For example, I have a 80~200mm, f4.5. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable … The sturdy and high-quality build makes them feel really good in the hands, and you will enjoy handling them over time. Today I picked up my EIGHTH manual focus lens produced by Nikon from a lovely Japanese gentleman I met through craigslist. It is also extremely lightweight, making it convenient for carrying around. Though Nikon still produces an autofocus version of this lens, the manual-focus version (which was axed in 2006) has far superior optical quality. Only for video? Take the picture, look at the screen and adjust accordingly. Please note that there’s nothing like a one-size-fits-all kind of lens. Not sure how you do it, but my flickr name is "lensmen-i&p" just in case you want to see some examples. mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; I've had good results on an F3 with the 35 mm 1.2 and 55 Macro 3.5, both older lenses, both sharp and fine with color, and made with metal. Home; Translate. Indeed. I still use the 55 mm lens to make copy slides for classes I teach. Enter new zip code to refresh estimated delivery time. Whichever you choose, you really can’t go wrong with Nikon’s manual focus 50s. can't even abide a zoom lens! It's … It is constructed from 7 optical elements in 5 groups, and you will be impressed by its corner vignetting and fantastic bokeh. i've always used film and always prime lenses, manual focus all. This covers all lenses made since about 1977. To get the most out of mirroring AI lenses with the D700, you let the D700 know what lens your using. Buy Nikon lenses on eBay : 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, E 1.8 Buy Nikon lenses on Amazon : 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, E 1.8 Shop Nikon lenses … Its maximum aperture of f/1.4 makes it well-suited for low-light conditions. : Elec. beats the 1.4 and 1:1.2 hands down across the range! The AI (Auto Indexing - meter-coupling tab) lenses will work on any of the Nikons that use the F mount. Rokinon 85MAF-N 85mm f/1.4. Create a B&H Account, America's Best Customer Service List-Newsweek, Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. Best Nikon Lenses. It is a wide-angle lens … The focus ring is mildly damped to ensure smooth running, and you will be impressed at how it can turn a whole 340 degrees across its range to allow for precise fine-tuning. Zeiss Milvus 21mm f/2.8 Manual Focus Lens. 3. Manual-Focus for 35mm Film Classics. It is highschool football season, and I only use my 1978, 80~200mm, f4.5 lens. It’s also quite compact and generally easy to use no matter the situation. If necessary, bracket your images. I try to mention both camera, lenses, some settings for the group of pictures. Get the best deals on Nikon Manual Focus Camera Lenses 200mm Focal when you shop the largest online selection at mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; Here is a link to a conversation about Nikon's manual focus lenses, with contributions from folks who have collected such lenses over the decades and still enjoy shooting with them. I recently bought at Nikon D700 after years of shooting with Canon gear and found myself quite entranced by the opportunities offered by the outstanding manual focus lenses available in the F mount. To do anything at all on an AF body the manual lens must be AI, AI-s or AI converted. Acclaimed for its impressive sharpness even at its widest apertures, natural “rounded” rendition, and gorgeous bokeh,… To start with, you will be impressed by the incredible build of this lens, which is a combination of metal and glass and it weighs roughly 360g. #0907905; Sec. Lastly, it has a solid build, and a feels good in the hands and can also withstand constant bumps and falls. Lastly, the lens has a solid build which feels good in the hands. So, that was a long explaination to say, yes they work. Thank you for giving it the old eyeball. This model was released back in 1980 and is one of the sharpest micro-lenses you will ever come across. mso-style-noshow:yes; Best Nikon Manual Focus Lenses Reviews – Comparison Table, Not suitable for capturing moving objects, Tends to experience noticeable field-curvature, Not suitable for long exposure photography, The Guide to Choosing the Best Nikon Manual Focus Lenses, 7 Best Nikon AIS Lenses Reviewed – Find out Which One of Them Wins. Though greatly scaled back, production of many manual-focus Nikkor optics has continued in short runs since the advent of AF and AF-S Nikkor lenses, and as a result, Nikon has been able to quickly reboot its manufacturing schedule of a series of classic manual-focus Nikkors including the Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 AI-S, Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 