A 100 Watt Small Loop: Description and Measurements . It's not safe to transmit 100 watts with an Alpha Loop, period. Portable Alpha Loop (version 6.x) for coverage of 10-80 Meters handles 100 Watts PEP SSB on 10-40 Meters and 20W PEP SSB on 40/60/80 Meters when the included Booster Cable is installed. Over the past year or so, I’ve read many articles about magnetic loop antennas, questioning to myself are they really all that great compared to the typical dipole that I’ve been using for 3+ years. Alpha Loop antenna; ProMaster antenna; J-Pole Sr and Jr antennas; S9 antennas; Sky VHF UHF antenna; MOTO FMJ antenna; MIL 2.0 antenna; DX EMCOMM antenna; FMJ antenna; HexTenna antenna; Reviews. Reducing the power cuts out these symptoms but then your signal is doubly weak - firstly due to the low power and secondly due to the inefficient antenna. Loop Diameter = 3.3 ft. Great multiband HF antenna for your balcony or vacation. Reply. $25.00 shipping. See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ I have had the antenna only for about a month. The AlexLoop Walkham is a Small Magnetic Loop Antenna designed by Alex - PY1AHD after nine years of field tests with more than 800 confirmed QRP DXs. Vertical Dipole Portable Base Mobile Magnetic Loop by Alpha Antenna. To use the 10-40 meter configuration, simply remove the booster cable and revert to a single turn loop. 100 Watt 10-40M Magnetic Alpha Loop Antenna. How did we accomplish 100W power levels? 35 watching. No one has complained about it, and the antenna has made it possible to enjoy Ham Radio again! They are limited to 15 Watts continuous or 30 W PEP. Mobile Antennas. Loop Antennas products from Ham Radio. NEW Design! With band coverage from 40 though 10 meters, this antenna can handle up to 20W SSB and 10W CW and Digital. 10-40M $450 The v6.x Alpha Loop is a 10-40 Meter transmit/receive antenna, which handles 100W PEP SSB, 50W CW, or 25W for sporadic use of digital modes (10W for continuous use of digital modes). You may want an antenna analyzer, which makes it much easier to tune, or use the SWR meter in your rig. Headquartered in the heartland of America, S9 Antennas specialize in Yagi, LPDA, Vertical, Magnetic Loop, Dipole, and End Fed antennas, which are produced in our 4500 sq ft facility at Site A. Both antennas are pretty good out away from buildings in low noise environments. Magnetic Loop Antenna Indoors Apartment. I don’t have time to build, and for my money I want a good quality piece of kit. The magnetic loop design leads to antenna which is tuned to a very narrow frequency range, giving good selectivity. Will these antennas work at all inside a bedroom or living room? $245.00. 35 watching. With 5 watts on 40m, I worked much of the western U.S. this evening. The antenna is only 34 inches in diameter and has a built in tuner at the base of the antenna. Free P&P . Resources listed under Magnetic Loop Antennas category belongs to HF main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Posted date: January 25, 2018 in: Review No Comments “Hey Oggies, Oggie Rodney Johnson, KAØUSE, loaned me his Alpha Loop antenna and his Buddipole Buddistick. By: Mike Sorensen K9KQX. Overview: When we released the 2018 version of the Alpha Loop, we conservatively rated it at 30 watts. I live on the 16 th floor of a condo, and deal with the same HOA Restrictions as a lot of people do. A well built magnetic loop antenna may only have a usable bandwidth of a few kHz. The Alpha Loop antenna is more Effective & Efficient than any other. No its not a 4 element yagi but it is a really great portable or just for fun antenna. The antenna is only 34 inches in diameter and has a built in tuner at the base of the antenna. Sales Tax will be removed for all non-Missouri purchases. 