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It is the responsibility of the Animal Control Division to investigate roaming dogs, animal bites, cruelty to animals, barking nuisance, unreasonable tethering or confining of a dog, town defecation ordinance, leash law, valid rabies vaccination, dog licensure and rabies related wildlife complaints that present an eminent danger to the public. Animal Cruelty Cases In Connecticut (2008 - 2018) - 2019-R-0154. Paul Miller, Animal Control Officer Fairfield Animal Shelter 211 Richard White Way Fairfield, CT 06824 203-254-4857 Terms Used In Connecticut General Statutes > Chapter 435. The new owner is responsible for all necessary vaccinations and licensing of the adopted animal. Connecticut’s primary animal cruelty statute is comprised of five distinct crimes: cruelty to animals, malicious or intentional cruelty to animals, animals engaged in exhibition of fighting, and intentionally injuring or killing police animals or dogs in volunteer canine service and rescue teams (CGS § 53-247). CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the CONNECTICUT MUNICIPAL ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this non-profit organization shall be the "Connecticut Municipal Animal Control Officers Association," hereinafter referred to as the "Association." ?���h_U;̨}gj�Q�<=,6 5�}5���"�]M�S��MC]��k�K�o�4��y��"�}M#DG�b(�@�E�PWE��*�gG���yȚz_];�"�c�� ��i��R�����aGEԧ���#G��+V u�}u���"�S 9ZF�3�逷�����&�Y�G����#]�桮�a�w��h����z�-��7拫�es����-ߜ,��Is6VFfޜI�Ms�ϋO���N���������J�L�0�v�$�_�/n��x>[�|9�����1>�����Is:���|�����j}*�����rzv8���(ݼ��ϧ�����oeA60�. Town Ordinance 4-25 which requires all dogs to be leashed. (a) Any animal control officer appointed pursuant to section 22-328, 22-331 or 22-331a who (1) has reasonable cause to suspect that an animal observed in the course of the officer's employment is being or has been harmed, neglected or treated cruelly in violation of section 53-247, or (2) files a verified petition with the Superior Court pursuant to section 22-329a shall make a written report to … 1169 (1897). Dog Pound 225 Maple Avenue Uncasville, CT … This restriction is necessary to prevent human-assisted spread of this disease and is an important component of the … The Shelter provides adoption services for both cats and dogs and those interested in adopting should visit shelter during business hours to see available animals and to complete application. We also enforce leash laws, license laws and rabies vaccination laws on dogs and cats. Summary: These Connecticut statutes comprise the state's dog law. A majority of impounded dogs and cats are either returned to their owners, or are found new and loving homes. Section 6367 of Chapter 329 from the 1918 General Laws of Connecticut covers the transportation of wild animals. § 22-329 The commissioner of agriculture and animal control officers may arrest endstream endobj 1471 0 obj <>/Metadata 113 0 R/Pages 1468 0 R/StructTreeRoot 200 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1472 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 1468 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1473 0 obj <>stream Dog Law in Connecticut. This program helps low-income residents by providing vaccination and sterilization vouchers for their pets. If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19, the federal government is offering relief options to homeowners through the recently passed CARES Act. ; Animal: means any brute creature, including, but not limited to, dogs, cats, monkeys, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, birds and reptiles.See Connecticut General Statutes 22-327 In addition to being against the law it is extremely inconsiderate to allow your dog or dogs to bark when unnecessary. ���31��Y.��g�sd�(`�dP9�/̐;�ߚA���-���[�"�0�>������;�ែ /ñ�r8�vn�=�������N$�^d����#��c�{x�3|``�c`� ��� �(CW�����"Kw宽��~��k� ��D\��M^&h:�����n)�N��f����g8�� �[.���8[�`륄�k �B�DQ����ނt1Ӄs".��ɀ���%%����:�V�T�����,) �Y��9��e�����ή�u L �50Dt00t4pt0D40Xt0x40E�@L�y&�XkGKGc�F�K����� b �Y���f� Connecticut's Animal Cruelty Laws and Recent Legislation - 2019-R-0196. It is a good idea to call first before stopping by, as officers may be out responding to calls. Get the facts at ct.gov/coronavirus. 