AI-S, Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI-S, Nikkor 35mm f/1.4 AI-S, Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 AI-S and Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 AI-S. All of these lenses are currently in production and in stock, with the exception of the Nikkor 35mm f/1.4, which is expected to be back in circulation in October. It has excellent background blur at most apertures while the out-of-focus highlights are impressive as well. The reasonable weight and compact size give it astonishing balance. A Review of 6 Top Lenses. Zoom lenses have multiple focal lengths and some have multiple fstops. the best nikon manual focus lenses Menu. Like another gentle mentioned, I'm from the film days and fully appreciate film. I had great fun and have been wonderfully rewarded by what these lenses can do on a full frame camera with such outstanding low light performance, as well as a great viewfinder. Download one of these great options and you'll be on your way: One of the more interesting VDSLR-related sidebar stories has been the "rediscovery" of manual-focus lenses among VDSLR shooters. We all know the best lenses optically currently are Manual focus. Durability:  If you can find something made from a combination of metal and glass, that’d be awesome if durability is an important factor for you. Again, I'm just starting, but will be posting pics from time to time, but priority #1 are the football pics, so the kids get get them up on their facebook page. Get one, and get shooting. Deal. Nikon 135mm f/2.8 Nikkor AI-S Manual Focus Fixed Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras. Sometimes the obvious ones just blow by, compounded by the fact that I'm a one-man band here. The issue is that you can only enter in a single focal length and a single fastest fstop. Read more: • The best Nikon lenses • 10 tips on getting the best out of your Nikon camera • The best Nikon cameras • The best superzoom and travel lenses for Nikon … Bestseller … table.MsoNormalTable More details are on my Nikon Lens … I've been so captivated by these lenses, in fact, that I initiated a couple of discussions on a great photography website, Fred Miranda. Again, the answer is yes. It has minimal barrel distortion at -1.10 which you can always correct manually. You should also be pleased to know that distortion is virtually non-existent with this lens. For instance, you might be in need of some zooming power and in that case, a prime lens would not be a good choice! Good sharpness. So, what are the key factors to always keep in mind when purchasing your favorite pair of Nikkor AI lenses? There is a 7x multiplication factor in comparison to using a 35mm negative vs a 1/3" CCD/Cmos chip... so a great way to go for wildlife video as well in adition to using on your DSLR for stills and video. First, you will find that the maximum aperture of f/2.5 is quite handy when it comes to precise focusing and shooting in proper lighting, primarily when used with new age high-speed film. just wanted to weigh in, here, with my decrepit 64 year old body. font-size:10.0pt; Serv. mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; 4.0 out of … Nikon 55mm f/2.8 … They’re among the best in vintage glass. ***** Understand, this does not affect picture quality or the ability to use the two together. makes me laugh. mso-para-margin:0in; Some of us oldies prefer the 50mm f/1.2, and shoot it wide-open where the magic lives. It’s got an awesome aperture along with an impeccable manual focus system. mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; Introduced on the market in 1977, this breed of lenses is renowned for providing the freedom to make precise aperture adjustments. I did not see a response to your question. It is constructed out of 6 elements in 5 groups and utilizes the close-range correction system to produce accurate manual focusing results. I'm a bit rusty, my hands are not as steady as they used to be, and don't get me started on my eyes. I wish Nikon would make a few NEW, fast constant 2.8, manual focus, zoom lenses! Perfect for shooting vibrant portraits. Manual focus lenses were designed for the manual focus cameras popular up until 20 years ago. Unfortunately, your browser doesn't support these improvements. There is no manual focus option. & Home App. Video shooters will appreciate the fast apertures afforded by these MF Nikkors, which enables shooters to make good use of selective focusing. In my case, I'm using lenses I bought in 1978, that I used on my FT3, F2AS, and F3. The Nikon 50mm f/1.2 AI-S FX NIKKOR is what in our opinion seems to represent the best there is in the Nikkor lens world. All Nikon digital SLRs are AF. so, don't feel bad if you can't afford one of the hunks of glass, get the little guy, outperforms the others. You and your fans may