There ARE however access hatches on the side of the tank at the bottom for cleaning the tank out, making repairs, etc that are approximately 36” wide by 48” tall, but that presents a lot of problems also – it’s at the bottom of the tank so it would have to be empty to open it, which takes days and logistics to empty. The home is an 5-bedroom property. I don’t think so, once he just “thought” about killing his kids, he forgot about what being human was, & he didn’t think any such thought!!! + 5 Easy Insights from the Carte Blanche Show, Based on Botha’s Arguments, will Judge Desai Grant Convicted Triple Axe Murderer an Appeal? Think that’s far fetched? It wasn’t because he wanted to seem “thoughtful” or “caring”. The arrest affidavit (displayed below) reveals these details of the search for Shanann Watts and her daughters, Bella and Celeste: • Chris Watts left his home in Frederick, Colo. — a bedroom community 20 miles north of Denver — around 5:30 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 13. Related Articles Shanann left suddenly because she freaked out that he wanted a divorce. If he was aware of the Anthony case did he think: Taking it further: the Casey Anthony case involved the “disappearance” of a two-year-old child, and a partying mother in chronic financial difficulty who didn’t seem to want her baby girl. It sounds like you may have mistakenly thought that the tanks are where the well is drilled ? Is the killing of Harambe the gorilla a crime, or not? Chris Watts has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder, and is yet to enter a plea. The search showed freshly disturbed earth. Really? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! “Why wasn’t Shan’ann’s body dumped into the oil tanks as well?”, #Shakedown’s Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were “Processed”, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts’ Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. Chris Watts’ wife and daughters, missing for three days, were found dead last week on property of the Colorado man’s former employer. Is Henri van Breda’s motive “a culmination of a festering of a perceived injustice”? Ronnie and Cindy Watts address the court during their son's sentencing at the Weld County Courthouse on November 19, 2018 in Greeley, Colorado. The disadvantage is any DNA, blood, saliva or cadaver liquid would easily soak into the upholstery. “Henri’s lack of motive might sway the Supreme Court.” – ANALYST, Britain’s youngest double murderers provide psychological code for Henri van Breda’s motive, and vice versa [ANALYSIS]. Pingback: Bella and Celeste Watts: how were they murdered? 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What happened with Chris Watts? In her defense, initially she claimed someone took Caylee, and that Caylee was with this person. Chris Watts may have imagined he could easily do better on two counts. She vanished with daughters. The two tiny girls barely fit. 20 Questions: Think you know the Casey Anthony Case? Chris Watts Case: What would Sherlock Holmes Do? He was sentenced to spend life in prison. Did Shan’ann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August? But in a new letter from prison to his mother, Watts tells his mom to shake off the words off his harshest critics. Blue Velvet. Has Judge Greenland Become Persona Non Grata? “Nobody knows Stephen Paddock’s motive 6 months after Las Vegas.” Really? UPDATED. That’s not how these locations work. Also…he told the girlfriend about the separation when she called because that was his planned story. The oil and gas industry relies on this strong and highly corrosive mineral acid to dissolve contaminants in the well to clear the way for the oil and gas to flow into the well. I am a retired criminologist and have been wrestling with this aspect of the crime from the discovery of its alleged details. Pumping a water/hydrochloric solution into a well is known as stimulation or well acidizing. So going to the work site wasn’t any different to where he was going anyway, and that was the point. State Seeking Leave to Appeal on #OscarPistorius Sentencing – Hearing, August 25 [LIVE BLOG], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 1 [LIVE COVERAGE], Henri’s Humiliation lies at the heart of the Triple Axe Murder Motive [WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO], Judge Desai’s incredible final question to Henri, Henri’s incredible answer and the secret it reveals, Van Breda police statement vs Plea Explanation. Just sheer muscle and a pair of work gloves? Chris Watts was convicted two years ago of the murders of his wife Shanann, their two daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 2, and Shanann’s unborn baby boy. Sulphuric acid is one of the most effective destroyers of human tissue, People magazine covered the 10 year anniversary, “Why wasn’t Shan’ann’s body dumped into the oil tanks as well?”, Bella and Celeste Watts: how were they murdered? An Oscar for the Great Pretender [WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC IMAGES], “Be brave…make your voice heard, your physical you seen and the presence of your mental you felt.” – Reeva Steenkamp [WARNING GRAPHIC CRIME SCENE PHOTOS], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing July 6 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 2 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 3. Any theories as to why he lied about where he placed the bodies for transport – back seat versus flat bed? Then this case becomes a candidate for a death penalty trial. Revisiting the Day Shan’ann Watts told Chris Watts she was pregnant, “Could thrive supplements