Country of Origin 5. She also learned that in August, authorities helped recover a Stradivarius violin that someone had stolen from the violinist and teacher Roman Totenberg 35 years earlier. 5 Tell-Tale Signs that a Violin is Valuable (or not). These work well, and can be worth a very good amount of money in their own right as they are sought after by professional musicians. Violin makers say they can typically spot the difference between an average violin, such as the one at left, which one person emailed to a maker, and a true Stradivarius, such as the Ames Stradivarius, right. "There's always a potential [to find] one that's been hidden somehow, maybe in some collection or an instrument that had been stolen and hasn't surfaced in maybe even 50, 100, 200 years," Injeian says. For any experienced violin maker or restorer it takes one second to know a real Stradivarius from an average copy. Bring it to an expert and have it examined – it might possibly be worth something. Q: I inherited a violin that’s labeled as a copy of a Stradivarius made in 1721. Naturally, such a lucrative market has led to a rise in counterfeit violins claiming to be from the Stradivari stable. The family knew little about it. Nobody knows how much was the most expensive violin ever sold as buyers usually insist on anonymity, but sales in the millions are not unusual. The town where the violin was made cremona italy. The most valuable violins were made by Antonio Stradivari in the 17th century. All Stradivarius instruments have labels visible through the f-hole. In another email, an Iranian man named Amir said his father had purchased the violin from a friend, who had bought it from an Englishman decades earlier, when the government had apparently expelled foreigners and forbade them from bringing out their belongings. But most “Stradivarius” violins are poor imitations and don’t sell for much. "I can spend all day and not make a dime here just answering people," he says. I have a fake Stardivarius violin with the label Antonius Stradivarius Cremenonsis Faciebat Anno 1726 (with the 26 hand written). By Dean Peterson @deanpeterson_ May 15, 2018, 9:50am EDT "Because that name is so famous, it kind of clouds people's perceptions," Nachbaur says about potential Stradivarius instruments. As people rediscover these instruments today, the knowledge of where they came from is lost, and the labels can be misleading.". For example, three words inscribed on Smith's instrument raise a red flag: Made in Germany. The Smithsonian says the U.S. government required those labels on imported goods. It can be found in the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology aptly named “Messiah Stradivarius” donated by the family of W.E. ), Though Stephanie Culp Smith's violin may not be worth much money, Nachbaur says it's the way the violin sounds to its player that makes it valuable: "Maybe you're out 50 bucks at the yard sale, but put some strings on it and give it to a kid to play in school. Indeed, one Storage Wars episode featured an old violin, but an appraiser said it was worth only a few hundred bucks. People find them in attics and crawl spaces, under beds and at garage sales. It is not surprising that the most expensive Stradivarius violin is worth $20 million when it was appraised due to its pristine condition as it has been rarely played. Last year, investigators in Milwaukee found a stolen one in an attic. To continue reading login or create an account. DAY YEARS AGO A ; Antonio Stradivarius Cremonenfis violin w/ case. Stradivari instruments had a printed label , written in Latin. "These instruments were churned out in the 19th and 20th century, mostly in German factories. Smith went online to research the name Stradivarius. Before you get excited, here are the facts you need to know. I would like to get an insurance certificate, but I understand that some instrument dealers are more respected than others when it comes to authentication. A third person emailed about a violin with a Stradivarius label that, according to family lore, had been owned by "Spaniards" generations ago. It would be highly unlikely that something comes up that is not known," Injeian says. How much do Stradivarius violins cost? You also happen to be busy and aren’t sure if it’s really worth the effort to squeeze a trip to Master Hand Violin Shop into your crazy schedule. Therefore, the presence of a Stradivarius label in a violin has no bearing on whether the instrument is a … Now for the bad news. Beginning in 1957, the words “copy of” were added to labels on some of these violins. Many violins made in more recent times have a complex blend that is used as a varnish, but the Stradivarius violins are only covered in a simple coating made of oil and resin. ", Confusingly, many of the imitations bear Stradivarius labels, as Smith's does. stradivarius violins were made in Cremona around 300 years ago and are worth several million. Readers frequently write to ask, "Can I sell this?" There is a lot of anger and resentment if someone calls and realizes it's not the winning lotto ticket.". But most “Stradivarius” violins are poor imitations and don’t sell for much. Left: Rhiannon Nachbaur. While your odds are similar, there is always that slim possibility that your instrument is actually worth something. Only some 650 true Stradivarius violins exist, musical instrument experts say, and each is more or less accounted for. 1.4K views View 2 Upvoters Musical instrument experts say when a Stradivarius is in the news, they tend to get flooded with inquiries from people who think they have stumbled across the multi-million-dollar violins. Often times, these are crudely made student