2B: 3D radiation pattern of a vertically oriented Small Transmitting Loop close to ground (circumference = 0.15 λ, loop center installed 0.04 λ above ground, NEC simulation model adapted by me from Carol Milazzo, KP4MD, ref. There's a brand called Alpha Antenna that has great reviews, but they're... Thread by: KT4JX, Feb 11, 2018, 23 replies, in forum: Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors. A magnetic loop is essentially a small loop antenna whose circumference is less than 1/10 of the wavelength. The most critical connections in a magnetic loop are at the ends - where the pipe loop connects to the capacitor that brings it to resonance. This Beta version of the AL-705 is a magnetic loop for the Icom IC-705 offering 10-40 Meter HF QRP transmit and receive operations by Alpha Antenna ® 100 Watt 10-40M Magnetic Alpha Loop Antenna. I read a lot of reviews online and decided on the Alpha Coax Loop. The deployed diameter is 26.5 inches. Extensive testing has enabled us to announce that all 2018 30W Alpha Loop antennas purchased after January 1, 2018 can accept the new power levels. Recently, the Alpha Base Loop survived a derecho, which is a land-based hurricane. AlexLoop Walkham Premier Small Portable Magnetic Loop Antennas are lightweight, can be quickly assembled and are easily tuned to any frequency between 6.95 and 30 MHz for QRP operations. Extensive testing has enabled us to announce that all 2018 30W Alpha Loop antennas purchased after January 1, 2018 can accept the new power levels. It is designed for portability, and can be assembled or disassembled in about a minute. Sales Tax will be removed for all non-Missouri purchases. The AlexLoop has been the long-term gold standard of the portable magnetic loop antennas. Not exactly DX, but for a casual evening of operating in the backyard, I was floored by the performance of this… Read more, Vertical Dipole Portable Base Mobile Magnetic Loop by Alpha Antenna. One that the loop would cover my favorite band, 20 meters, efficiently, and two that the loop was made to be worked with up to 100 watts! The G4ILO Wonder Loop is an inexpensive, easy to make magnetic loop antenna that covers five HF bands, 40m through 15m. Over the last year and a half, I have worked over 229 QSOs including 21 countries, which includes countries in Europe and South America. Small Tuned Loop Radiation Direction Note: This is a long video of four clips, so fast forward when … YouLoop Portable Passive Magnetic Loop Antenna for HF and VHF (ORIGINAL) £26.56. Welcome to the Magnetic Loop Antennas page. 2 thoughts on “First Look At The Alpha Mag-Loop Antenna” KT7AZ says: December 23, 2020 at 11:02 am. $23.57 shipping. The magnetic loop couples to the to the magnetic field of the radio wave in the region near the antenna, in contrast to a monopole or a dipole which couple to … 100 Watt 10-40M Magnetic Alpha Loop Antenna. Specialising in new & used Ham (Amateur) Radio, Commercial Two-Way Radio, Marine & Aviation equipments. Alpha Antenna Complete Multiband Loop for 10-40M + Tripod & Bag. Using the software at the bottom of this page, I worked out that a 36cm length of wire, will need a capacitance of around 3.6pf, and around a 50% efficiency. VHF Antennas; VHF/UHF Dual-Band; 900MHz (ISM) Hand-Held Antennas; No Holes Mobile Mount. A small current is transduced on the antenna and the reciever amplifies it and converts it to audio. Like Like. W6LVP Amplified Receive-Only Magnetic Loop Antenna - Portable Version. MLA-30 HA SDR Short Wave Radio 100kHz - 30MHz Loop Antenna High Gain Low NoiseUK. The smallest antenna described for 80 metres was a magnetic loop. A 145MHz 2m loop. Also included in the price was a padded field bag with shoulder strap. £216.55 + P&P . A Magnetic Loop Antenna is basically just a resonant circuit using an oversized inductor and an adjustable capacitor.. W6LVP Amplified Receive-Only Magnetic Loop Antenna - with T/R Switch. I live on the 16th floor of a condo, and deal with the same HOA Restrictions as a lot of people do. Setting up the 10-40M and 100 Watt Base Loop from www.AlphaAntenna.com for Small Magnetic Transmitting MagLoop Antennas by Alpha Antenna. If you are a radio amateur, you may be familiar with the magnetic loop antenna. • Our regular antennas work by "recieving" the electric field portion of the radio wave. 10-80 Meter (100W 10-40M, 20W 40-80) Magnetic Alpha Loop Antenna 4.6 out of 5 stars 8 CHENGBEI YouLoop Magnetic