First song. Kids today are missing out on so much. In Passaic, NJ, Elroy Fletcher runs a video store in a condemned building he claims was the birthplace of Fats Waller. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 16. Soon, with help, their homemade versions of films develop a cult following. But, when his plan goes awry, the m Fletcher goes on a Waller centennial trip, leaving his foster son Mike in charge of the store. Tedious, bordering on moribund. Witziges Rezept für hausgemachte Hollywood-Filme Mike arbeitet in der Videothek Be Kind Rewind von Mr. Fletcher (Danny Glover arbeitet in der Videothek Be Kind Rewind von Mr. Fletcher (Danny Glover I started this channel because I have an absurd passion for film history and the women who make it special. Aber ich würde ihn auch allen empfehlen, die einen schönen und lustigen Film sehen möchten, der nicht nur einfach eine lahme 0-8-15 Story beinhaltet, sondern individuell mit Klasse überzeugt. It was later shown at the Berlin International Film Festival. Armory sketch team, Be Kind Rewind, puts the HEAT back in sketch comedy theatre! 0.5 Stars out of 5. Man kann das für Tiefgang halten oder für ungelenkes Autorenkino. 36 Min. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für Be Kind Rewind im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). They capture ghosts 90s 80s kids can relate. A woman is in love with a man in love with another woman, and all three have designs on a young man raised as an ape. Find out where Be Kind Rewind is streaming, if Be Kind Rewind is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Jack Black and Mos Def play their parts well and the aforementioned is actually funny in this one, unlike a lot of his recent work. Armory sketch team, Be Kind Rewind, puts the HEAT back in sketch comedy theatre! I remembered Michel Gondry's excellent music videos in the 90's, and just expected...more. August 2015, Love jack black in this. . Hi there! Jack Black and Mos Def star as best friends Jerry and Mike, who live in Passaic, New Jersey, and spend their time working in BE KIND REWIND, a small video store (VHS only!) Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für "Abgedreht - Be kind rewind" 1 passende Übersetzungen 0 alternative Vorschläge für "Abgedreht - Be kind rewind" Mit Satzbeispielen I Ain\'t Got Nobody • Jean-Michel Bernard. Jedoch haben sich alle anderen gut amüsiert, daher gebe ich dennoch 3 Sterne. A man whose brain becomes magnetized unintentionally destroys every tape in his friend’s video store. Dezember 2013. the film really look like a very promising the first 40 minutes, as the minutes pass by to the end became a little bit boring, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 3. Search for "Be Kind Rewind" on, Title: (2008). Fast, free delivery. Be Kind Rewind Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Jack Black toujours fidèle à lui même. But Starunner's sound moves me. They both work in this video store and they accidentally end up wiping out every single tape in the store. Rent Be Kind Rewind (2008) starring Jack Black and Mos Def on DVD and Blu-ray. Look, I'm into metal and classical. Wer, wie wir, Jack Black aus seinen letzten Filmen kennt und mag wird von diesem frühen Jack wahrscheinlich enttäuscht sein. März 2018, I really enjoyed this movie and think the two main characters were exellect and it was a great story. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and shows we're watching this month, including Bliss, To All the Boys: Always and Forever, and "It's a Sin.". Jack Black is Mos Def's left of center friend who works at an electrical plant. Mike and Jerry hatch an plan to hide the disaster by making a homemade "Ghostbusters" to rent to a woman whom Fletcher will be phoning to check on them. 163921 Ergebnisse. Running select Wednesday @ the tank 9:30pm Die Verfügbarkeit von Videos außerhalb von Deutschland kann variieren. Seller 99.9% positive. A man becomes increasingly jealous of his friend's newfound success. My name is Isabel and I run a tiny YouTube channel affectionately titled "Be Kind Rewind." Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. The film first appeared on January 20, 2008 at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. At the core of it all, Be Kind Rewind tells a great story about how you don't really need high-tech equipment to make movies. I'm not a fan of electronica. The rules are simple: 1 video, 1 day, 1 dollar, everyday. But Starunner's sound moves me. The trailer really said it all about this film, and the film delivers everything it promises! What is the movie that Fletcher asks for at the video store? In order to keep the business running, they re-shoot every film in the store with their own camera, with a budget of zero dollars. One month free trial! Regie führte Michel Gondry, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb. 1/2 ounce of Lime Juice. I'm not a fan of electronica. Sicherlich für Fans von Jack Black und einer chaotischen Handlung in Ordnung, mein Fall war es aber nicht. Sigourney weaver, danny glover, mos def, mia farrow etc. Be Kind Rewind. 5 out of 5 stars (260) 260 reviews $ 14.28. Es schaffen nicht viele "Komödien" in meine Sammlung, aber wenn, dann sind es merkwürdiger Weise, solche die sich ums Filme machen drehen. SCHNAPPT SHORTY order BOWFINGERS GROSSE NUMNER ,z.B. Finde Angebote für Be kind rewind und kaufe Top-Marken wie Adidas und Nike bei Shopzilla You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Be Kind Rewind strives to play songs just like the recordings you used to listen to on those cassette tapes in your bedroom. Be Kind Rewind (2008) B SDG Original source: Christianity Today The operative words are “Be Kind.” Rewinding figures too, both literally and metaphorically, with Be Kind Rewind’s nostalgic neighborhood video-rental shop setting (for the Blu‑Ray generation, that’s video as in VHS videotape) and utterly silly first-act conceit straight out of a 1980s paranormal comedy like Zapped! Be Kind Rewind (2008) Soundtrack 22 Feb 2008. The film opened on February 22, 2008 in the United Kingdom and in North America. Four guys who were the children of the MuchMusic, MuchLOUD, and Big Shiny Tunes era, with a passion for performing 90’s Alternative Rock at it’s top form. Ich hatte die Kritiken zum Film derart verstanden, daß man mehr sieht von den gekürzten Versionen von Hollywoodfilmen, welche von den beiden Hauptdarstellern mit knappen Budget und wackliger Kamera nachgedreht werden. Be Kind Rewind - Home | Facebook Be Kind Rewind. Wenn Sie nicht alle Cookies akzeptieren möchten oder mehr darüber erfahren wollen, wie wir Cookies verwenden, klicken Sie auf "Cookie-Einstellungen anpassen". Use the HTML below. Soon, with help, their homemade versions of films develop a cult following. Jean-Michel Bernard – Be Kind Rewind (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Jerry (Jack Black) and Mike (Mos Def) are in the library wearing there ghost busters outfits. I absolutely loved this film, saw it on TV and immediately had to buy it for a personal rewind - it's funny, weird, off-beat, heart-warming, and totally stupid, which makes it the perfect lolling about on the sofa with the whole family after a takeaway and bottle of wine type of film. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Jerry is a junkyard worker who attempts to sabotage a power plant that he believes is melting his brain. Be Kind, Rewind requires 2 things ... 0/1 Visual Holo Sphere obtained from Armored Vaultbot 0/1 Craft an Armored Vaultbot key from Pascal (optional) The reason that the second part is optional is for more than one reason. Actor Jack Black attends the "Be Kind, Rewind" party held during the 2008 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2008 in Park City, Utah. "Be Kind, Please Rewind" and 9 Other Phrases That Are Completely Irrelevant Now Here are some common saying that may be a little outdated, but we … The story is about these two lads who are called Jerry (Jack Black) and Mike (Mos Def). Be Kind Rewind was an accidental find that introduced me to the entire synthwave genre and inspired me to become a regular bandcamp user. Jedenfalls ist es schade, man hätte ein Dokutainment über den Jazz Musiker Fats Waller und eine Comedy über nachgedrehte Filme machen können (obwohl VHS Cassette ist echt historisch). Abgedreht (Originaltitel: Be Kind Rewind) ist eine Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 2008. Adult sizes and costumes available-inquire within! Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. 157 of 257 people found this review helpful. This isn't about a matter of my taste in film - I really fancied this one. 167 likes. Check out our Instagram below: Be Kind Rewind ( 285 ) 1 Std. Seller 99.9% positive. Le scénario est très bon et très touchant. It's a small shop set in the middle of a crumbling, poverty stricken neighborhood, made up mostly of minorities. List of Songs. BE KIND REWIND - Official Trailer - Michel Gondry - YouTube Very accessible (unlike Science of Sleep) and entertaining from beginning to end. He inadvertently erases every tape in the store. Presentation of the "Film B" of "The Science of Sleep" Max Linder cinema in Paris. $31.99 previous price $31.99 + shipping. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Shake all ingredients over ice and garnish with a fun Pixy Stix Rim! Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. VIEWS. i really dont like jack black on this film. Synopsis You name it, we shoot it. In small-town Texas, an affable mortician strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, though when she starts to become controlling, he goes to great lengths to separate himself from her grasp. Was this review helpful to you? I post videos about Hollywood history, women in film, and general film studies. Be Kind Rewind was an accidental find that introduced me to the entire synthwave genre and inspired me to become a regular bandcamp user. It is a phrase that was used by video rental employees after handing customers their video tape. — Tara Mokren, 34, Hamilton, Ohio, via Facebook. Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Unbedingt Ansehen! Non vraiment c’est un très bon film avec plein de positif et de good vibes. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Be Kind Rewind sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2021,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften, Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). 169449 Ergebnisse. BE KIND REWIND is the name of a quaint, little video store that carries VHS titles only because the owner (Danny Glover) can't afford to upgrade to DVD films. Mit der Bestellung oder Wiedergabe erklären Sie sich mit unseren, Prime Video (Online-Video wird gestreamt), Weit unter der heutigen Jack Black Qualität, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 1. One way is for you to be in the "other place" and partied with another Why were they wearing bowls on their heads? Mere seconds before the Earth is to be demolished by an alien construction crew, journeyman Arthur Dent is swept off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher penning a new edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.". What about Fats? Be Kind, Rewind: A dark paranormal romance novella - Kindle edition by Watson, John. August 2018. 1 ounce of Triple Sec. - Kaufen Sie Be Kind Rewind günstig ein. Reflecting on the past has never been so much fun! Auf der anderen Straßenseite wohnt Mike. Ihr merkt vielleicht auch, letztlich funktioniert die Story nicht, das passt einfach nicht zusammen und ist darum auch nicht komisch. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 8. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Need some streaming picks for the month? all the cast are good tho. Two young friends embark on a road trip across France in a vehicle they built themselves. In a certain sense, Be Kind Rewind (distributed by Time Warner’s New Line division) is a rebuke to the status quo from within the system. Welcome to my channel! The store is probably one of the last remaining stores catering to VHS. Melden Sie sich an, um Videos anzuzeigen, die für Sie verfügbar sind. View production, box office, & company info. BE KIND, REWIND PIXY STIX SIPPER. Watch Be Kind Rewind movie trailer and get the latest cast info, photos, movie review and more on The downsides — fees and lines. In order to keep the business running, they re-shoot every film in the store with their own camera, with a budget of zero dollars. Jerry and Mike are in a film about Fats Waller. Highlight: so viele Szenen aus bekannten Filmen ge-"sweded" zu sehen, hier haben sie sich wirklich viel einfallen lassen und viel Liebe zum Detail bewiesen! Low budget - fine. August 2019, Ich fand ihn sehr schön, kein kommerzieller Mainstream, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 30. - Lustiger Film mit Herz, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 29. Be Kind Rewind is a 2008 comedy film written and directed by Michel Gondry, and starring Jack Black, Mos Def, Melonie Diaz, Danny Glover, Mia Farrow and Sigourney Weaver. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. Now that's funny. A look at the lives of a group of teenagers who ride the same bus route and how their relationships change and evolve on the last day of school. He inadvertently erases every tape in the store. What did you want to be when you grew up? Dezember 2010. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 28. The film starts off well enough. The main premise concerns the making of no budget movies quickly, where everything is made up on the spot by people who can't act. Be kind, rewind. Mos Def's character, Mike, helps run a video store that stubbornly offers VHS tape rentals regardless of … High quality Be Kind Rewind gifts and merchandise. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Blockbuster Video BLOCKBUSTER AND CHILL T-Shirt white. Wealthy, inventive bachelor Colin endeavors to find a cure for his lover Chloe after she's diagnosed with an unusual illness caused by a flower growing in her lungs. Einfach die Idee zählt. Regardless, ‘Be Kind Rewind’s audio track is quite impressive and does a nice job recreating the theatrical experience. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Look, I'm into metal and classical. I really enjoyed this film. $15.99. Poster of Hugh Wilson’s Blast from the Past (1999). Who needs film-school when you've got your friends and a cheap camera? Go back in time with Be Kind, Rewind. 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 27. Da einer an Demenz erkrankte Dame als letzte Lebensfreude das Schauen von Filmen geblieben ist, fangen Jerry und Mike an, die verloren gegangenen Filme wie "Ghostbusters", "Miss Daisy und ihr Chauffeur", "Robocop" oder "Zurück in die Zukunft" neu zu drehen. J’aime énormément le fait qu’il fabrique tous ses décors, ses effets spéciaux et Be kind, rewind est l’exemple parfait de tout ça. Be kind rewind orange vhs tape movie. A Unique Drama Pilot, About Reenacting ‘The Goonies,’ Is Coming to Fox, Movies out of Hollywood – other American Cities on Film. 167 likes. About the Band. It is found back in town and is called "Be Kind, Rewind". Many, too many VHS covers. Looking to watch Be Kind Rewind? Add time. September 2014. Be Kind Rewind is a 2008 comedy directed by Michel Gondry and starring Jack Black and Mos Def. What about Fats? Ich habe diesen Film vor allem deshalb bestellt, weil ich ein großer Jack Black Fan bin. From shop MonkeyButlerDesigns. September 2015. Be Kind Rewind is a prime example. Januar 2011. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Kids tees and one of a kind upcycled pieces for pop culture obsessed retronauts. März 2018. Jack Black is very good here, and the chemistry between him and Mos Def is terrific. Some very funny bits like when jerry (jack black) sings his, 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 5. Nostalgisch, kreative, liebevoll, witzig, vielschichtig und tiefgründig, sind die Adjektive die mir zu "BE KIND REWIND" einfallen. Be Kind Rewind Video. September 2019. Will this new business save the store and the building? Mos Def's acting - I don't know why anyone agreed that this would be ok. In my videos, I try to understand Hollywood as an industry and a culture through the lens of the Academy Awards. SONGS. Immerwieder super anzuschauen. Ghostbusters • Ray Parker Jr. 30m. Tim (your host) and Gary (your sometimes co-host) look back on the past fondly as they talk about their favorite movies, music, celebrities, and much much more. 2008 12 Da einer an Demenz erkrankte Dame als letzte Lebensfreude das Schauen von Filmen geblieben ist, fangen Jerry und Mike an, die verloren gegangenen Filme wie "Ghostbusters", "Miss Daisy und ihr Chauffeur", "Robocop" … Running select Wednesday @ the tank 9:30pm 545 likes. Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress. 20K. Tags: past, funny-vintage-retro, 90s, nostalgia, be-kind Be kind rewind retro vintage vhs 80s 90s kids Sticker Mos Def helps run a video store owned by Danny Glover's character. New Jersey Aviation Museum, Teterboro International Airport, Teterboro, New Jersey, USA. Mike's peculiar friend Jerry tries to sabotage a power station and nearly electrocutes himself, getting magnetized in the process. Be Kind Rewind, Deltona, Florida. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 3. In order to satisfy the store’s most loyal renter, an aging woman with signs of dementia, the two men set out to remake the lost films. Men's Blockbuster Video Be Kind Please Rewind Yellow Vintage Retro T-Shirt Tee. 1 1/2 ounces of Vodka. März 2020. Homeplace of sweded movies. I think the whole bit of, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 14. In terms of sheer originality, Be Kind Rewind is a standout feature that will satisfy any film lover. FOLLOW US FOR MORE INFO! Review by Nacho ★★½ . Special Features. Written by Be Kind, Rewind – One More Astronaut – I Mother Earth (Video) Be Kind, Rewind – Cherub Rock – Smashing Pumpkins (Video) Be Kind, Rewind – Cumbersome – Seven Mary Three (video) Photo Gallery. Dezember 