While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ce spectacle va redonner espoir à nos amis, qui décident de retourner dans le monde des vivants, pour tenter à nouveau d'atteindre leurs objectifs respectifs. Akatsuki is quite a skilled assassin she can kill her enemy with a silent attack and she also can hide her presence completely. Shiroe is pleased to "relax" and only have to face the world-wide quests. His clothing consisted of a long-sleeved purple hooded shirt with dark purple cuffs and reinforced with armor on his shoulder and forehead areas, brown belted pants, knee-high boots with knee guards and a purple scarf tied around his neck. Akatsuki was impressed by Shiroe's intelligence and kindness toward her. Except it isn't, for more reasons than first meet the eye. your own Pins on Pinterest tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), Nyanta (Log Horizon) & Original Character(s) (2), Seta Soujirou (Log Horizon)/Original Female Character(s) (1), Touya (Log Horizon)/Original Female Character(s) (1), Hien (Log Horizon)/Original Character(s) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (6), Nyanta (Log Horizon) & Original Character(s), All the cannon characters from Log Horizon plus many of my own, not that Shiroe knows or acknowledges that that's what he's feeling, changed warnings from 'chose not' to 'none apply', Tetra really wants her guildmates to GET IT, Akatsuki and Naotsugu are comrades even if they would never admit it, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I retain that Akatsuki is best girl and I will not have my opinion taken from me. Please consider turning it on! The standard and rather adorable Shiroe/Akatsuki will be featured. [Fine Clothes] Shiroe & Akatsuki 【晴れ着】シロエ&アカツキ; Class Rarity Role Type Attribute Assassin: Attacker Midguard Max. Akatsuki's original appearance in Elder Tales was that of a tall male Assassin with purple hair and eyes. Dec 24, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by M Y R A. When Akatsuki accidentally breaks the game and gains the admins' god powers, her attempts to talk to Shiroe are even more awkward than before. Shiroe in real life has black hair and a slender build, and also wears glasses. It's not a double date. En tant qu' assassin, le rôle d'Akatsuki se résume à se tapir dans l'ombre afin d'attaquer furtivement les ennemis du groupe. The guild masters of the eleven major guilds of Akihabara form the Round Table Alliance, which governs the city's affairs. this is an M rated fic with straight up smut warming up on chapter 2 and a citrus salad. Shiroe contemplates what could have been if he hadn't switched characters, and Akatsuki helps him clarify things. Marielle decides to host a small party where they play a game based on ordering everyone else around in order to embarrass them as much as possible - Marielle tries to pair up Shiroe and Akatsuki as much as possible while Tetra ships her with Naotsugu. The Navigators are a group of beings created by an alien race. Log Horizon Season 3: Everything We Know About the Anime’s … Depuis que Shiroe lui est venu en aide, elle a décidé de le suivre et de le servir. Shiroe doesn't know why that makes him feel so weird. Join Facebook to connect with ShïRø Äkåtsükį and others you may know. The two stay up quite late talking and, in the increasingly cold weather, are forced to get a lot closer to each other to stay warm. This is a list of characters in the Japanese novel series Log Horizon written by Mamare Touno. Akatsuki's original avatar in Elder Tale was a tall male Assassin with purple hair and eyes. 4/jun/2015 - Log Horizon Shiroe and Akatsuki- Google Search Note: This only includes people who have Public Search Listings available on Facebook. They all possess the Genius title. A collection of fics for people. That's why she decided to become a bodyguard of Shiroe although he already has a guardian. Browse for your friends alphabetically by name. Akatsuki meets someone else with an interest in animals. Its position is akin to the real world's Sapporo. Check out the schedule to find out what is happening and get your invite to join in! It's International Fanworks Day and we are celebrating by hosting chat games on our IFD Discord server. Akatsuki (アカツキ) Akatsuki es uno de los jugadores atrapados en el MMORPG Elder Tale.Ella es un Humano Con la clase Asesino y la SubClase Rastreador que se une a Shiroe y a Naotsugu, después de esto ella se convierte en uno de los miembros fundadores de Log Horizon.Ella era un miembro de Watermaple Consulate Raid Party y del Shibuya Raid Team. Shiroe Tekkadan is on Facebook. Ensemble, ils contemplent les souvenirs des aventuriers qui virevoltent tels des flocons de neige portés par le vent. Voiced by: Natsue Sasamoto (Japanese); Sarah Salimi (Season 1), Voiced by: Shōta Yamamoto (Japanese); Luke Patterson (English), Voiced by: Michiko Kaiden (Japanese); Annie Mai (English), Voiced by: Shinnosuke Ogami (Japanese); Josh Morrison (English), Voiced by: Shōhei Kajikawa (Japanese); Gareth West (English), Voiced by: Shinpachi Tsuji (Japanese); Marty Fleck (English), "Log Horizon Anime Season 3 Casts Kengo Kawanishi, Yuko Kaida, Youhei Tadano", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Log_Horizon_characters&oldid=1002501621, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 19:09. Compared to his real-life body, Shiroe is several centimeters taller in Elder Tale and his figure became slightly slimmer. Before Shiroe leaves on his quest for the Kunie's gold, he goes to Regan for advice. Shiroe is worried again while meeting with the people of the land, but he talks it out some with Akatsuki. Akatsuki's crush on Shiroe is growing and everyone apart from him knows it. When the guild drags Shiroe on a camping trip, Akatsuki ends up having to share a tent with Shiroe. With Akatsuki by his side, it shouldn’t be much of a challenge, right? Have they missed seeing the small clues - even