and patch be the cause of Chris Watts’s Rage?”, Shan’ann Watts Tribute Video: “Someday we will all be gone, but lullabies go on and on”, Shan’ann talks about spending “quality time” with Chris Watts, “I don’t know if we’re gonna have another baby anytime soon…”. We found 630 entries for Christopher Watts in the United States. Colorado court records and documents filed on August 20, a week after the murders, showed Chris Watts loaded all three bodies onto the back seat of his work truck and took them to an oil site identified as CERVI 319 with GPS coordinates 40.21624374, -104.36667. Find Chris Watts in the United States. A few minutes earlier, a neighbor’s surveillance camera recorded him backing his pickup truck into the garage. Chris Watts 2012 Speech on Communication Speech, Relationship Deterioration and Repair; Chris Watts grew up somewhere on this road on the outskirts of Spring Lake, North Carolina. My personal view is that around the time Chris Watts discovered Shan’ann was pregnant, he may also have become aware of the 10 year anniversary of the Casey Anthony case. Chris Watts, 33, spoke to Denver7's Tomas Hoppough on Tuesday about the disappearance of his pregnant wife and their two daughters a day earlier. Or that he put one in one tank, one in another? An apparently panicked Watts showed up at the family home, leading the officer into each room. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. He probably figured Nicole would go home as he rushed home to clean up evidence. Christopher Watts’ girlfriend speaks out for the first time as sentencing in Colorado murders draws near What is Henri van Breda’s ring of power – and pain? Shan’ann Watts died Intestate – Is A Court Battle Looming in Probate Court over Life Insurance? A Week Later, Stephen Paddock’s Motive Still a Mystery. Adam Lanza provides motive for Chimp Attack – and his own, Nancy Lanza’s email to Adam Lanza [01:05. Shanann was strangled and the youngsters had been smothered. We found 223 records in 43 states for Chris Watts in the US. Shan’ann’s from a humble background. This April, the Colorado home once owned by Chris Watts and his wife — the same home where he murdered his entire family — will be put up for auction. Van Breda on 60 Minutes: Screengrabs of the Crime Scene, The Media as a Co-Conspirator in the Van Breda case, Our Conclusions In “Deceit” & “Dark Matter” And How Our Journey Took Us To Them, “Had this case been tried in America, Knox never would have been convicted…”, February 2009: Filomena’s Testimony Revisited, Ray D’Arcy to Amanda-Waiting-to-be-Heard-Knox: “Why do you *keep* coming out to tell your story?”, Despicable: The Shakedown of Knox Podcast Series. Christopher Watts family murdered: Highlights of police documents made public They weren’t in one tank. – Continental Chemical USA. He wouldn’t want to make the same mistake Casey Anthony made. Why? Bella’s hair was always cut so short. In other words, this was a case of Criminal Intertextuality. He tries to dig a shallow grave and either cannot break ground on that soil or just thinks it’s a remote enough area, he will be able to delay discovery for a few days, so he hurries. Chris Watts strangled his pregnant wife Shanann at home and then smothered his daughters Bella, four, and Celeste, three, inside his truck at an oil site where he dumped their bodies 1 2 ANALYSIS, WATCH: Henri van Breda’s application for leave to appeal. In a prior post we saw the backstories of Shan’ann and Chris Watts, and the sort of home they grew up in and lived in over the years. Chris Watts confessed to killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters in November 2018 in Weld County Colorado, north of Denver. The Watts family bought the house in May 2013 for $399,954. The actual well is usually in the center of the pad, and has 2.5”-3” diameter steel tubing running down the complete depth of the well. Have they checked the maintenance schedule for CERVI 319? Article says that putting both girls in the same tank would set an alert off and Chr8s would have known that. The Anthony case and the Ramsey case may not have been at the center of Chris Watts’ mind when he committed this crime, but it may have played some role in his thinking. The issue with these for him though was that they only have an opening that is 8” in diameter. Nope. Should he? Chris Watts' house is in Frederick, Colorado. If there was blood evidence, perhaps he claimed they were in the cabin when they weren’t in order to throw off the forensics. If Vincent van Gogh didn’t cut off his ear, who did? What impact did THRIVE have on Shan’ann’s marriage? Why not put them in the same tank? All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! Find Christopher Watts in the United States. It still seems to me that the bodies of Celeste and especially Bella would be too large, if intact, to be squeezed through the 8″ openings in the respective tanks. A major asset the Colorado cops had going for them in the Watts case was the combination of cadaver dogs picking up something inside the house and the video surveillance footage showing no one besides Chris Watts leaving the house that morning. Chris Watts’ “photographic memory” provides a unique window into his mind, and his psychology. Please offer your comments regarding the disposal of the Watts children into two oil tanks through 8″ openings. Added to this Nickole Atkinson’s highly unusual and almost premature alerting of the authorities within hours of their disappearance, and Watts’ “perfect murder” quickly went pear shaped. In the same way that the “grave sites” of Caylee Anthony and JonBenet Ramsey provide us with our best clues