2015. What a great concept and how great a story we got from Gondry this time. Get unlimited DVD Movies & TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. IMDb Poll Board Favorite Underrated Movies. Ringu Be Kind Rewind Coffee Mug - The Ring - Horror - Scary Movie - FREE UK Delivery - Ships Worldwide - Funny Gift - Horror Movie Lover MonkeyButlerDesigns. Hes so funny and mad! Two bumbling store clerks inadvertently erase the footage from all of the tapes in their video rental store. Leider verblassen die Erinnerungen an VHS immer mehr. 36. Two bumbling store clerks inadvertently erase the footage from all of the tapes in their video rental store. Be Kind, Rewind on DVD June 17, 2008 starring Jack Black, Kirsten Dunst, Danny Glover, Mos Def. $16.99 + shipping. The act of rewinding a video tape after watching it is considered a kind deed, as the next person to watch that tape wont have to rewind the entire movie, which might spoil the storyline for them if they watched the screen while it rewinded. Schade, dass "Abgedreht" so unbekannt ist, obwohl Jack Black wie immer eine tolle schauspielerische Leistung hinlegt und dabei von ebenso umwerfenden Schauspielern begleitet wird!! Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Be Kind Rewind. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Be Kind Rewind in höchster Qualität. What a let down. Toller Film. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "be kind rewind" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Michel Gondry chronicles the life of Gondry family matriarch, his aunt Suzette Gondry, and her relationship with her son, Jean-Yves. Here are the buzz-worthy titles you're going to want to mark on your calendar. ich würde das Mal als eine Alternative Comedy bezeichnen da sie im Hollywood Sinn nicht witzig ist. Thank you, Blockbuster! Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team. FAST FOOD STRIP CLUB PARODY HIGH QUALITY MENS SHIRT * MANY OPTIONS. Mike and Jerry hatch an plan to hide the disaster by making a homemade "Ghostbusters" to rent to a woman whom Fletcher will be phoning to check on them. I've had this film tagged for viewing for years and just never got around to it, but I don't think my hyped up expectations are a factor in how disappointed I felt throughout watching it. Be Kind Rewind is a great comedy movie and it's got such a brilliant story. It isn't charming, it isn't funny, and the whole thing feels as if it was only completed because they'd bothered to start production and they might as well. Sie befinden sich momentan im Ausland oder leben nicht in Deutschland? Nachdem Jerrys Gehirn auf seltsame Weise magnetisch geworden ist, zerstört er dadurch alle Filme in der Videothek eines Freundes Mike. BE KIND REWIND Jerry und Mike kennen sich von klein auf. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – … Mike's peculiar friend Jerry tries to sabotage a power station and nearly electrocutes himself, getting magnetized in the process. Be Kind, Rewind – Ontario’s best 90’s Alt Rock cover band Four guys who were the children of MuchMusic and Big Shiny Tunes era, with a passion for performing 90’s Alternative Rock at it’s top form. Jack Black mugging about - fine. Will this new business save the store and the building? The Be Kind Rewind podcast on demand - Joey Maxey looks back on some of the most hated and underappreciated movies in an effort to discover what makes these films great and worth watching. Die FSK von 12 ist in meinen Augen auf jeden Fall zu beachten. Dash of Cranberry Juice. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 30. Egal! In the presence of its director, Michel Gondry, and some people from the film crew. In Passaic, NJ, Elroy Fletcher runs a video store in a condemned building he claims was the birthplace of Fats Waller. Finde Angebote für Be kind rewind und kaufe Top-Marken wie Adidas und Nike bei Shopzilla Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Rezension aus Deutschland vom 17. A man entranced by his dreams and imagination is love-struck with a French woman and feels he can show her his world. Fletcher goes on a Waller centennial trip, leaving his foster son Mike in charge of the store. Be Kind Rewind Synopsis A man accidentally destroys tapes in his friend's video store and attempts to remake them. Jerry ist der Mechaniker der Gegend, er lebt in einem Wohnwagen und hasst das benachbarte Kraftwerk, das ihn, da ist er sich sicher, mit Strahlung und Elektrosmog einmal umbringen wird. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours.