and GP has said I will not be able to use HBC in future, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TryingForABaby community. I also immediately dropped about 5lbs of weight once I stopped taking it. I was taking Microgynon for the first 3-4 years then switched to Yasmin in an attempt to boost my very low libido (it made a little difference but not much). This cycle, January I did not ovulate and am taking Progesterone now to start a new cycle. The birth control was a way to help control PCOS symptoms. Did you have acne before going on the pill or was this new for you? I was previously controlling the acne with prescription medication and the assistance of my dermatologist, but now that I’m TTC I am not treating it. When used correctly, oral contraceptives completely suppress your natural cycle. Partners of women with PCOS are also welcome. Thank you so much for sharing. I confirmed ovulation on CD20, and had a 32 day cycle. Are you waiting a few months, or trying right away? Discussion in 'Trying To Conceive' started by Mamallama122, Oct 24, 2017. I discontinued birth control 3 months ago because I am trying to conceive. After two or three major, cystic break-outs it seems to have regulated itself but remains a problem. 2011]. ttc after implanon. TTC after birth control pill. If you have a hormonal IUD, your experiences will be more similar to other folks coming off hormonal methods. Beware the crash after long term Mirena usage. Anyone who has gone off birth control, did you have any side effects (I have been on it for 9 years).. I had a brief period when I was on Yaz back when I was 26..and that was a nightmare. I went on HBC (orthotricyclen) at 15 because of accutane. edited 2 years ago. I was on the pill (Alesse and then some other brand I don't remember) for almost exactly 7 years. I was on the pill on and off since I started having my period. I finished my last pack on 04Feb17 and started the withdrawal bleed on 06Feb17. Hi Isis, Welcome to the group!! 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