u = The coefficient of friction of the lubricant Figures are a GUIDE only, always consult the manufacturer or area engineer . Bolt torque chart reference guides include Grade 2, B7, A307, A325, Grade 8, A490, and Grade 5. If you exceed the proofload value when tensioning the bolt, you run the risk of bolt failure. D = Nominal Diameter F = Clamp Load For J429 Grade 5 … PTFE coatings, lubrication, and assembly factors can alter these values. The torque values are approved for spiral wound graphite and PTFE filled gaskets, graphite sheet gaskets GHE and GHR types, ring joint, double jacketed and Camprofile gaskets. silicon bronze nuts and bolts atlanta rod and manufacturing. Bolting torque to develop 50% Bolt Yield Stress at Nut Factor, K=0.16; This Table is applicable to Never-Seize paste and Fel-Pro lubricant, K=0.16. The below estimated torque calculations are only offered as a guide. ASTM A449 covers headed bolts ranging from 1/4 inch to 3 inches in diameter. ASTM A193 B7 grade bolts are made of Alloy steel, AISI 4140/4142 quenched and tempered … B7 STUD BOLT WITH GRADE 2H. 2 Clampload is calculated at 75% of proofload. Torque Chart for ASTM A193 Grade B7 Studs in Ft./Lbs. Even if all assumptions are appropriate, results may vary depending on actual conditions. This is done to allow a safety buffer so that the bolt does not get too close to the proofload value. Yield Strength, min. K values: waxed (e.g. HEAVY HEX NUTS ASSEMBLED. BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 1 - ASTM A193 AND ASTM A320 GRADE B8, CL2 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 1A - COLD SERVICE ASTM A193 AND ASTM A320 GRADE B8, CL2 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 2 - ASTM 193 GRADE B7 AND ASTM 193 GRADE B16 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 2A - COLD SERVICE ASTM A320 GRADE L7 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 3 - USE ONLY WITH A193 B8, CL1 BOLTS AT 540°C - 650°C ON UNINSULATED FLANGES, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 4 - USE ONLY WITH 6061-T6 ALUMINIUM FLANGES, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 5 - PTFE COATED ASTM A193 B7 and ASTM 193 B16 STUD BOLTS, BOLTING TORQUE TABLE 5A - COLD SERVICE PTFE COATED ASTM A320 GRADE L7 STUD BOLTS, Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC), Differences between Castings and Forgings, Differences between Cast Iron and Cast Steel, Fireproofing for Petrochemical facilities, Standards defined on this website (19 pages), Dimensions Across Flats and Heights of Hex Nuts, Introduction to air-cooled heat exchangers, Image presentation Hot tapping and Line stopping, North Transgas and North European Gas Pipeline (10 Pages), Bolting torque to develop 50% Bolt Yield Stress at Nut Factor, K=0.16. Torque Chart; Weight Chart; Datasheet; ASTM A193 Grade B7 . The values in the tables are based on the equation: The nut factor is not the coefficient of friction. threads / in. 1/4 20 17 13 8 16 5/16 18 28 21 16 34 3/8 16 41 31 29 60 7/16 14 57 43 47 95 1/2 13 76 57 71 145 9/16 12 97 73 104 209 5/8 11 121 90 144 287 3/4 10 178 134 255 510 7/8 9 247 185 411 822 1 8 323 242 616 1232 1 1/8 7 407 305 873 1745 1 1/4 7 534 400 1272 2542 Due to many variables that affect the torque-tension relationship like human error, surface texture, and lubrication the only way to determine the correct torque is through experimentation under actual joint and assembly conditions. All other torque values are in foot-pounds. In the petroleum and chemical industry the fully threaded stud is the most common ASTM A193 B7 Bolt used for flanged connections. Torque values calculated from formula T=KDF, where The torque ˜gures are calculated in both metric (Nm) and imperial (lbf.ft) values using a choice of three commonly used bolt thread lubricants. The stud bolt and nut torque chart show the sequence to use, and the force to apply, to stud bolts used to tighten flanges (by flange class). The below estimated torque calculations are only offered as a guide. Use of its content by anyone is the sole responsibility of that person and they assume all risk. Features • • Sold•in•Individual•Sets•or•Box•Quantities • • Studs: •Grade•B7 •Full•Threaded•Rod•Stud•Bolts •Chamfered•Flat•Faced•Ends •Manufactured•from•Chromium-Molybdenum•Ferritic•Alloy• Steel •Tensile•Strength:•125•KSI•Min. The bolt is stressed up to the proofload value, and if there is no