Purrcy herself? Out of nowhere, a snowstorm overtakes Akiba, forcing Shiroe and Akatsuki inside. They do not possess bodies of their own and hence occupy the bodies of others while still possessing their host's memories. Log Horizon 2nd Series is a 2014 science fiction, action Japanese anime series, based on the novels written by Mamare Touno, and the sequel to the first season which aired in 2013. Purrcy returns finally a whole Adventurer to Akiba. When Nyata goes out for curry ingredients, Naotsugu finds two young players wanting to join the guild. "Number six wear these!" Akatsuki, always by Shiroe's side even as he works, notices how tense he has become lately and tries to help him relax. However each revival takes away a portion of their memories in the form of experience points. Originally from Akiba, they were invited to join the Round Table but refused, and settled down in Susukino following Demiquas' fall from power, taking control of most of Brigandia including Demiquas himself. The Observers are described as artificial intelligences which arrived in the universe containing the world of Elder Tales during an event which they call "Match". Specifically, he wants a way to communicate discretely with a member of his guild back home. Akihabara is the largest player city on the Japanese server, known as Yamato, and is the server's analogue to the real world district in Tokyo. The consequence: she gets to help the Roderick Firm by testing one of their new potential products. Browse by Name. Discover (and save!) Shiroe, Akatsuki, and Naotsugu decide to travel around Eastal for their vacation, while things back home get a little tense. Before the events of the Apocalypse they would explore the land while completing quests and battling monsters and so level up. Hijinks, of course, ensue. Yet ...more unexpected things lurk on the horizon than what Purrcy arrives from the future to fix. A 20-year-old college student who remained stuck in her male avatar during the Catastrophe. The essence of the guild however, is in fact a fan club of Seta, with members consisting almost entirely of the female admirers of Seta besides himself. Jun 23, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Mehrun shaikh. Susukino is a player city in the Japanese server. It is ruled by a single guild - Plant Hwyaden. Akatsuki/Shiroe (Log Horizon) Akatsuki (Log Horizon) Shiroe (Log Horizon) Fluff; Massage; I retain that Akatsuki is best girl and I will not have my opinion taken from me; Summary. That doesn't mean anything. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. He has some advice before he lets them in, and no, it's not about panties. After obtaining an appearance changing potion from Shiroe, Akatsuki changed her gender an… Voiced by: Kanami Satō (Japanese); Krystal LaPorte, Voiced by: Hironori Saitō (Japanese); Mike Vance (English), Voiced by: Masakazu Nishida (Japanese); Mike Vance (English). Aug 22, 2016 - View and download this 699x992 Akatsuki (Log Horizon) Mobile Wallpaper with 40 favorites, or browse the gallery. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Turns out, fighting monsters might be the least of their concerns. Their primary objective is to search for empathions. Join Facebook to connect with Shiroe Tekkadan and others you may know. Their primary objective is to harvest empathions in the form of magic points and will do so by attacking adventurers with extreme prejudice. If being Shiroe had bothered him that much, he could have used the shapeshifting potion. Akatsuki pledges herself to Shiroe; to serve as his personal ninja. Work Search: He tried for a smile. LV HP ATK DEF SPD 100 58,200 74,900 39,700 61,400 ギルド〈記録の地平線〉のギルドマスターと、シロエを主君と慕う《暗殺者》の少女。 Akatsuki et Shiroe se retrouvent au royaume des morts. Minami is a player city in the Japanese server. "Why me..." The girl whispered as she took the cat ears and stared daggers into it. You can also find people using our people search page. Episodes Blu-ray / DVD artwork BD / DVD Release date BD Ref. Shiroe Akatsuki is on Facebook. Regan's solution isn't ... exactly what Shiroe had in mind, but hey. in chapter 3. Shiro Akatsuki is a pirate, grandson of Haru Akatsuki, and serves as the protagnist of One Piece: Pirate Legends. Join Facebook to connect with Shiroe LogHorizon and others you may know. Prior to the Apocalypse they had limited responses and mannerisms to interaction by adventurers and would normally assign quests to them and present rewards should they be completed. There are many things to do in this level - starting with the wedding! your own Pins on Pinterest creo que he perdido el toque, pero no me importa llevaba meses queriendo hacer un video de esta pareja, es mi segunda favorita del genero RPG :3 Their purpose is to search other universes for a resource called "Empathion" which powers the civilization of their creators and eventually harvest it from the worlds which they discover it. The People of the Land are usually referred to as the non-player characters (NPCs) of the world of Elder Tale. This article uses material from the “Akatsuki” article on the Log Horizon Wiki at FANDOM is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License. She agrees for purely altruistic reasons. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 2226x1497 Anime Log Horizon ShuOuma. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Log_Horizon_characters Akatsuki est une jeune femme appartenant à la classe "assassin" et qui fait équipe avec Shiroe et Naotsugu. After the Apocalypse they somehow became sentient, able to possess emotions, language and much complexity in thought. In contrast to the natives, adventurers that are killed respawn at the cathedral of the nearest city they have personally explored. Akatsuki Shiroe. So what if Marielle and Naotsugu are dating, and they invited Shiroe and Akatsuki to come ice-skating with them? Nyanta and Purrcy begin their new life in the Gate of Time.