instruments that wouldn’t sell, so shops and dealers would label an instrument to suggest quality. Many replicas of Stradivarius violins exist, some with labels inside them that say Antonio Stradivari's name, such as the one pictured here. Violins can be worth anything from £1 for a battered old Skylark to £10m, and beyond, for Stradivaris and Guarneris. Telling a fake Stradivarius from the real deal isn't too hard, instrument experts say. Phillip Injeian, who helped recover Totenberg's instrument, says he used to get inquiries almost daily from people who thought they had found Stradivarius violins. They don't simply turn up. It is likely the font is fairly modern – a font unknown in the 18 th century. The most expensive Stradivarius violins are the ones crafted during what is considered his golden period from 1700 to 1720. As the Stradivarius name became well known, imitations and replicas hit the market. However, even decent copies of Stradivarius could be worth serious money. Antonio Stradivari was born in 1644, and established his shop in Cremona, Italy, where he remained active until his death in 1737. ", The Smithsonian says "thousands upon thousands" of inexpensive replicas were made in the 19th century, when "the purchaser knew he was buying an inexpensive violin and accepted the label as a reference to its derivation. Nine times out of 10 they almost become hostile and argumentative…. Prices depend on quality and range from $50 to $500. "Most of the Stradivariuses are known and documented. Many violins are manufactured for new players or casual hobbyist, and therefore do not fetch a high value. “Fake” Stradivari violins have been made in many countries since the mid 1800s. Then she came across a label inside the instrument that said: Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis; Faciebat Anno 17. There are many factors that go into a violin's appraisal, including its quality, sound, appearance, age, creator and previous use. These violins are estimated to bid at the starting auction price of millions of dollars. Craftsmanship 4. A more precise way to authenticate a Stradivarius violin is to examine the wood. Stradivarius violins can reach up to $3.5 million at auction. Violins can be worth anything from £1 for a battered old Skylark to £10m, and beyond, for Stradivaris and Guarneris. There are only 650 known authentic Stradivarius violins in existence, and most claiming to be originals are in fact copies. Whether you have read Sherlock Holmes mysteries or watched… Television programs such as Antiques Roadshow and Storage Wars have encouraged people to see if their junk has value. Rhiannon Nachbaur, who lives in British Columbia and owns a violin school and shop, says around 10 people a week contact her "who believe they found the next Stradivarius that will make them millions of dollars." So that’s the good news. One sold at auction in 2011 for nearly $16 million, a record for a musical instrument. In addition, thousands of violins have been made in tribute to Stradivari, copying his mod… Dietmar Machold jailed for six years for swindling creditors out of an estimated €100m They may look alike, or nothing alike. "I had no idea what to do with it," says Smith, who lives in Pennsylvania. "There are some copies that are of excellent quality and then there are what we call really industrial copies. Today, some manufacturers make violins using modern techniques that replicate Stradivari’s work and sell for high prices. Valentine’s Day: Vintage Bridal Fashion Is Back. by Diane Bruce. Depends how a good a fake it is ;-) If it sounds, looks, and plays just like a real Strad - enough to fool major experts - it probably has some value. Telling a fake stradivarius from the real deal isnt too hard instrument experts say. The authenticity of even the most famous Stradivarius violin is up for debate. So, never throw away any instrument. In addition, thousands of violins have been made in tribute to Stradivari, copying his model and bearing labels that read "Stradivarius." "Most things have provenance and certification," he adds, comparing it to tracing back the ownership of a Rembrandt. I have a fake Stardivarius violin with the label Antonius Stradivarius Cremenonsis Faciebat Anno 1726 (with the 26 hand written). Telling a fake stradivarius from the real deal isnt too hard instrument experts say. Every year we have dozens of people getting in touch to tell us they think they've found a priceless Stradivarius violin. Anything which starts with made in was produced after 1957. Pollens believes the Messiah contains a fake inscription and that the tree rings indicate the instrument was made after Stradivarius's death. And our article on the Top 1... Dear Lee, DAY YEARS AGO A ; Antonio Stradivarius Cremonenfis violin w/ case. Unfortunately for Smith, stumbling across an old violin in a grandparent's attic is a cliche, appraisers and musical instrument experts say. The label may mean that Antonio Stradivari, the legendary violinmaker from Cremona, Italy, whose violins are now worth millions, crafted the instrument, though odds are greatly against that possibility. These violins are estimated to bid at the starting auction price of millions of dollars. Take it to a Luthier (violin repair shop) Ask what it will take to put it back in top playing condition, and what it would be worth after repairs? Your violin by Stradivarius may be by the greatest violin maker of all time, and will allow you to spend your retirement in luxury. A recent “Strad” was sold at an auction at Christie’s for 3.5 million dollars in 2005. If right, a Strad can be worth anything between £1m – £10m, quite a chunk of money. Well, let's assume a few