wish to check it out... What a dream not to have to sell/give away/throw away my old Nikon lenses. Also Read: 7 Best Nikon AIS Lenses Reviewed – Find out Which One of Them Wins. Lastly, the 23-degree picture coverage makes it suitable for head-shoulder type of photographs. The manufacturers offer a 5-year warranty in the USA on this lens. That would be the D3 series, D700, and possibly the D300 (not sure). W-NIKKOR 3.5cm f/1.8 (1956)This lens was the first 3.5cm lens with an aperture faster than f/2. Nikon 14-24 mm f/2.8 includes the feature of M/A focus mode switch, which provides a quick toggle between auto and manual focus operations. We strive to offer our customers the easiest, most seamless shopping experience every day—using the latest technology and security measures. Best Lenses for FX DSLRs ( D850, D780, D610 etc .) This best wide-angle lens for Nikon … Great insight. It has a 0.1% distortion for objects at infinity and 1% for objects at minimum focus distance. ****  If store the Non-CPU lens as 80mm, f4.5, then it doesn't matter what zoom you actually take the picture at, it is going to record 80mm. Pros. Deal. Lastly, there is a link, if you would like to see results of using 30 year old glass. Accuracy: Don’t squirm on this. Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3G ED Vibration Reduction Zoom Lens with Auto Focus for Nikon DSLR Cameras 4.6 out of 5 stars 826 MEKE 85mm F2.8 Macro Medium Telephoto 1.5:1 Ratio … Notice, I didn't say all, because Nikon also made the Nikonos, and possibly other cameras that I'm not aware of. this is all where the magic comes in. Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.8G ED Vibration Reduction Zoom Lens (Best Nikon Telephoto Lens) It is compact and affordable and is at a level that can only be said to be equal to or better than its predecessors. Consumer Nikon SLRs—models in the D3000 and D5000 family—won't focus older Nikon lenses that rely on a … have you ever thought of using film, hand held light meters or developing your own exposed film? Before we cover more details about the different Nikkor AI lenses available, here’s a list that can help you get started. Can you set the sutter speed on the body, and the fstop on the lens, focus and take a picture - absolutely. Our intredpid  Nikon rep, David Edelstein, was kind enough to drop off one of the "new" 50mm f/1.2 Nikkors for a test drive, and as the stills we shot demonstrate, these lenses are capable of capturing wonderful still and video imagery. Read My Motorcycle Diaries Library Binding Peridynamic Theory and Its Applications Add Comment My Motorcycle Diaries Edit. In the menu [Setup Menu > Non-CPU lens data] you enter the Lens number, Focal length, and Maximum aperture. Along with focus tracking that actually stops at infinity, manual focus lenses are also quieter than AF optics, which tend to be noisy even when switched into MF mode. I've just recently obtained the flickr account where the above photos are. This construction also makes them durable and long-lasting. (Camera: Nikon D300s). There's also the tactile experience of shooting with manual-focus lenses, which in the case of the Nikkors, have a far more solid feel about them than most AF lenses thanks to their all alloy, zero-plastic construction. MEKE Meike 8mm f/3.5 Ultra Wide Angle Manual Focus Rectangle Fisheye Lens for APS-C DSLR Nikon D500 D3200 D3300 D3400 D5200 D5300 D5500 D5600 D7100 D7200 D7500 DSLR Cameras. Cameras such as the JVC PRO-HD as well as the new 1/3" Panasonic and Sony HD cameras have removable lenses and with an Nikon to JVC bayonet adapter one can use a 80-200 35mm  zoom for FANTASTIC wildlife video work that is insainly sharp. Read Online Histoires courtes de Toriyama - Tome 02 (French Edition) PDF Mechanical Behavior of Materials Add Comment Histoires courtes de … mso-pagination:widow-orphan; LOL! And then video came along and lo and behold, all of these AF speed queens turned out to be less than ideal, not to mention too noisy, for shooting anything other than stills. The 50mm f/1.8 is a simple lens constructed out of top-notch plastic with a metallic mount. I think it is actually f4.5 at 80mm, but possibly f5.6 at 200mm. 1. In my case I have D700. Although barrel distortion is stated at -1.55%, it can easily be corrected manually. Don't forget the using MF lenses on video cameras. It is not all perfect. The type of focus … It says right there ...ALL ALLOY...ZERO  PLASTIC....I hope Nikon is not lying to us, and this, in case to be true, it's great...looks like those in the 70s and 80s. The lens has a focal length of 127.5 mm and a built-in autofocus motor, i.e., silent wave motor, containing two focus modes. DSLRs? Hd. please forgive me if i break out in giggles at the digital issues, ie. "Uh, you mean I actually have to put effort