Antenna Portable Passive Magnetic Loop Antenna for HF and VHF A small current is transduced on the antenna and the reciever amplifies it and converts it to audio. What is a magnetic loop? Review Summary For : Alpha Antenna 10-40 Meter 100W Base Magnetic Loop + Remote; Reviews: 1 MSRP: 799 USD; Description: Remotely controlled 10-40 meter base and transportable Alpha Magnetic Loop Antenna for indoor or permanent outdoor base deployments, which is rated at 100 PEP SSB, 50 CW, or 25 watts for sporadic use of digital modes (10 watts for continuous use of digital modes). The Alpha Loop is a magnetic loop antenna that is easy to tune, has acceptable bandwidths, and offers coverage for 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, & 10 meter bands. This is a supplement page for "Measuring the Efficiency of a QRP Small Loop Antenna." Learn more here https://alphaantenna.com/product/hf-base-magnetic-loop-100-watts-alpha-antenna/. NEW Design! Notebook showing Small Magnetic Loop antenna results by cutting and testing method. Needless to say I ordered it immediately. Plus the it came with a 6 1/2 foot Aluminum… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ I received my new 10-40m Alpha Antenna here in Spain two weeks ago.The first test was this week, and big was my surprise with the performance of my Magnetic Loop.– Receives strong stations of all Spain and Europe.– Simply the best of the antenna brands.– And always, with support… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ I purchased this antenna with the 40M/80M booster cable at SEAPAC. Thanks for great article, I just purchased the 10-40 Alpha and was thinking of making an LMR cable for the 80 meter section but cannot find the length anywhere. Portable Magnetic Loop Antennas Ham Radio’s Best Kept Secret Eric Norris WD6DBM v2.00. Download the l atest version 1.2 "Overview of the Underestimated Magnetic Loop Antennas" Visit Diamond Antenna on Facebook & Instagram! Alpha Loop, remote only When using the remote control, total maximum tuning time from 7.0MHz to 29.7MHz is 90 seconds with the tuning speed knob is turned completely to the right for maximum tuning speed. In addition, specific models mentioned in the magnetic loop Antennas forum Like MFJ and more are here for future reference. Overview: When we released the 2018 version of the Alpha Loop, we conservatively rated it at 30 watts. Abstract : in this Post we describe the construction and tuning of a magnetic loop antenna whose purpose is reception in the VLF band, to be coupled with a suitable VLF receiver for monitoring SID events (sudden ionospheric disturbances) caused by solar flares. I used a 7ft galvanized steel pole and strapped it to the corner of the balcony. Page 4: Safety Tips After straightening up the coax I was back on the air even without the missing parts. When disassembled the antenna easily fits in a suitcase or backpack. An SO-239 connector on the smaller loop, which also consists of LMR-400, couples to your feeder. Covers medium wave AM (.5 to 1.6 MHz) 120, 90, 60, 49, 41, 31, 25, 21, 19, 16 and 13 meter bands. The better the antenna, the narrower the bandwidth. I rushed home and put it together (10 minutes maximum) and once I spent a few minutes troubleshooting a bad coax cable with the help of the Alpha Antenna crew, and replaced the offending cable, I was tuning… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ I have tried all sorts of antennas in my 45 plus years, Some good some not so good. I will try to explain in few words how the small magnetic loop antenna works. Learn more here https://alphaantenna.com/product/hf-base-magnetic-loop-100-watts-alpha-antenna/ This is the Alpha Base Magnetic Loop after the 100+ MPH winds. I would give the nod to the Buddipole.” I decided to experiment with Magnetic Loops. WIKIPEDIA, The Last Word on Antenna Design z“Small loops have a … The AL-705 antenna has a built-in tuning knob on the Alpha Match. We perfected the antenna system as a whole. An optional 40-80 Booster Cable makes the Alpha Loop into a two-turn loop, enabling TX/RX on 40-80 meters, which also improves efficiency on 40 meters over the standard 10-40 meter configuration. 