things; - We are taking about a violin. Practically every violin made in the last century is a Stradivarius copy. inside it has 2 lables 1- has the name and the year 1721 and a seal that has a small cross on top and a letter a s inside a doble circle. The Conservative Case for a $15 Minimum Wage, Democrats Are Wrong: A $15 Minimum Wage Will Hurt the Marginalized, Stolen Stradivarius Violin Returned After 35 Years. You'll find them all over eBay, Craigslist, other used instruments sites, and tucked away in attics, basements, closets, and barns, for anywhere from free to a few hundred dollars. "Most of these instruments were not made as fakes, per se," Pollens says. - there is a printed label inside the violin with the words you typed in. Finding the value of a violin may sometimes seem to be a wild guess. All Rights Reserved. The most expensive Stradivarius violins are the ones crafted during what is considered his golden period from 1700 to 1720. Several years ago, Stephanie Culp Smith received an old violin that had belonged to her late grandfather when he was a boy. inside it has 2 lables 1- has the name and the year 1721 and a seal that has a small cross on top and a letter a s inside a doble circle. Right: FBI/Handout/REUTERS. Now, thanks to the publicity around that recovery, he says he gets as many as 10 inquiries per day. That's what happened when the former girlfriend of a violin thief brought the instrument to Injeian for appraisal. The Smithsonian Institution also used to receive several inquiries per week until it published information online about fakes, a spokeswoman says. They are said to be among the best violins in the world. Highly Flamed Wood 2. About 650 of these instruments survive today. That's not to say that stumbling upon a true Stradivarius is impossible. Prices depend on quality and range from $50 to $500. Stradivarius violins are regarded as highly valuable, exceptionally well-crafted violins. "They were copying Stradivariuses almost immediately after his death," Injeian says. "I thought, now is this worth something?". Though the label may look official it is no indicator of a genuine strad. After that there are the replicas. All stradivarius instruments have labels visible through the f hole. Stewart Pollens, who has written two books about Stradivarius instruments and was a longtime conservator of musical instruments at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, says, "Every time there is a story about a newly found Strad or discovered Strad or any article on the violin basically, I get a flurry of emails and phone messages from people, mostly who have something in the attic or the basement or that they inherited from a grandparent who came from Europe or something like that.". Anything which starts with "Made In___" was produced after 1957. Stradivarius instruments hold the top five prices paid for any musical instrument. Of the many theories swirling around why legendary Stradivarius violins are so great (aside from, you know, it's just all in our heads), almost all have something to do with the wood. Sound. THE DILEMMA: I have recently inherited what seems to be a 1772 violin by the Milanese maker Carlo Ferdinando Landolfi (1710–87).It appears to be in excellent condition, and has been stored safely in an airtight case for many years. Smith's mother had discovered the instrument while cleaning out the man's attic. After he died, his sons continued in the business. A Stradivarius neck joint Instruments with fake labels and bogus attributions far outnumber the genuine article. The experts also say they can spot phony Stradivarius violins from their shapes. Stradivarius instruments hold the top five prices paid for any musical instrument. Even if it's not a Strad, it could be, for example, a fine instrument made by one of many other important makers in Italy, Germany and France. He says within minutes he knew it was Roman Totenberg's missing instrument. For violin owners who want more scientific proof, experts can compare chemical analyses of the instrument's varnish to those of true Stradivarius violins and use dendrochronology on the instrument's wood to establish how old it is and where it came from. ", You have 4 free articles remaining this month, Sign-up to our daily newsletter for more articles like this + access to 5 extra articles. And, unfortunately, most of these "fake Stradivarius" are not very valuable. 2- there is a other lable that say ” made in france” can you tell me if this is worth anything please call me at; 386-916-4388 after 6pm thank you so much. I have looked on-line to see if I could find something that would tell me if any of these copies were ever made with an elaborate pearl inlay design on the back. Years ago, Pollens questioned the origins of the Messiah Stradivarius, kept at the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford, which in museum publications experts have called Antonio Stradivari's "crowning achievement" and "the most valuable musical instrument in history—probably worth more than £20 million," or $30.4 million. Nobody knows how much was the most expensive violin ever sold as buyers usually insist on anonymity, but sales in the millions are not unusual. There is a lot that can be said about various qualities of violins. (A museum spokesperson points out that a separate analysis contradicts Pollens's claims. I have looked on-line to see if I could find something that would tell me if any of these copies were ever made with an elaborate pearl inlay design on the back. Dietmar Machold: The renowned violin dealer who duped clients with fake Stradivarius. Benjamin Hebbert writes: Stradivarius is a famous kind of violin, and something