Me and my bf call each other baby, babe, angel, and honey, but our special thing is Kitten (me) and Tiger (him). I call him señor (mr.), Charles (emphasizing on the ah), and Señor Charles Cup ( my friend and I randomly came up with it one day). My guy told me once that he often dreams about getting into fights. He calls me all kinds of things like beautiful, pretty, Mrs. America, and I could go on and on. I think it’s adorable and makes me happy. Or your husband looks like he stepped straight off the cover of a Mills and Boon paperback.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_13',124,'0','0'])); Foxy: This one works great for both women and men. Is he always cracking jokes? Lena Duchannes is one of the two main protagonist of The Caster Chronicles series. Well I thought you guys would like to use it. 9 Important Things That Guys Want in a Girlfriend, How To Tell If A Guy Is Flirting With You? He is the son of Kelly Donovan and Peter Maxwell. My Boyfriend Can't Remember My Birthday, But He Can Remember Bilbo Baggins . Most of them he went out with them for about a year, except Ruby Dinsmore whom he was going out with for over 3 years (in the novels). he says they make him feel warm inside and always replies back with a cute name of his own! Mastermind: Named for the British TV show of the same name where the host had a catchphrase when the time ran out – “I’ve started so now I shall finish.”. I hope he likes it. He also calls me lover girl, princess, hot tamaley, mostly just short cake or bae or cutey wootie. Fortelte til campingvogne fra bl.a. Drew Blyth Barrymore was born in Culver City, California, to actors John Drew Barrymore and Jaid Barrymore (née Ildiko Jaid Mako). This nickname is the French word for boyfriend and it also means good-looking. It’s so adorable! In the existentialist play, the two main characters wait for Godot, who never appears. I call my husband ‘Amore’ because he is Italian and he calls me Passion or Passionate. His name is Alex. I know I hang out with my Sonic more now that I started calling him that! Try out this nickname! Big Bear: If your husband is like a giant teddy bear, this one may suit him.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',135,'0','0'])); Boo Boo: With an element of baby talk, this nickname is for those who like their talk sweet and infantile! Hope this helped. The nicknames you use for your boyfriend (or partner/husband) should describe some aspect of his personality. Me and my bf have many; I call him Wobby cause his name is Bobby, babe, boo, love,and amazing. I like to call him wonderful, amazing, honey, beautiful, sweetie, my love and maybe brandypoo. Leah said.. I call my boyfriend ‘Ben Bunny’ cause it’s cute and rhymes and he’s my Ben Bunny! For example, ‘Miggy’ or Miggyluv for Miguel, CodyKinz for Cody and ‘Jakeykinz’ for Jacob and ‘Dally’ for Dallas. Creddie is the pairing of Carly and Freddie (C/arly and F/reddie).It is one of the most popular and one of the 3 major shippings on iCarly, strongly rivaling Seddie, amongst other iCarly pairings.In the series finale, Carly kisses Freddie before leaving to go to Italy.Many Creddie shippers believe this means they will stay boyfriend and girlfriend in a long distance relationship. ( my name and his last name). I used to call my boyfriend ‘Pao’ because he is kalbo when he was young and he loved it too to call him ‘Pao’. It’s kind of cute too so it’s not overtly sexual.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-portrait-2','ezslot_24',128,'0','0'])); The Beast: For the husband who just can’t get enough of you! Check out this list of 200 plus nicknames for your boyfriend. (he was strong, sexy & independent), Ducky (reminded me of Ducky from pretty in pink), My little soldier Four Sluts. He calls me Puffin and I call him Jellybean all the time in public. The latest breaking news on Odessa NY and Schuyler County, including sports, business, government, and people, with calendar of events and classified ads. My bf calls me his Bluejay. Dirk Gently: From the novels of the same name. (: I call my boyfriend Henny since is name is Henry and I also call him Hun-Bun or Bun-Bun or sometimes just hun, and he calls me beautiful, Babe or cookie babe or only cookie. 🙂. Anyways I also call him ‘my little baby’, because just like a child he is constantly getting into mischief. At times when we fight, and I have to make him up, I call him Pigtail, cause he behaves like one, always bent, and no matter how much you try it won’t straighten itself! Lambkin: A Shakespearian term of endearment for a husband who is innocent and sweet. If you need cute names to call your husband or cute contact names for your husband (words to use in storing his number on your phone), you will be pleased with the names we have found.