Five thousand years later, people who spoke Bantu languages began spreading out from Cameroon, on Africa's west coast, until they eventually inhabited much of sub-Saharan Africa. Since then, the spread of Islam and Christianity has overshadowed many indigenous (or native) religions, myths, and legends of sub-Saharan Africa. This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. In this section are descriptions of African Mythology and mythological beingsin the encyclopedia. In some stories, they are brother and sister who unite in marriage. The Mandingo people built a large empire in Mali. ." Using your library, the Internet, or other available resources, research one of the cultures or tribes mentioned above, such as the Yoruba, the San, or the Baganda. This is a list of African spirits and/or deities found within the traditional African religions. One of the most fearsome mythological creatures from the legends and stories in the Philippines is the aswang. Also maintain that human spirits persist even in death. Tortoises and hares also appear as tricksters. Anansi , the spider trickster of the Ashanti people, is known throughout West and Central Africa. Although the myths of various African cultures have existed primarily in oral form, there are some notable exceptions. People thought to have evil spirits are considered dangerous witches. Imagine a handsome man. 5 African Mythological Creatures. Written accounts of African mythology began to appear in the early 1800s with the arrival of European explorers and colonizers, and present-day scholars work to record the continent's myths and legends before they are lost to time and cultural change. One folklore surrounding the creation of the humans is that Juok, the creator, meandered around the world and fashioned mankind out of clay, using material of different color from the various areas he visited. Subcategories. Darkness Mayon Rainbow Monster, The Tsetse Bumba Unkulunkulu WamaraÂ. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In that story, a faster lizard with news of death arrives first. Within the âCite this articleâ tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. In some cultures, professional storytellers, called griots (pronounced GREE-oo), preserved the oral tradition. Christian missionaries were not very active there until the 1800s. They received influence from a wide variety of religions, such as Christianity and Islam, as well as people. This entry presents a brief, general picture of Africa's traditional religious heritage, focusing on the major beliefs becauseâ¦, â¢â¢â¢ Others are lesser spirits, such as the spirits of ancestors. "African Mythology The most terrifying mythical creature of all time might be the Namibian Flying Snake. Presenting some of South Africa's mythical creatures including the Tokoloshe, waterslang (watersnake) a.k.a. Gu came to earth in the form of an iron sword and then became a blacksmith. West Africans tell many tales of a wandering trickster spirit known as Eshu among the Yoruba and Legba among the Fon. U*X*L Encyclopedia of World Mythology. Creatures from African Mythology: Tokoloshe The mythical Southern African creature, the Tokoloshe is a dwarf-like, mischievous and evil spirit can make itself invisible by swallowing a pebble. These animals may be responsible for creating the world, such as in the myth of the rainbow snake. Africa is rich in cultural diversity, and often, Africa’s mythological creatures are pushed aside to make way for Hollywood’s monster features. Mythology has always found a way to portray the fear of the unknown, a thing that we are going to prove through our mythical creatures list. Griots tell that these spirits inhabit an underworld where the order of events is alternate to the real world. ." Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. It had been seen by people near the swamps or lakes of Western Zambia, Angola and Congo. These will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Impundulu or Lightning Bird is also another creature from African Mythology which comes from South African folklore. The San Bushmen say that a sacred praying mantis gave them words and fire, and the Bambara people of Mali say that an antelope taught them how to farm. Although no single set of myths and legends unites this diverse population, different cultural groups and regions share some common mythological elements. They have filled folklore, stories, songs, and works of art. Other groups place the realm of the dead in the sky. The number of gods and goddesses varies from culture to culture. Some mythic ancestors began as real-life personages whose deeds were exaggerated over time, while others are purely fictional. The Migas is a mythological and sighted squid-like creature of Central Africa with a head similar to a gorgon and tentacles where thetail fin would be onits fish-like body, similar to that of a mermaid. Another belief is that Amma created the cosmic egg. The Soninke people of Ghana in West Africa have a song cycleâa group of songs performed in a particular order that relate to an underlying themeâcalled Dausi. Others are lesser spirits, such as the spirits of ancestors. Sometimes living animals or fossils have inspired these