about their murderer’s long term motives and intentionality, the same is true here. According to former FBI profiler Candice DeLong, cases such as Chris Watts’s are rare, because “family annihilators usually commit suicide after the murders” An action that Watts claimed to have contemplated out of guilt for his actions; Also, Watts had a new girlfriend, that he was very excited about, on the side WOW…great point about corrosive properties of these chemicals. Her flight was delayed 3 hours. The affidavit does note that prior to Chris Watts’ confession, investigators arrived at CERVI 319 with consent to conduct a drone search. Chris Watts interviews: How suspicion grew in murder case It is also used in existing wells to restore the natural permeability of the rock formation to encourage an increase in flow. The average Chris Watts is around 49 years of age with around 50% falling in to the age group of 41-50. Why is there a scratch on Shan’ann Watts’s neck? In the same month, in fact on May 28 Casey Anthony’s Parents Speak debuted on US television. Have they analysed the browser history? The name Christopher Watts has over 536 birth records, 26 death records, 242 criminal/court records, 1935 address records, 351 phone records and more. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I WISH SOMEBODY COULD MENTION A PROBABLE REASON FOR CW BURYING SHANNAAN AND NOT DUMPING HER IN THE OIL TANKS PLEASE. Because she was pregnant and would be to heavy to carry up the ladder and drop down, She was too heavy to carry up all those stairs, I think he put the kids in the slop tank a/k/a the shorter tank in the photo; probably ran out of time with the wife tho.. he wanted to make his time line to be “seen” at work…. BTW…notice the babys name, Niko Lee…contains same letters as his mistress, Nicole Lee Kessinger! So shallow grave was really his only option for his wife. (Cops must have said “gotcha”. Watts was having an affair with a lady named Nichol Kessinger. The inspiring thing about the Ramsey case from Watts perspective was the protracted and spectacular failure of the local authorities to press charges – against anyone, ever. I hope he suffers immeasureable pain soon!!! Chris Watts and his horrible family…his mama being worst of the worst hating blaming victims…who does that? Bet he had to be told where to aim it. You can google “thief hatch” to see what im talking about. Did Watts’ additional charges of “tampering” with a body indicate that the bodies we’re partially dismembered? Chris Watts: Voted most likely to succeed in the Class of 2003 I think it’s more of a case how USA has the most serial killers and wife and family killers in the world, but instead of using them as an example to compare, they try to find a rare case of a woman doing something wrong, even if she wasn’t found guilty. [ANALYSIS], Jason Rohde Trial: The #1 Hurdle for the Prosecution, 5 Key Difficulties for Jason Rohde’s Defence [and they’re all unexpected], Jason Rohde: It’s a shame there was no livestream today. He puts the smaller “parcels” in a more convenient receptacle, gives up on the grave idea, and heads off to work. The access doors are also bolted into place with something like 75 bolts that must be individually removed. First sign he was a liar.) Questions -Do we know for sure the large tanks were where he disposed of the girls? Watts could be heard that Shanann left his wedding ring in their room and left his phone, as if … Rohde Crime Scene Schematic: What else are we missing? Chris Watts in the US . What did Chris Watts HATE about Shan’ann? He may have used the bed of the truck to wrap the bodies, or he may have “slid” them in there before figuring out hiding them in the enclosed space of the cab would escape detection as he drove 40 miles to the oil field. #Rohde What did “Drama, but OK” actually mean? They simply have to be pushed downwards, flip a latch and then opened. On the second point, Watts had a chance of success. Hydrochloric acid aids in the removal of obstacles that form in the wells during the drilling process. Meredith Kercher: Another Murderer to go Free? They didn’t arrest her for murder but gave her limited immunity over an extended period, leaving the door open for her to tell the truth about where Caylee was, or what happened to do. I realize this comment is old, but figured I’d give a bit of expertise on this. He said he was having an affair with a co-worker and around 4 a.m. on Monday had told Shanann Watts he wanted a marital separation. Van Breda: Monday’s Closing Arguments – what to expect? • Given an aerial photo of the work site, he identified where he had left the bodies. Shanann Watts was found in a shallow grave. Then the oil is transferred from the well at the center of the pad to the tanks at the edge of the pad through more 2.5”-3” pipes. Wouldn’t you? Dr OZ gets into shit for promoting the shit that’s in THRIVE, Shan’ann Watts’ Facebook Profile is still Public – and what it could mean. This Is common knowledge. Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts’ neck? Shes way 2 large 2 fit through the opening of the pillow tanks, The tanks would of had to been drained to do that, the tanks were not drained. He then loaded their bodies into his truck and hid them on an oil work site where they were found three days later. He doesn’t deserve to breath the same air as decent folks! [So no Zanny to debunk]. Get full address, contact info, background report and more! At that point of interview). They underestimated who they were dealing with, however. The top state of residence is Texas, followed by Georgia. Watch out for my discussion with A Dark and Stormy Book Club this Saturday about The Murder of Vincent Van Gogh, A short interview I gave to RSG News on The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, 22 Reasons Why “Lost Boys” Author Mark Minnie Didn’t Commit Suicide, 12 Similarities Between Mark Minnie’s Suicide Note and Dave Allen’s. He was an employee of the Anadarko Petroleum, Woodlands, Texas. The hatches were very small. *Hydrochloric acid plays a key role in recovering oil and natural gas from geologic formations. August 13, 2018, 5:27 a.m.: Surveillance footage shows Watts loading up his work truck and leaving home. Shan’ann Watts: “I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life”. Shanann met Chris Lee Watts in 2010. All is wonderful!…Got my “vision board”…with materialistic junk…and kids doing same! Test your knowledge with this Pop Quiz. He left the corner of the sheet uncovered by dirt so he could find grave in the dark the next night to finish his horrid plan. I would want to hurry up to avoid being seen. 3 weeks after supposedly sawing off his own ear, Vincent van Gogh wrote this letter…, GIVEAWAY! Chris Watts Gives Investigators New Details of Murders of Pregnant Wife and 2 Daughters this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Blessings to both families, and all who were involved. Lee) That baby needs a name change so it won’t be connected in any way to Chris tWatts mistress…i’ve no doubt HE named the baby, using his GFs name…betcha I’m right! Also as a former car mechanic he would be well aware of the corrosive properties of chemicals coming into contact with the skin as well as their dissolving capabilities. Chris and Shanann got married on November 3, 2012, in Mecklenberg County, North Carolina. In the same way that the "grave sites" of Caylee Anthony and… Why is it such a god-awful mess? Chris later tells investigators both girls sat on the bench seat of his truck as he drove out to an oil site where he works to dump Shanann's body. | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Chris Watts: What Rocket Science got right – and wrong | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Shan’ann Watts tells her husband: “I don’t want a video of you…” while recording her children. Watts’ next court date is Nov. 19. [WATCH]. Old Ploy, New Game: How the McCanns are using PR [again] to influence a legal outcome that affects THEM, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 1, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 2, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 3, The Prodigal Nanny Returns – #Shakedown McCann Podcast #1, #Shakedown Discusses DOUBT The Madeleine McCann Mystery with Ed Opperman. One way to test it would be to use three models, one adult and two children and see how they could stow in the back seat, especially if inside bags. I’ve worked in the oilfield for the last 4 years. Police beat him there. He did not manipulative them on video, just drag and dump. R responded with a number of insights off the top of his head. She jerked his chain far too often and he didn’t have the balls to stand up to her…she had to show him where to point when to pee, and she helped pull up his zipper, just like a mom does to her 2 yr old boy she’s potty training. At the time, Shanann had only been suspected of being missing for a few hours. Colorado court records and documents filed on August 20, a week after the murders, showed Chris Watts loaded all three bodies onto the back seat of his work truck and took them to an oil site identified as CERVI 319 with GPS coordinates 40.21624374, -104.36667. She wouldn’t fit. While the whole world watched! Chris Watts' public perception quickly transformed from a worried and doting dad to a heartless murderer after he confessed to strangling his pregnant wife, killing his children and then throwing their small, lifeless bodies into an oil tank. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. You simply CANNOT see what Chris is doing. Oil and gas reserves are found in deep sea beds, tight sand formations, shales, and coalbed methane formations. Which one would be easier for law enforcement or anyone else to access? The girls had been put in oil tanks. Beth Karas on Oscar Sanitizing the Crime Scene? Where were you when Madeleine was reported Missing? The main difference between the Anthony case and the Watts case was that Anthony had a month of “lead-time” to work with, besides the 5 additional months it took to find the body. Pregnant Shanann Watts and daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, were reported missing on Aug. 13, 2018 after she missed an OB-GYN appointment. Chris Watts: It’s time to talk about Why. 4. There’s a simple way to figure out which option he chose. Watts strangled his pregnant wife, Shanann, on 13 August, 2018, and hid her body at a construction site. These vitamins don't lessen COVID-19 symptoms, study finds, Battery suspect cited after East Bay BART train confrontation, Here’s why your cat does 8 quirky things that delight, frustrate and confuse you. When mixed with water, the hydrochloric acid solution is successful at acidizing carbonate or limestone formations and removes contaminants such as scale, rust, and carbonite deposits. His lack of empathy or understanding of human compassion was his downfall. Manners: the bride-to-be was berated, but OK ” actually mean a brain really his option! Disposed of the “ last photo ” of Madeleine McCann: MLM Magical. S Parents Speak debuted on US television the DeZalze crime scene – to! Info, gives her middle name County Colorado, north of Denver did Watts ’ confession investigators... 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