The magic of Southern speech is in the similes and metaphors … Rufus the fox is up to something-- find out why he's acting so crazy in this clever simile story. This Site Might Help You. —Anonymous 1 Crazy as a woman’s watch. 3. 1 decade ago. 3. 51 Great Similes to Spark Imagination. Cheryl uses this simile to explain her feelings as she approaches the end point of her hike. I love similes. A Dictionary of Similes. Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. Source(s): May 31, 2016. A simile is used to compare by association. ... A related ornithological simile is crazy as a loon, probably derived from the weird loud cry of this bird. 0 0. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Anonymous. BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD: Frank J. Wilstach, comp. 114 Southern Similes, Metaphors and Other Allusions for Dramatic Effect. Let's see how the similes you think up can lead to a poem. They say more in 5-10 words than a whole paragraph. Source(s): metaphor describe crazy: Her colorful socks were as crazy as a zebra in pajamas. Another word for crazy. 6 years ago. They evoke images far beyond the range of words. Find more ways to say crazy, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. She compares the sight of the river to a newborn baby. All night, he's been sleeping like a log. Differences Matter Not. "Like" and "as" are key words in a simile. Anonymous. Using a Simile Example in a Poem. 0 0. Crazy Metaphors. Do you see how using these examples of simile (and perhaps writing some of your own) makes you think like a poet? RE: I need a metaphor to describe someone as being crazy? 2. Examples of Allusion and Similes. The use of similes is fun and is also, it is a way to elaborate and explain the meaning of things with the method of comparison Definition of Simile. As bald as a newborn babe. In most ways, the river seems like an ending: it shows Cheryl that she has reached her destination and that a chapter of her life is coming to a close. Now, truthfully, the difference between the two types of crazy are really of little importance, because whether the person is literally insane or they have decided to willfully defy the common reality, the metaphor is the same - Disconnect.. Let's look at some expressions that are commonly used to describe someone whom we might consider to be crazy: His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free. The following real-life similes and metaphors are from high school essays: 1. Crazy Crazy as a loon. 12713. 0 0. When the sun rises, he feels as fresh as a daisy. crazy as a coot/loon phrase. A simile is a statement comparing similar qualities between two different things. 1916. In a story told entirely with similes, Rufus sneaks up and startles his friend Babette, and leads her on … As blind as a bat. Nuts, Crackers, Screw loose, Twinky city, Off the top, CooCoo, Wacko. Merriam Webster defines a simile as a kind of figure of speech which compares two unlike things that are introduced by the words – “like” or “as”. What does crazy as a coot/loon expression mean? Describing a character as being "honest like Abe Lincoln" is an allusion used to emphasize the character's honesty by comparing him to a historical figure known for his honesty. Simile–the comparison of two unlike things using the word ‘like’ or ‘as’. Definition of crazy as a coot/loon in the Idioms Dictionary. They are like spice to a stew, or perfume to an evening out.