mythological creatures. In the Congo River region, the most densely wooded part of Africa, the forest itself is a deity, or else a mysterious other world where spirits dwell. While the Dinkas tell of a women who in her greed hit the god with her hoe. In China dragons are usually portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine four-legged creatures. A supreme god mated with the Earth to produce an egg. They represent the traditions of any particular culture or religion and are fables to amuse or beware people. ... Grootslang is known to be one of the first creatures that god made according to a South African legend. His pranks and mischief cause trouble among gods, among humans, or between gods and humans. Sunjata, a story of magic, warfare, kingship, and fate, is known across large portions of West Africa. Then there are those who believe that a snake is responsible for the advent of the Earth. All humans, animals, and plants have spirits, as do elements, such as water and fire. Mythology is a collection of Myths, especially ones belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. It can also shape shift and reportedly drinks human blood while its … In some places they have blended with new religions from other cultures, so that an African Muslim might combine Islam with the traditional practice of ancestor worship. Spirits African mythology is filled with spirits, invisible beings with powers for good or evil. Some of these beings are powerful deities or gods. â¢â¢â¢ Among the influences on their development were the mass movements of people that took place from time to time. Their neighbors, the Dinka, say that a greedy woman, not satisfied with the grain the high god gave her, planted more grain. Here, we will discuss the … Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. You also have the option to opt-out of these. But, some of the folk stories portray the trickster as a helping creature. Whether you’re a writer looking for inspiration for your fiction, a lover of myths and folklore, or someone who’s just curious, you’ll find plenty of interesting beasts in this A-Z list of Irish mythological creatures. Home » African Mythology – Creation Myths, Examples, Stories and Gods. Elephants have always symbolised strength, leadership and greatness in African myths. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. One story tells of a god who told a cautious chameleon to carry the news of eternal life to earth. This creature is more of a cryptid rather than a supernatural being. 12 Jan. 2021 . Another myth revolves around Bumba, the supreme God. This list also covers spirits and/or deities found within the Afro-American religions—which mostly derives from traditional African religions. The Caribbean religion known as vodun or voodoo, for example, involves the worship of the vodu, meaning âspiritâ in the West African language Fon. Other stories about animals show them helping humans. According to common folklore, most have ridiculous features and characteristics that may make it impossible to believe in their existence. Legends hold rulers and heroes in a divine light and as can. It is most often used toâ¦, Giants Gods of different elements have been appointed as in the tradition in Africa. African Mythology – Creation Myths, Examples, Stories and Gods, He take on different forms, either human, god or animal, and has, to wreak havoc by starting quarrels and through his pranks. The African mythology myth is that the gods meant for humans to be immortal. Between the 1500s and the 1800s, many thousands of Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves. . The migrations also gave rise to new stories about events in the history of those peoples. For the people of Yoruba, Eshu the trickster is an unscrupulous and sly prankster. Made popular in the late 1880s when they were first published, the books have been criticized in more recent years for being patronizing and racist. Antmen - Four weapon bearing arms, red eyes and a crushing jaw At times he serves as a messenger between the people and the supreme gods. Where do they live? And the people of Mali tell of an antelope that skilled them in agriculture. It is similar to the kraken of Norse mythology. Ancestors Many Africans believe that human spirits exist after death. Various mythologies around the world North Africa consists of the Mediterranean coast from Morocco to Egypt and includes the valley of the Nile River as far south as Ethiopia. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. The Baganda, the people of Buganda in present-day Uganda, say that the first ancestor was Kin tu, who came from the land of the gods and married Nambi, daughter of the king of heaven. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Myths are not false stories. The sun and the moon twins, Mawu and Lisa, as mentioned before, spirits who are the parents of all other gods, in the Ibo area, also hold to the faith that certain signs. People may worship spirits and may also try to control them through magical means, usually with the aid of a skilled practitioner or healer, often known as a shaman, who leads them in rituals. Twins represent the dualityâthe tension or balance between paired or opposing forcesâthat is basic to life. Goat people are a class of mythological beings who physically resemble humans from the waist up, and had goat-like features usually including the hind legs of goats. Other groups also speak of the universe beginning with an egg. These Greek mythological creatures that combine female beauty with beastly ugliness have been titillating fantasies of generations of artists and have inspired them to create their well-known masterpieces. Still other African groups believe that the spirits of dead ancestors remain near their living descendants to help and protect them as long as these living relatives perform certain ceremonies and pay their ancestors due respect. Kongamato. One that forms the rainbow as it spans across the sky. The snake is up to 25 feet long with a 30-foot wingspan, and has a bioluminescent crest, horns, an inflatable neck, and an ear-shattering roar. About seven thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Khoisan people, an indigenous African group, began moving from the Sahara toward southern Africa. Inkanyamba South Africa Gigantic, winged eel with a voracious appetite that is associated with brutal storms. Nuer people blame a hyena to severed the rope that linked heaven and Earth. Aigamuxa - Human-like mythical creatures with eyes on their feet. Amphisbaena - Snake with a head at each end. to signal where the priest should establish a Mbari, a place of worship for them. The Shilluk, who live along the Nile in the Sudan, trace their ancestry to Nyikang, their first king. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. the gods as a guiding light. As long as the community continues to revere and respect the dead ancestor, the ancestor will protect the community. For further possibilities, take a look at our recomendations of African Mythology or … Out of these, they are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Not wanting to completely abandon their religious beliefs, the slaves associated their gods and goddesses with Christian saints, thereby masking their beliefs from their masters. Their griots recited tales of kings and heroes. Throughout centuries, Irish mythological creatures have peppered the stories passed on from generation to generation. The Mende people of Sierra Leone say that a toad with the message âDeath has comeâ overtakes a dog with the message âLife has comeâ because the dog stops to eat along the way. The Bushmen of the Saan people tell of a praying mantis who gifted them with fire and words. . They fall into various categories, such as sprites, gods, demons, and demigods. Here is a list of some popular mythical creatures in Chinese mythology. But a lizard arrived first and told the people of death instead. the name translation of Grootslang is awesome serpent Check also for the Best African Mythology Books that cover this topic. Folklore also has it that the dead spirits remain with the relatives and offer protection. These do not store any personal information. Many African tribes hold true to the idea that Amma. When humanity emerged from the deep, from the dark, everything was a source of fear: the sound of thunder, the gossamer stream of lightning, blazing the sky, and all the creatures stirring in the heart of dark woods. Most of the themes relating to animals and especially tricksters. 4. Main Gods and Goddesses in African Mythology. The Migas, according to manyaccounts, is believed topossess human-like features such as legs. Who in a fit of anger cut this rope. African mythology is made up of many different stories taken from many different tribes and cultures across the continent. The first king of the Zulu was supposed to have been a son of the supreme god. Myths from across Africa also tell how death came into the world. U*X*L Encyclopedia of World Mythology. Fables, folklore, and legends about tricksters and animals are found in nearly all African cultures. Faun – An ancient Roman nature spirit with the body of a man, but the legs and horns of a goat. African American Mythology are the collections of myths particular to African American culture. Mythical creatures, legendary beasts, and supernatural, mystical, and god-like beings have fascinated us since ancient times. Abominable Snowman - Giant human-like body, white shaggy fur, big feet. The Yoruba storm god Shango, for example, may originally have been a living mighty warrior-king. Here is list of (almost) all Slavic mythical creatures 1 Azhdaya 2 Alkonost 3 Baba Yaga 4 Babaroga 5 Balachko 6 Bauk 7 Beda 8 Besomar 9 Bes 10 Bukavac 11 Butzemann 12 Vampir 13 Vila 14 Vilenjak 15 Vodenjak 16 Vukodlak 17 German 18 Gamayun 19 Danitsa 20 Domovoy 21 Drekavats 22 Zhar-Ptitsa 23 Zmay 24 Kikimora 25 Lesnik 26 Likho 27 Mora 28 Milosnitse 29 Nav 30 Nezhit 31 Osenya 32 Patuljak … Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. AFRICAN RELIGIONS According to Congo mythology, the abada is an African version of the unicorn, with a few distinguishing features. With strong ties to the Mediterranean and Arab worlds, North Africans felt the influence of Christianity by the 300s ce. The Shilluks believe that the colors of the races are from the types of sand and clay he used to mold man. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Wikimedia Commons A mythological chimera composed of the head of a crocodile, the forelimbs of a lion, and the hind limbs of a hippopotamus, Ammit was the personification of the man-eating predators so feared by ancient Egyptians. In 1946, the Walt Disney Company created an animated film consisting of several of the tales, titled Song of the South. Chinese Dragon (龙) Chinese dragons are very common legendary creatures in Chinese folklore. Even when the Spanish colonized the collection of islands in the 16th century, many native peoples still feared encounters with this evil vampire-like being. They appear in many of their tales and represent balance and dualism. The Fon people of Benin tell of Gu, the oldest son of the creator twins Mawu (moon) and Lisa (sun). They appear in many of their tales and represent balance and dualism. Therefore, itâs best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publicationâs requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Twins appear in many African myths and legends. What are some other important aspects of their society? Animal tricksters are often small, helpless creatures who manage to outwit bigger and fiercer animals. Jabari and Antoine go over some of mythical creatures from Africa you might not know like the benevolent aziza and the mischievous tokoloshe. Live. Stories of mythical creatures are never in short supply. Some African myths deal with universal themes, such as the origin of the world and the fate of the individual after death. Refer to each styleâs convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. The honored deadâwhether members of the immediate family, the larger clan or kinship group, the community, or the entire cultureâbecome objects of worship and subjects of tales and legends. An example occurs among the Songhai people, who live along the Niger River. African Mythologyis a blend of different culture with most of the themes relating to animals and especially tricksters. Instead, they possessed rich and complex oral traditions, passing myths, legends, and histories from generation to generation verbally. But while the mythologies of many other cultures no longer play an active role in religious beliefs, African myths and legends function as a meaningful part of everyday life. Alternate Names MYTHICAL CREATURES A-Z LIST. © 2019 | All rights reserved. They may also be the teachers who helped humans create societies and cultures. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. to playing the messenger when he played a prank on the High God of the sky suggesting that he was a thief, As punishment, the god had the trickster relay details about the happenings on Earth every night, Many stories tell of the trickster causing confusion and arguments among family and friends, And in one such tale, he changes the places of the sun and the moon, disturbing the cosmic order and balance in the process, to being innocuous and yet cunning enough to outwit others, to be the tricksters. A cosmic one at that, from which the twin Nummo gods hatched and created the universe. (January 12, 2021). Another tale of the chameleon is that it was to deliver the news of eternal life to the people. The Buganda people of east-central Africa have twenty or more deities. Rulers and Heroes Ancestral kings and heroes may be transformed into minor deities for communities or entire nations. The Yoruba people of Nigeria, for example, worship a storm god, Shango, who controls thunder and lightning. African mythology also plays a central role in the contemporary fantasy novel Anansi Boys (2005) by Neil Gaiman. The line between legend and history is often blurred. Believing that the spirits of chieftains and other important people offer strong protection, the Zulu of South Africa hold special ceremonies to bring them into the community. Though usually associated with the intellectual lineage that runs from Cheikh Anta Diop (192â¦, The African diaspora is a term that refers to the dispersal of African peoples to form a distinct, transnational community. African cultural groups did not use written language until modern times. your own Pins on Pinterest People have endured these folk stories for centuries. I first created this mythical creatures list for writers, but as it turned out, lots of people were interested in fantasy creatures, mythical beasts, and more. under the termagant rule of the Americans. A tale told by the Luhya people of present-day Kenya relates that a chameleon cursed people with death because a man broke the laws of hospitality by refusing to share his food with the chameleon. •. Kishi. As real-life personages whose deeds were exaggerated over time with their own languages and way of.! The Buganda people of the more common themes throughout African mythology is the presence of animals interact. Beliefs and values iron sword and then became a blacksmith Books that cover topic! All humans, animals, and less like humans than the gods white... Happenings in their existence turn enabled them to grow food and build shelters reciprocal relationship between the dead,! Group of people that took place from time to time of retrieval is often.. 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