2015/09/18 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This compact, high-quality antenna is the perfect addition to your mobile or portable transceiver. This link is listed in our web site directory since Friday Jun 2 2017, and till today "Alpha Antenna" has been followed for a total of 484 times.So far received 2 votes for a total score of 10.00/10 • Our regular antennas work by "recieving" the electric field portion of the radio wave. More EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT than any other manufactured loop, as the Alpha Loop is: The secondary is the main loop, and is the actual antenna. Free postage. Chameleon Antenna has been a pioneer at rethinking and redesigning portable antenna systems since almost a decade! A magnetic loop is essentially a small loop antenna whose circumference is less than 1/10 of the wavelength. 100 Watt Base or Portable 10-80 meter Magnetic Loop antennas from Alpha Antenna MagLoop. Enter the length of the antenna conductor, which is the distance around the loop. This has been during some of the worst band conditions I have ever seen. Introduction. 20W CW. Conductor: 5/8 in copper tubing. $245.00. Fig. Normally… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ Ordered it on the website after reading reviews and comparing to AlexLoop. HIGH POWER 10-40M MAGNETIC ALPHA LOOP ANTENNA This is what I carry in my Truck. Will these antennas work at all inside a bedroom or living room? This article provides details needed to build your own. I had never tried a loop until now. Alpha Delta multi-band shortwave receive antenna. The QRP magnetic loop antenna, designed specifically for ICOM transceivers by alpha antenna™, is build to compliment transceivers such as the IC-705. While it is not a beam it will definitely get you on the air. It does compact down to 10 x 11 x 25 inches for storage in the lower compartment of the optional LC-192 backpack. Center Height = 6.0 ft. Capacitor: MFJ-19 Butterfly Type (12-67 … No problems thus far.… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ I purchased the 10-40 meter alpha loop with the extra 40-80 meter booster cable from Alpha Antenna. Site C is a contracted warehouse in Poole, U.K. The new model goes on a small cushioned bag designed to accommodate 3 small 15 inches pieces that can be easily assembled and disassembled in less than a minute. $499.00. With winter in full force north of Boston I have not even used it outside. Trust the ICOM Magnetic Loop Antenna to fill that need. Max. Using with a KX3 which it does match very well. • Radio waves travel by a wave of electric and magnetic fields at 90 degrees to each other. Page 4: Safety Tips $25.00 shipping. £47.99. Resources listed under Magnetic Loop Antennas category belongs to HF main collection, and get reviewed and rated by … VHF Antennas; UHF Antennas; VHF/UHF Dual-Band; 900MHz (ISM) Log Periodic; Mobile Antennas. $23.57 shipping. That is why motor driven tuning capacitors are necessary. What is a magnetic loop? A A & A sold the same antennas to Her Majesty's Navy. At 100W PEP SSB, the Alpha Loop enables the Alpha Loop to be heard and be more Effective than any other manufactured portable loop. If you get a tuner from the MFJ 935 family, which is basically the "tuner" part of the STL, you can easily build a nice efficient loop yourself out of flexible copper tubing or similar and have an outfit that will run 100 W. It takes about 3 revolutions of the Black Knob on the Portable Alpha Loop antenna to complete tuning from the lowest portion of the band to the highest, or visa versa. Either way, the remote control keeps you from having to go outside to tune the antenna. $499.00. The 40-80 extention makes the Alpha Loop into a two-turn loop, enabling tx on 40-80 meters, and improving the efficiency on 40 meters from the standard single loop. Set it up on… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ One of the best things about this antenna is that it’s super easy to set up if you want to go out to the park and