They're not diagnostic and attention issues aren't always AD(H)D, but they can tell you whether it's worth paying to be evaluated professionally. Will listen to the rest later. Brett is a cop. Trevor “Modest Cube” Schmidty II, Aron "Stalete/StaleRender", and Joe also followed to Cow Chop from The Creatures. "He’s only been in Los Santos for a month and these fucks already found him again. Just a place for my fave CC stuff. I also realized while listening to this that the things they are describing about Asher apply to me as well. BEST OF ASHER • A Cow Chop Compilation - Coub - The Biggest Video Meme Platform by Takistani But then he just started spouting stuff that would fit perfectly in r/wowthanksimcured. Also, I work from home five days a week currently and I absolutely couldn't do it without my ADD medication. Until he meets some asshole.Fate is funny that way. "Well yeah you're not going to meet people if you just hermit up in your apartment and don't go out of your way to meet and talk to people.". I just hope they replace him with someone similar in terms of sense of humour and bits during the show. I'm sure it sucks for them worse than it sucks for the fans but it is a bummer. It stirred up some introspection in me in relation to my work life. Like if he has anxiety or depression, holy shit the public humiliation is not needed. Asher, Editor: Cow Chop. Keeping quiet and hiding the fact that there’s three more on the same Youtube channel is even harder, Aleks decided. I know that might sound kind of dramatic but it's my initial reaction. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. cow chop brett hundley brett asher trevor pics instagram story 2/19/18. Content with it staying that way, his life changes when James fucking Wilson asks him to try out for his band, Cow Chop, known for their wild and sometimes absurd behavior on stage.With a past that's left him with an aching heart and a negative impact on being a part of a band, Aleks warily accepts despite his better judgement of staying solo. Recent Top. Nilgai Cow Meat Hunt . nico-di-an-hell-no: like. I never really thought about the kind of stress or pressure my actions have on him until watching this CCTV. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (25), Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/James Richard Wilson (42), Brett Hundley/Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant (8), Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/Trevor | ModestCube (7), Brett Hundley/Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/James Richard Wilson (5), Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/Original Character(s) (4), Anna Marie | intricateornate/Asher | TheFirst (4), Alternate Universe - Grand Theft Auto Setting (5), Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/James Richard Wilson, Brett Hundley/Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/Trevor | ModestCube, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/Lindsey Washburn, Asher | TheFirst/Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, Aleksandr Vitalyvich Marchant/Anna Marie | intricateornate, Anna Marie | intricateornate/Asher | TheFirst, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/James Richard Wilson/Trevor | ModestCube, It won't allow me to tag them all in a relationship because their names are too damn long lmaoo, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant/Original Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter Employees, and in this mess, i think i've dug a thousand graves, other members of other crews are mentioned/referenced, honestly this is just a really ornate love story, but remember that these two boys love each other more than life itself, and really that's the theme for this story, please read the author's note or else it wont make much sense, give you the sweetest kiss that you'll taste, everyone in this fic is a fucking disaster, some sexy stuffs??? The duo were formerly part of The Creatures, another YouTube group, prior to leaving and creating Cow Chop which is apart of Rooster Teeth. ", (or the one where Aleks is in some trouble and gets help from someone who he thought was dead.). Basically, there's demons. And go tell your mama you love her. (S/n) - Son name Your POV I slugged my work bag over my shoulder and my baby’s bag onto my other shoulder. Aleks barely knows the new mysterious guy, and now he has to do a surveillance mission with him, so his expectations are low. A new au where the cow chop boys are a rock band. asianjakob. Language: English Words: 4,191 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 17 Hits: 279 Discover (and save!) Anyone mature enough can understand that work ethic is a thing and it's something you have to develop and certain environments just make it very very hard to develop it. I've seen a lot of good people fired from my job... they get verbally abused by management and treated like paper bags in the wind. My boss also happens to be a good friend of mine that I have known since before I started working for him. Because one: I get to hang out with my boyfriend Asher and his really dumb friends and two: food and drinks. He can’t help but gag at the smell and the thought of all the possible things that could be stepping in. This shouldn't really be turned into a lengthy drama show. Trevor “Modest Cube” Schmidty II, Aron "Stalete/StaleRender", and Joe also followed to Cow Chop from The Creatures. Work Search: Related. Just saying this in advance. It could've been relegated to a reddit post or if they REALLY felt the need to talk about it in a video, then a simple 5 minute explanation would have more than sufficed. Like, just because he moved to LA when he was younger and managed to stick it out by himself makes him better? Trevor was my favourite CC member and with him Asher and Aron gone I feel like they don't have that person who is just silly and does dumb stuff during videos. Aleks came across as the most forgiving and genuinely upset about losing so many friends/coworkers in a relatively short amount of time. That is a huge difference and not everyone is going to acclimate to it super easily. What a guy. fake chop cow chop cc asher hacker aesthetic moodboard cow chop moodboard cowchop cow chop au cow chop asher cow chop aesthetic. He was the strong one, the one that everyone looked up to and the one that Aleks had never seen crumble for anyone or anything in his life. All the way from League Of Legends YouTubers like BunnyFuFu and Imaqtpie to all around gamers like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Because of the videos release date, many believed the channel to be an April Fools joke. 208 notes. Keeping quiet and hiding the fact you’re a demon is hard. You want to be transparent? Make this an actual post, we might get some insight from the members and possibly some answers. just in the beginning tho also im bad at that stuff so skIP IT u kno, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant & James Richard Wilson. For the most part he basically reiterated what Aleks and James had said about work ethic. Anna Marie | intricateornate (referenced), this isnt part of the clusterfuck au this was just me having fun lol, the novahd is kinda hinted and not really there, Brett Hundley & Aleksandr Vitalyevich Marchant, i rewrote this bc i thought the original was shit and that i could do better, inspired by a photoshopped tweet he actually responded to, Might add more tags as the story progresses, i'm sure i'm forgetting a lot but this is the general gist of it. your own Pins on Pinterest We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hell, he might've just been an introvert. He stands, thinking, not even for a second before pushing himself behind a dumpster and disappearing into the shadows. #trevor fucjing joined ashers stream and left after this #i love them jgjtk #asherthefirst #asher #modestcube #trevor schmidty #cow chop #mine. Nilgai Cow Hunts Texas . The various Take Thats towards The Creatures and their eventual fate, since the exact same thing more or less ending up happening to Cow Chop, note but on an accelerated time scale. I work from home and I have so much trouble actually sitting down and doing the work and not getting distracted and not being lazy to put it bluntly. Los Santos was never a peaceful city, especially with power houses like the Cock Bites and the Fake AH Crew tearing up the city. But like I said, just based on their description of him in this video, it sounds plausible. I'm not saying any of those things excuse his lack of work ethic, but I feel like they could've been the root cause of it. Cow Chop/Offcanny Support Page Ann/Female/I miss Cow Chop (been with them since 2017)and live through Offcanny. and someone's a werewolf. x.x It might be worth taking one of the online questionnaires to see if you're at-risk/symptomatic. Banner and Avatar by praedas. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Maybe he could’ve learned them quicker if he actually tried, he thinks before he throws himself into a dark, empty alley. 159 notes Feb 19th, 2018. So just by listening to the first few minutes of Aleks explaining why they let him go, I can tell you that you most likely did him a favor, because sooner or later he might need to look for something else or even want to do something else himself and if he doesn't have that work ethic developed its going to be very hard. your own Pins on Pinterest Same and I just started getting into CC, with him really shining for me, so this is rough to hear. Unfortunate to read comments not appreciating them being honest. You just did by explaining someone was fired. Press J to jump to the feed. Based on the song Forever Yours by Grayscale, and the Ted & Robin Pact. 2 years ago. His boyfriend, Aleks, isn't exactly taking the news too well but what Aleks needs to understand is that just because Asher is leaving the company, doesn't mean that he's leaving him. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works