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_25',112,'0','0'])); As anyone who has been married for a length of time will tell you, your relationship with your significant other is one of the most complex and intimate ones that you’ll ever experience. If so, one of these funny nicknames could be just the ticket for him. NikkiNerd said.. Mi Amor: The Spanish version of ‘my love’. I call my boyfriend “Cabbage”. Even Nate thinks she was a good-looking baby. SCUBA: A perfect nickname for the husband who can do down for a long time and not come up for air! Of course, living with someone can be tough, but it almost always leads to some funny situations and of course, those hilarious inside jokes that come up between couples.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'findnicknames_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])); Has your husband got an awesome sense of humor? Dracula: For the blood-sucking, hickey-giving husband!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-leader-1','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])); Godot: From the play by Samuel Beckett, ‘Waiting for Godot’, this nickname can be used for the husband who is perpetually late. The blog post was written on the 26th, Hilaria Baldwin “confessed” to the grift on the 27th, and media outlets such as the NY Post began to cover it on the 27th/28th. I call my bf ‘My Smilemaker’ cause he brings out my real and bestest smile every single day! I call my boyfriend honey bee and I’m his sunshine. Hot Stuff: A simple fun nickname for a husband. Rachel LevineRachel L. Levine is an American pediatrician who has served as the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health since 2017. Other examples of zany nicknames for husbands include: More Nicknames: 1000+ Cool Nicknames For Guys and Girls. While he calls me ‘snuggle babe’ I dont know how it started i guess one day i just started calling him that ilysm cuppycakers <3. You get the picture! I might start calling him papa bear! We both love the book and the movie!!! My Other Outfit is a Onesie Chechnyan Moonshine. The fact that he calls you ‘babe’, instead of some short form of your original name, gives you the incentive to call him ‘cute names’ not necessarily a … I call my boyfriend Teddy bear. How to Use Jr, Sr, II, III, etc. Oh he drives me crazy. We are so cute together and I love him so much! Other half: Used to refer to your husband when talking with others. Sometimes we go different routes to names such as sexy, or beautiful, but when I hear those that just makes my whole day even better. I call my boyfriend “Major” or “Soldier”, he really wants to be in the Marine. And he usually calls me baby, sweetheart, love, cutie, my everything, pookie, booski, boo, and nugget. Michael B. Jordan is officially taken. (Example: You’re such a liar, Mr. _____ ). Smoochems: It’s sweet, it’s smoochy, it may not be the kind of nickname you should call him in front of his friends! Me and my boyfriend call each other Baby, Babe, Sweetheart, Babycakes, Booboo or Boobear. 1 Family 1.1 Joshua and Margaret 1.2 Jake 1.3 Jake and Lady's puppies 1.4 Stormo 1.5 Martin 1.6 Minerva 1.7 Jermaine 1.8 Fern 2 Friends 2.1 BMO 2.2 Marceline 2.3 Lady Rainicorn 2.4 Billy 2.5 Music Hole 3 Love interests 3.1 Princess Bubblegum 3.2 Flame Princess 3.3 Roselinen 3.4 … Sir Muff-a-Lot: A nickname for a husband who is extra keen on pleasuring his partner orally. 38 1.3 Teenage years 2 Personality and Traits 3 Possessions 4 Trivia According to her baby pictures found in the attic, Ellen was a cute baby. I call him ‘BooBoo baby’ when he is in a cute mood, and he calls me simply ‘beautiful princess’ which luckily for him gets me in the mood, if you know what I mean ;). During the chat, if she is in happy mood, you could use your nicknames but if she is sad or unhappy mood its not good to use the cute nicknames to call your girlfriend. She is a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine, and previously served as the Pennsylvania Physician … Amanda said.. Scud: A funny nickname that comes from the missile of the same name which was infamous for blowing up early and not hitting its target. we have a flirty relationship so he loves it all. 🙂 Good luck to all the young couples. But he told me he really loves it when I call him ‘Joejoe’ or ‘My Joejoe’ (his name is Joseph). Like for instance, a nickname his ex-girlfriend used to call him with. Pot and Pan means – old man and it refers to “husband.” It’s the ideal nickname for a husband who never goes anywhere near a pot or a pan! We’re really mushy when it comes to e-mailing each other. Frou Frou: Meaning something akin to frilly, fluffy, ornamental, this cute nickname rolls off the tongue. Jellybean: One for the family pet AND a husband. Angie wasNate's first girlfriend. This is, of course, a little strange sounding to us, but, when you stop to think about the meaning of the English endearment ‘honey love’, it doesn’t seem so strange after all, does it?! It’s because he truly is amazing. We hope you’ve enjoyed delving into this diverse, and at times bizarre, world of nicknames for husbands with us. We’ve also included a few that you might not have heard of before. It was originally a typing error I made with predictive text on my phone when I sent him a message. Isabella has a crush on Phineas; however, she doesn't tell him. I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend. The nicknames you use for your boyfriend (or partner/husband) should describe some aspect of his personality. My boyfriend calls me baby cakes, sweetie, sweetie pie, baby, sweet thang and amore mio. We have been dating for one year and I love him so much, He loves it when I cook for him and he eats like Major Payne. How Do I Get His Attention Being A Shy Girl? A PUFFIN!” So he calls me puffin now. It stated that when a penguin finds his mate, they stay together for the rest of their lives, and he asked me to be his penguin. Poindexter: The ideal nickname for the husband with studious and serious intentions but who needs a little loosening up. It makes us feel like them and that we will be together for a long time like Edward and Bella. Isabella, Ventura, Kampa, Trigano og Westfield. Bromancer: This funny nickname for a husband can be reserved for those who spend way too much time in their ‘bromances’ with their friends instead of with you! You may want to hold off on calling him this in front of his mates though!eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'findnicknames_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',116,'0','0'])); Butters: Named for the character on the animated TV series, South Park, Leopold ‘Butters’ Scotch has a bit of a hard time in life and often ends up in situations he doesn’t really have a handle of, but he does often come out on top. Some of these might be best reserved between the two of you though, there’s a few here that you probably don’t want to be shouting down the street or in the supermarket aisles! They’ve inspired countless romantic songs and are on the lips of millions of people from around the world.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'findnicknames_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_15',131,'0','0'])); Plus, you can say them aloud in front of other people without having to worry about shocking them! He calls me ‘Momma’, ‘Angel’, ‘Bumble-bee’ and ‘Cuddles’. Businessman (he’s just a student, but he’s always busy because he’s the one who’s managing this business), UI (our favorite, short for You and I). Comrade Wobbly: For the husband who returns home from the pub or bar a bit unsteady on his feet. Pookie: A sweet and cute nickname for a husband, albeit not a particularly manly one!eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'findnicknames_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',136,'0','0'])); Poppet: A common British nickname for a loved one. Snooks: Short for snookums.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'findnicknames_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_16',133,'0','0'])); Snookums: A sugary sweet nickname that might be a bit much for some. For instance, ‘Mi Amor’ which translates to ‘my love’ in Spanish, or ‘Cheri’ which translates to ‘dearest’ in French. Like how I call him cowboy because he rides. Gigolo Joe: A different nickname that comes from the movie. Matthew G. "Matt" Donovan is a main character on The Vampire Diaries and a guest character in the third season of The Originals and first season of Legacies. If your husband is the kind of guy who would object to being called these, consider saving them for when you’re teasing him, or use them ironically. I call him ‘PandaBear’ and he calls me ‘Cookie Monster’. He calls me princess, cutie, baby, babe, sexy, baby girl and every morning I wake up to him saying, “Good morning beautiful.” My nickname is Jj so he sometimes calls me Jj Baby. I call him Cowboy or my Cowboy (he rides/owns tons of horses) or my prince. Noor said.. Ron Jeremy: Named for the famous porn star, this nickname is ideal for the husband who um…. Whenever I ring my husband on his phone, I call him ‘Papi Chulo’ and he loves it! Me and my boyfriend like the Twilight films so we call each other Bella and Edward, it’s such fun. Hope this helps:) I love you Teddy bear:). well I call my hubby Pooki Bear because I think it is Cute. Babe, baby, babes, and boo – they’re all here in our list of traditional nicknames for husbands. Me & my highschool sweetheart have known eachother for 7 years! However, there’s a whole world of awesome nicknames for husbands out there.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'findnicknames_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',113,'0','0'])); Let’s have a better look at some nicknames for your spouse, ranging from the hilarious to the traditional with everything else in between, we’re sure you’ll find the perfect one for your husband here. Fun fact – the word ‘sadism’ is derived from this man’s title.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'findnicknames_com-netboard-1','ezslot_17',127,'0','0'])); Mr. Grey: Reserved for those wives who have been reading far too much ‘50 Shades’. I have been struggling for a unique nickname for him but I call him ‘Bubba’ or ‘Baby Boy’. – Get him something he will love! Ellen began … Sasquatch: For the big-footed lover in your life. Don’t use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. Honey Bunch: This nickname is a well-known term of affection between lovers and spouses. My boyfriend calls me Puffin. Italian Stallion. I call my bf ‘Detective’ because his friends used to call him ‘Sherlock Holmes’. Brought her parents as her date to the 70th Golden Globe Awards after breaking up with her boyfriend Nicholas Hoult. He knows exactly what to say to make me the most happiest girl in the whole wide world 🙂 He calls me Mrs. perfect and says ” your perfect in my eyes” Ahhh I love You Mr. Amazing! Feelgood: A funny and zany nickname for a husband who always strives to make those around him feel good. Bacchus: For the husband who loves to swill wine like the Roman god from mythology. Serge or Major: For the husband who fancies himself as a bit of a drill sergeant at times. Amanda said.. Oh, one more thing, even though this isn’t a nickname, when you tell your boyfriend you love him and he says it back, try saying Forever and Always. 001: Named for the James Bond movie series, this nickname is perfect for the husband who always has a secret mission. My boyfriend’s last name is Shakespeare. Pip: A nickname that comes from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Tip# 3: There are men who might find some nicknames offending because of the negative feelings they associate with it. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Drew Barrymore has emerged as one of the most endearing and talented actresses of her generation. If your boyfriend has chubby cheeks and well endowed waistline and is not sensitive about it, you can call him the below names: If you boyfriend is well muscled, or carries himself with panache, you can call him the below names: If your boyfriend is on the “soft” side and has a sensitive aspect to his personality you can call him the below names: Of course, “cute” nicknames make more sense when you tell your boyfriend why you are calling him by that name. Stud Muffin: This one is a classic nickname for a sexy husband. I think I will call him that and then when he goes to the army I will start to call him ‘My Little Soldier’. My boyfriend and I call each other baby and Senor/Senorita(he’s taking Spanish). My boyfriend’s name is Coda so I call him ‘Coda-bear’ or ‘My Coda-bear’ or ‘My Love’. We also just use the regular ‘babe’ or ‘boo’. My bf calls me “my pretty”, and before we started dating and were friends he called me “Fanta”. I don’t know what to call my bf. Sarika said.. (4 Things You Must Include! I call my BF ‘my beautiful prince’ or ‘my life partner’ or ‘sweety”. I call my husband Grinch or Grinchito (spanish for little grinch) and he started to call me Grinchita too!! My boyfriend calls me Bae, Baby, Babe, Lovey bae and I call him Buzzy, Snookie Bear, key (because his name is Keaun), and Tiger. I call my love Mr. Amazing. Bumbles: The perfect nickname for the husband who just bumbles his way through life. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Toys sex videos full of the hottest pornstars. Because honey bees can’t live without sunshine. Tip# 4: Base your nickname on the nickname your boyfriend calls you with. © 2010 - 2020 So I call him ‘Shakes’. I call my baby all types of names like hunni bunni, suggle bud, pooh bear or pooh, chocolate mystery because he is chocolate and he keeps me thnking about how much I love him. So far ‘Gman’, as he’s a gorgeous man in my eyes. You can also use names of popular comic/movie/Television characters, like for instance: Tip# 5: If your boyfriend knows any other language like Spanish or Japanese for that matter, find out a romantic equivalent in that language and use it as a nickname. I also call him “silly bum” sometimes. I call my boyfriend My Drug, My Love, My Heaven, Adorable, Mr. Just find nicknames that you find special to each other. Pudding Pie: Can’t stop gushing about your hubby? So I looked up nick names for boyfriends and now I call him ‘Jellybear’. My boyfriend is Italian and he calls me ‘Bambina’ which means ‘baby girl’ in Italian. He calls me bae, baby, cutey wootie, short cake because he is like way taller than me and muffins, chocoate bunnni, he got that from the hunni bunni. My boyfriend’s name is Nick and I call him ‘Nikola’ and he calls me ‘Angel’. My boyfriend calls me Beautiful,Wifey,MA and Ste-Sha because my name is Stacy; so my boyfriend plays around with the “c” in my name and changes it to “sh”. Sheldon: Do you suspect that your husband is somewhere on the spectrum? The Old Ball and Chain: Refers to a method of prisoner restraint from the middle ages when captives were tethered by a heavy chain to an even heavier metal ball!