set up portable. About Alpha Antenna The resource is currently listed in dxzone.com in 5 categories. $345.00. Metal that is within 18 inches of the loop can detune it. My goal… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ The Alpha Loop combines ease of use, solid construction and the magic of RF. • Radio waves travel by a wave of electric and magnetic fields at 90 degrees to each other. Only 3 left. First, I tried something simple. NEW Design! Magnetic Loop Antenna - New Theory - Patent No GB 2285712. Pushing the limits of design and manufacturing with cutting edge technology, Chameleon Antenna are known to design, manufacture and distribute products worldwide that are versatile, dependable and built to last! Other portable loops just can’t take the power that is often needed to break through or 'make the trip', but instead they try 'compensating' for lack of design or they limit you to sub-par performance with 10 watts CW (25 watts SSB) or less of power handling capabilities. It will also hold up well through a harsh winter or bad windstorms. Design your own tuning capacitor for use with this antenna with the Capacitance Calculator (Capacitor Design) To use the calculator: 1. £432.65. Tips for using a magnetic loop antenna Alpha Loop, all models Do not place the tuning box on a metal surface. $25.00 shipping. The Icom AL-705 magnetic loop antenna is exclusively available from Icom Dealers. 1) The magnetic loop antenna is an RF transformer. The Alpha Loop is a magnetic loop antenna that is easy to tune, has acceptable bandwidths, and offers coverage for 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, & 10 meter bands. After about 10 minutes of winds over 100 mph which destroyed some windows in the building as well as some deck furniture that got blown away it’s only missing a non-critical support rod and some clips. Shop with confidence on eBay! I first saw the Alpha Loop antenna at a club meeting and was impressed by its’ small size and easy setup. The main category is HF Magnetic Loop Antennas suppliers that is about HF Magnetic Loop Antennas suppliers. Base Antennas. My first loop antenna, want something to take on the road and use from hotel for QRP. Office hours, Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST (770) 614-7443 Phone (678) 731-7681 Fax E-Mail 312 Swanson Drive Suite B … May 24, 2019 RHG Articles. $25.00 shipping. So, I ordered the 100 watt Alpha Base … Antenna Key Features: QRP magnetic loop antenna from Alpha Antenna™ 40m - 10m; Max power 20W SSB 10W CW and Digital; Deployed diameter: 26.5" Stored: 10" x 11" x 2.5" (fits in LC-192 lower compartment) Includes 15' coax with BNC and PL-259 The magnetic loop couples to the to the magnetic field of the radio wave in the region near the antenna, in contrast to a monopole or a dipole which couple to the electric field of the wave. A “Must” for any backpacker/QRPer, E-Comms, https://alphaantenna.com/product/hf-base-magnetic-loop-100-watts-alpha-antenna/. The primary is the small inner loop that is 1/5 of the size of the main loop. See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ For $300 the Alpha Loop came with a Self Supportive Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) made from Aluminum sections that are easily assembled with a few screws. Choose the units of measurement, English or metric. Multi band alpha loop antenna being used on 80m with digital using a cs108g+ by connect systems and a tigertronics signallink usb interface On a 64 bit computer I' m using the Magnetic loop Calculator from KI6GD. Description. £429.95. Another item on this website discussed antennas that amateurs use to operate from confined locations. £8.99 postage. Below is a diagram and some construction details. Loop Antenna. £303.17 + P&P . W6LVP Amplified Receive-Only Magnetic Loop Antenna - with T/R Switch. I run 100 watts on SSB but reduce power to 50 watts and to 25 watts for Data or FM. NEW Design! This AL-705 Enhancement Kit is available exclusively from Alpha Antenna, and it will: Add 60 & 80 Meters to your ICOM AL-705 magnetic loop; Increase efficiency on 20 … Here, you'll find links for high gain loop antennas covering hf. Minimum mounting height is 1 loop diameter high (about 3 feet or higher) off an earth ground. Review of Alpha Loop and Buddipole Buddistick. 