1554 0 obj <>stream 1470 0 obj <> endobj At Stafford Animal Control the objectives and goals are to enforce Connecticut State Laws regarding pet ownership and owner responsibilities and to create public awareness with education. View Animals for Adoption. 0 Montville Public Safety Building 911 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382. Other animal cruelty laws address the sale or treatment of For more information call (860) 675-2440 or email Animal Control Officer Brenda Bettcher. Greenwich Animal Control is open 7 days a week, from 7:30am to 3:00pm. 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Resources provided by the DOAG to minimize the negative impact on growers and address your concerns and issues. The Torrington Animal Control Facility is located at 248 Bogue Road, Harwinton, CT and serves the communities of Torrington, Litchfield and Goshen. Some of the features on CT.gov will not function properly with out javascript enabled. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE Section 1: To improve, promote and professionalize animal control. 1489 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5195B55432FE434F81C4036FFB86990C><42695E440670F042A9362634A7B548C0>]/Index[1470 85]/Info 1469 0 R/Length 103/Prev 993426/Root 1471 0 R/Size 1555/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The Animal Population Control Program (APCP) provides vaccination and sterilization for any dog or cat adopted from a municipal impound facility. Governor Lamont's Budget Address: To watch the budget address and read the related documents, click here. It is the responsibility of Animal Control to investigate roaming dogs, animal bites, cruelty to animal complaints, barking, unreasonable tethering or confinement of a dog, town defecation ordinance, leash law, valid rabies vaccinations, dog licensure, and rabies-related wildlife complaints that present an eminent danger to the community. Christian Swanson Animal Control Officer. 4 Service Animals; Sec. COVID-19: Connecticut residents are urged to continue taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the domestic animal realm, the Bureau enforces laws and regulations pertaining to animal control, animal population control, importation, and animal health issues. Relocation of rabies-vector species (raccoon, skunk, and fox) is prohibited under Connecticut General Statutes Section 26-47 (b) and 26-57. The Animal Control Officer also attempts to facilitate the adoption of unclaimed lost/stray animals. Contact Animal Control, at 203 594 3510, or the Police Department, at 203 594 3500, for assistance. New Orleans & C.R. We do not house cats at the shelter. A report of all of the swimming areas in Connecticut and their availability. Information is provided about dog licensing requirements, canine health and rabies control. Sec. Connecticut Department of Agriculture To protect the health and safety of the public and our employees, DOAG has limited the number of employees at our 450 Columbus Blvd office and as such, mail and messages may receive a delayed response. Guilford Police Animal Shelter. About Animal Control. The State of CT Animal Population Control Program is currently offering a low-income pet sterilization voucher. §§ 6402-6405 (1918) Voucher benefits are available for independent pet owners who qualify. We welcome your visit to the shelter! Milford city ordinance 9-9 (AKA Pooper Scooper law), also requires owners to clean up after their dogs. The Department of Agriculture (DOAg) commissioner, an animal control officer, or any law enforcement officer can prevent any act of animal cruelty. Voucher benefits are available for independent pet owners who qualify. Before reporting a dog that barks loudly and frequently first try to contact the dog’s owner. The Department of Agriculture's (DOAG) Animal Control Division investigates property damage, injury and nuisance caused by dogs. 5 Dogs as Pets ; Office of Legislative Research: Animal Cruelty. �5�����_��I��~� ��o%�����V���� Municipal Animal Control The Canine Officer is responsible for impounding stray dogs, investigating complaints, maintaining the Animal Control facility and enforcing duties prescribed by State Statute. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Wildlife Division can often resolve such problems by providing advice over the telephone or through the mail, but a substantial number of situations require direct action by a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO). LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICIES The commissioner of agriculture, any animal control officer, or any law enforcement officer may interfere to prevent any act of cruelty upon any dog or other animal. �6VA� �1��1�D��>>�n �{�:�!��׷ �6@�C� Əm��eù��( >�^N��\* }��×G�^�����y1=x9�o1� 'W� ����ZL���E�{�X�������Dǟ�_��g���C8��; p��8����$�M�4��O���p�G�>���ֽ���t�{� ۹Ņ�ggsvS�i:;��L׿�����ї�b�A�N*�i�ֻq?�hjd��o����D\��s#�pSN�p��G��O18�=�;�A��n����V�Df? © State Laws … We respond to complaints of violations of animal control laws by telephone or police dispatch. This is a Regional Animal Control Department between the Towns of East Haddam and East Hampton. An application must be completed and submitted to the CT State Animal Control Divisions. The Bureau also plays a critical role in the control of rabies in in domestic animals. 2016 CT.gov | Connecticut's Official State Website, Agency: Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Animal Control. If the animal is not wearing identification, they will be held for a period of eight days and then put up for adoption. There is a $75.00 charge for adoption. Animal Control Services The Animal Control Division enforces local laws pertaining to the keeping of dogs, cats, and other animals. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Animal Adoption endstream endobj startxref The Animal Shelter’s number is 203-924-2501 and website is Animal Control. 1 Control of Dogs in Connecticut; Sec. Animal Control. Animal Control's primary responsibility is the safety of all residents and animals within the Town of Seymour limits and enforcement of local and state ordinances regarding animals including: acting as an interface with other agencies dealing with dogs, cats, birds, and other animals No pets are allowed on Milford Beaches at any time of the year. Animals are brought to the animal compound where they are cared for while their owner is contacted. Animal Population Control The Animal Population Control Program (APCP) provides vaccination and sterilization for any dog or cat adopted from a municipal impound facility. The cost for an unneutered animal is $50.00.This cost includes the cost of 2 vaccinations and partial cost of neutering. %PDF-1.5 %���� CONNECTICUT LAW Connecticut has a number of laws that prohibit animal cruelty. CONN. GEN. STAT. Every complaint and cruelty case is investigated, and arrests can be made when individuals are found to be in noncompliance with the laws. 693, 41 L.Ed. If you do come in contact or are bitten by a wild animal, WASH the affected area immediately. 2 Cruelty to Dogs in Connecticut; Sec. Residents may report a stray animal by calling Animal Control at 203-622-8299 between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. (393 North Street / 203-622-8299. Milford has a leash law. The Animal Control Officers are responsible for the enforcement of the Connecticut State Laws and Enfield Town Ordinances pertaining to domestic and wild animals. h��Zmo��+�x��Z��W��q�\�$=�ns�b? Connecticut General Statutes: Chapter 333: Sections 6402-6405: Conn. Gen. Stat. Among the provisions include licensing, kennel, and rabies regulations. Dog Laws … The division also rehabilitates animals that have been victims of ongoing cruelty. Specifically, the statute establishes the duty of care that must be given to the public when transporting a wild animal. h�bbd```b``�"@$�O�U"�΂eg�������z��l0��VyL� I��_ 2d��I���*��>k#�/Hh�(9 ���� ��! 9. Stafford Animal Control investigates complaints of vicious, diseased, neglected or abused animals and picks up stray or roaming dogs. 3 Dog Injuries in Connecticut; Sec. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Use gloves to handle your pet if it came in contact with a sick or injured animal. Co. , 166 U.S. 698, 17 S.Ct. The law requires the agriculture commissioner to prescribe the ACO training standards and curriculum, which must include information about: 1. animal identification; 2. state laws governing animal control, protection, and cruelty; 3. animal health and disease recognition, control, and prevention; 4. the humane care and treatment of animals; h�b```��,��" ����