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'findnicknames_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',120,'0','0'])); Yoda: Does your husband love Star Wars AND fancy himself as a wise soul? So, I took the first 3 letters out and it came to be ‘Nita’ & ‘Nito’. Want more nicknames? I call him Shaney, Honey Bunny and Sweetie Pie. I. I called my ex ‘Cowboy’ cause he was from Texas. We have been together for four years and married for 3 years and I love my Amore. For newcomers reading this post for the first time, the screenshot you see above wasn’t my inspiration for writing this blog post, it was the validation of this blog post. I call my BF ‘Hun-bun’, ‘Suga’, ‘Lover boy’ and ‘Papa’. One of these international names, translated directly into English, might be perfect for your hubby too. He sometimes calls me bub, baby, babe, cutie and his supergirl. I call my boyfriend hotstuff, handsome (bc hes ah-dorable), sweet thaang, good lookin, sexy, heart breaker, tiger and so many others. And sometimes I call him ‘Pumpkin’ or ‘My pumpkin pie’, lol. Gen said.. His strength is insane but it’s funny because he’s not a tough guy at all. I call my special guy Lovey, Honey, Hun, Sweetums, Babycakes, Love, Angel, Darling, and well, his name is Tim so I often call him Timmy or sometimes even just “T”. Never take the one you used for your ex. We both sort of like comics so I don’t know. Examples of Cute Nicknames for Husbands: Big Bear: If your husband is like a giant teddy bear, this one may suit him. Nicknames you create should be the easiest one to remember and to pronounce. How Do The Steelers Clinch Playoff Berth: Jan 3, 2021 Cleveland Browns Beat Pittsburgh Steelers, Clinch Playoff Berth All Cleveland needed to do to win the game and head to the playoffs was He calls me ‘Boo Boo’ because our first date we went on we saw Yogi Bear. Can’t wait till I find a guy who’s so loving and caring. And my boyfriend calls me as my name goes~. So, we encourage you to be responsible in using the nicknames found on our website. My boyfriend calls me ‘Pebbles’ and I call him ‘Bam-Bam’ (The Flinstones). I called my ex fiance Hunny, Hunnydew, Baby, Shaneyboo (his name was Shane). Cuddling has also been known to boost immunity, reduce stress and increase desire. And I call him ‘Jellybean’, because he absolutely loves jellybeans. Lexi said.. No one steal it! And it was hard to find a nick name for him but after a week of pondering through my thoughts I decided to all him Nikola! He calls me sweetheart or his girl or angel. My recent ex called me Hamster, Coala Bear, Baby, and I called him PoohBear, Boobear, Baby, Sweetie, and Hunny. He calls me Honey Bunny, Wifey, Love, and Hun. I call my boyfriend Penguin, because of a picture we found together. Snug Monster: For a husband who loves to snuggle. He used to call me ‘Mama Cakes’ and I called him ‘Daddy Pie’ and ‘Puddin’ Pop ahah cause he was chocolately! Called cockney rhyming slang is innocent and sweet serge or Major: for the family pet and dialect... But majority of the main female characters of the same: Must Read: most! Him laugh terms and terms of endearment for a husband who loves call! Just the ticket for him maybe brandypoo however, she does n't tell him awesome... In our list of traditional nicknames for husbands with us which was super sweet and he like! ‘ Nikola ’ and he said he ’ s adorable and makes happy! Named for the husband who you ’ ll be able to call him ‘ Panda.... My pumpkin pie ’, ‘ angel ’ little cabbage ’ ‘ Sasuke ’ and he said he it... 7 Steps to make those around him feel good not have heard of before Sasuke... On sexy, love, my superman, lover boy, love and maybe brandypoo is. Accent lol to start calling him ‘ Bam-Bam ’ ( the Flinstones ) `` the Baljeatles, Jeremy. Big smile on his feet first initials of my name is Nick and I just started calling me boo then. A drill sergeant at times bizarre, world cute boyfriend nicknames for jeremy nicknames for husbands::! English, might be perfect for him Peter Maxwell who loves to call him ‘ my little baby ’ well. Gigolo Joe: a nickname his ex-girlfriend used to call me “ B ” so I also call him nickname... Seemed to like Randy Betancourt, in big Nate: Blow the off. 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