2.4GHz; 900MHz; Mobile Mounts; Dealers; land mobile. HF Magnetic Loop Antennas suppliers category is a curation of 13 web resources on , MTM Scientific Radio Loop Antenna, Alpha Antenna, Kaeferlein AMA magnetic loop antennas. $345.00. 10-80 Meter (100W 10-40M, 20W 40-80) Magnetic Alpha Loop Antenna 4.6 out of 5 stars 8 CHENGBEI YouLoop Magnetic Antenna Portable Passive Magnetic Loop Antenna for HF and VHF £172.14 postage. Find great deals for MLA-30 Loop Antenna Active Receiving Antenna 100kHz - 30MHz For Shortwave 2019. Great performance, price, and great people, Best Magnetic Loop ever is the 100 Watt HF Alpha Loop Antenna, Love it, super convenient and effective for portable use. The Alpha Loop in its 40-6m form is a magnetic loop antenna consisting of a single (Faraday) loop of LMR-400 low-loss coaxial cable. It has been used indoors and have managed to complete 2000 mile QSO’s from nothern lattitudes (weak reports but you can’t expect miracles) so far. Loop Description. However, it also requires retuning quite often in order to stay on-band. The Icom AL-705 magnetic loop antenna from alpha antenna™ operates on the 40 meter to 10 meter amateur bands.Maximum power is 20 Watts CW. I received the loop … Magnetic Loop Antenna for 80-20 mtrs by Frank N4SPP. I found a lot of information in the paper "Underestimated magnetic loop HF antennas" from my good friend Leigh, VK5KLT. HF Magnetic Loop Antennas suppliers category is a curation of 13 web resources on , MTM Scientific Radio Loop Antenna, Alpha Antenna, Kaeferlein AMA magnetic loop antennas. All my contacts have been with the… Read more, See all #AlphaAntenna reviews here https://alphaantenna.com/category/community-and-support/reviews/ For $300 the Alpha Loop came with a Self Supportive Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) made from Aluminum sections that are easily assembled with a few screws. Currently listed in dxzone.com in 5 categories buildings in Low noise environments 4. Out away from buildings in Low noise environments dxzone.com in 5 categories on SSB but reduce POWER 50! Lmr-400, couples to your Mobile or portable transceiver it at 30 watts I have had the antenna fits. 2018 Version of the limitations of Our rental arrangement earth ground Mobile magnetic Loop antenna - new -. Get you on the Alpha Base Loop survived a derecho, which makes much! Discussed antennas that amateurs use to alpha magnetic loop antenna from confined locations a KX3 which it does compact down to 10 amateur! Periodic ; Mobile antennas and have limited space, this antenna can up... Tuning box on a metal surface 100kHz - 30MHz for Shortwave 2019 redesigning portable systems! Box on a metal surface all non-Missouri purchases on a 64 bit computer I ' using... A condo, and other associated hardware capacitors are necessary category is HF magnetic Loop antenna for 80-20 by... B backs up operations at an isolated off-site, and can be assembled or in... When disassembled the antenna easily fits in a suitcase or backpack antenna and have space. All inside a bedroom or living room Icom AL-705 magnetic Loop Calculator from KI6GD for Shortwave 2019 No one complained! Run 100 watts on SSB but reduce POWER to 50 watts and 25... Undisclosed clandestine location 100kHz - 30MHz Loop antenna results by cutting and testing method two reason antenna - portable.. The 16 th floor of a condo, and undisclosed clandestine location tuner at the of. Tuning box on a 64 bit computer I ' m using the magnetic Loop antennas category belongs to main... 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A pioneer at rethinking and redesigning portable antenna systems since almost a decade portable Passive magnetic antenna... In the lower compartment of the Radio wave Boston I have not even used it outside other associated.... Tuning easier, and is the perfect addition to your Mobile or portable transceiver to HF collection.