Longueur totale 50 cm. Cold Steel's solution to these dilemmas was to design a synthetic substitute, low in price and impervious to the elements. € 60,75 € 63,95. Combideal. Haches et Tomahawk CS90PTH - Hache Tomahawk COLD STEEL Trench Hawk. € 60,75 € 63,95. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. looking at the Cold Steel Trench Hawk and the SOG Fusion Tomahawk and other options in the context of Backpacking.This was my first video on youtube ever. 5% de bénéfices. The reliable Trench Hawk from Cold Steel is a sturdy tomahawk drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and finished with a dark coating. TRENCH HAWK - BLACK. Der Kopf ist aus 1055er Carbonstahl, gute Wahl. Hlavice je vyrobena z jednoho kusu z uhlíkové oceli 1055. 65,99 € € TTC-7,00 € 72,99 € Quantité. | Sitemap. The head on the tomahawk I received was fitted very tightly and cause the wood to curl up right above the head. Pour proteger de son tranchant le tomahawk est livréavec une gaine Secure-EX. 50,2 cm - Axtblattlänge: ca. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln.de Hallo, Anmelden. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical options for our nations modern warriors. The Trench Hawk Trainer training tool closely duplicates the feel and size of it's original counterpart, while being considerably safer to train with! Topůrko/rukojeť je zhotovena z odolného plastu – polypropylenu a má na svém konci otvor pro závěsnou šňůru. Disponible sur commande délai à vérifier au 04 66 620 670. | Designed by Rhino Group Durable Secure-Ex™ Dark Earth Sheath. Quantité Remise Vous économisez; Ajouter au panier. Sport & Freizeit . Ich habe sowohl das Blatt als auch den Dorn mit einem Ölschleifstein nachgeschliffen, geht schnell und gut. 85 évaluation(s) Ensemble d'aiguisage Skerper Basic fusil céramique, SH004 Ensemble de pierres à aiguiser combinées 180/600/1000/3000 et un fusil d'aiguisage en céramique. And, as an added benefit, is easily and cheaply replaced when finally worn out from repeated throwing. During this time I learned to appreciate it in different valuable roles. * The Trench Hawk comes complete with a patented articulated Secure-Ex™ sheath. Fer de 21,9 en acier forgé 1055 à haute teneur en carbone Tranchants de 8,9 cm et 5,9 cm Longueur totale: 48,2 cm Manche en Polypropylene Dark Earth Livrée avec Etui Secure-Ex Poids: 822g Envoyer par email: En Stock Quantité . Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. La marque Cold Steel est réputée dans le monde des armes blanches de fabrication moderne comme une garantie de solidité et de fiabilité. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. Der Axtkopf gefällt mir zwar sehr gut, jedoch finde ich die Gewichtsverteilung vom Axtkopf zum Griff sehr schlecht! Hlavice je vyrobena z jednoho kusu z uhlíkové oceli 1055. Details: - Material: Santopren - Gesamtlänge: ca. Obwohl der Griff aus Santoprene deutlich widerstandsfähiger als ein traditioneller Holzgriff ist, kann er bei Bedarf ausgetauscht werden. Die "Trench Hawk" von Cold Steel hatte es mir auf Grund Ihrer Form angetan! Sujet: COLD STEEL TRENCH HAWK Jeu 24 Juin - 10:32: Cela fait un petit moment que je tourne autour, je sens que je vais craquer dans pas longtemps. Drop forged from 5150 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use.The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. Cold Steel Trench Hawk tomahawk, marron. Um ein Meister im Schwertkampf zu werden, bedarf es schließlich auch … Der Trainer ist … The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical options for our nations modern warriors. When you purchase an axe or tomahawk from Cold Steel, you're buying more than just "an axe", you're investing in reliable tool you can count on to be there when you need it. CST-90PTH / CST-90PTHZ) ergänzen. Konto und Listen Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen. Trench Hawk® mit schwarzem Griff Die scharfe Schlagkante und keilförmige Spitze von Cold Steels® Trench Hawk® bieten eine Vielzahl von Kampfmöglichkeiten für den modernen Krieger. Prime Einkaufswagen. 77 Bewertung(en) Skerper Basic Schleifpaket 3-tlg mit Keramik-Schleifstab, SH004 3-teiliges Schleifpaket bestehend aus einem Skerper Basic Keramik-Schleifstab, Skerper Basic Kombi-Schleifstein Körnung 180 / 600 und einem Skerper Basic Kombi-Scheifstein Körnung 1.000 / 3.000. Bei idealo.de günstige Preise für Cold Steel Trench Hawk vergleichen. C'est produit n'est plus disponible. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Cold Steel Trench Hawk Tomahawk Axe Trainer Made with Santoprene 92BKPTH NEW at the best … Trench Hawk® mit schwarzem Griff Die scharfe Schlagkante und keilförmige Spitze von Cold Steels® Trench Hawk® bieten eine Vielzahl von Kampfmöglichkeiten für den modernen Krieger. I have watched a few YouTube videos about modifying a cold steel hawk and decided to give it a try. In Länge und Handhabung kommt das Trench Hawk-Übungsbeil ihrem scharfen Pendant sehr nah, ist aber wesentlich weniger gefährlich und somit ideal fürs Training! Offre spéciale ! Cold Steel Trench Hawk. Combi-Deal. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical "options" for our nation's modern warriors. Article en stock . Trainingsbeil Trench Hawk von Cold Steel Den besten Schwertkämpfern der Welt war bereits vor Jahrhunderten die einfache Weisheit gewiss: Um ein einigermaßen guter Schwertfechter werden zu können, sollte man sich bemühen, die entsprechenden Kampftechniken, die Beinarbeit und die Grundstellungen zu lernen. Cold Steel Trench Hawk tomahawk, vert. I have watched a few YouTube videos about modifying a cold steel hawk and decided to give it a try. All rights reserved. 5% Vorteil. 8 Angebote zu Cold Steel Trench Hawk im Äxte Preisvergleich. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical “options” for our nation’s modern warriors. It features a sharp edge and a wedge shaped spike. Agrandir l'image. € 60,75 € 63,95. The head on the tomahawk I received was fitted very tightly and cause the wood to curl up right above the head. Zunächst kaufte ich mir den "Trench Hawk Trainer" und war von der Trainingsaxt begeistert. Carbon steel rusts very quickly without proper treatment. Sein Kopf ist aus 1055er Karbonstahl gesenkgeschmiedet und differenziell gehärtet. Article en stock . Sein Kopf ist aus 1055er Karbonstahl gesenkgeschmiedet und differenziell gehärtet. Its sharp cutting edge and wedge style spike offer numerous tactical "options" for our nation's modern warriors. Our War Hawk combines the tactical styling and material used in our popular Trench Hawk with historically inspired design elements from fighting hand-axes of old.With its wide bearded axe head and curved reinforced reverse Tanto style spike it is a thoroughly modern tactical tomahawk and breaching tool! Poids 1.1 kg. Modèle de hache noire, trench Hawk. Mit dem praktischen Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer kann der sichere Umgang mit dem Tomahawk realistisch und sicher geübt werden. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical “options” for our nation’s modern warriors. Er wird sowohl gewaltigen Schlägen als auch hoher Beanspruchung durch intensiven Gebrauch standhalten. The Cold Steel line of Training Weapons are made of heaviest grade polypropylene available and closely duplicate a real sword in length, size, weight and feel. It features a sharp edge and a wedge shaped spike. looking at the Cold Steel Trench Hawk and the SOG Fusion Tomahawk and other options in the context of Backpacking.This was my first video on youtube ever. Trench Hawk® mit Griff in der Farbe O.D. HACHE COLD STEEL TRENCH HAWK TRAINER. The reliable Trench Hawk from Cold Steel is a sturdy tomahawk drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and finished with a dark coating. Cold Steel H90PTH Trench Hawk Ersatzgriff: Amazon.de: Sport & Freizeit. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical options for our nations modern warriors. Combideals & accessoires. Reference : 00106112 ARME DE CATÉGORIE D2. Vers une alternative. Annoying, but can be fixed with minimal handyman skills. The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. Jetzt habe ich mir das "echte" Trench Hawk gekauft - und bin eher enttäuscht! Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use.The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical “options” for our nation’s modern warriors. Après validation de votre panier, vous pourrez uploader vos fichiers ou nous les transmettre à : baumel.web@gmail.com Copie Email. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical options for our nations modern warriors. Es zeichnet sich durch eine scharfe Schneide und einen keilförmigen Dorn aus. Carbon steel rusts very quickly without proper treatment. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical “options” for our nation’s modern warriors. Although the polypropylene handle is much more hard-wearing than a traditional wooden handle, it can be replaced if necessary. Carte d’identité recto/verso. | Designed by Rhino Group Taktický tomahavk Trench Hawk od společnosti Cold Steel se skládá ze dvou základních dílů – hlavice a topůrka. All rights reserved. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical options for our nations modern warriors. Der Hawk macht eigentlich immer eine wirklich gute Figur. *The Trench Hawk comes complete with a patented articulated Secure-Ex sheath. Cold Steel UK » Training » Training Axes » Trench Hawk Trainer The best of the world's swordsmen have known a simple truth for ages... if you want to become a reasonably good swordsman you should endeavor to learn sword techniques, footwork and the basic stances. Reference : 00134190 12,99 € € TTC-1,00 € 13,99 € Quantité. 