deformation, elongation, or fracture, then the bolt is deemed to have passed. our A193 b7 bolts are passed Tensile Test, Torq Test, Shear test, Fatigue Test. Portland Bolt provides anchor bolts and nonstandard construction Tightening Torque K = 0.12 K = 0.15 K = 0.20 K = 0.12 K = 0.15 K = 0.20 Torque-Tension Relationship for ASTM A193/A193M B7 and B16 & A320/A320M L7 Bolts and Studs Clamp Load Specified as 75% of Yield Caution: All material included in this chart is advisory only, and its use by anyone is voluntary. flange bolt torque chart, Torque-tension relationship for A307A, grade 5, 8 & 9 bolts. Clampload is only a estimated number, there maybe situations where the engineer calls for the bolts to be tensioned to a different value. Manifold is one of the oldest manufacturer and supplier of a193 b7 bolt, SA 193 b7 Stud bolt, a 193 b7 Threaded Rod and a193 b7 Hex Bolts. Torque values for bolts greater than 1½ in. Clamp load calculated as 75% of the yield strength for the B7 specified in ASTM A193. Supplier Of Astm A193 Grade B7 Stud Bolts, We Specialize In Offering ASME Sa193 Gr B7M Threaded Rod And Hex Bolt In Customized Size. diameter are based on 30 ksi yield strength. Calculate Torque. This Table is applicable to Never-Seize paste and Fel-Pro lubricant, K=0.16. ASTM A193 … Many factors induce scatter in the results or increase the inherent variability in the bolting process. ASTM A193 Grade B7 is a standard Specification for high tensile chromium molybdenum alloy steel bolting material for use in high temperature or high-pressure service and other special purpose applications. The Final Torque Value accounts for 10% bolt relaxation. The above Table is applicable only for ASTM A320 Grade L7, A193 Grade B7 and A193 Grade B16 Stud Bolts. Download Your Bolt Torque Chart Here. Torque (N.m) Lubricated. pressure wax as supplied on high strength nuts) = .10, hot dip galvanized = .25, and plain non-plated bolts (as received) = .20. Flexitallic does not generally recommend a bolt stress above 60,000 PSI Torque values limit minimum and maximum gasket seating stresses based upon pressure class and certain operating conditions. ... ASTM A193 B8M Mechanical Properties / Tensile Strength / Hardness Chart. It is an experimentally derived constant that includes the impact of friction. 9081 msl tab page2 9 5 05 12 05pm page 19 fortress fasteners. We provide online price List on ASTM A193 b7 Bolts for East Asia, Middle East, Far East Asia and West African countries. Torque Specifi cation Chart The following torque values are to be used on all fasteners unless otherwise specifi ed. Use Prevailing Torque All-Metal Nut chart if using this style of nut. (i.e: maximum pressure ratings for given pressure class,not hydrotest pressure), Extreme operating conditions such as high temperature may reduce bolt yield strength. Bolt Torque Chart Guide. Use of its content by anyone is the sole responsibility of that person and they assume all risk. For bolting specifications that do not have a published proofload, it is usually calculated at 92% of minimum yield strength. The above Table is applicable only for ASTM A320 Grade B8, Class 2 and A193 Grade B8, Class 2 Stud Bolts. at 100% of yield. Lubricated refers to fasteners in the “As Received” condition, which is normally a light preservative oil coating on unplated fasteners and no oil coating on plated fasteners. ASTM A449 is identical in chemical properties and is used in general engineering applications. Bolt Torque Chart. www.fnw.com. Grade 2 calculations only cover fasteners. Torque values for 1/4 and 5/16-in series are in inch-pounds. No special steps are taken to add further lubrication prior to assembly. Grade F Tightening Torque min max. The bolt torque chart will show you the recommended torque for B-7 bolts (A-193) based on a 50% yield. Steel Hex Flange Nut. Sign up for our bi-monthly email newsletter for all the latest! metal bolt torque chart epdm washer tower bolt. ASTM A193 Grade B7 Torque Chart. These estimated torque calculations are offered as a guide for your reference and can be downloaded and printed. The torque values can only be achieved if nut (or tapped hole) has a proof load greater than or equal to the bolt's minimum ultimate tensile strength. bolt depot sheet metal screw information. •Hardness Portland Bolt & Manufacturing Company, Inc. * SAE J429 grade 5 bolts do not exceed 1-1/2" diameter. bolt torques stainless steel brass aluminum bolts. STUD BOLTS TORQUE CHART. RECOMMENDED TORQUE VALUE CHART I N The below table should be used as a guideline for the correct torque to be applied to standard size metric and imperial bolts in grade 8.8 (metric) and ASTM A193 grade B7 (imperial) or similar. Hardness, max. Values calculated using industry accepted formula T = KDP where T = Torque, K = torque coefficient (dimensionless), D = nominal diameter (inches), P = bolt clamp load, lb. Torque has been converted into ft/lbs by dividing the result of the formula by 12. PIPING PRODUCTS. cr4 thread torque specs for aluminum. Recommended Maximum Bolt Loads and Torque Values (Metric CoarseThreads) 3.6 5.6 6.9 8.8 10.9 12.9 A/F mm Newtons N.m Newtons N.m Newtons N.m Newtons N.m Newtons N.m Newtons N.m mm 2 284 0.12 378 0.16 731 0.31 863 0.37 1216 0.52 1461 0.63 4 3 726 0.44 966 0.59 1863 1.13 2206 1.34 3109 1.88 3727 2.26 5.5 4 1255 1.00 1677 1.34 3226 2.60 3825 3.04 5374 4.31 6453 5.15 7 5 2059 … It covers material specification for bolting used in pressure vessel service, valves, flanges and fittings. Find the bolt torque chart for the ASTM A449 and SAE GRADE 5 (SAE J429 grade 5) bolts. The yield strength for strain-hardened bolts varies with diameter. The torque tables are built on specific assumptions regarding bolt and nut factor. ASTM A193 Grade B7 Bolt Size (in) TPI Proof Load (lbs) Clamp Load (lbs) Tightening Torque (ft lbs) Waxed Galv Plain 1/4 20 3,350 2,513 5 13 10 5/16 18 5,500 4,125 11 27 21 3/8 16 8,150 6,113 19 48 38 7/16 14 11,150 8,363 30 76 61 1/2 13 14,900 11,175 47 116 93 9/16 12 19,100 14,325 67 168 134 5/8 11 23,750 17,813 93 232 186 3/4 10 35,050 26,288 164 411 329 7/8 9 48,500 36,375 265 … The torque chart is for reference only and assumes properly lubricated ASTM A193 B7 stud bolts with ASTM A194 2H steel nuts. Grade: Description: Diameter: Tensile Strength, min. fasteners, Anchor Bolt and Construction Fastener Manufacturer. The above Table is applicable only for ASTM A320 Grade B8, Class 2 and A193 Grade B8, Class 2 Stud Bolts. * SAE J429 grade 8 bolts do not exceed 1-1/2″ diameter. Proof load, stress area, yield strength, and other data is based on IFI 7th Edition (2003) Technical Data N-68, SAE J429, ASTM A307, A325, A354, A449, and A490. Torque values for 1/4 and 5/16-in series are in inch-pounds. K= friction coefficient. Plain. F1554 does not specify tightening torques. Figure B7. Bolt Size TPI Proof Load (lbs) Clamp Load (lbs) Tightening Torque (ft lbs) Galv + Wax Tightening Torque (ft lbs) Galv Tightening Torque (ft lbs) Plain 1 Proofload is the published number that full size headed bolts are tested to. Clamp loads are based on 75% of the minimum proof loads for each grade and size. RECOMMENDED ASSEMBLY TORQUES Bolt Tension Recommended Corresponding to Assembly 65% of Proof Load Torque lbf lbft 1760 7 2890 15 4290 27 5880 43 To convert lbf to kN: Multiply kN by 224.809 To convert lbft to Nm: Multiply lbft by 1.35582 7860 66 10070 94 12480 130 18460 231 25550 373 33470 558 36700 688 46600 971 55500 1272 67600 1690 91300 2663 120200 4007 156300 5861 192400 … These include variations in the nut factor; bolt, flange and nut condition; equipment calibration and condition; perpendicularity of the bolt, nut and flange; etc. Grade: Finish: Diameter: Calculate Torque: ? Before using a given torque table, these assumptions should be verified to insure they are appropriate for the specific application. All other torque values are in foot-pounds. AFT Fasteners is your trusted source for fastener information. Suggested Starting Values. These are 304 SS material. All calculations are for Coarse Thread Series (UNC). check A193-B7 Metric Bolts torque specification and dimensions. Values in this chart are advisory only, all applications vary. Bolting torque to develop 50% Bolt Yield Stress at Nut Factor, K=0.16 This Table is applicable to Never-Seize paste and Fel-Pro lubricant, K=0.16. ft. lbs. These are 304 SS material. TIGHTENING TORQUES FOR IMPERIAL (U.S.) BOLTS of yield strength (Sy) IMPÉRIAL Diameter ... As = stress area of bolt, in in² n = no. A193-B7 Suggested Assembly Torque Values The tapped hole or nut must have an equal or greater proof load than the stud's minimum ultimate tensile strength. threadlocking loctite. Stud bolt weight includes 2 heavy hex steel nuts. fastener identification and torque data inetefb com.