that everyone knows about. In turn some expert makers of the nineteenth century studied his work in order to make instruments of their own that look very much like a genuine Stradivari. You read that right. Instruments meant for export to the United States had to be marked with the country of origin after 1891. Nothing is impossible. A: Antonio Stradivari (1644-1737) made violins, violas, cellos, guitars and harps in his shop in Cremona, Italy. We have lea... Join tens of thousands of other collectors who receive this Free weekly email with insider tips, news, marks and other news from the Kovels. Why Stradivarius violins are worth millions Many musicians prefer these 300-year-old instruments, but are they actually worth it? ", The truth is often hard to swallow. The experts say they get weekly or even daily calls about finds like Smith's. His interpretation of geometry and design for the violin has served as a conceptual model for violin makers for more than 250 years. A violin that has been established as genuine is worth millions. All stradivarius instruments have labels visible through the f hole. Nachbaur's verdict: "It's a complete piece of junk. "It really gets to be a bit tedious.". The town where the violin was made cremona italy. Note also that there were roughly 20,000 violin makers over more than 250 years making instruments in the Italian tradition in the vity of Cremona, Italy alone (the home of Stradivari). Sorry! HI I WAS GIVEN FOR MY B. Beginning in 1957, the words “copy of” were added to labels on some of these violins. "I was finding all these things—it's worth this, it's worth that," she says. "I was going to get rid of it." Many factory-made instruments (usually made in China) are many and far-between. She contacted a few appraisers and told them about her family's find. ©2020 Terry Kovel and Ralph & Terry Kovel & Kim Kovel. Is it worth anything? Most of the violins with Stradivarius labels are not worth much. But if your violin doesn't have "made in Germany", "made in Czechoslovakia" or "made in France" printed or stamped on it , usually on the Stradivarius label inside and beneath the f shaped sound hole, or has the word copi or copy or the name of a country in the language of that country, you may have a small shop made violin of age worth some research. One person who emailed Nachbaur said he or she bought the violin at a yard sale along with a steel guitar for $35, and that it looked as "old as the hills." However, almost all violins are modeled off his, and yours is one of these. Stradivarius string instruments, made by Antonio Stradivari in the 1600s and 1700s in Cremona, Italy, are widely considered to be of the best quality. See why nearly a quarter of a million subscribers begin their day with the Starting 5. 1. If right, a Strad can be worth anything between $1m – $10m, quite a chunk of money. Without seeing it, I … Because this happened after Stradivari's lifetime, any violin with a Stradivarius label that indicates country of origin is a copy. So many people have reached out to her that she has written on the subject to help people figure out for themselves the authenticity of their instruments. Easy Ways for an Amateur to Determine if a Violin is Valuable OR "Is This Violin Worth Fixing?" HI I WAS GIVEN FOR MY B. About 650 of these instruments survive today. Of course we all know about Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. Hill & Sons for preservation purposes. Injeian isn't the only expert fielding such inquiries. Christopher Reuning, a rare-instrument dealer in Boston, explained how an expert would identify the Stradivarius stolen in late January from the concertmaster of … Ratcliff's analysis can help make or break fortunes. Anything which starts with made in was produced after 1957. It’s appropriate for Valentine’s Day to celebrate romance. The highest price paid to date in this area is $16 million . Label 3. If it’s a shiny, mass-produced, student-grade fake that anyone can spot from a block away, not so much. So, if you do suspect that you have a real Stradivarius, be sure to have it appraised as soon as possible – we’re not talking about chump change. Today, some manufacturers make violins using modern techniques that replicate Stradivari’s work and sell for high prices. Obviously, we can’t give you an instrument appraisal over the phone, but we can give you a few tips on what to look for to see if a violin (or viola or cello or bass) might be nice and worth keeping. If it is a relatively new piece of paper, written in plain English, then it is not a real Stradivarius. Stradivari also made harps, guitars, violas, and cellos--more than 1,100 instruments in all, by current estimate. Phillip Injeian, pictured here, says since he helped recover the stolen Ames Stradivarius in August he has received up to 10 inquiries per day from people who believe they have found Stradivarius violins. "It's like telling the difference between a school bus and a Ferrari," Nachbaur says. Though the label may look official it is no indicator of a genuine strad. The violin was inside its case, sitting in an old wooden cradle. He's kiboshed two fake Strads, but he also matched the wood of two violins to trees used by Antonio Stradivari, multiplying their value. "I've had to really temper my approach…. So make sure your violin has the original varnish, the label is authentic and the wood dates back to the 1700s. We’ve heard all about it because it seems to have happened to everyone; you’ve just inherited a violin from your fiddler grandfather, and you want to know if the instrument is valuable or if it should just be left at the curb. 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