into it?" This classic manual focus lens has a combination of impressive features which will sweep you off your feet. Though greatly scaled back, production of many manual-focus Nikkor optics has continued in short runs since the advent of AF and AF-S Nikkor lenses, and as a result, Nikon has been able to quickly reboot its manufacturing schedule of a series of classic manual-focus Nikkors including the Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 AI-S, Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 AI-S, Nikkor 28mm … Over the last few months I've acquired eight AI-s and AI MF lenses, including a number you mention and recently took a trip to the Netherlands with ONLY MF lenses. The Chromatic Aberration (CA) levels are acceptable and are measured at roughly one pixel for the larger apertures and 1.5 pixels at smaller apertures. It's not for everyone though and most will be better served by Nikon's 85mm lens, but this manual focus only lens does have a certain charm. Nicely enough, the new higher end DSLRs, actually work nicely with the AI and later series lenses. Gen. #0907906. It has a solid-clicking aperture ring and smooth focusing all through the range. It is compact and utilizes standard 52mm filters which are compatible with most of the Nikon camera models. {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; He'd just bought a digital camera and was excited about shooting with AF lenses. When used as a … Will the body know what the F-Stop, probably not. namely the otuses Outside of the Otus and other Zeiss & Leica lenses, I would disagree with that statement because of the false correlation that manual focus lenses somehow equal optical quality. The manual focus is quite good. Lens number is just a number you choose to repesent that lens. best nikon manual focus lenses Menu. Best Nikon Manual Focus Lenses 2021. oh regarding the 50mm focal length, among us oldies the finest 50mm is the 50mm f2.0 nikkor. Most manufacturers long ago pulled the plug on manual focus lens R&D in order to concentrate their energies into improving AF technologies. I also know people are using Nikon lenses on the Canon 7D and 5D mk II for video purposes. Will the meter work - probably not. Please enable javascript for your best B&H experience. To start with, you will be impressed by the incredible build of this lens, which is a combination of metal and ... 2. Do the old Nikon lenses with the meter-coupling tab really work on the new. Not responsible for typographical or illustrative errors. This Nikon landscape lens is really easy to set up and maintain. Simply put, these are the kind of lenses to settle for especially if you want to manually adjust your camera’s exposure. I could be wrong, and it is f4.5 through out is focal length. Don't have a hand held meter. With this being said will there be a price jump on used Nikon MF lenses? So, we’d encourage you to focus on your individual needs first before you make a choice. Why Film is Still Better than Digital Photography, Historical Processes: Carbon and Carbro Prints, B&H Creator of the Week: Local Adventurers Esther JuLee + Jacob Fu, 5 Unconventional Lenses for Wedding and Portrait Photography, Canon T-Series Cameras: The Bridge to Contemporary, © 2000-2021 B & H Foto & Electronics Corp. 420 9th Ave, New York, NY 10001. Nikon still sells a few manual focus lenses, but they are very specialized tools. Nikon 50mm f/1.2 AI-S FX NIKKOR. In our view, the best way to find quality is by understanding your needs. 85mm f/1.4 AI-S. For Nikon VDSLR shooters in particular, this has resulted in renewed interest in previous generation manual-focus Nikkor lenses, which as it turns out, are still very much in production. What it does affect, is the meta data stored in image regarding focal length and possibly fstop. Nikon Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 Ai-S lens. trying to come up with software that looks like film, trying to duplicate grain as opposed to noise. mso-style-parent:""; This model was first released in 1962 and was designed to be a general-purpose lens on the original manual focus rangefinder cameras, including the Nikon S2 and S3. The 24mm Nikon AI-S lens is best suited for outdoor photography. Check out our another related article: Which Is The Best Lens for Nikon D5100? This lens was released in 1980 and has been popular over time due to it being slim and still be able to be an outstanding performer. Speed up future orders, see order history, create wish lists, and more. Each of these lenses is also fast, with f-stops ranging from f/2.8 (20mm, 24mm and 28mm) through f/1.4 (35mm and 50mm), as well as the truly speedy 50mm f/1.2 Nikkor. Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 AI-S. Another great performer in low-light conditions, this … I am also embracing the digital age, but I'm not that good at it. top. The best AI lens is one that provides with the best control over the manual focus for incredible quality. not so much a purist, but that's just me. FX Mirrorless DX Mirrorless. Further, the lateral Chromatic Aberration is barely noticeable. If you are looking for a balanced lens for night or Astrophotography, this is one of the best lenses … Only hope all the faketographers out there can figure out how to shoot manually! The lens has a fantastic resistance to Chromatic Aberration while it is reasonably optimized to show minimal distortion. Actually, all F mount lenses, will work on all F mount Nikon bodies. In some models, the mariage between AI lenses and body is better than others, but they all work. If this is bothersome to you, you are either not focusing on the task at hand, which is taking photographs, or you should forget manual focus lenses and get a CPU type lens, so if you zoom to 103.5mm, the body will record it accurately in your meta data. Store #0906712 Elec. But my first Nikon manual focus lens, about which I initiated another thread on this subject, the 105 f/2.5 AI-s, launched me into this new world. font-family:"Times New Roman";}, RE: “Our intredpid Nikon rep, David Edelstein," Mr Edelstein should really be “intrepid.”. And if you’re an ardent fan of their products, you most likely have come across the Nikon manual focus lenses. You also can see how to set up your body to correctly use the lens, so as you change the fstop, the body is in sync and will also meter appropriatly. Well, here’s a quick checklist for that. The email address you entered was an invalid email. In my case, for lens #1, I have 50mm, f/1.4, lens #2, 55mm, f2.8, #3, 55mm, f3.5, and so on. 28-300mm VR ... Best Lenses for DX … Thank god I bought my set awhile ago! 85 mm Nikon portrait Lens is easy to use and modified for getting handy with DSLR Cameras. The same applies to Chromatic Aberrations levels which are extremely low at 1 pixel. We close every Friday evening to Saturday evening for Shabbos. Copyediting: it should be "lo and behold" in that first paragraph. Insignificant … Best customer service; Feature-packed laptop; Best for wide-angle pictures; This is an all-purpose lens; Cons. Lenses can vary from sample to sample, but on full frame and for sharpness, bokeh, and color temperature, these have been my favorite lenses for shooting video: the Nikon 28mm 2.8 AIS (obviously slower than the 24mm or 28mm F/2, but I think it's sharper), Nikon 50mm 1.2 AIS, and the Nikon 85mm 1.4 (my favorite of any lens … Manufacturer rebates, terms, conditions, and expiration dates are subject to manufacturers printed forms NYC DCA Lic. Home; Translate. Nikon is one of the largest and most respected brands in the manufacture of lenses and cameras. In fact, the acronym AI, in full stands for Automatic Maximum Aperture Indexing. Weight: Much as you want something that’s durable, you don’t want it to pack too many pounds, otherwise, it’d be bothersome to carry around. Then, it has a built-in lens hood and is extremely lightweight, making it convenient to move around with and capture landscapes as well as for photojournalism. /* Style Definitions */ FX DSLR DX DSLR. This is not a attach the lens, the lens and the camera body have a small discussion and now they know everything about each other. Since it was launched in the market till now, ZEISS … And luckily, for you, the best Nikon Manual Focus lenses buying guide above has all the juicy details you need to make an informed verdict. Focus older Nikon lenses quality or the ability to use no matter the situation is highschool football best nikon manual focus lenses, you... Minimal distortion for outdoor photography micro-lenses you will be impressed by its corner vignetting and bokeh... 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Data stored in image regarding focal length and possibly the D300 ( not sure ) is an lens... To do anything at all on an AF body the manual lens must be AI, in full for. Focusing all through the range the Nikons that use the two together customers the easiest, seamless. Back in 1980 and is one that provides with the meter-coupling tab ) lenses will work on the body and! With an impeccable manual focus Cameras popular up until 20 years ago Feature-packed ;! Simple lens constructed out of top-notch plastic with a metallic mount Friday evening Saturday... Through the range like to see results of using 30 year old body not affect picture or! Aperture ring and smooth focusing all through the range them feel really good the. Out in giggles at the screen and adjust accordingly wide-angle lens for D5100. The faketographers out there can figure out how to shoot manually I break out in giggles at the and. 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