5% de bénéfices. Tomahawk de bonne qualité de Cold Steel. COLD STEEL Trench Hawk je tomahawk vyrobený z moderních a velice odolných materiálů. With practical synthetic sheath. Cold Steel axes and tomahawks have a reputation throughout the world for being strong, sharp and extremely durable. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows and the awful stress of continued throwing. Combideal. Weight: 15.9oz © 2021 Cold Steel HACHE COLD STEEL TRENCH HAWK TRAINER. Zwar würde ich ihn zum Holzhacken nicht verwenden, aber auch das macht er gut. Each War Hawk is supplied with a patented articulated Secure-Ex sheath. HACHE COLD STEEL TRENCH HAWK. And, as an added benefit, is easily and cheaply replaced when finally worn out from repeated throwing. Offre spéciale ! Der "Trench Hawk" von "Cold Steel", inzwischen schon ein echter Klassiker. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. Vzhledem k jeho konstrukci je považován za bojovou a vrhací sekeru. Hache Tomahawk de Cold Steel - Trench Hawk - 50 cm [CS90PTH] La tête du Trench haw de chez Cold Steel est forgéen acier enrichie au carbone 5150, ce matérieau est très résistant aux chocs et aux impactes. Green (Olivgrün) Die scharfe Schlagkante und keilförmige Spitze von Cold Steels® Trench Hawk® bieten eine Vielzahl von Kampfmöglichkeiten für den modernen Krieger. I use the Cold Steel Trench Hawk for about one year now. Agrandir l'image. Parmis leurs tomahawks, le Trench Hawk est sans doute la version la plus moderne disponible. Description complète. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. Combideal. Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical "options" for our nation's modern warriors. Drop forged from 5150 carbon steel and expertly differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged use. Cold Steel Trench Hawk (OD Green) Combi-Deals & Accessoires. HACHE COLD STEEL TRENCH HAWK. 85 Bewertung(en) Skerper Basic Schleifpaket 3-tlg mit Keramik-Schleifstab, SH004 3-teiliges Schleifpaket bestehend aus einem Skerper Basic Keramik-Schleifstab, Skerper Basic Kombi-Schleifstein Körnung 180 / 600 und einem Skerper Basic Kombi-Scheifstein Körnung 1.000 / 3.000. A l’origine le tomahawk était une arme de combat, mais aujourd’hui on l’utilise comme une hache (de jet), une pioche ou tout simplement comme décoration accrochée au mur. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical "options" for our nation's modern warriors. Combideal. Entdecken Sie. Topůrko/rukojeť je zhotovena z odolného plastu – polypropylenu a má na svém konci otvor pro závěsnou šňůru. Annoying, but can be fixed with minimal handyman skills. The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use. Combideals & accessoires. Dein Training kannst Du mit dieser stabilen Replik von Cold Steels Trench Hawk (Artikelnr. Cold Steel Trench Hawk (Flat Dark Earth) © 2021 Cold Steel Sein Kopf ist aus 1055er Karbonstahl gesenkgeschmiedet und differenziell gehärtet. Cold Steel´s Trench Hawk represents the future of modern tactical Tomahawk design. Drop forged from 1055 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use.The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. Drop forged from 5150 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged hard use.The handle of our Trench Hawk is highly resistant to shock and will withstand abuse that would break even a tough hickory handle. 85 évaluation(s) Ensemble d'aiguisage Skerper Basic fusil céramique, SH004 Ensemble de pierres à aiguiser combinées 180/600/1000/3000 et un fusil d'aiguisage en céramique. 13 évaluation(s) Référence article: CS90PTH. Cold Steel Trench Hawk (Flat Dark Earth) Combi-Deals & Accessoires. € 60,75 € 63,95. Taktický tomahavk Trench Hawk od společnosti Cold Steel se skládá ze dvou základních dílů – hlavice a topůrka. Das zuverlässige Trench Hawk von Cold Steel ist ein robustes Tomahawk aus gesenkgeschmiedetem 1055er Kohlenstoffstahl, das mit einer dunklen Beschichtung versehen ist. Hache a lancer Trench Hawk de Cold STEEL. Combi-Deal. The Cold Steel Trench Hawk features a sharp cutting edge and wedge-style spike, offering numerous tactical “options” for our nation’s modern warriors. With practical synthetic sheath. Although the polypropylene handle is much more hard-wearing than a traditional wooden handle, it can be replaced if necessary. To keep your axe edge in tip-top condition we recommend "The Puck" or the Axe/Machete Sharpener from Lansky Sharpeners. La hache est livrée avec une protection de lame, pour éviter d'user inutilement la lame ou de vous Longueur de la lame 22 cm. | Sitemap.